What are things you do to stay Active??


New member
Oct 29, 2006
If this video doesn't explain it fully, nothing else will. 535-pounds 10 times moving as fast as he possibly can (though I will admit some of the videos of superheavyweights with 400kg are even better explanations, but they're moving as fast as possible, too):

Explain what? This video doesnt explain anything. It shows a guy squatting 10 times.

How you train, should depend on what you are training for. Simple as that.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Explain what? This video doesnt explain anything. It shows a guy squatting 10 times.

How you train, should depend on what you are training for. Simple as that.

It explains that moving as fast as possible -- like that guy in the video does every day for hours -- makes him stronger than someone who prefers to move slowly and methodically as Enfuego keeps suggesting. But like I said nothing else will better explain why that is true. If telling your football players to move slowly during games is working for you keep it up

New member
May 20, 2007
I start by getting a bottle of beer from the 'fridge, then I hold it perpendicular-like to my body, and pop the top off with a bottle opener or lighter... I then proceed to lift the bottle until it's almost parallel with my body, at which point the beer goes into my belly. Rinse and repeat.

May 27, 2007
You still haven't explained how it benefits an athlete to do 10 reps fast more than 10 reps slower. I fail to see that point.

May 27, 2007
It explains that moving as fast as possible -- like that guy in the video does every day for hours -- makes him stronger than someone who prefers to move slowly and methodically as Enfuego keeps suggesting. But like I said nothing else will better explain why that is true. If telling your football players to move slowly during games is working for you keep it up

How does it make him stronger? You keep bringing up games here. We aren't talking about games. We're talking about working out in a fitness center.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
You still haven't explained how it benefits an athlete to do 10 reps fast more than 10 reps slower. I fail to see that point.

To reach a high level of strength or speed requires moving fast

To be strong -- to apply a high amount of force -- requires practicing applying a high amount of force. Everyone in world history who has been able to do that at truly high levels has done so by moving as fast as they can with a weight on their back or in their hands. Exactly like the guy in the video. If he moved exclusively slowly and methodically he never would have been able to lift like he did

I guess we won't agree on this. But if your theories are correct, give the Olympic Training Center a call, the current training by the Americans is going to cause us to get crushed by the commies

May 27, 2007
To reach a high level of strength or speed requires moving fast

To be strong -- to apply a high amount of force -- requires practicing applying a high amount of force. Everyone in world history who has been able to do that at truly high levels has done so by moving as fast as they can with a weight on their back or in their hands. Exactly like the guy in the video. If he moved exclusively slowly and methodically he never would have been able to lift like he did

I guess we won't agree on this. But if your theories are correct, give the Olympic Training Center a call, the current training by the Americans is going to cause us to get crushed by the commies

LOL, I live five miles away. I can drive over and ask them.

You're right, we aren't going to agree. You don't get physically stronger say in your upper body because you bench faster. That's just retarded on so many levels. In fact, you risk significant injury by doing that to your body hence the reason cross fit cult members are always injured.

Finally, are you telling me Tom you and other cross fit dudes have the key to success to elevate our American Olympic Team? Our coaches don't have the secret but you do?

New member
Oct 11, 2004
You aren't making any sense. There is no reason to do a weight lifting exercise fast like these cults do in cross fit. Zero. Prove me wrong.

Nobody is doing a clean and jerk accept for an Olympic athlete training to compete in the actual Olympics.

Ok, mistake #1 is you don't have any idea why us crossfit people do these exercises. We don't do them neccasarily to get stronger. That isn't the goal of crossfit. We aren't trying to be like the homo at the gym that does bench every monday, wed, and fri. For most of us the goal is complete fitness. We aren't trying to be the strongest. We aren't trying to be the fastest. We are trying, and succeding btw, in becomming stronger AND to have more endurance at the same time. We aren't trying to have the cardio condidtioning of a marathon runner or the strength of a olympic lifter. But instead be stronger than the average guy and have better cardio then the average guy.

You can go to the gym and lift all the weight you want but guess what, unless you also spend a bunch of time doing cardio you will be big but wont be able to run down the block without being out of breath.

Or you can train for a marathon and run 6 days a week but guess what, unless you go to the gym youll have endurance but look like a twig.

With crossfit you get a reasonable outcome of BOTH strength and cardio. All while doing 1 exercise. Hence why we call it total fitness. You dont just get stronger or just get more endurance. You get both. And you get both because of how we do the stuff we do. I almost guarentee that there are very few people on this board that could hang with a guy who is a regular crossfitter if you're taking into account strength AND endurance. Not just one or the other.

