**THE Rx's OFFICAL EPIC 2013 OPEN MLB SEASON PREVIEW THREAD** EVERYONE INVITED TO CONTRIBUTE! (This thread will be packed with info to help prepare us


New member
Nov 29, 2011
I like the Braves but I don't trust their rotation. Do we trust Medlen to be a legitimate ace? Hudson is injury prone. Maholm is average, Minor is erratic.. I don't feel good about this rotation.

Totally agree. And the lineup looks sexy on paper but some of those guys struggle to get on base at times. I think 87.5 win total is very fair. If they didn't have the best closer in baseball I'd play the under.

Sep 20, 2010
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1B- Ryan Howard
2B – Chase Utley
SS- Jimmy Rollins
3B – Michael Young
C – Carlos Ruiz
LF – Delmon Young / Lance Nix
CF – Ben Revere
RF – Dom Brown / John Mayberry
P – Cole Hamels, Roy Halladay, Cliff Lee, Kyle Kendrick, John Lannan
BP – Jonathan Papelbon, Mike Adams, Chad Durbin, Phillippe Aumont

This is a team in either complete disarray or gearing up for a final shot at the playoffs. Ruin Tomorrow Jr. has mortgaged the future of the Phillies through trades the last few years and I do not blame him for it at all. The Phils were in a position to win the world series and had to go for it. Now, the team is ancient and the Braves and Nats are better on paper. The season wins total is around 81 and that’s either way too low or about right for this team. Let’s explain.


This infield in ancient. Howard may be back from the Achilles fully this year but he has never been an adequate fielder. Howard will hit 4[SUP]th[/SUP] and get his RBI’s and HR’s, along with 200k’s and a 250 BA and 330-350 OBP.
Utley is my favorite player so I am biased. If I am realistic, I see a guy quickly approaching 35 who has serious knee problems that will never go away. At one time, he was a top 5 player in the game but that time has passed. Utley is still a good fielder but I do not see his power at the plate returning. If all goes well, Utley will play 120-130 games and bat around 280 with 15-20 hr’s and a decent obp. I can’t expect more than that though I think the Phils will need a lot more than that from him to compete for the NL East.
Rollins. What can I say about Rollins? He plays 150 games a year and is still a very good defensive shortstop. Jimmy pop-up will never change and stop thinking he can hit HR’s and he will also never hustle all the time. Him batting leadoff has been a source of frustration for everyone who follows the Phillies, but Chalie is going to stick with him again this year it appears. Rollins is also getting very old, but his speed on the bases and defense is absolutely necessary for this team.
Michael Young. Ok, I think this is a horrible mistake by Ruin Tomorrow Jr. He is seemingly trying to simultaneously build a team that can win with defense and starting pitching, and add better hitters who can’t play the field. Who know, maybe Young surprises me after only playing 45 games at 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] in the last two years. I think he’ll be a disaster and he needs to hit over 300 and smash the ball out of Citizens Bank to be worth the chance.


This outfield infuriates me. Realistically, the Phillies have no 5 year plan. There are no prospects coming to save the day and the core of the team is very old. They are in win now mode and desperately needed a corner OF. They also have a $5B tv deal coming up and can afford to spend since the stadium is always sold out. Obviously, I think they needed Josh Hamilton, BJ Upton, or Michael Bourn. Hamilton was my first choice, especially after they traded for Ben Revere to play CF. Now, they have the pupu platter at the corner OF spots. We have our perennial bust of a prospect in Dom Brown slated to start again. He may be good this year. Who know? There always seems to be some excuse for this guy around here. The other OF spot is insane. Delmon Young is really supposed to play LF. The guy is the worst OF in the league, is a generally bad guy, and doesn’t even hit well enough to justify any of it. I cannot understand his signing and think a platoon of him and Laynce Nix is just terrible. Ben Revere is in CF and he better be able to cover the entire OF. I’m sure Chalie will bat revere 8[SUP]th[/SUP] and keep Rollins in the leadoff spot, negating some of his value on the bases, but I’m fairly certain that’s what we will see.


The rotation looks good, as it should for $100M. Halladay has pitched well in ST and is in a contract year. Hamels will be ready and should be the ace, and Lee had really good stats with a bad record last year. The stats were bad for Lee when compared to his previous seasons, but he definitely has some good years left. Kendrick sucks and Lannan always got smashed by the phils with the nats, so who knows about them. They are your usual crappy back end starters. The pen should be better with the addition of Durbin, again, and with Mike Adams handling the 8[SUP]th[/SUP] coming over from texas. I think Durbin will be fine in the 7[SUP]th[/SUP] with Adams and Papelbon holding down the last two innings. The Phils blew a ton of games in the late innings last year because the bullpen before Papelbon was terrible and I think they will at least be average this season.

