PETA protests NFL office in NY and quarterback Michael Vick


I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
once again , Ray Lewis , OJ , and Jayson Williams ... all involved in MURDER of Humans ... All released without Jail time ... Williams shot a guy in the chest with a shotgun with 2 eyewitnesses on hand and never even sniffed county ...

Now Vick who killed a few dogs ( off of heresay ) is gonna do up to 6 years ?? Fat Chance ... Probation tops , and I bet he passes for over 2000 yds this year and rushes for over 500 ... ( the games he misses will be from injury not suspension )

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
I already told you - I am of the opinion him will be convicted or plea guilty to a charge carrying a prison sentence - like I said - any amount of money you want I am willing to wager - I have a hard time believing that Michael Vick has never been convicted of a misdemeanor.

Well if he was convicted of a misdemeanor before the age of 18 it would be erased from his record.... So it would have to have been since he was in college or the pro's...

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
Kobe was sitting in Court then flying to games the same day .... Ray Lewis was MVP of the Superbowl the year he was charged with Murder ...

New member
Sep 21, 2004

How can you say there's no parole in the federal prison system? I've had several friends on parole after serving time in federal prison.... I don't condone what Vick did but our prison's are overcrowded enough without putting people in jail for dogfighting..... they'll probably parole a sex offender if they have to make room for Vick. Which would you rather have on the streets?

And as for the people upset about dogfighting goes, then you all should be upset at horse racing and grayhound racing too. Anyone have any idea how many 'retired' greyhounds end up dead each year? Or how many race horses end up as dinner on French tables each year? And if you're supporting PETA then you damn sure better get ready to give up fried chicken, steak and trout for dinner. PETA doesn't approve of any of those things either.

I"ve owned several pitbulls and I think they're a marvelous breed of dog. I never fought mine or trained them to fight. But I have had to take them to the vet when they got into fights with each other. It comes naturally to them just like a lab goes after a duck decoy when you throw it. The sad reality of life is that some people like to gamble on who has the 'baddest' dog. It's this type of mentality that has hurt the breed over the last few years. I know there will be several posters jump all over this post but I could give two shits about what people that have never owned a bulldog say about the breed. Do I think they should be fought? NO. Do I think anyone should go to prison over fighting them? NO, no more so than I think anyone breeding racehorses should go to jail. Do I think Vick's an asshole for fighting his dogs? YES...

Sep 21, 2001
once again , Ray Lewis , OJ , and Jayson Williams ... all involved in MURDER of Humans ... All released without Jail time ... Williams shot a guy in the chest with a shotgun with 2 eyewitnesses on hand and never even sniffed county ...

Now Vick who killed a few dogs ( off of heresay ) is gonna do up to 6 years ?? Fat Chance ... Probation tops , and I bet he passes for over 2000 yds this year and rushes for over 500 ... ( the games he misses will be from injury not suspension )

I understand your reasoning - but you are unaware of state cases versus federal cases - two totally different animals - the federal government has resources out the ass and stops at nothing - virtually everyone is convicted when tried by the US -you are aware that the President's boyfriend was recently convicted and sentenced - I would imagine that Libby has just slightly more pull than Vick.

Sep 21, 2001

How can you say there's no parole in the federal prison system? I've had several friends on parole after serving time in federal prison.... I don't condone what Vick did but our prison's are overcrowded enough without putting people in jail for dogfighting..... they'll probably parole a sex offender if they have to make room for Vick. Which would you rather have on the streets?

And as for the people upset about dogfighting goes, then you all should be upset at horse racing and grayhound racing too. Anyone have any idea how many 'retired' greyhounds end up dead each year? Or how many race horses end up as dinner on French tables each year? And if you're supporting PETA then you damn sure better get ready to give up fried chicken, steak and trout for dinner. PETA doesn't approve of any of those things either.

I"ve owned several pitbulls and I think they're a marvelous breed of dog. I never fought mine or trained them to fight. But I have had to take them to the vet when they got into fights with each other. It comes naturally to them just like a lab goes after a duck decoy when you throw it. The sad reality of life is that some people like to gamble on who has the 'baddest' dog. It's this type of mentality that has hurt the breed over the last few years. I know there will be several posters jump all over this post but I could give two shits about what people that have never owned a bulldog say about the breed. Do I think they should be fought? NO. Do I think anyone should go to prison over fighting them? NO, no more so than I think anyone breeding racehorses should go to jail. Do I think Vick's an asshole for fighting his dogs? YES...

