you guys are ok with this killing right?


New member
Sep 24, 2012
The fact that this man is sick/f***** up/demented is beside the point.

You are taking the risk of being shot when you rob someones home. They just robbed the wrong one.

Maybe we should make them saints and build a memorial for them terps

May 27, 2007
Heres the question I want to throw out there for all of those saying his final shot was too much. That he went wrong by shooting her three times instead of twice because he should have stopped when the threat was gone. So here's my question. How is an average person supposed to know when the "threat" is gone? I am not a police officer, in the military, or had any gun/combat training whatsoever. So, if this happened to me and I was being robbed, how the hell am I supposed to know that after 2 shots now I am safe? For all i know, after two shots, she could pull out her gun and shoot back. It would be really hard in the heat of the moment, without proper training, to know when the perpetrator is subdued.

Are you shitting me? How about the fact that the girl is on her back and grasping for air? That would probably give me a pretty good indication she's not going to sweep the leg and give me a stone cold stunner.

May 27, 2007
The fact that this man is sick/f***** up/demented is beside the point.

You are taking the risk of being shot when you rob someones home. They just robbed the wrong one.

Maybe we should make them saints and build a memorial for them terps

Just stop posting forever.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Seriously stop every post you make gets dumber and dumber. This clearly wasnt the act of a frightened old man. This was the act of a sick f*ck. This isnt a freaking movie where a teenage girl can be shot twice and magically make it to her purse and start firing back. Any semi normal person would be freaked out by the fact they just shot 2 young kids. They would run out of the house looking for help. They wouldnt stay in the house and shoot a human being in the cranium, and take a day before alerting authorities. What sick world do you live in?

age. sex and race don't matter to me on blowing away a felon invading my home....but I'd know when to stop !

I could execute a thousand prisoners a day and sleep just fine, BTW

New member
Sep 24, 2012
Are you shitting me? How about the fact that the girl is on her back and grasping for air? That would probably give me a pretty good indication she's not going to sweep the leg and give me a stone cold stunner.

Were you there?

The difference between you and I is that I acknowledge the fact that we really don't know what happened. I have expressed what I would do if someone broke into my home. I would shoot them, probably several times in the heat of the moment and out of fear. The most important thing to me would be protecting the people I love, not the well being of the person robbing me. If they died, it would not ruin my life because I believe my actions would be justified.

The age, sex, sexual preference, shoe size, etc etc etc does not matter in this scenario. They are committing a felony that they know is wrong. And they know they are taking a risk in doing so.

May 27, 2007
Were you there?

The difference between you and I is that I acknowledge the fact that we really don't know what happened. I have expressed what I would do if someone broke into my home. I would shoot them, probably several times in the heat of the moment and out of fear. The most important thing to me would be protecting the people I love, not the well being of the person robbing me. If they died, it would not ruin my life because I believe my actions would be justified.

The age, sex, sexual preference, shoe size, etc etc etc does not matter in this scenario. They are committing a felony that they know is wrong. And they know they are taking a risk in doing so.

And if you did what he did, you'd definitely have your life ruined as you'd be in jail for 10+ years.

I didn't need to be there. The guy admitted that while the girl gasped for air he dragged her over and shot her in the head. What else do you need to know?

You're just young and naive is all. You'll learn.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
And if you did what he did, you'd definitely have your life ruined as you'd be in jail for 10+ years.

I didn't need to be there. The guy admitted that while the girl gasped for air he dragged her over and shot her in the head. What else do you need to know?

You're just young and naive is all. You'll learn.


You are allowed to defend yourself if someone breaks into your home under the law. I would not go to prison for 10 years for shooting a robber.
I didn't say I would do what this guy supposedly did and purposely execute them once they were already down. Obviously I would not.

Mar 31, 2012
What you guys dont realize is that the reason he had that pussy 22 is because those kids had stole his good guns a month earlier, along with thousands of cash, no doubt he swore if he ever got the chance he was going to take the next punks out, he did, good for him, those kids deserved to die, and that wounded little girl...also know as a repeat, serial burgler/drug addict, deserved that "triple tap".
All you good citizens that cant imagine how anyone would kill another human being for property are nothing but a bunch of phonies, some guy makes one grab for your wallet, and you'd be pumping rounds into him just like the rest of us.