Wrapping Up

Either the Phillies get out to a fast start and make a run for the playoffs, or Ruin Tomorrow has to trade everyone at the all-star break. I don’t see any in between. Lee and Halladay will have to be traded for something if the phils are not looking good in July. I think that’s the more likely scenario, but it’s really hard to count them out considering the rotation and the potential they have to score runs if the old guys produce. As you can see, I’m not really excited for the season but I cannot completely rule the Phillies out because of the big three pitchers and improved bullpen. I do think it’s moronic to know you have to win with defense and pitching and then sign Michael and Delmon Young, but there is nothing I can do about that other than to call in to talk radio and complain about Ruben Amaro. Good Luck this year guys!
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New member
Nov 29, 2011
RE: Phillies Ruiz is suspended first 50 games right? Age and defense scare me a little bit, but I like them to do well. If Utley, Howard and Halladay are 75% of what they were I think they are in the WC race with SF and ATL. Revere is a difference maker and Young is a perfect fit for this team.

Sep 20, 2010
RE: Phillies Ruiz is suspended first 50 games right? Age and defense scare me a little bit, but I like them to do well. If Utley, Howard and Halladay are 75% of what they were I think they are in the WC race with SF and ATL. Revere is a difference maker and Young is a perfect fit for this team.

Ruiz out first 25. I assume you are referring to Michael young? He may be the right handed bat they need but he's pretty awful at 3rd. Exact opposite of last season when Polanco was great at 3rd and couldn't hit the ball out of the infield.

New member
Dec 21, 2008
I was watching a Phillies pre season game on mlb the other day and the announcer said the Phillies lost 18 games last year where they were leading at the end of 7. Some were blown saves in the 9th and some were bullpen meltdowns in the 8th.

Now obviously every team loses games in the 8th and 9th innings , but blowing 18 leads is substantial. You've got to think that this is something correctable as just plain old luck (bad) had to play a part.

Me thinks the Phillies will have a better record than they did last year ... but NO WAY can they finish ahead of the Nationals and i would still go with the Braves for 2nd place in the division.

Feb 24, 2012
From Georgia and I'm not nearly as big on the bravos as everyone else in this thread as well as around Athens. Everyone loves the Upton brothers and I agree they should be very exciting. But I could easily see one or both not living up to all the expectations. Heyward had a strong 2nd half last year and continues to improve his bat to go along with his great defense. McCann was terrible last year but I expect him to bounce back. No replacement in the clubhouse or in the lineup when it comes to clutch hitting for chipper. Also lost prado who was probably our best contact hitter and could play multiple positions. Lost Bourn who ignited the offense and we're left with no true lead off man. Bullpen will be great, but I question whether Medlen can duplicate his year from last year. Hudson is injury prone and they will have to have Beachy come back to form before his injury. Overall could be a special year for the Braves, but I think there's too many question marks and unproven players in vital roles therefore I love the under 88. Just my 2cents. GL

New member
Nov 26, 2007
im truly shocked at some of the Braves fans doubts. Justin upton is way better then Prado or chipper. BJ is a fine replacement. Im almost certain of mccann, and uggla bouncing back. You have that kid at SS whos supposed to be good, and Freeman couldnt see last season and had a career high in hrs. And i didnt even talk about Heyward whos an absolute monster. The rotation seems solid enough? top what 3 bullpen in baseball, top maybe 5 lineup? isnt a midway rotation and a few easy games vs Mets and Marlins enough for 87 +

New member
Nov 26, 2007
because their not the best team in their own division? because nobody would take the over? because their pitching staff is only average?

but explain to me what in my logic is faulty or why they cant win 90+ games? just because they are capable of winning that many games doesn't mean the total should be set there. And Simmons can certainly be a leadoff hitter, his 335 OBP suggests hell be just fine.

New member
Nov 26, 2007
you "love" the under of 88, but can you elaborate why the braves will lose 6 or more games then last year? not being a dick this is a real question. Who are you missing Hanson? His stats weren't anything special. Beachy who missed time and will be there the 2nd half? Obviously Medlen wont have a ERA under 2 again but low 3's? why not? Julio was a big prospect correct? he has to have some decent stuff. And the lineup is much more potent then last year. you said you expect mcann bounces back correct? Well why wouldnt Freeman, Heyward, and Justin Upton all progress? Their all very young and talented players. i mean thats an impressive batting order. On paper or not, i dont think you truly realize how special Heyward and J Upton are. Or how all the pieces around them fit quite nicely.

