Not a good week to be William Barr


Sep 21, 2004
Barr is the best! Bar none ! Democrats are very bad people IMO!cheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgif

New member
Aug 28, 2012
We saw this coming... In classic Liberal fashion:


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
beauty quote by Barr .... guessing he isn't having such a bad week ;)

[FONT=&quot]“Just like we need to ensure that foreign actors don’t influence the outcome of our elections, we need to ensure that the government doesn’t use its powers to put a thumb on the scale.”[/FONT]

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Ha, ya think???

James ComeyVerified account @ComeyFollowFollow

The AG should stop sliming his own Department. If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally and then tell us what you found. An AG must act like the leader of the Department of Justice, an organization based on truth. Donald Trump has enough spokespeople.

James ComeyVerified account @ComeyFollowFollow

The president claiming the FBI’s investigation was “TREASON“ reminds me that a Russian once said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” That shouldn’t happen in America. Who will stand up?


How long before this scumbag starts squealing on Obama and Crooked Hillary?



Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Donger goes to the beach, then he learned there was water there

Not happy, back to mommy's basement I suppose


Nov 23, 2004
We saw this coming... In classic Liberal fashion:


Do I have to come back here once a day for the rest of my life or something?

You do realize that Barr's testimony during his confirmation is going to be a bit of a problem for Cheeto Mussolini right?

"If a prosecutor showed that there was a quid pro quo by which by which somebody gives something of value in return to induce a false testimony..."

"Would that be a crime?"


Fast-forward to a couple days ago...

No other details were provided in the filing, but the Mueller report noted that President Donald Trump's personal lawyer left a voicemail message for Flynn in late November 2017 that addressed the possibility of him cooperating with the government.

"t wouldn't surprise me if you've gone on to make a deal with ... the government," the attorney said in the voicemail message, according to Mueller.

f... there's information that implicates the President, then we've got a national security issue [so] ... we need some kind of heads-up. Just for the sake of protecting all our interests if we can .... [R]emember what we've always said about the President and his feelings toward Flynn and, that still remains."

In a separate court filing, Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered federal prosecutors to file a transcript of the voicemail message, as well as transcripts of any other recordings of Flynn including his conversations with Russian officials.

Sounds like Barr's version of obstruction to me.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
PURE BRILLIANCE: How AG Barr Outsmarted Mueller and His ‘Pitbull’ Weissmann and Shut Down the Russia Hoax

by Joe Hoft May 25, 2019 304 Comments


AG Barr outsmarted Robert Mueller and his ‘pitbull‘ Andrew Weissmann to end the Russia Hoax. And, he did this all in one weekend.

Here’s how he did it.

One of the first things that Bill Barr did after being appointed President Trump’s new Attorney General on Valentine’s Day in 2019, was to meet with Robert Mueller and his team. Barr stated that he and Mueller met a couple weeks after his appointment –

Barr, in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that he and the Justice Department’s No. 2 official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, met with Mueller as early as March 5 to discuss the findings of the special counsel’s probe, which was nearing its conclusion after nearly two years.

Mueller had been tapped to probe Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, potential collusion between the Kremlin and President Donald Trump’s campaign, and possible obstruction of justice by the president.

At the March 5 meeting, Mueller indicated that he and his team of more than a dozen prosecutors would not bring charges against the president for obstruction – but they wouldn’t exonerate him.

“We were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction, and we asked them a lot on the reasoning behind this and the basis for this,” Barr testified. “We did not understand exactly why the special counsel was not reaching a decision, and when we pressed him on it, he said that his team was still formulating the explanation.”

Barr then apparently requested that Mueller (no Mueller’s not a man of integrity – his appointments to the Special Counsel absolutely prove it- Weissmann, Strzok, Page, Rhee, etc…) complete his report and provide it with all grand jury items notated.