On top of that I will put the top crossfitters up against any athlete in the world if you are talking total fitness. Rich Froning may not put up the most weight and he may not win a marathon against guys that solely train for it. However, in total fitness he will destroy 99% of any other typical athlete.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Also, to say that real athletes aren't and wont do crossfit is just factually wrong. Lorenzo Neil does crossfit. So does Ladanian Thomlinson, Knowshawn Mareno, and another guy that maybe you have heard of, Ray Lewis. UFC fighters BJ Penn,chuck lidell and Matt Hughes. NHL star Ethan Moreau. As well as alot of people like police SWAT teams, firefighters and some Military special forces units. And remember, crossfit has only been around for about 10 years and has only started to get popular in the last maybe 3. So you will see more and more elite athletes doing crossfit in the near fututre.

See here is the thing. Our aim is to do functional movements. If you go to the gym and do chest, traps and arms 3 times a week you will have a big upper body but so what. It does no real good. All it means is you can bench press alot of weight. It has no actual value in the real world. With our workouts you work multiple joints all the time, and alot of it involes core work which helps your body do everything better. And i mean actual real world stuff. Alot of machine weights, cable bicept curls and many other gym exercises are designed by engineers that will make muscles bigger but those movements dont generally exists outside the gym.

May 27, 2007
Also, to say that real athletes aren't and wont do crossfit is just factually wrong. Lorenzo Neil does crossfit. So does Ladanian Thomlinson, Knowshawn Mareno, and another guy that maybe you have heard of, Ray Lewis. UFC fighters BJ Penn,chuck lidell and Matt Hughes. NHL star Ethan Moreau. As well as alot of people like police SWAT teams, firefighters and some Military special forces units. And remember, crossfit has only been around for about 10 years and has only started to get popular in the last maybe 3. So you will see more and more elite athletes doing crossfit in the near fututre.

See here is the thing. Our aim is to do functional movements. If you go to the gym and do chest, traps and arms 3 times a week you will have a big upper body but so what. It does no real good. All it means is you can bench press alot of weight. It has no actual value in the real world. With our workouts you work multiple joints all the time, and alot of it involes core work which helps your body do everything better. And i mean actual real world stuff. Alot of machine weights, cable bicept curls and many other gym exercises are designed by engineers that will make muscles bigger but those movements dont generally exists outside the gym.

1) Who said pro athletes don't do cross fit?

2) Chest, traps and arms three days a week might be what you did. Where are your calves, quads and shoulders? No ab work or cardio?

3) The bench press is the ultimate test of pure strength. Fact. This is why this is the test that is used.

4) Core work and multiple joints done without cross fit in a safer and slower manner. Fact.

The cult has you man.

May 27, 2007
Ok, mistake #1 is you don't have any idea why us crossfit people do these exercises. We don't do them neccasarily to get stronger. That isn't the goal of crossfit. We aren't trying to be like the homo at the gym that does bench every monday, wed, and fri. For most of us the goal is complete fitness. We aren't trying to be the strongest. We aren't trying to be the fastest. We are trying, and succeding btw, in becomming stronger AND to have more endurance at the same time. We aren't trying to have the cardio condidtioning of a marathon runner or the strength of a olympic lifter. But instead be stronger than the average guy and have better cardio then the average guy.

You can go to the gym and lift all the weight you want but guess what, unless you also spend a bunch of time doing cardio you will be big but wont be able to run down the block without being out of breath.

Or you can train for a marathon and run 6 days a week but guess what, unless you go to the gym youll have endurance but look like a twig.

With crossfit you get a reasonable outcome of BOTH strength and cardio. All while doing 1 exercise. Hence why we call it total fitness. You dont just get stronger or just get more endurance. You get both. And you get both because of how we do the stuff we do. I almost guarentee that there are very few people on this board that could hang with a guy who is a regular crossfitter if you're taking into account strength AND endurance. Not just one or the other.

On top of that I will put the top crossfitters up against any athlete in the world if you are talking total fitness. Rich Froning may not put up the most weight and he may not win a marathon against guys that solely train for it. However, in total fitness he will destroy 99% of any other typical athlete.
1) You're right. No clue why you guys want to injure yourselves doing the same thing you could do at a much slower pace.

2) Your second sentence says your goal isn't to be stronger. Your sixth sentence says you're trying to be stronger. Good god.

3) Stronger than the average guy and better cardio all done without injuring yourself and doing 1,000 repetitions at a break neck pace.

4) 2nd paragraph - Most of us lift and do cardio. Hard for you to imagine but it does happen.

5) 4th paragraph - You guys really do think a lot of yourselves. It's humorous really.

6) 5th paragraph - Is one of the most ludicrous things ever written on this board. Believe what you want to believe in though if you think it works for you. Total fitness? What does that even mean? Your strong and in cardio shape? Your core is strong and your flexible? Your right though, nobody else in the world except for crossfitters can do that kind of stuff.