New member
Sep 29, 2006
You're sitting in your basement. Hear noises upstairs, and realize there's someone in your house. SHIT. You remember you've been robbed before, and that a few of your GUNS were stolen. Whoever it is is looking for drugs, or money, and will do anything to get that next fix. You sit as silently as you can with your gun hoping they'll leave, but they don't. Door creaks open, you hear footsteps coming downstairs. FUCK THAT. You blast a couple off, it's a young man and now he's dead. You just killed a person. HOLY SHIT. But wait, there's still noises upstairs. There's more than 1 robber ransacking your house. You retreat back into the corner in full-on self preservation mode. More footsteps coming downstairs, BANG, you fire again and it's a girl this time. She's hit, you go to fire again, but your gun jams, SHIT! The bitch is so strung out on drugs, she LAUGHS at you. You grab your smaller gun and fire again. Is anybody else upstairs? THIS SHIT AINT OVER. Adrenaline still pumping, you finish her off, gotta protect yourself, there could be more of them, and your down to your last gun. Gotta get back in position, gun sights locked on the stairway...

This guy might be certifiably insane, he might have been a sicko who enjoyed killing them. I don't know why he waited to call the cops. If it was me, I'd say I was crouched down gun on the stairway for the next 30 hours protecting myself too nervous to come out. But we DO know that two drugged out people broke into his house and he defended himself. This guy isn't serving any time.

May 27, 2007
You're sitting in your basement. Hear noises upstairs, and realize there's someone in your house. SHIT. You remember you've been robbed before, and that a few of your GUNS were stolen. Whoever it is is looking for drugs, or money, and will do anything to get that next fix. You sit as silently as you can with your gun hoping they'll leave, but they don't. Door creaks open, you hear footsteps coming downstairs. FUCK THAT. You blast a couple off, it's a young man and now he's dead. You just killed a person. HOLY SHIT. But wait, there's still noises upstairs. There's more than 1 robber ransacking your house. You retreat back into the corner in full-on self preservation mode. More footsteps coming downstairs, BANG, you fire again and it's a girl this time. She's hit, you go to fire again, but your gun jams, SHIT! The bitch is so strung out on drugs, she LAUGHS at you. You grab your smaller gun and fire again. Is anybody else upstairs? THIS SHIT AINT OVER. Adrenaline still pumping, you finish her off, gotta protect yourself, there could be more of them, and your down to your last gun. Gotta get back in position, gun sights locked on the stairway...

This guy might be certifiably insane, he might have been a sicko who enjoyed killing them. I don't know why he waited to call the cops. If it was me, I'd say I was crouched down gun on the stairway for the next 30 hours protecting myself too nervous to come out. But we DO know that two drugged out people broke into his house and he defended himself. This guy isn't serving any time.

You are living in a dream world.

May 27, 2007

You are allowed to defend yourself if someone breaks into your home under the law. I would not go to prison for 10 years for shooting a robber.
I didn't say I would do what this guy supposedly did and purposely execute them once they were already down. Obviously I would not.

You need to educate yourself on the laws of your state or you may find yourself in jail for a very long time. You are only allowed to use the minimal amount of force necessary to stop an imminent threat against you or others.

Once the two kids were on the ground and posed no threat of coming after the man the threat was over. His defense stopped at that point. This is the standard policemen around the country are trained to as well. You stop the threat and wait for further assistance.

If someone breaks into your home, picks up your TV and you run down the stairs and they are running down your sidewalk towards the street, you cannot shoot them in the back even if they just broke into your home.

Mar 31, 2012
You need to educate yourself on the laws of your state or you may find yourself in jail for a very long time. You are only allowed to use the minimal amount of force necessary to stop an imminent threat against you or others.

Once the two kids were on the ground and posed no threat of coming after the man the threat was over. His defense stopped at that point. This is the standard policemen around the country are trained to as well. You stop the threat and wait for further assistance.

If someone breaks into your home, picks up your TV and you run down the stairs and they are running down your sidewalk towards the street, you cannot shoot them in the back even if they just broke into your home.