Barr was also smart enough to keep DAG Rod Rosenstein on until the Special Counsel was over.
It’s unknown why Rosenstein agreed to do this. We know Rosenstein’s actions were corrupt. He approved the members of the Mueller team, in spite of their numerous conflicts, in direct obstruction with the law. Rosenstein hired Mueller who had obvious conflicts, the day after Mueller was turned down for FBI Director.

And, we now know that Rosenstein did not replace Mueller in spite of President Trump’s requests to put someone over the investigation who wasn’t conflicted. Despite all this, Barr kept Rosenstein on so that he could have a co-signer on his four page announcement of Mueller’s conclusions.

Mueller next tried to put President Trump and his AG Barr a precarious position. He and Weissmann decided to provide Barr a report with no grand jury items notated in spite of Barr requesting that Mueller provide this information. No doubt Mueller and Weissmann wanted to put Barr in a bind. They did this so that they and Democrats could complain about Barr taking too long to release the report and accuse Barr of editing the report. This is where Barr masterfully handled Mueller and his corrupt team’s political actions.

Barr in a matter of a couple days, took the Mueller report and drafted a separate report on March 24, 2019. He stated yesterday that he knew Americans were eager to read the Mueller report and he wanted to get the message out with conclusions of the report. Barr explained that this was not a summary and rather a report with Mueller report conclusions. Barr reported that Mueller found no evidence of collusion. He used quotes from the Mueller report.

Barr then did something that will go down in history as one of the boldest, most courageous and smartest moves of anyone in the past century to save the republic.
Barr released a report noting that he and Rod Rosenstein looked at the evidence presented by Mueller on obstruction and
in three short paragraphs he explained that he and Rosenstein came to the conclusion that there is no legal reason to indict the President on obstruction [emphasis added] –

The report’s second part addresses a number of actions by the President – most of which have been the subject of public reporting – that the Special Counsel investigated as potentially raising obstruction-of-justice concerns. After making a “thorough factual investigation” into these matters, the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under Department standards governing prosecution and declination decisions but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion – one way or the other – as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as “difficult issues” of law and fact concerning whether the President’s actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime. Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s office engaged in discussions with certain Department officials regarding many of the legal and factual matters at issue in the Special Counsel’s obstruction investigation. After reviewing the Special Counsel’s final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.[SUP]2
In making this determination, we noted that the Special Counsel recognized that “the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference,” and that, while not determinative, the absence of such evidence bears upon the President’s intent with respect to obstruction. Generally speaking, to obtain and sustain an obstruction conviction, the government would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person, acting with corrupt intent, engaged in obstructive conduct with a sufficient nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding. In cataloguing the President’s actions, many of which took place in public view, the report identifies no actions that, in our judgment, constitute obstructive conduct, had a nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding, and were done with corrupt intent, each of which, under the Department’s principles of federal prosecution guiding charging decisions, would need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to establish an obstruction-of-justice offense.

Boom Mueller’s plan to provide Congress with a report where the corrupt Democrat- led House would decide Trump’s guilt on obstruction was gone – Barr killed it – and he had Deep State Rosenstein sign off on it as well! He rightly assessed that the President did not obstruct justice!

The next plan from the Deep State and the Mueller team to accomplish their coup was to include shady information about President Trump and other innocent individuals (suspected of being Trump family members like Donald Trump Jr.). They did this in providing Barr a 400 page report that should have been concluded in two pages. Mueller and Weissmann included numerous questionable actions by the President and others in the report. This was a horrible precedent that Mueller set and will go down as one of the most corrupt actions in US history. Barr handled this by redacting information on innocent individuals and he had Rosenstein and the Mueller team agree to the redactions.

In another act to prevent unnecessary damage to President Trump, and manage the message from the full Mueller report, Barr again was brilliant. He held a presser with Rod Rosenstein and explained what he was releasing and the report in general. Barr released the Mueller report after holding presser and stopped the Democrats’ attempts to run the narrative on the report.