Nov 10, 2011
Lift weights 3 days a week. Jog 4 times a week. Also play on men's touch football league and basketball leagues year round. Good way to get out and be active and hang with friends while meeting new people.

Exercise is very important. Eat right all you want but if you don't exercise you still won't be healthy.

Sep 30, 2008
But how do you increase strength and/or speed by doing a repetition as fast as you can? Why would you get stronger by doing a repetition faster? Explain that to me.

well some exercises require the explosion, such as cleans. that is a speed based lift, and very good for athletes. but doing multiple repetitions as fast as you can (time based) is stupid and i agree with you if that's what you meant. but the actual movement of a clean, for instance, is all about the explosion. i, for one, do not find crossfit as beneficial as some make it out to be in this thread. it's a good way to get injured. i've had clients perform some crossfit exercises, but i tweaked the prescriptions to best fit the needs of the individual in a safe manner.

May 27, 2007
well some exercises require the explosion, such as cleans. that is a speed based lift, and very good for athletes. but doing multiple repetitions as fast as you can (time based) is stupid and i agree with you if that's what you meant. but the actual movement of a clean, for instance, is all about the explosion. i, for one, do not find crossfit as beneficial as some make it out to be in this thread. it's a good way to get injured. i've had clients perform some crossfit exercises, but i tweaked the prescriptions to best fit the needs of the individual in a safe manner.

Agree 100%. Cleans and clean and jerks agree requires explosion. I can't think of one other weight room based exercise that requires the cross fit method of killing yourself.

Sep 30, 2008
Agree 100%. Cleans and clean and jerks agree requires explosion. I can't think of one other weight room based exercise that requires the cross fit method of killing yourself.

many people who exercise simply don't understand it.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
1) Who said pro athletes don't do cross fit?

2) Chest, traps and arms three days a week might be what you did. Where are your calves, quads and shoulders? No ab work or cardio?

3) The bench press is the ultimate test of pure strength. Fact. This is why this is the test that is used.

4) Core work and multiple joints done without cross fit in a safer and slower manner. Fact.

The cult has you man.

#1) alot of people say that "real athletes" dont use crossfit. I never sad you specifically said it.

2) Any gym you go into has tons of people that only work out their upper body.

3) Bench press is the ultimate test of pure strength? really? ok if you think so. To me it is a test of how much weight you can bench. I really dont care if someone can bench 375 if they can only squat 225 cause all they ever do is bench. At the NFL combine they do max reps of 225. Do you really think that shows pure strength? 225 is nothing for alot of those guys (hell i can do 17 reps of 225 right now and i bench maybe 1 time a month at the most.) NFL teams are looking for endurance just as much as strength when these guys bench. If all they wanted was strength they would find each guys 1 rep meax.

As far as all you guys refering to it as a cult. You guys crack me up with that crap. Seriously, some people prefer to workout differently than you or different then what has been typical and you call it a cult. Whatever. I have never once said crossfit is th only way that works. I said it works for me. And I've never been hurt doing it. The extent of my injuries are calluses on my hands from doing pullups.

May 27, 2007
#1) alot of people say that "real athletes" dont use crossfit. I never sad you specifically said it.

2) Any gym you go into has tons of people that only work out their upper body.

3) Bench press is the ultimate test of pure strength? really? ok if you think so. To me it is a test of how much weight you can bench. I really dont care if someone can bench 375 if they can only squat 225 cause all they ever do is bench. At the NFL combine they do max reps of 225. Do you really think that shows pure strength? 225 is nothing for alot of those guys (hell i can do 17 reps of 225 right now and i bench maybe 1 time a month at the most.) NFL teams are looking for endurance just as much as strength when these guys bench. If all they wanted was strength they would find each guys 1 rep meax.

As far as all you guys refering to it as a cult. You guys crack me up with that crap. Seriously, some people prefer to workout differently than you or different then what has been typical and you call it a cult. Whatever. I have never once said crossfit is th only way that works. I said it works for me. And I've never been hurt doing it. The extent of my injuries are calluses on my hands from doing pullups.

1) In some gyms some guys only work chest. Don't generalize and claim that's what we all do.

2) Bench press is the test. It's not what I think but a fact of life. NFL teams are looking for endurance? Do you know what you're talking about? At the combine they test the bench, standing long jump, vertical jump, 40 yard sprint and the shuttle as far as individual drills go. Those drills don't test endurance. Endurance is probably the last thing on the list that NFL teams are looking for. I guess I'm wrong though and so are NFL scouts. I mean, why else would they have NFL prospects do the bench. Again, the cross fit cult knows more about an NFL prospect and Olympic Athlete training.

Guarantee you could do 225 17 times expending 90% less energy without fear of injury.

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