Society must choose: Homosexuality or Judeo-Christian tradition..


New member
Oct 20, 2005
I don't know if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing. I was joking.

One is either born straight or gay. And I'd never judge a person based on their sexual orientation.

I do almost everything righthanded. I DJ with my left because it was the only way to learn how to use the equipment (cue a record). And when I played street hockey, for some reason I could only shoot lefthanded.

So how do you jerk off? Or do you alternate? nothing wrong with a little strange hand every now and then, but since you use both, you take the fun out. :think2:

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
FLETCH, some guys NEED both hands to properly grip All Of It

I've seen 'em on videos and stuff

Aug 6, 2006
So how do you jerk off? Or do you alternate? nothing wrong with a little strange hand every now and then, but since you use both, you take the fun out. :think2:

Balls in left hand, c0ck in right. Do I have to teach you everything? :think2:

Oct 16, 2004
I was born right handed and switched to a lefty. I bat right, kick right, write right, but throw left. What about the pair of twin boys where they are genetically identical and 1 is gay and 1 is straight?
I don't think being right or left handed is as good an example as say the the attraction itself..I compare it more to the idea that some men like blondes more than they do brunettes. Or vice-versa..My personal preferance is about a 5-4 brunette with big tits and a nice round little ass..Although I wouldn't kick the blonde with big tits and nice round ass out of bed, If I had my choice I would tap the brunette first..That's just me..I don't know where I got that particular taste in women..It just happened. I think bi-sexuals for example probably operate on the same level..They would do either a man or woman..But they more than likely have a preference of who they would rather be with....And speaking of identical twins. I have two cousins who are identical twins..But their personalities are like day and night to each other..And their wives don't look anything alike..But their mannerisms are very much alike..The way they walk, talk etc...A person's tastes and mannersims can be two different things in many cases when it comes to twins.

New member
Jul 15, 2006
I don't think being right or left handed is as good an example as say the the attraction itself..I compare it more to the idea that some men like blondes more than they do brunettes. Or vice-versa..My personal preferance is about a 5-4 brunette with big tits and a nice round little ass..Although I wouldn't kick the blonde with big tits and nice round ass out of bed, If I had my choice I would tap the brunette first..That's just me..I don't know where I got that particular taste in women..It just happened. I think bi-sexuals for example probably operate on the same level..They would do either a man or woman..But they more than likely have a preference of who they would rather be with....And speaking of identical twins. I have two cousins who are identical twins..But their personalities are like day and night to each other..And their wives don't look anything alike..But their mannerisms are very much alike..The way they walk, talk etc...A person's tastes and mannersims can be two different things in many cases when it comes to twins.

I understand your point, but i think you misunderstood mine. There are people on this forum saying that it is 100% genetic and not a choice. If that is the case how come there are documented cases of identical twins where 1 is gay and 1 is straight. Mind you these people have the exact same genetic code. I am not sure what the answer is to this question. However, it is not 100% genetic based on these documented cases. I understand that personalities can be different, that makes it seem more like a choice, than genetics.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Sounds like you may have some issues in your closet you need 'splainin? Why would you hate someone that you know nothing about based on their sexual preference? Seems pretty incredulous considering how sex drive is purely biological? :think2:

So you hate Gays/Drug dealers/Muslims - basically anything that doesnt fit your view of the world? In all seriousness Roadreeler, wake up brother - we are only here for a short time, spiral out and grow....dont box yourself in. When you believe in something based on just your (and those around you) experiences, you tend to have a narrow view on the world.

"Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. A non-functioning mind is clinically dead. Believe in nothing ..."

Couldn'tve said it any better myself.
Well said Fletch.

Oct 16, 2004
I understand your point, but i think you misunderstood mine. There are people on this forum saying that it is 100% genetic and not a choice. If that is the case how come there are documented cases of identical twins where 1 is gay and 1 is straight. Mind you these people have the exact same genetic code. I am not sure what the answer is to this question. However, it is not 100% genetic based on these documented cases. I understand that personalities can be different, that makes it seem more like a choice, than genetics.
The reason I think it's genetic, or at least a majority of it is genetic, is because of studies they've done with fraternal twins and identical twins..In identical twins, in 50% of the cases both twins are gay..But in fraternal twins it was only about 20%. For that reason alone genetics have to play a substantial part..I have no doubt about this..Especially since I've seen it run in families. But I get your point about the mystery of why we have seen one gay and one straight identical twin when both of their genetic blueprints are exactly the same..Studies involving mothers of these kids have said that on average they have started seeing a difference in their twins at approximatley age 3 when the feminine tenedecies with one particular twin starts to come out. And in almost every single case it continued on through their childhoods into their adult years.

