Stanford MDs: COVID-19 death toll estimates may be orders of magnitude too high


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Zit, what is your over/under for deaths? Or mean outcome, however you wanna phrase it.

If we don't even need the lockdowns, then how low will the numbers be since we actually have them?

If the death toll doesn't exceed 80,000 (a bad flu season) this whole exercise was a huge waste of time and money.

Divorcing China and threatening companies who do business with those corrupt commies would be far more productive.

Jul 14, 2007
If the death toll doesn't exceed 80k it'll be because of the exercise.

You can't compare it to the flu when the actions to stop both are as different as can be.

Sep 21, 2004
If the death toll doesn't exceed 80k it'll be because of the exercise.

You can't compare it to the flu when the actions to stop both are as different as can be.

Was waiting for this response. Over two months since first known case and less than one month of quarantine this virus is averaging less than 1000 deaths per month. This year's flu is averaging over 7000 deaths per months. Both numbers continue to grow.

Jul 14, 2007
Was waiting for this response. Over two months since first known case and less than one month of quarantine this virus is averaging less than 1000 deaths per month. These year's flu is averaging over 7000 deaths per months. Both numbers continue to grow.

We're averaging 1k death approx every 2 days now. That is with one major city hospital system overwhelmed. If you think we're "averaging" less than 1k deaths a month and that is a relevant statistic then I wouldn't even know how to respond to that.

Sep 21, 2004
Too small of a sample. My sample is slightly over 50% of the time frame left unabated, slightly less than 50% of the time frame quarantined. OK using your small sample 2 days means that quarantine doesn't work? See how that small of a sample doesn't work.

Jul 14, 2007
Holy shit....Try to figure out the flaw in that reasoning yourself. That is a level of pure idiocy that I don't have tolerance for.

If anyone wants to help him, it would be appreciated.

Who knows, maybe April will continue with that 2 month sample you got and we only get 1k deaths for the entire month champ. That's the average afterall.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If the death toll doesn't exceed 80k it'll be because of the exercise.

You can't compare it to the flu when the actions to stop both are as different as can be.

If the flu is the benchmark, 80k is a lot of lives to play with. I'm not trying to sound crass, we can't shutdown the economy for every flu pandemic...even for grandma.

Can we agree the WHO are corrupt liars and directly responsible for this global panic and hysteria?

"Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected."

The easiest way to lower the death rate? Keep testing people...but then everyone would realize this was a huge waste of time and money.


Sep 21, 2004
There are too many parameters to factor in to get a precise statistical analysis. I mentioned that because I know that when this thing doesn't kill as many people as the flu that's going to be everyone who's arguing it's the end of the fucking world reasoning. When other countries such as Japan, who was very late to quarantine and very few tests (Same as US) has a low death rate!! They simply follow regular flu protocol which fucking works. NO need to name call, your the one that mentioned 1000 deaths in two days in your fucking argument. So where does that lead us Einstein, 15,000 deaths at the end of the month!

Jul 14, 2007
If the flu is the benchmark, 80k is a lot of lives to play with. I'm not trying to sound crass, we can't shutdown the economy for every flu pandemic...even for grandma.

Can we agree the WHO are corrupt liars and directly responsible for this global panic and hysteria?

"Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected."

The easiest way to lower the death rate? Keep testing people...but then everyone would realize this was a huge waste of time and money.


With all the analysis I'm getting as to how this isn't a big deal at all and the lockdowns aren't needed, how is China much of a villain in all of this? Seems like quite the mental gymnastics to say it is a trumped up issue that is barely worse than the flu AND we need to immediately change our entire global supply chain because China foisted this horrible disease on us with their corrupt WHO bureaucrats? But that is the problem with applying partisanship to non-partisan issues. You have to twist yourself into a pretzel as the situation evolves.

If it is just a little worse than the seasonal flu, perhaps the global economic disruption from decoupling isn't needed? What do you think?