A big point that Barr addressed before the Senate was that President Trump never attempted to shut down the investigation as was inferred in the Mueller report. The report refers to many incidents like this that never should have been in the report. He explained that the President (rightfully) asked to have conflicted Mueller replaced. Rosenstein never did it and the President never removed Mueller. Another Deep State tactic ended.

But perhaps the greatest move that Barr took in ending the Mueller investigation happened before he was even appointed Attorney General.

An excellent analysis by Will Chamberlain at Human Events discussed the process before Barr was selected as Attorney General. After Rosenstein created the Mueller Special Counsel in 2017 the Trump team believed that the investigation would soon be over, so the President and his team provided all the information that Mueller asked for thinking that the investigation would soon be over based on the fact that the President never colluded with any Russians during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

However, after a few months and based on responses from the Mueller gang, the Trump team realized that Mueller wasn’t interested in collusion, they were going for obstruction. So the Trump team in response argued that the Mueller could not indict President Trump for obstruction, not only because he is President and the law prevents Presidents from being indicted during their term in office, but more importantly because the law does not provide for obstruction in the manner Mueller and his pitbull were indicating.

So the Trump team argued this with Mueller but were ignored. So next the Trump team, as suspected by Chamberlain, reached out to members in the legal community to opine on the obstruction law. At this point, former Attorney General Barr, who served under George Herbert Bush, provided a document where he argued that the law that Mueller was attempting to use to indict President Trump was being bastardized.

Barr argued that the law used by Mueller was being used too broadly. This letter from Barr was provided to Rosenstein who ignored it and allowed Mueller to continue their obstruction case using the obstruction law as they saw fit. Next came the 2018 election and then President Trump removed worthless AG Sessions.
Chamberlain noted

The day after the midterms, Jeff Sessions was asked for his resignation. Less than a month later, Bill Barr was nominated as his replacement. Everyone talked about how he was the “consensus choice” in the administration. No other candidate was ever seriously floated.

Trump appointed Barr and he was eventually sworn in on Valentine’s Day 2019. After Barr met with Mueller and Mueller quickly provided his report, Barr responded immediately with his four page report. But the surprise to Mueller and Weissmann, who dedicated 20 pages in their report to the legality of bastardizing the obstruction clause, Barr never even touched it. He stayed away from arguing the legality of obstruction and said as noted above that Mueller’s evidence didn’t establish obstruction because they couldn’t establish intent.

AG Bill Barr outsmarted Mueller and his pitbull, ended the Russia Collusion Delusion and saved the country.

Nov 23, 2004
Barr in summary letter:

"Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president."

Mueller statement today:

"The introduction to the Volume II of our report explains that decision. It explains that under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that, too, is prohibited. A special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice, and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. The department’s written opinion explaining the policy makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation."


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Barr in summary letter:

"Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president."

Mueller statement today:

"The introduction to the Volume II of our report explains that decision. It explains that under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that, too, is prohibited. A special counsel’s office is part of the Department of Justice, and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. The department’s written opinion explaining the policy makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation."


Are we gonna find out when Mueller testifies later this month??? Or is it in the court documents??? :pointer:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Barr is WINNING, the fucking idiots batting zero zero zero don't even know how to play the game

Now who or what does that remind you of? Poker fraud making millions of dollars playing a game he said he doesn't know how to play. But his wife let him quit his job to play that very game "professionally "

You just can't make shit this stupid up.

It's genetics, and ours are SUPERIOR.

Nov 23, 2004
Barr is WINNING, the fucking idiots batting zero zero zero don't even know how to play the game

Now who or what does that remind you of? Poker fraud making millions of dollars playing a game he said he doesn't know how to play. But his wife let him quit his job to play that very game "professionally "

You just can't make shit this stupid up.

It's genetics, and ours are SUPERIOR.

LOL talk about un-hinged

I guess it hasn't been a good news day for you or your Grand Orange Wizard -- you're entitled to a bit of a freakout

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