Interesting..What that tells me is it isn't society or upbringing causing it them to be gay since the child hasn't yet been exposed to society...What scientests are looking at is the possiblility of some abnormality possibly happening in the mothers womb before giving birth..Also keep in mind that although identical twins start out with the same DNA and genetic makeup, they diverge as they get older. The neurons in a certain region of the brain is twice that for a hetersexual male than a gay male..It's possible one twin didn't form those neurons as they aged like the other did..Like I said, many identical twins, not all diverge quite a bit as they get older. Much of it depends on the liefstyle they lead (eating habits, environment etc.). But in all of the cases with these twins, their fate was already decided before they even learned to walk.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
I hope you're being sarcastic, because you strike me as a much smarter person than this.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is genetic..NO DOUBT. I have a brother who is gay..He is and always has been. There's nobody that knows more about this subject than a person who has lived close to it as I have...Somebody who isn't attracted to a beautiful woman is wired much different than you and I. Both in mind and in body. A person doesn't choose to take this direction..We both grew up in a totally normal household..The only difference was I was interested in sports and my brother wasn't. He's 5 years older than i am, and ever since I've been on this earth he's been the same..There was nothing that happened in his life to suddenly change him into a homosexual. The Judeo-Christian religious zealots would like us to think some terrible event happened in each and every one of these lives to make them that way....Sorry

And something many may not know, homosexuality is not only genetic, it is inherited, and runs through families..Chances are if you know somebody who is gay, there is somebody in their family tree who also is gay. I just found out recently from my mother that my grandfather's brother was gay..Back in the early 1900's gays were simply called sissys. And my grandfather's brother stayed out back in a house behind the main house where my grandfather and his family lived..He was a frail man, and the kids from the neighborhood used to make fun of him and dress him up in a dress and parade him around the yard..It was hard for my mother to watch..And they talked and understood very little about it in those days..I can't imagine what it would have been like for these people back then..Aside from my great uncle, I also had an uncle that was a gay and a cousin. All on my mother's side. If it runs in your family tree count yourself grateful that you were never born with this gene..I wouldn't wish it on anybody. As for my brother, he's never been a flaming homosexual..In fact he's just the opposite..Nowadays he's a weightlifter and bodybuilder who standing next to him would probably make us all look gay.

What is inherited is the exposure, When you see fat people with fat kids it is not the obesity that is inherited, the diet that makes you obese is inherited. It is a learned behavior.

I have seen in situations where a 16 yr old kid who has a look, say wavy hair, slender build, femine looking face not be gay. But will be suggested to be gay, encouraged to be gay and then go with it because of it being suggested by his surroundings. Say his mothers freinds and such, girlfreinds other males at the school or organizations. A high% of bodybuilders are gay. BTW.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I have seen in situations where a 16 yr old kid who has a look, say wavy hair, slender build, femine looking face not be gay. But will be suggested to be gay, encouraged to be gay and then go with it because of it being suggested by his surroundings. Say his mothers freinds and such, girlfreinds other males at the school or organizations.

I call bullshit on this one. Even if it was possible, that is such a small minority, im not sure its even worth talking about. Its like saying that most gay men are pedophiles, absolutley no substantial evidence to say anything like that, just like what you just said. I know a handful of gay people and all of them have been very open with me and NONE of them or anyone that they know (and the gay community is very tight nit) would come to the conclusion that its a choice or based on exposure. Maybe sometimes its one of the above, but an overwhelming majority have something biological that make them click. Sure there is people on the fence, but not many i reckon.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
FLETCH, Railbird can give you a pretty good rundown on sports teams west of the Rockies. But change the topic to most anything else and he's pretty much off the...errr....rails.

New member
Oct 20, 2005

Oct 16, 2004
What is inherited is the exposure, When you see fat people with fat kids it is not the obesity that is inherited, the diet that makes you obese is inherited. It is a learned behavior.