How can I say there is no parole in the federal prison system? Um, because there isn't. The best one can get is 85% of the sentence with good behavior - the 15% reduction is not parole - it is a reward for good behaivor - if you love prisoners and feel they don't have enough rights tell your representatives to vote to pass the following proposed legislation - because until then - there is no parole in federal prison.

Urgent Action Alert
H.R. 3072 - "A bill to revive the system of parole for Federal prisoners."

Sep 21, 2001
Max, either your friends are liars or they were in state prison. Again:
Petition for Federal Parole -- How you can help

In the spring of 2002, the November Coalition presented and began organizing around a simple demand for a return to parole or increase in good time for federal prisoners. Called, The Petition for Relief from Drug War Injustice, our membership is convinced that we need relief -- something that would reduce the harm of present long, mandatory sentences.
At the same time we adamantly have encouraged proposals that include the nonviolent person serving life without parole; and that rehabilitation and reentry programs be available to all prisoners regardless of race and class. The petition, a simple vehicle to ensure legislation returning systems of early release to federal prisoners, gives our members opportunities to discuss the dismal failure of the war on drugs and the stark realities of a policy that makes a problem worse, instead of making people safer.
By mid-summer of 2002 Representative Patsy Mink (D-HI) had introduced a bill to revive parole. A few short weeks later, the honorable Patsy Mink had passed away due to complications from chicken pox. Since her death the bill has returned to Congress, with different Bill Numbers, but the same intent -- to give federal prisoners a way to earn an early release. The current Congress, the 110th has not yet seen a bill to create earned, early release, or a return to parole.
Share the Petition for Relief successfully within your circle of friends, neighbors and your entire community. Download the Petition (.pdf), and ask others to help gather signatures of support for significant increase in "good time" eligibility and/or a return to federal parole. Add this website page address to your e-mails, with request for people to sign on to returning federal parole, and become a member of the November Coalition today.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

A couple of friends of mine were sentenced on federal bookmaking charges, did time in a federal facility and then had to see a parole officer for almost a year..... and this was around 2002. Maybe there's no parole on federal drug charges but my friends had to see a parole officer after they were released.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
They were both he said she said testimony.. Someone saw Vick there and told the Feds... Same exact thing... They have never seen Vick doing it, the Feds that is...

And the girl worked at the Hotel I believe man... And you saying she made a mistake is outrageous and if your daughter has ever been raped I think you would feel differently...

Vick is wrong in being involved period... but we are blowing this up bigger then Kobe's situation and that is much worse IMO... and we have all began to forget about that.

And why do you think she opted out of the trial bro? Because of money? And because the media coverage possibly?

You are blowing this up and ignoring the other cases and you are probably one person who had no out cry against this until a major celebrity was said to be involved...

This is being sensationalized by the media and I knew it was going to happen but oh well that happens...

I just wish people cared more about issues like this when Celebrities weren't involved... And you probably have had no involvement in it outside of this dog fighting case...

Also can you stop with the his property thing... I have said this to you 100000 times...


WOW...You are one obtuse individual! I don't even know where to start or whether I should even bother trying to reason with someone so obviously stupid as you. But what the hell...

OK, first off, I will give you that there is some he said-he said in this case obviously, Vick will say one thing and the witnesses will say their thing, but the 3 things I mentioned are NOT he said-he said type of testimony, they are cold hard facts....

"The dogfighting happened; that is not up for discussion; the dead dogs were found buried; that is not for discussion; Vick owned the property where the crimes took place; that is not open for discussion."

...Now for some reason you don't think that Vick owning this property where the alleged crimes occurred is relevant. But it is relevant. Vick has some degree of culpability just by owning the property; granted he has more liability if he can be proved to be at the house. That will have to be determined at trial but the FACT that he owns the property has already been determined. Likewise with the dogs and dogfighting paraphanelia found on the property and the 33 dead dog carcasses that have been found on the property...these are FACTS. No reasonable person (which apparently eliminates you) would ever suggest that the Feds would actually have to see the crime occurring for it to be a said...
"They have never seen Vick doing it, the Feds that is..."

Now your next statement just really aggravates me...
"And the girl worked at the Hotel I believe man... And you saying she made a mistake is outrageous and if your daughter has ever been raped I think you would feel differently..."
...I do have a daughter and I would not feel any differently. If you go alone into a stranger's hotel room, you have already made a mistake. Like I posted earlier, that does not mean you deserve to be raped, but you have already made a mistake. What the hell is outrageous about that statement?

