PETA protests NFL office in NY and quarterback Michael Vick

Sep 21, 2004
Just wait, you haven't seen anything yet. This piece of trash is ruined.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Robert Byrd's Emotional Speech on Michael Vick's Dogfighting Scandal
Submitted by Eugmc on July 20, 2007 - 9:52am.

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) gave an emotional speech on the Senate floor as he called dogfighting "barbaric". In the scathing speech, in which he fought back tears, he also said:

"I am confident the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt."

This cannot be good news for Michael Vick. When the US Senate is attacking you in speeches, the NFL probably isn't too happy about it. How is cleaning up the NFL coming along, Roger Goodall?
Sep 21, 2004
I agree Max. It may take a little time, but the NFL is going to essentially be forced to suspend him.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I've lent my opinion to this topic before and will continue to stand by Due Process...

My only problem with all this out cry is that Kobe Bryant, more then likely raped a young female and the out cry was not as close to this.

Let me ask you guys this question. If you found out someone raped your daughter, or you found out someone killed your dog which would piss you off more. In this society the media is sensationalizing a topic once again and there is no way he will be suspended for his life.

Here is why, because Kobe was able to buy his way out of his conviction which is fine but after thinking about this and reading the case that Kobe had himself into, I am pretty sure the female was raped in some way or form. But we have forgotten about these deeds and Kobe is back on top again. Vick will never be back on top, and deservingly so, but shouldn't Kobe be outcried against more then Vick.

We as a society love Animals, especially our dogs, but we need to understand that the media is going to talk up this story till no end. What Vick did was awful and unforgivable but so is what Kobe did. Kobe wasn't suspended at all because he got out of his case, more then likely by paying a large lump sum, and the problem is Vick can't get out that easily because he is up against the government.

Ask yourself this question if Ray Carruth was released from jail tomorrow and playing in the NFL, would there be this big of an outcry, absolutely not.

As we crack down on this one athletes love of dog fighting we will continue to turn our heads, as a society, to dog fighting in the south, and escalate this one issue to front page news, but once it is over we as American’s will continue to turn our heads to individuals committing malicious acts to their animals daily. As Clinton Portis said “I’m from Laurel, Mississippi and I know a lot of back roads that have dog fighting if you want to go see it,” and the said thing is Portis wasn’t lying.

Portis was wrong for what he said but the truth is that Vick is just one person and dog fighting is much bigger then one man. I wish Vick was the only one out there, but sadly he isn’t, and until we step up consistently to these crimes as a society they will continue to happen daily.

New member
Jul 26, 2006
I hope they pour it on more. Keep it coming. I like the poster yesterday who was dead on when he said that Vick acted like he was above all this. Lets hope justice is served.

Sep 20, 2004
I've lent my opinion to this topic before and will continue to stand by Due Process...

My only problem with all this out cry is that Kobe Bryant, more then likely raped a young female and the out cry was not as close to this.

Let me ask you guys this question. If you found out someone raped your daughter, or you found out someone killed your dog which would piss you off more. In this society the media is sensationalizing a topic once again and there is no way he will be suspended for his life.

Here is why, because Kobe was able to buy his way out of his conviction which is fine but after thinking about this and reading the case that Kobe had himself into, I am pretty sure the female was raped in some way or form. But we have forgotten about these deeds and Kobe is back on top again. Vick will never be back on top, and deservingly so, but shouldn't Kobe be outcried against more then Vick.

We as a society love Animals, especially our dogs, but we need to understand that the media is going to talk up this story till no end. What Vick did was awful and unforgivable but so is what Kobe did. Kobe wasn't suspended at all because he got out of his case, more then likely by paying a large lump sum, and the problem is Vick can't get out that easily because he is up against the government.

Ask yourself this question if Ray Carruth was released from jail tomorrow and playing in the NFL, would there be this big of an outcry, absolutely not.

As we crack down on this one athletes love of dog fighting we will continue to turn our heads, as a society, to dog fighting in the south, and escalate this one issue to front page news, but once it is over we as American’s will continue to turn our heads to individuals committing malicious acts to their animals daily. As Clinton Portis said “I’m from Laurel, Mississippi and I know a lot of back roads that have dog fighting if you want to go see it,” and the said thing is Portis wasn’t lying.

Portis was wrong for what he said but the truth is that Vick is just one person and dog fighting is much bigger then one man. I wish Vick was the only one out there, but sadly he isn’t, and until we step up consistently to these crimes as a society they will continue to happen daily.