Why do you keep calling them kids? They aint kids, they are serial thieves/drug addicts going from house to house robbing people. If they were the same ones that robbed the guy the month before they could have been armed as well. He had no way of knowing who, or how many there were, or whether they were armed. he did the right thing right up til the point he delayed reporting(that was a mistake).

He'll get a fair trial, and in that part of MN there is a fair chance they will find him not guilty, or give him some lessor charges(if they have that option).

Dec 12, 2006
You are dead wrong. If someone breaks into your home, picks up your TV and runs out the front door, you cannot shoot them in the back as they run away. And if you shoot someone, you must stop once the threat has been stopped.

Hey, maybe they deserved to get shot for breaking in but once you are shot once and on the ground and not moving, the situation is over. Nobody will try to rob him because he's going to jail, deserves to go to jail and will never be let out.

Not true. Here in Texas, if someone grabs property and is running out the front door they're fair game.

New member
Sep 22, 2004
look most likely he overreacted..but lets be serious here. you're at home alone and multiple people are breaking into your home. i'm sure 99% of you would act with a calm mind and handle it like chuck norris. the fact is we dont know what he went through or what he thought. maybe after the fact, he did embelish his story a little so he couldnt get in trouble with the law. like i said, dont want someone to shoot you in the face? how about following the law.
That is the scary part. It sound like he was calm by "dragging the body over next to her cousin and then executing her".

Dec 12, 2006
Let me say this, not every case is as cut and dry as Enfuego makes it seems regarding the use of deadly force. Like our former District Attorney once said, "If you're justified in using deadly force, then you're justified in shooting them dead, dead, dead."

I laugh when people say ridiculous things like, "shoot them in the leg" or whatever. No, you shoot to kill. This isn't a Clint Eastwood movie where you shoot the gun out of their hand.

If someone breaks into my house here in Texas I can keep shooting until they drop dead, running out the door or not.

Now, with that being said, every state is different in their laws. I have no problem with the initial shootings of the two kids, but the chin shot was more of an execution than anything. I'm not okay with the kill shot under the chin.

Another example. I look out my window after hearing something outside when I'm sleeping. I see some turd inside my vehicle. I grab my gun, and when he see's me exiting the front door he tries to run. I can kill him and the law says I can.

Dec 12, 2006
In states like NY, Cal, and Chicago, the law states that if someone is breaking into your home you must stop what you're doing and help them load your valuables into their vehicle.
Sep 21, 2004
Not true. Here in Texas, if someone grabs property and is running out the front door they're fair game.

We had a case not far from where I live where a guy was hiding under someone's car in the middle of the night in the driveway. The owner came out with
a gun and told the guy to come out, and not to run. The guy got out from under the car and started running, and the owner shot him in the back and
killed him. In this case, the guy is being charged with murder (in Texas).