We agree that Vick is wrong being involved in this in any way; but I don't see the point in comparing this to Kobe or any other crime. Vick is wrong; and unfortunately for him, he just happens to be wrong in being involved in a crime that just about everyone agrees is horrific. Vick is toast in this situation; one could almost feel sorry for him, almost but not quite...maybe after he serves 6 years in prison and loses everything he has.

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
Why is everyone so up in arms over this Michael Vick case ? Well I believe I at the very least have one of the answers. Let's just go to the cases of murders and rapes of grown adults verses murder and rapes of young children. There is more of an outrage when such crimes are commited on children than when the crimes are commited on adults. Why ? I believe that when such crimes happen to children, the criminal is taking advantage of a trusting and pretty much defenseless human being. I'm not saying that the crimes against the adults are any less horrific but against the children it is always a case of defenseless victims.
In the case of animals I believe the same nature of the crime exists as the victims are always trusting and defenseless ! Ask any warden or ex Con and they will quickly tell you that their is a code in our prison system in which the Sex offenders against Children sit at the bottom of the barrell as they should be !
In this particular case I believe Michael Vick's endorsement days are over forever much the same as O J's was and I don't think it really will matter if He somehow can buy his way out of doing jail time. Peta is not alone in condemning cruelty to animals and that is why there is such an outrage.
I hope that this case will bring about an open investigation into other such rings of dogfighting in the South or wherever it is taking place. I will donate some Money to Peta to pursue this cause and for all those that say Peta is a bunch of animal fanatics ...... I guess I also fall into that category !

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
I wonder how this one fared in it's match


New member
Sep 9, 2006
He's a disgrace...If I'm Arthur Blank, I'd have a hard time sleeping at night knowing an employee of mine, that I pay millions of dollars to, is involved in such dispicable acts...

I hope the big corporate sponsers that the Falcons have pull the plug on their sponsorship.

Arthur Blank doesn't give a rat's ass about Mike Vick's personal life. He only is concerned if it effects his business. This time, I think it qualifies but if Vick had been able to keep this shit under raps and won SuperBowls for the man, he'd sleep just fine.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Kerry wants NFL to suspend Vick

The Massachusetts senator will introduce legislation to crack down on dogfighting.

July 21, 2007
<!--topix anchor link under dateline on story begin--> <!--topix anchor end-->WASHINGTON -- Sen. John Kerry called Friday for the immediate suspension of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and promised legislation aimed at cracking down on illegal dogfighting.

The Massachusetts Democrat said Vick's alleged role in a dogfighting ring in Surry and the reported torture and killing of dogs warrant the football star's immediate suspension from the National Football League.

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"I am deeply disturbed by the indictment of Michael Vick for dogfighting charges," Kerry wrote in a letter to National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell. "I urge you to treat this issue with the utmost seriousness as the case progresses. In light of the seriousness of the charges, I believe that Mr. Vick should be suspended from the League, effective immediately."

Kerry also said he would introduce legislation aimed at eliminating dogfighting. Although the practice is already illegal, Kerry said he hopes to crack down on dogfighting by making it illegal to transmit images of fights, to run Web sites that cater to dogfighting, or to own or train dogs for the purpose of fighting.

His intervention in the Vick case marked the second time a federal lawmaker has weighed in on the matter in as many days.

In a Senate speech Thursday, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., assailed dogfighting as "barbaric" and urged a crackdown.

While declining to address the Vick case directly - Byrd noted that Vick has not yet been tried - the Senate's longest-serving member delivered an emotional condemnation of dogfighting.

"I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt," Byrd said.

Federal agents have charged Vick and three others with sponsoring a gruesome dogfighting operation in which some dogs were later electrocuted or hanged. Vick will be arraigned next week in a federal court in Richmond.

Vick's notoriety prompted Nike on Thursday to suspend the release of its latest shoe, the Air Zoom Vick V, named after the Falcons quarterback.

Congress has passed legislation making it a felony to move fighting dogs across state lines, with penalties of three years in jail and up to $250,000 in fines, per violation, according to the Humane Society of the United States.

The dogfighting investigation began last spring after a drug-related raid on a home Vick owns in Surry County, in which investigators found 66 dogs and equipment used in fighting. Vick, 27, did not live on the 15-acre property near the Isle of Wight County line, and has said he was not involved in dogfighting.