I have seen in situations where a 16 yr old kid who has a look, say wavy hair, slender build, femine looking face not be gay. But will be suggested to be gay, encouraged to be gay and then go with it because of it being suggested by his surroundings. Say his mothers freinds and such, girlfreinds other males at the school or organizations. A high% of bodybuilders are gay. BTW.
Not as many things are inherited through exposure as you might think..Most of your tendecies to be fat, thin, gay, mentally unstable, a genius, or you end up riding the little yellow bus has more to do with genetics than anything else. In fact scientists have already discovered the fat gene...Combine that with the introduction of corn syrup and fast foods to the American diet, and you have a double edged sword for these kids..Twenty years ago I never saw an 800 pound obese person being taken by crane out of their house..That part has to do with the American diet. But if your pre-disposed to be fat by carrying the fat gene, it makes the problem twice as large (pardon the pun).

As for being encouraged to be gay by family, friends etc.. I've never heard of this concept..But I suppose it's possible if the kid is unstable to begin with..But most teenagers, nobody how they look or what features they have, if they're heterosexual, they're more than likely going to chase down every ugly girl they can to prove everybody wrong, than to revert to a homosexual experience..Fletch pretty much said it..It would be a very small minority..A one in a million shot..If that...As for your statement about most bodybuilders being gay. I'm not sure where you got that info..But if you say so...LOL

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Even 7 years ago the same gay haters were getting owned. Nothing has changed....same nitwits spewing the same hateful ignorant garbage.

Aug 6, 2006
Yeah the gay bashers surely got bashed in this thread. Zit had quite the SPAMgasm on page3.

Great interview with Chris Christie on CNBC today on a whole host of issues. Searching for vid with no luck. He somehow manages to be against gay marriage without offending people who support it. Imagine that.
Sep 14, 2007
Why is it so difficult to just accept the fact that some people are born gay and and some choose to be gay? This idea that it has to be one or the other and that's it is ridiculous.
Sep 14, 2007
I'm curious, who here has ever been to a gay bar? I've been to 3 in my lifetime in 3 different states. One I walked into by mistake,lol, but the other 2 were planned .

Nov 16, 2008
been into a couple by mistake, both times walked in sat at bar, ordered and then a couples minutes later, was thinking, "What's wrong with this picture"?.. Got tossed out of a lesbian bar-same thing-walked in by mistake, ordered, and was asked to vacate the premesis--they showed zero tolerance there, exact opposite of the treatment they expect
Sep 14, 2007
been into a couple by mistake, both times walked in sat at bar, ordered and then a couples minutes later, was thinking, "What's wrong with this picture"?.. Got tossed out of a lesbian bar-same thing-walked in by mistake, ordered, and was asked to vacate the premesis--they showed zero tolerance there, exact opposite of the treatment they expect

It was over 35 years ago when I walked into a bar in New London,CT and I sat down and ordered a beer. Was a small place and only a few people there but I realized quickly it was a gay bar. No one bothered me and I had a couple beers and left. The second time was a few years later when visiting an aunt and uncle in Flint, Mi. My uncles uncle was gay and he and his partner ask me to join them for a drink one night so I went with them. The 3rd time was just a few years ago when my wife and I along with a few other couples went to a gay club here in Terre Haute where they have female impersonators.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It was over 35 years ago when I walked into a bar in New London,CT and I sat down and ordered a beer. Was a small place and only a few people there but I realized quickly it was a gay bar. No one bothered me and I had a couple beers and left. The second time was a few years later when visiting an aunt and uncle in Flint, Mi. My uncles uncle was gay and he and his partner ask me to join them for a drink one night so I went with them. The 3rd time was just a few years ago when my wife and I along with a few other couples went to a gay club here in Terre Haute where they have female impersonators.
The question you need to be asking the right wingers here is " have they ever gone into a straight bar by accident". These dudes are mostly closet gays.

That said, never been in a gay bar.
Sep 21, 2004
The question you need to be asking the right wingers here is " have they ever gone into a straight bar by accident". These dudes are mostly closet gays.

That said, never been in a gay bar.

Another complete lie by the resident pathological liar. I'd venture to say that not only are the right wingers here not "mostly closet gays," I'd say that NONE of them are.

But, pathological liars like Vitterd lie constantly, that is who they are.

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