[h=1]Avery Ranch man charged with murder after early-morning shooting[/h]
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By Claudia Grisales and Claire Osborn
An Avery Ranch man has been charged with murder after a confrontation outside his home early Friday left a 23-year-old man dead in Northwest Austin, according to police and court records.
Fred Yazdi, 47, shot Enrique Recio three times outside Yazdi's home in the 11300 block of Staked Plains Drive about 3 a.m., according to an arrest warrant affidavit.
Minutes earlier, Recio had been involved in a single-vehicle crash less than a mile from Yazdi's home, police said.
Yazdi told police he confronted a man who was lying underneath his wife's car and ordered him several times not to flee, according to the affidavit.
"If you flee, I'm going to shoot you," Yazdi told Recio, the document said. But "Enrique Recio began to flee, so Fred (Yazdi) fired at him," it said.
Yazdi remained jailed late Friday in Williamson County on the murder charge and was held on $250,000 bail, jail records show.
Yazdi, an Internal Revenue Service worker in Austin since 2008, asked for an attorney to be appointed to him, court records show.
The case is now in the hands of a Williamson County grand jury and the district attorney's office, which will investigate the shooting and to what extent homeowners can defend their property with deadly force, said District Attorney John Bradley.
A grand jury is expected to hear the case in the next three months, he said. It will address the recent "castle doctrine" law justifying certain cases of deadly force to protect one's property, Bradley said.
Bradley said he spoke with Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo on Friday to discuss the incident, which took place in the northwest portion of Austin within Williamson County.
"This case will raise issues that deal with recent additions to criminal law, that includes the castle doctrine, and other laws," Bradley said.
Police were first called to the area at 2:57 a.m. after Recio wrecked his vehicle near a railroad crossing at Avery Ranch Boulevard, police said.
Recio left his damaged Chevrolet Impala and walked toward the Avery Ranch subdivision, Austin police Cpl. Chad Martinka said Friday.
At 3:06 a.m., police were called to Yazdi's home after receiving reports of a possible homicide, Martinka said.
When officers arrived, they found Recio lying on the sidewalk about 100 feet from the home and Yazdi outside, court records said.
Recio was pronounced dead at the scene shortly before 4 a.m., records said. The homicide is the fourth this year.
Laleh Yazdi, 42 , told officers she heard voices outside the home and saw a man lying under her car, according to the affidavit. She then woke her husband, who went outside, the affidavit said.
Fred Yazdi told police that he saw Recio outside the home and ordered him several times not to flee, it said.
Recio had gunshot wounds to his chest, hip and inner thigh, the document said.
Three shell casings were found outside the home, along with a .40-caliber semiautomatic Beretta, the affidavit said. Police also saw two live rounds in the entryway of the home, it said.
Yazdi refused consent for police to search his home, court records said.
Recio had attended Westwood High School and was described as an Austin Community College student who lived with his parents near U.S. 183 and Avery Ranch Boulevard, and was often a role model to his peers, said family friend Maria Wilson.
He was probably going home early Friday, she said.
"This is a safe neighborhood. Why did he have to shoot him?" said Wilson, an Austin food services worker who lived nearby. Her son was a longtime friend of Recio's.
Recio was leaving the home of a friend after watching a soccer match and playing video games with her son and other friends before the crash and subsequent shooting, Wilson said.
"I understand if he was doing something bad, but he wasn't," Wilson said. "Now he is gone. That shouldn't have happened."

May 27, 2007
Not true. Here in Texas, if someone grabs property and is running out the front door they're fair game.

State to state know this but most state laws do not allow you to shoot a fleeing suspect.

May 27, 2007
Let me say this, not every case is as cut and dry as Enfuego makes it seems regarding the use of deadly force. Like our former District Attorney once said, "If you're justified in using deadly force, then you're justified in shooting them dead, dead, dead."

I laugh when people say ridiculous things like, "shoot them in the leg" or whatever. No, you shoot to kill. This isn't a Clint Eastwood movie where you shoot the gun out of their hand.

If someone breaks into my house here in Texas I can keep shooting until they drop dead, running out the door or not.

Now, with that being said, every state is different in their laws. I have no problem with the initial shootings of the two kids, but the chin shot was more of an execution than anything. I'm not okay with the kill shot under the chin.

Another example. I look out my window after hearing something outside when I'm sleeping. I see some turd inside my vehicle. I grab my gun, and when he see's me exiting the front door he tries to run. I can kill him and the law says I can.

Don't get me wrong TF, not anything is cut and dry at all.

May 27, 2007
Why do you keep calling them kids? They aint kids, they are serial thieves/drug addicts going from house to house robbing people. If they were the same ones that robbed the guy the month before they could have been armed as well. He had no way of knowing who, or how many there were, or whether they were armed. he did the right thing right up til the point he delayed reporting(that was a mistake).

He'll get a fair trial, and in that part of MN there is a fair chance they will find him not guilty, or give him some lessor charges(if they have that option).

A) Guess it all depends on what you consider a kid. I'm old enough to be their father so I consider them kids. The boy wasn't even old enough to vote. No excuse for their actions but 95% of posters here would consider them kids.

B) Sure they could've been armed...nobody is arguing with shooting them to protect the home, the old man and his property. Nobody at all is arguing that point. He sure did the right thing up until the point he delayed in reporting and shot the girl underneath her chin. That's where he screwed up big time.

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