Jul 14, 2007
There are too many parameters to factor in to get a precise statistical analysis. I mentioned that because I know that when this thing doesn't kill as many people as the flu that's going to be everyone who's arguing it's the end of the fucking world reasoning. When other countries such as Japan, who was very late to quarantine and very few tests (Same as US) has a low death rate!! They simply follow regular flu protocol which fucking works. NO need to name call, your the one that mentioned 1000 deaths in two days in your fucking argument. So where does that lead us Einstein, 15,000 deaths at the end of the month!

I never tried to get precise analysis, I just said the death rate in the article claiming .01% is pure bunk....And yes, obviously if you lockdown the entire country it is going to slow the rate of transmission, what is so hard to understand about this?

Comparing US to Japan/South Korea has clear flaws that you should try to game out.

Sorry for the name calling but any mention of a Feb/March "average" is obviously stupid if you've spent longer than 5 minutes attempting to gain an understanding of this. Just getting frustrating people think every issue has some easy solution.

Sep 21, 2004
I never tried to get precise analysis, I just said the death rate in the article claiming .01% is pure bunk....And yes, obviously if you lockdown the entire country it is going to slow the rate of transmission, what is so hard to understand about this?

Comparing US to Japan/South Korea has clear flaws that you should try to game out.

Sorry for the name calling but any mention of a Feb/March "average" is obviously stupid if you've spent longer than 5 minutes attempting to gain an understanding of this. Just getting frustrating people think every issue has some easy solution.

Takes a REAL MAN to apologize!!!!!! Props to you!!!! I've already mentioned Japan/Korea in another thread. We actually agreed. But I will have to disagree with you on the easy solution. Hygiene, stay home when sick works. It's simple, problem is people don't listen! Anecdotally speaking, when I went grocery shopping last week, No Frills was full of fuckin seniors!! This virus kills them yet they were out in droves. Both husband and wife in most cases doubling their chances of getting sick!! The chain has set hours in the morning just for seniors!! Unbelievable!! You have my utmost respect Patsfan!!!!!

Jul 14, 2007
Takes a REAL MAN to apologize!!!!!! Props to you!!!! I've already mentioned Japan/Korea in another thread. We actually agreed. But I will have to disagree with you on the easy solution. Hygiene, stay home when sick works. It's simple, problem is people don't listen! Anecdotally speaking, when I went grocery shopping last week, No Frills was full of fuckin seniors!! This virus kills them yet they were out in droves. Both husband and wife in most cases doubling their chances of getting sick!! The chain has set hours in the morning just for seniors!! Unbelievable!! You have my utmost respect Patsfan!!!!!

80% of the people that get it are asymptomatic though. So they will go out for 1-2 weeks, virus will spread like wildfire, 2.5-3 week lag from infection to death. Hospitals get overwhelmed, other countries would have to shutdown travel to/from US. Economy vs life is a false choice really. If we didn't do this then you're just getting the same economic slowdown with worse health outcomes as the strategy to end lockdown backfires.

But yes, if any country needed a lockdown because social shaming/social cohesion/shared sacrifice just ain't gonna cut it, unfortunately it is America. Look no further than the beaches in FL for evidence.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
With all the analysis I'm getting as to how this isn't a big deal at all and the lockdowns aren't needed, how is China much of a villain in all of this? Seems like quite the mental gymnastics to say it is a trumped up issue that is barely worse than the flu AND we need to immediately change our entire global supply chain because China foisted this horrible disease on us with their corrupt WHO bureaucrats? But that is the problem with applying partisanship to non-partisan issues. You have to twist yourself into a pretzel as the situation evolves.

If it is just a little worse than the seasonal flu, perhaps the global economic disruption from decoupling isn't needed? What do you think?

No, these positions aren't contradictory.

First, IF a virus were killing 3.4% globally mostly due to shitty third world healthcare, it's not our problem. Right now statistically, the Coronavirus death rate in countries like South Korea, Germany, Japan, Canada and the US is LOWER or same as the flu...whatever true percentage the flu is. Btw, have you researched the way the CDC compiles all these stats? Talk about primitive, if these guys were sports bettors, they would be broke by week 4. We're talking about the government here - not very bright. But I digress...