I disagree...If Rae came out tomorrow and was allowed to play of course there would be ...the difference is, time has passed and some people would not be up on what happened at this point, plus he did serve ain't happening anyway.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
I've lent my opinion to this topic before and will continue to stand by Due Process...

My only problem with all this out cry is that Kobe Bryant, more then likely raped a young female and the out cry was not as close to this.

Let me ask you guys this question. If you found out someone raped your daughter, or you found out someone killed your dog which would piss you off more. In this society the media is sensationalizing a topic once again and there is no way he will be suspended for his life.

Here is why, because Kobe was able to buy his way out of his conviction which is fine but after thinking about this and reading the case that Kobe had himself into, I am pretty sure the female was raped in some way or form. But we have forgotten about these deeds and Kobe is back on top again. Vick will never be back on top, and deservingly so, but shouldn't Kobe be outcried against more then Vick.

We as a society love Animals, especially our dogs, but we need to understand that the media is going to talk up this story till no end. What Vick did was awful and unforgivable but so is what Kobe did. Kobe wasn't suspended at all because he got out of his case, more then likely by paying a large lump sum, and the problem is Vick can't get out that easily because he is up against the government.

Ask yourself this question if Ray Carruth was released from jail tomorrow and playing in the NFL, would there be this big of an outcry, absolutely not.

As we crack down on this one athletes love of dog fighting we will continue to turn our heads, as a society, to dog fighting in the south, and escalate this one issue to front page news, but once it is over we as American’s will continue to turn our heads to individuals committing malicious acts to their animals daily. As Clinton Portis said “I’m from Laurel, Mississippi and I know a lot of back roads that have dog fighting if you want to go see it,” and the said thing is Portis wasn’t lying.

Portis was wrong for what he said but the truth is that Vick is just one person and dog fighting is much bigger then one man. I wish Vick was the only one out there, but sadly he isn’t, and until we step up consistently to these crimes as a society they will continue to happen daily.

Yes you have and you were wrong before and you're just as wrong now! NO ONE is talking about denying Vick his due process rights! Why do you keep saying that?

In regard to Kobe and the alleged rape....this is the difference. It has been known to happen that a female has alleged rape when actually the sex was consensual. The girl in CO was at least guilty of bad judgment by going alone at night to a room of a man whom she did not know. Now that bit of stupidity does not mean that she deserves to be raped. But she was the one who opted out of the trial. That is quite a bit different than in this dogfighting case. There is no he said-she said in the dogfighting allegations. The dogfighting happened; that is not up for discussion; the dead dogs were found buried; that is not for discussion; Vick owned the property where the crimes took place; that is not open for discussion. Vick may be able to buy his way out of these allegations, but the NFL/Atlanta Falcons/NFL advertisers have enough right now to suspend Vick and don't be surprised if that isn't exactly what happens before the NFL season begins. But don't worry, Vick will still get his due process rights. He may even get paid for this season, but he will need that money to pay his lawyers!

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Yes you have and you were wrong before and you're just as wrong now! NO ONE is talking about denying Vick his due process rights! Why do you keep saying that?

In regard to Kobe and the alleged rape....this is the difference. It has been known to happen that a female has alleged rape when actually the sex was consensual. The girl in CO was at least guilty of bad judgment by going alone at night to a room of a man whom she did not know. Now that bit of stupidity does not mean that she deserves to be raped. But she was the one who opted out of the trial. That is quite a bit different than in this dogfighting case. There is no he said-she said in the dogfighting allegations. The dogfighting happened; that is not up for discussion; the dead dogs were found buried; that is not for discussion; Vick owned the property where the crimes took place; that is not open for discussion. Vick may be able to buy his way out of these allegations, but the NFL/Atlanta Falcons/NFL advertisers have enough right now to suspend Vick and don't be surprised if that isn't exactly what happens before the NFL season begins. But don't worry, Vick will still get his due process rights. He may even get paid for this season, but he will need that money to pay his lawyers!

They were both he said she said testimony.. Someone saw Vick there and told the Feds... Same exact thing... They have never seen Vick doing it, the Feds that is...

And the girl worked at the Hotel I believe man... And you saying she made a mistake is outrageous and if your daughter has ever been raped I think you would feel differently...