"Dogfighting is one of society's most barbaric and inhumane activities," Kerry wrote in his letter. "The dogs are mistreated, starved and conditioned for aggression, and then allowed to literally destroy one another in the ring. As we have read in the Vick indictment, poor-performing dogs are tortured, maimed and killed. This illegal and despicable activity has no place in a civilized society."

Although it is illegal, the gruesome sport attracts 40,000 fans in the United States, according to a Humane Society estimate cited by Kerry.

In a letter to Goodell in May, the Humane Society urged the NFL to crack down on dogfighting among its players.

"We believe that the current situation involving Michael Vick is indicative of a larger subculture within the NFL of dogfighting and other forms of violence against animals," wrote Humane Society President Wayne Pacelle. He cited former NFL player LeShon Johnson, who was convicted of illegal dogfighting after a raid in Oklahoma, and former Dallas Cowboys lineman Nate Newton, who was once arrested at a dogfight, among others.


New member
Sep 9, 2006
Why is everyone so up in arms over this Michael Vick case ? Well I believe I at the very least have one of the answers. Let's just go to the cases of murders and rapes of grown adults verses murder and rapes of young children. There is more of an outrage when such crimes are commited on children than when the crimes are commited on adults. Why ? I believe that when such crimes happen to children, the criminal is taking advantage of a trusting and pretty much defenseless human being. I'm not saying that the crimes against the adults are any less horrific but against the children it is always a case of defenseless victims.
In the case of animals I believe the same nature of the crime exists as the victims are always trusting and defenseless ! Ask any warden or ex Con and they will quickly tell you that their is a code in our prison system in which the Sex offenders against Children sit at the bottom of the barrell as they should be !
In this particular case I believe Michael Vick's endorsement days are over forever much the same as O J's was and I don't think it really will matter if He somehow can buy his way out of doing jail time. Peta is not alone in condemning cruelty to animals and that is why there is such an outrage.
I hope that this case will bring about an open investigation into other such rings of dogfighting in the South or wherever it is taking place. I will donate some Money to Peta to pursue this cause and for all those that say Peta is a bunch of animal fanatics ...... I guess I also fall into that category !

I think you have a valid point there and it is a factor, no question. The defensivelessness of an animal as a child is a factor. However, adult or child, the death of human has to outweight the death of an animal. Sorry PETA, not to downplay but we as a society do have a heirarchy.

Another reason I think everyone is in such an outrage is because alot of people know or felt they knew the "type" of individual Mike Vick along with his brother Marcus was/is. This incident is a culmination of Vicks antics going back years. Let's face it, Vick has not endured himself to fans by flipping them off. He's not endured himself to fans by playing like shit in football games. He was supposed to be the savior for this franchise and 7 years later the Falcons have nothing to show for it. So you have all of these incidents which have soured the majority of fans. Remember, after the water bottle incident, the fans here in GA wanted to trade his ass to Oakland.

Now comes the dog fighting incident. Last straw. People have just had enough.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Virginia will seek indictment against Vick too

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 07/20/07

Surry, Va. — Commonwealth attorney Gerald Poindexter will seek an indictment against Falcons quarterback Michael Vick this year, possibly as soon as September.

Poindexter told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Thursday that since Vick has been federally indicted, Poindexter expects to seek indictments for dogfighting and killing dogs, both state felonies. Poindexter said he will proceed now that county and federal investigators say they have located witnesses that can link Vick and his co-defendants to dogfighting.
concern is that dogs were fought in Surry County," Poindexter said. "I'm interested in what is alleged to be the killing of dogs and dogfighting."

His 34-year-old son John Poindexter, a Washington lawyer who just finished a tour of duty in Iraq, said his father has been unjustly attacked by those who say he has balked at prosecuting Vick.

"I think my father is in a difficult position," the younger Poindexter said. "I know if he believes Michael Vick committed this felony, he is going to do everything he can to prosecute him — vigorously. He is going to handle it the right way.

"It took the federal government six or seven weeks to indict, and he doesn't have anything close to their resources."

Poindexter said the pressure of the investigation, which began in April, has been tough.

"I've never been in so much stress in my life," Poindexter said. "I receive hate mail. People tell me they wish I was dead. They say, 'Why did you let him fight dogs or mistreat dogs out there?' Well, we didn't have any evidence they were fighting or mistreating dogs."