Secondly, whether the Wuhan virus is "10 times worse than the flu" or not (it isn't), this has been a massive economic disruption which can't be allowed to happen again. Trillions of dollars pissed away over a new strain of the flu - are you fucking kidding me???

Finally, consider the Wuhan virus a Chinese gift, a warning shot...the proverbial shot across the bow to divorce ourselves from corrupt communist filth once and for all. Why? Well, many reasons...but we know a real more lethal global pandemic is coming. SARS, HIN1, bird flu, Wuhan virus... this is what happens when humans ingest disgusting animals - nature strikes back. It's only a matter of time.

America First: because the world is so fucked up! :ohno:

Jul 14, 2007
No, these positions aren't contradictory.

First, IF a virus were killing 3.4% globally mostly due to shitty third world healthcare, it's not our problem. Right now statistically, the Coronavirus death rate in countries like South Korea, Germany, Japan, Canada and the US is LOWER or same as the flu...whatever true percentage the flu is. Btw, have you researched the way the CDC compiles all these stats? Talk about primitive, if these guys were sports bettors, they would be broke by week 4. We're talking about the government here - not very bright. But I digress...

Secondly, whether the Wuhan virus is "10 times worse than the flu" or not (it isn't), this has been a massive economic disruption which can't be allowed to happen again. Trillions of dollars pissed away over a new strain of the flu? Are you fucking kidding me???

Finally, consider the Wuhan virus a Chinese gift, a warning shot...the proverbial shot across the bow to divorce ourselves from corrupt communist filth once and for. Why? Well, many reasons...but we know a real pandemic is coming. It's what happens when humans ingest disgusting animals - nature strikes back. It's only a matter of time.

America First: because the world is so fucked up! :ohno:

The answer is it is a big deal and China/WHO are largely responsible and the failures of globalization with corrupt governments and 3rd world migrants was a bubble that needs to end. But if people want to say it isn't a big deal and this is all some weak overreaction, then I'm not sure how you get to such a drastic reaction. The answer to that is, you really don't. This gift you speak of gets squandered when you downplay the legitimacy of virus, you downplay the sheer evil or corrupt nature of their actions.

If it is the same death rate as the flu (this isn't true and if we treated it as the flu we would find that out the hard way) then a referendum to divorce from our biggest trading partner doesn't exactly seem like an equal and opposite reaction.

Apr 8, 2009
Right now statistically, the Coronavirus death rate in countries like South Korea, Germany, Japan, Canada and the US is LOWER or same as the flu...whatever true percentage the flu is.
How do you figure this? Similar to the Coronavirus, how many people do you think contract the flu each season, and just live through it, without going to the doctor? I bet there are a ton. So the death rate of it, has to be statistically lower than what is reported, right?

Sep 21, 2004
No, these positions aren't contradictory.

First, IF a virus were killing 3.4% globally mostly due to shitty third world healthcare, it's not our problem. Right now statistically, the Coronavirus death rate in countries like South Korea, Germany, Japan, Canada and the US is LOWER or same as the flu...whatever true percentage the flu is. Btw, have you researched the way the CDC compiles all these stats? Talk about primitive, if these guys were sports bettors, they would be broke by week 4. We're talking about the government here - not very bright. But I digress...

Secondly, whether the Wuhan virus is "10 times worse than the flu" or not (it isn't), this has been a massive economic disruption which can't be allowed to happen again. Trillions of dollars pissed away over a new strain of the flu - are you fucking kidding me???

Finally, consider the Wuhan virus a Chinese gift, a warning shot...the proverbial shot across the bow to divorce ourselves from corrupt communist filth once and for all. Why? Well, many reasons...but we know a real more lethal global pandemic is coming. SARS, HIN1, bird flu, Wuhan virus... this is what happens when humans ingest disgusting animals - nature strikes back. It's only a matter of time.