New member
Dec 21, 2008
With all that why on earth wouldn't they set the total at 92?

I think McCann is the reason the total isn't higher. You said you think he'll bounce back , but he wasnt in a slump he was injured and it wasnt an injury that will just heal it's injuries that goes along with being a veteran catcher. What you saw is what you will see again.

I think 87 or so is a good number , it should be close either way. I like em 2nd place in the nl east , win a wild card , and "maybe" when the NL.
Last edited:
Jan 19, 2006

The Royals are doing something different this season, focusing on pitching.

The big story with the Royals this off season was the signing of pitchers James Shields,Wade Davis and Ervin Santana. The Royals ace last season was Chen and Hochevar before that. KC may some good moves here.

So lets look at the Royals projected rotation
James Shields: 15-10, 3.52 ERA, 1.17 WHIP, 223 Ks, 58 Walks in 227.2 Innings
Jeremy Guthrie: 8-12, 4.76 ERA, 1.41 WHIP, 101 Ks, 50 Walks in 181.2 Innings

Ervin Santana: 9-13, 5.16 ERA, 1.27 WHIP, 133 Ks, 61 Walks in 178 Innings

Wade Davis: 3-0, 2.43 ERA, 1.10 WHIP, 87 Ks, 29 Walks in 70.1 Innings

Luke Hochevar: 8-16, 5.73 ERA, 1.42 WHIP, 144 Ks, 61 Walks in 185.1 Innings

Luis Mendoza: 8-10, 4.23 ERA, 1.42 WHIP, 106 Ks, 59 Walks in 166 Innings
Bruce Chen: 11-14, 5.07 ERA, 1.37 WHIP, 140 Ks, 47 Walks in 191.2 Innings

Not a bad roster of starting arms, much better than previous years. Of course there are some question marks but overall a much improved staff.

Shields is pretty solid and the best ACE KC has had in years. You can expect an ERA in the 3's and a WHIP around 1.2

Guthrie had a great second half but is a question mark..

Davis has upside and great stuff

Santana is a solid #4 pitcher, he had a 1.27 WHIP last season.

Hocheavar, Mendoza, Chen will battle for #5.

This rotation has potential to be pretty good. I can almost guarantee it will outperform last years by a good margin.

Hitting wise.

I think Hosmer is the x-factor here. He has potential to hit .300 with 30+ HRs and 120+ RBIs, he has
that stuff. Last year he didn't do well but the potential is definitely there.
Gordon, Escobar, Butler and Perez are all VERY good hitters. KC led the ML's with the least amount of strikeouts, KC has smart hitters.

Moustakas is another guy that can step up and have a big year.

Here is their projected lineup

1Alex GordonOFKAN576911870100.2740.3610.450$15
2Alcides EscobarSSKAN56671552250.2760.3190.371$6
3Eric Hosmer1BKAN562761877130.2740.3400.431$13
4Billy ButlerDHKAN58481229320.2980.3680.478$22
5Salvador PerezCatcherKAN43050115500.2840.3190.416$0
6Mike Moustakas3BKAN52664187240.2550.3090.422$1
7Jeff FrancoeurOFKAN41949125170.2580.3090.411$-11
8Lorenzo CainOFKAN452581051160.2680.3240.403$-4
9Chris Getz2BKAN28734126130.2720.3280.345$-20


I really like their lineup.. If Hosmer and/or Moustakas goes off this team will be top 5 in runs no doubt, NO doubt at all..

KC has a good BP. They have the same guys from last year pretty much. Holland is a solid closer. I'm also sure the improved rotation will help them as well.

I think the key to a successful season is a fast start. KC was very inconsistent last season they will need to be more consistent. With all the new faces its hard to predict if they can be more reliable but I think you have to admit they are better on paper. They have a good lineup, potentially a good rotation and a solid BP. Ned Yost is a good MGR. I think KC could definitely sneak into the playoffs but the key will be a solid start. There needs to be excitement day in and day out.

I really don't see any glaring weaknesses.

New member
Dec 21, 2008
Great stuff gyno , you da man.

Gotta think Santana and Hochever are going to be better and if old man Guthrie can be reliable this is a great rotation.

I lost my ass last year betting Ervin on his fa/oy year , i think i bet on him 7 times and agianst him 7 times and went 3-11. I expect at least .500 from him this year , and maybe turns 9-13 into 13-9.