Vick is wrong in being involved period... but we are blowing this up bigger then Kobe's situation and that is much worse IMO... and we have all began to forget about that.

And why do you think she opted out of the trial bro? Because of money? And because the media coverage possibly?

You are blowing this up and ignoring the other cases and you are probably one person who had no out cry against this until a major celebrity was said to be involved...

This is being sensationalized by the media and I knew it was going to happen but oh well that happens...

I just wish people cared more about issues like this when Celebrities weren't involved... And you probably have had no involvement in it outside of this dog fighting case...

Also can you stop with the his property thing... I have said this to you 100000 times...


Sep 21, 2001
Themanej, I can't stand seeing your posts anymore - let's make a wager that Vick is convicted and goes to jail - any amount you'd like - we can post up with any mod at this site or EOG - either put up for STFU

To those that think Vick can buy his way out of this - he is not being charged by any state - this is the United States versus Vick - he's fucked - there will be no deal for him - there are 3 other co-defendants who will be offered a deal to put Vick away - the government ALWAYS gets their man - Vick is going to jail - US Senators are involved now - and he's doing the time - there is no parole in federal prison.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Themanej, I can't stand seeing your posts anymore - let's make a wager that Vick is convicted and goes to jail - any amount you'd like - we can post up with any mod at this site or EOG - either put up for STFU

To those that think Vick can buy his way out of this - he is not being charged by any state - this is the United States versus Vick - he's fucked - there will be no deal for him - there are 3 other co-defendants who will be offered a deal to put Vick away - the government ALWAYS gets their man - Vick is going to jail - US Senators are involved now - and he's doing the time - there is no parole in federal prison.

Where did I say once that he wasn't going to be charged? Where did I say he was innocent?

Where did I say he wouldn't go to jail?

I never said any of those things you obviously aren't reading what I am saying. Actually you definitely aren't. I'm not even defending the man I actually think his actions have been awful. And if he is guilty I think he will go to jail... but I think this is a sensationalized media event and I find it humorous that you all suddenly care so much about dog fighting and are outraged and want to be a part of Peta and shit... when before this was sensationalized by the media you didn't care about it and never talked out against it.

It shouldn't take a celebrity for this shit to be disgusting and after this is over with you will continue, like many others, to turn your head daily to malicious acts against animals like I said...

Also I think it is humorous that we have forgotten about things like Kobe but say we will never live this down. Raping a female is a much bigger offense and Kobe was back to having the number one selling jersey in the NBA and back to a big time celebrity salesmen...

Nothing will ever change as long as it takes a celebrity for us to get outraged at things like this... Things won't change until we care about the average Joe doing this.
Sep 21, 2004
PETA couldn't buy advertising this good. This hideous underground gig is being exposed and it should be a spark to flush it out far beyond Vicks group of dirtbags.

People are going to go down hard-as they should.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Why don't you read this article and maybe then you will understand what I am trying to say...


"Man's best friend," I guess Michael Vick has never heard of this term in his 27 years of life. After months of speculation and discussion, Vick has been indicted on charges of dogfighting, but it goes much farther than that. It wasn't just the fighting that is going to drive football fans everywhere away from Michael Vick, it was the mutilation and murder of these dogs that will have everyone in America shaking their heads in disbelief.

Operation "Bad Newz Kennels," as it was called in the indictment, has more than just dogfighting barking up Vick's tree. Vick is said to have hung, drowned, and shot the pit bulls that were unable to fight anymore. When a child mutilates or murders an animal, that child is often said to be a future killer. When Vick is indicted for it, it is just another NFL player crossing the line.

Throughout the whole investigation and now the indictment, Vick has seemed to think he was invincible, or maybe he just actually thinks he is Superman, since he does have a tattoo of the superhero on his arm. Either Vick has just been arrogant, or very uniformed about the evidence surrounding the investigation, because he's shown no fear knowing that his name was being discussed openly by police.

At first when this story broke, I thought to myself, "Why would Michael Vick need to fight dogs?" But now I ask, "why not?" Vick is one of many athletes today that the media has built up to invincible status, not just as a player but as a human being as well. Vick is the biggest sports figure in Atlanta and has been a highly touted athlete his entire life. He has been told he is the greatest for years and has put himself above the law. Vick does what Vick wants and that mentality will never die until we, as American's, stop spoon feeding these athletes our money and love.