America First: because the world is so fucked up! :ohno:

Agreed! I mean the loss of life is terrible, but no worse (actually less than) than lives lost annually to the flu. I'm curious to see if the suicide rate has increased, with all this economic shut down. People losing their jobs and homes, is devastating to anyone's mental health. I think (now this is my opinion not facts here) when this is over, more people in the US may die by suicide than by this virus.

Jul 14, 2007
Agreed! I mean the loss of life is terrible, but no worse (actually less than) than lives lost annually to the flu. I'm curious to see if the suicide rate has increased, with all this economic shut down. People losing their jobs and homes, is devastating to anyone's mental health. I think (now this is my opinion not facts here) when this is over, more people in the US may die by suicide than by this virus.

Deaths of despair will certainly go up, that is why the stimulus should've focused on individuals more than corporations but I digress. US weak social cohesion doesn't allow for shared sacrifice in times of trouble either.

Birx just said on TV that what happened in NY has potential to come to every major US city if we don't lockdown, this isn't anything remotely close to the reaction to the season flu. So when I say "if we fade hundreds of thousands of deaths to get flu-like results", that's why. Rate of transmission + asymptomatic rate = spreads like wildfire. The equation never changed from the first day I read about this.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How do you figure this? Similar to the Coronavirus, how many people do you think contract the flu each season, and just live through it, without going to the doctor? I bet there are a ton. So the death rate of it, has to be statistically lower than what is reported, right?

We know the risk factors for the flu and Coronavirus are identical.

This from the CDC re: the flu:

  • Asthma/reactive airway disease;
  • Blood disorder/hemoglobinopathy;
  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Chronic lung disease;
  • Chronic metabolic disease;
  • Gastrointestinal/liver disease;
  • Immunocompromised condition;
  • Neurologic disorder;
  • Neuromuscular disorder;
  • Obesity;
  • Pregnancy status;
  • Prematurity (pediatric cases only);
  • Renal disease; and
  • Rheumatologic/autoimmune/inflammatory conditions

Blah, blah, blah...

So people with these immunodeficiencies SHOULD isolate during flu season, not only Coronavirus.

99% of deaths in Italy have preexisting conditions...again, common sense.

It's the flu. Granted, it's a new strain within the corona family, but the flu nonetheless.

To put this in proper context, the CDC estimates swine flu caused 60.8 million illnesses, 273,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the U.S.

Yes, every death is tragic and certain precautions should always be taken....but shutdown the economy and piss away trillions because a new strain of the flu? Umm, no.

Jul 14, 2007
False dichotomy, it would be pissed away either way once borders are closed, travel is discouraged, a large portion of the population doesn't want to spend money and of course the big 1, hospitals become overwhelmed. Bill Gates wasn't kidding when he said good luck telling everyone "Go enjoy life and ignore the bodies piling up in the corner" (paraphrasing)

The life vs economy debate doesn't work because the tradeoff isn't real.

You're getting the same economic ruin with worse medical results without lockdown.

(also, Asian restaurants are fucked)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
False dichotomy, it would be pissed away either way once borders are closed, travel is discouraged, a large portion of the population doesn't want to spend money and of course the big 1, hospitals become overwhelmed. Bill Gates wasn't kidding when he said good luck telling everyone "Go enjoy life and ignore the bodies piling up in the corner" (paraphrasing)

The life vs economy debate doesn't work because the tradeoff isn't real.

You're getting the same economic ruin with worse medical results without lockdown.

So where the hell were all the Chicken Littles when swine flu was killing 12k++? Is it modern social media and the horror scenes coming from Italy? What's the difference?

We can argue the ramifications till the cows come home (economically, this is worse than the 2008 financial meltdown) we both know if it weren't for globalism and open borders none of this would be happening. God bless Italy, but they did this to themselves selling out to China.

Btw, so much for the EU...they haven't lifted a finger coming to the rescue of member states like Italy and Spain.

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