I dont have a mlb team in my city , i may homer out for the royals this year.
Jan 19, 2006
I'm totally going to be rooting for the Royals. I think they will be a fun team to watch.. I really hope they contend. The AL CENTRAL is stacked though but so was the AL EAST last year and BALTIMORE ended up a game behind. KC hasn't looked this good on paper in a LONG TIME. I really hope they are over .500 by halfway.
Jan 19, 2006

Pirates are no longer a joke, this team has some talent. McCutchen is a beast, power/speed/fielding but he is not alone.. There is a lot of power in this lineup.

1. LF Starling Marte (.257/.300/.437, 5 HR, 17 RBI, 18 R)

2. 2B Neil Walker (.280/.342/.426, 14 HR, 69 RBI, 62 R)

3. CF Andrew McCutchen (.327/.400/.553, 31 HR, 96 RBI, 107 R)

4. 1B Garrett Jones (.274/.317/.516, 27 HR, 86 RBI, 68 R)

5. 3B Pedro Alvarez (.244/.317/.467, 30 HR, 85 RBI, 64 R)

6. C Russell Martin (.211/.311/.403, 21 HR, 53 RBI, 50 R)

7. RF Travis Snider (.250/.319/.378, 4 HR, 17 RBI, 23 R)

8. SS Clint Barmes (.229/.272/.321, 8 HR, 45 RBI, 34 R)

Pirates picked up Russell Martin and he is a good hitting catcher. Alvarez, Jones have tremendous power, the Pirates have a very good 3-4-5, the bottom of the lineup might be a little iffy but from 1-6, its quite solid. They have some solid bench guys in Inge (14HRs), Tabata, Gaby Sanchez(all star 2011) and McKenry . Pirates have a pretty good offense especially if they get anything from the bottom of it. Similar to the Dodgers this lineup has some inconsistent guys so watch out for hot and cold bats. If they are all firing at the same time this team could light it up, but they can also stink it up.

Rotation wise

Projected Rotation
1. RHP A.J. Burnett (31 GS, 16-10, 3.51 ERA, 180 Ks, 202.1 IP)
2. LHP Wandy Rodriguez (33 GS, 12-13, 3.76 ERA, 139 Ks, 205.2 IP)
3. RHP James McDonald (29 GS, 12-8, 4.21 ERA, 151 Ks, 171 IP)
4. RHP Jeff Karstens (15 GS, 5-4, 3.97 ERA, 66 Ks, 90.2 IP)
5. RHP Kyle McPherson (10 G, 3 GS, 0-2, 2.73 ERA, 21 Ks, 26.1 IP)
DL. LHP Francisco Liriano (34 G, 28 GS, 6-12, 5.34 ERA, 167 Ks, 156.2 IP)

Burnett was solid last season and will start the season as their ACE. Geritt Cole who is their stud prospect might end up being the ACE sometime this season. When he comes watch out, he has GREAT stuff. Pirates have Wandy and he's pretty solid especially at home. McDonald starting great last season and ended horribly, not sure what to expect from him. Karstens, Liriano, McPherson will round out the rotation.

This rotation has some major question marks. I personally don't trust Burnett, Wandy is pretty solid, I like him. But everyone else is very shaky.

Pirates will be giving the ball to Grilli in the 9th.. He won't do as well as Hanrahan but should do pretty good.
Pirates have solid middle relief. So I expect a pretty good BP.

Bottom Line:

I'm thinking the Pirates could be a team that has a lot of overs. Especially if they are hot. I don't like the Pirates rotation much, Burnett scares me and none of the 3-4-5 guys make me feel cozy. There is potential but a lot of things will have to go their way. Some are calling for a playoff run from the Pirates, but I don't think so. Too many things will have to go their way. Geritt Cole could be a stud, Pirates need a little more than what they have to truly contend.

I think the Pirates will be a sub.500 team.
Jan 19, 2006

Why is Kyle Lohse not signed yet???

2013 Chicago White Sox

This team is almost a mirror image of what they were last year, and last year the OVER ACHIEVED big time, gone is the leader behind the plate in AJ Pyrzinski, to replace him is questionable Tyler Flowers...if he hits .250 and gets 15 HR's, consider it a win.

Alex Rios was by far their best hitter last year, can he keep it up? Paul Konerko is still very serviceable, but age may be catching up with him...injuries could easily happen and they have NO backup for him at 1st base. Adam Dunn actually had a year for which he was being paid, 2011 may have been the worst year in MLB history for the money he was paid, look it up! So that leaves us with one atrocious season and one good one, where does he go in 2013? That very well may answer your questions right there.

Gordon Beckham has never come around after showing some promise early in his career, i say this year makes or breaks him, if he falters again, no longer will he call the south side his home, off to Kansas City with you..