The NFL has taught us that these athletes are just as flawed, if not more so, than us "every day" individuals. Vick's indictment is just another law possibly broken by an athlete in society, and if you look more closely, you will notice the media's reckless coverage of the situation. The story is everywhere and is now being broadcast on the nightly news.

Vick has remained calm throughout the situation and, in a way, has acted like it never even happened. He doesn't fear these charges and certainly doesn't feel for these animals that he has brutally murdered.

Even as we crack down on this one athlete in particular, as a society we will continue to turn out heads away from dogfighting in the south, caring only when the big named athlete is involved. This is a major problem in some areas of the country. As Clinton Portis said, "I'm from Laurel, Mississippi and I know a lot of back roads that have dog fighting if you want to see it." Sadly, Portis isn't lying.

Portis was wrong for what he said when commenting on the severeness of the situation, but the truth is that Vick is just one person and dogfighting is a much bigger problem than one man will ever be. I wish Vick was the only one out there, but he isn't, and until we step up to these crimes consistently, they will keep happening. It's sad to know that people across the country are scared to let their dogs roam free in their yards for the fear that someone will steal them and use them for their own entertainment.

The face of an NFL franchise is now in the hands of a malicious dogfighter. As the Falcons ponder how to deal with Vick, the NFL may have a tougher task. Do they suspend Vick and risk his innocence being revealed down the road? Can commissioner Goodell take his biggest stance yet and suspend one of the league's most recognizable names and faces for these horrific accusations? Vick may have barked up the wrong tree this time as it seems that Goodell is tired of the thug image that the NFL is developing. After Goodell finishes his meeting with him, Michael Vick may have plenty of time to play video games with his criminally minded brother, Marcus. Or maybe they can just give Pacman Jones a call.

New member
Jun 1, 2006
Themanej, I can't stand seeing your posts anymore - let's make a wager that Vick is convicted and goes to jail - any amount you'd like - we can post up with any mod at this site or EOG - either put up for STFU

To those that think Vick can buy his way out of this - he is not being charged by any state - this is the United States versus Vick - he's fucked - there will be no deal for him - there are 3 other co-defendants who will be offered a deal to put Vick away - the government ALWAYS gets their man - Vick is going to jail - US Senators are involved now - and he's doing the time - there is no parole in federal prison.

Since you obviously know your shit, how long will Vick be sentenced in jail? Give me an O/U let's start wagering on that shit.
Sep 21, 2004
Operation "Bad Newz Kennels," as it was called in the indictment, has more than just dogfighting barking up Vick's tree. Vick is said to have hung, drowned, and shot the pit bulls that were unable to fight anymore.

Well, if they have witnesses willing to testify to that, you can get out the KY, because he's fucked.

I get the impression that some arms have been twisted & at least one person is already talking.

:howdy: Screwed

Sep 21, 2001
Since you obviously know your shit, how long will Vick be sentenced in jail? Give me an O/U let's start wagering on that shit.

I really don't know - I believe the most time under the current charges is 6 years - it will be less than that - sentencing will depend on several things (assuming there is a conviction) - #1 being priors - I don't know his criminal history but I'd be shocked if he does not have some sort of prior convictions - maybe 2 years or so but who knows - he's public enemy #1 and this ain't going away any time soon - I'd like to see him do 5 years and waste his entire career.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Vick: "I love dogs...."

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Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I really don't know - I believe the most time under the current charges is 6 years - it will be less than that - sentencing will depend on several things (assuming there is a conviction) - #1 being priors - I don't know his criminal history but I'd be shocked if he does not have some sort of prior convictions - maybe 2 years or so but who knows - he's public enemy #1 and this ain't going away any time soon - I'd like to see him do 5 years and waste his entire career.

You guaranteed he would be convicted so it isn't assuming a conviction... you already know he is getting convicted remember...

Also Vick has no priors... Have you even read the whole indictment or are you just saying things without being knowledgeable on the subject. Or maybe you are just listening to the press... Maybe you should read the indictment and then come back and call me an idiot and say you will bet anything...

But I know you struggle with reading because you didn't read one thing I wrote obviously.... Because I never said he wouldn't get convicted and now you will ignore me and say it is because i'm an idiot... but really it is because you were wrong in calling me out.

Sep 21, 2001
I already told you - I am of the opinion him will be convicted or plea guilty to a charge carrying a prison sentence - like I said - any amount of money you want I am willing to wager - I have a hard time believing that Michael Vick has never been convicted of a misdemeanor.

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