Almost all the dogs on Vick's property appeared healthy and happy, not abused or vicious Poindexter said. There was little evidence that proved a crime.

Poindexter noted that the physical evidence unveiled so far in the Vick case, while damming to the public, is weak when it comes to actually proving a crime. The treadmills and other equipment found of the property are associated with training fighting dogs, but not illegal themselves.

Some neighbors said they never had a clue that dog fighting occurred on the property.

Earnest Hardy Sr., 56, who lives next door to the property, said he never got any indication of any illegal activity and the dogs in Vick's kennels were relatively quiet. He said another neighbor's dozen hunting dogs made more noise.

"I'd bet 100 dollars that no local resident has attended a dogfight on Vick's property because people would have heard of it," Poindexter said. "This is a small community, and people know things. It's like any country community."

But, he said, blood smears in a room above the garage indicate that dogs fought there, and federal investigators uncovered graves of dogs.

If witnesses link the buried carcasses or fighting to Vick or his associates they will be indicted, Poindexter said.

"You have to have evidence that shows dogfighting occurred in Surry County," he said. "People don't seem to be able to grasp that."

New member
Jan 31, 2007
I've lent my opinion to this topic before and will continue to stand by Due Process...

My only problem with all this out cry is that Kobe Bryant, more then likely raped a young female and the out cry was not as close to this.

Let me ask you guys this question. If you found out someone raped your daughter, or you found out someone killed your dog which would piss you off more. In this society the media is sensationalizing a topic once again and there is no way he will be suspended for his life.

Here is why, because Kobe was able to buy his way out of his conviction which is fine but after thinking about this and reading the case that Kobe had himself into, I am pretty sure the female was raped in some way or form. But we have forgotten about these deeds and Kobe is back on top again. Vick will never be back on top, and deservingly so, but shouldn't Kobe be outcried against more then Vick.

We as a society love Animals, especially our dogs, but we need to understand that the media is going to talk up this story till no end. What Vick did was awful and unforgivable but so is what Kobe did. Kobe wasn't suspended at all because he got out of his case, more then likely by paying a large lump sum, and the problem is Vick can't get out that easily because he is up against the government.

Ask yourself this question if Ray Carruth was released from jail tomorrow and playing in the NFL, would there be this big of an outcry, absolutely not.

As we crack down on this one athletes love of dog fighting we will continue to turn our heads, as a society, to dog fighting in the south, and escalate this one issue to front page news, but once it is over we as American’s will continue to turn our heads to individuals committing malicious acts to their animals daily. As Clinton Portis said “I’m from Laurel, Mississippi and I know a lot of back roads that have dog fighting if you want to go see it,” and the said thing is Portis wasn’t lying.

Portis was wrong for what he said but the truth is that Vick is just one person and dog fighting is much bigger then one man. I wish Vick was the only one out there, but sadly he isn’t, and until we step up consistently to these crimes as a society they will continue to happen daily.
For one, why don't you ask the victim's family what they would think about ray c. playing in the nfl again? There would be a total outcry as well. IMO. As for kobe and that girl he had sex with is 100% completly different when you are dealing with two "so called" adult's and dog's that ARE BEING FORCED to fight till their death for no apparent reason. I only wish you had a heart my friend that you might be able to see the truth behind this horrible cruelty that these dog's should never have to go through.

New member
Jan 31, 2007
They were both he said she said testimony.. Someone saw Vick there and told the Feds... Same exact thing... They have never seen Vick doing it, the Feds that is...

And the girl worked at the Hotel I believe man... And you saying she made a mistake is outrageous and if your daughter has ever been raped I think you would feel differently...

Vick is wrong in being involved period... but we are blowing this up bigger then Kobe's situation and that is much worse IMO... and we have all began to forget about that.

And why do you think she opted out of the trial bro? Because of money? And because the media coverage possibly?

You are blowing this up and ignoring the other cases and you are probably one person who had no out cry against this until a major celebrity was said to be involved...

This is being sensationalized by the media and I knew it was going to happen but oh well that happens...

I just wish people cared more about issues like this when Celebrities weren't involved... And you probably have had no involvement in it outside of this dog fighting case...

Also can you stop with the his property thing... I have said this to you 100000 times...

His NAME is on the title= HIS HOUSE. Or can't you read english?

Sep 21, 2001
Max, your friends recieved a sentence AND probation - after release they has to check in from time to time with their probation officer - who keeps an eye on them - how long did your friends do for accepting wagers?

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