Alexi Ramirez is a very streaky player, Excellent with the glove, super arm, inconsistent bat, again, he is BY FAR the best they have at that position.

3rd base is a mystery, Is Jeff Keppinger the answer? If he is, what's the question?? Youkilis was a very nice pickup, its a shame they couldn't find a way to keep him. Brent Morel is a total stiff...

LF features another mystery, some days Viciedo looks like the next coming of Manny Ramirez, but he's still super young and raw, has a cannon for an arm. Potential #4 hitter here.

CF leadoff man De Aza is just about the perfect lead off man, high OBP, fast, good fielder. No issue here.

The rotation is where we have some question marks

Chris Sale....Bonified #1 ACE or Injury waiting to happen? We will find out by the all star break
Jake Peavy, Can he have as durable a season again and be as effective??
Gavin Floyd, Streaky as hell, tough to figure out what he will bring to the mound on any given day
John Danks, TOTAL Question Mark...rotator Cuff injuries are the death knell of pitchers
Jose Quintana WAS arguable the best pitcher in baseball for streatches last year, but faded badly down the stretch
i am NOT sold on Addison Reed as the closer, he blew some very winnable saves last year, not sold on him yet...

Nate Jones was basically used and abused last year, pitched 71+ innings out of the pen and throws straight as an arrow..dangerous in the big leagues

Hector Santiago might be a great setup man, was the closer to start last year...didn't go so well.

Jesse Crain is the 8th inning guy, usually very solid, only gave up 29 hits in 48 innings and has the best WHIP on the staff.

Overall they still can't overtake Detroit...they added next to nothing in the off season so to win 85 games again will be stretching it to the max. 81 wins TOPS
Jan 19, 2006
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Sep 21, 2004

the 2013 pittsburgh pirates

well the last two years the pirates showed promise til late in the season.2011 they were right there in late july until the home plate umpire called the braves runner safe at home when it was not even close as he never even touched the plate and was out by a mile in that 19 inning game and after that they just lost their luster and fell back in the standings.

in 2012 the pirates played well again and actually had the lead in the central division and made it all the way to august this time when they just peatered out and went on a drastic losing streak and fell under .500 once again.they showed a lot last year as alvarez finally started to show what they expected of him by hitting home runs and driving in runs and improving his defense at 3rd base.grant you he still continued to strike out but not as much as in the previous years.

andrew McCUTCHEN had a tremendous year fighting for the batting title and hitting 327(2nd in nl),with 194 hits(1st in nl),31 hrs(8th in nl),96 rbi's(11th in nl)in an all star year.he is the heart and soul of this team and has become the leader on this team.

the pirates also had a stellar starting pitching staff for most of the season led by a.j. burnett and james McDONALD leading the way.this year they have added franciso liriano to the staff and wandy rodriguez from late last year to the staff.rodriguez now going to have a full season this year with the team may fare better rather than what he did by just stepping in late in the season and not getting comfortable in just a short time.jeff karstens rounds out the staff and has always been a decent pitcher for the pirates giving them a good 6 to 7 innings per start and usually a quality one at that.

the bullpen was also their strong point last year with joel hanrahan as their top notch closer with 36 saves 5th in the nl.well now he is gone to boston and jason grilli will now become the closer for the pirates and he just had a great year last season coming in at key times in a game and shutting the opponent down more often than not.the rest of the pen looks good again with bulldog jared hughes ,tony watson,jeff locke,charlie morton,and newly arrived mark melancon,andy oliver joining the team.

the ownership has said its time for this team to step up and challenge for a championship(which im not sure they are ready now)with the players he has in place now for a few years.you can also expect to see pitchers gerrit cole and jameson tallion to make a appearance by mid season joining the pitching staff.they are very high on these two pitchers so if all works out they could be set for some time in the pitching dept.

they also signed russell martin to help out with the catching duties where the pirates struggled to throw out runners all season long finishing i believe last in that catagory.McKENDRY is a decent hitter so lets hope martin can help him in the throwing dept and become a decent catcher.now mind you the pitchers must be able to hold runners on better also so its a team effort here to improve on that from both positions.

projected starting lineup

lf-tabata/marte-jose having a nice spring with marte breathing down his back
2nd base-neil walker
cf-andrew Mcutchen
3rd base-pedro alvarez
1b-garret jones/gaby sanchez-they need one of these to win the full time job
rf-travis snider/garret jones
c-russell martin/michael Mckenry
ss-clint barmes

okay there you have it a look at the 2013 pittsburgh pirates,and i fully expect if and when they get a everyday lineup set that they will become a much better team


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