Kari Lake


Jun 4, 2018
Why do you keep spouting insane bullshit without a shred of proof, or explain why the Republi-KUNTS never "bothered" to show the same while they were getting BUTT fucked in sixty odd "voter fraud" lawsuits, you stupid cunt? Cry them SALTY tears, Glazed PIGGY, and enjoy the 5 million dollar BUGGERING he just took from Carroll, with 2 more "on deck," the THIRTY-FOUR FELONY CHARGES coming up, all but certain indictments coming in both D.C. and Georgia, and, now it looks like he and Looney Rudy were involved in a 'Pay for Pardon" scheme.

SUCKS to be Glazed PIGGY, doesn't it, Scumbag? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead
Looks like @Dafinch got Bitch-Slapped AGAIN by @HamGlaze ?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Most of these fools have been on ignore for quite some time. What could they even be counter arguing with ?
Something to do with Trump ? Nevermind, I don't want to know..

Sep 22, 2007
Well I can’t see this as being acceptable if Kari Lake was declared the winner.

DEAD wrong AGAIN, Glazed PIGGY: today you took a pecker in your porcine tooter, all the way up to your rooter, lol.

AZCentral | The Arizona Republic

2 hours in and Kari Lake's trial is already over (or it should be)​

Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic
Wed, May 17, 2023 at 1:34 PM PDT·3 min read

Kari Lake arrives to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2023, Saturday, March 4, 2023, at National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Md. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Kari Lake arrives to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2023, Saturday, March 4, 2023, at National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Md. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Kari Lake on Wednesday opened her (second) trial challenging the 2022 election ... with a complete and total fizzle.
Her attorney, Kurt Olsen, told the judge he’d be presenting evidence that Maricopa County didn’t verify the voter signatures on “hundreds of thousands” of early ballots, instead hiring signature reviewers who just went through the motions while the county looked on.
“This isn’t a question of not doing it well enough,” he told judge. “They’re simply not doing signature verification.”
Then Olson called his first witness: A “whistleblower” who proceeded to annihilate Lake’s case.

Lake's star witness was great ... for the defense​

Jacqueline Onigkeit, who worked as a level one reviewer during last year’s election, spent more than an hour explaining the lengths to which county went to verify signatures — the weeklong training of workers, the two shifts of level one reviewers, three levels of signature review, the admonition to get it right.

“They (supervisors) told us, ‘You need to be very cautious. You need to pay attention to what you’re doing and remember that whatever you reject or approve, you can be called in to testify,’ ” Onigkeit testified.
As a witness for the defense, Onigkeit was dynamite.
The problem is, she was supposed to be the star witness for Lake.
Another view: Lake wins if she loses her court challenge
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson made it clear what Lake needs to do to win this, her second try at booting Gov. Katie Hobbs out of office.
“The Court can — and does — hold Plaintiff to her counsels’ representation of the scope of her claim at Trial, that no signature verification was conducted,” he wrote, in a ruling issued on Tuesday.
No signature verification.

Video also bolsters Maricopa County's case​

Two hours in and this trial is already over.
Or it should be.
Olsen, in his opening statement, told Thompson that signature reviewers were clicking through images of comparison signatures “as fast as they could tap the keyboard.”
As a result, he said, more than 274,000 ballots were approved in less than three seconds each.
Then he showed a video of a guy who appears to be doing just that.
What's next? Lake's signature verification dispute continues
It might have been an impressive visual — except for the fact that Deputy County Attorney Tom Liddy told the judge the guy was pulled from the job for not doing the job.
That just bolstered the county’s case that it was taking signature verification seriously.

This is more 'bust' than blockbuster​

As Lake’s “whistleblower” bolstered the county’s case.
Onigkeit told Thompson that signature reviewers were “bombarded” with ballots the day after the election but that they were repeatedly warned about moving too quickly.
Any signatures they rejected were kicked up to level two reviewers, who would sometimes kick them back for a second look.
But even then, she said, there was no pressure on level one reviewers to accept those signatures. Meanwhile, there was a third level of people auditing their work.
“I don’t know who worked level 3,” she testified. “I just know we were informed … that we were being audited every day and if we were approving too many signatures or rejecting too many signatures we’d be called into an office and talked to and if it happened again, we’d be let go.”
Onigkeit said she was diligent in doing the work.
“I was very focused on verifying signatures and making sure the signatures matched,” she said.
As blockbusters go, Kari Lake is halfway there.
If you count the “bust” part.

Sep 22, 2007
Yep. Corrupt as hell. She won , so much fraud but the corrupt run the show

DEAD wrong again, Road SCUM:

Columnist: Kari Lake’s ‘Star Witness’ Backfires Spectacularly In Courtroom

k up to restore default view.
Ed Mazza
Thu, May 18, 2023 at 1:37 AM PDT

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake didn’t have a great day in court on Wednesday in her last-ditch attempt to overturn the results of the 2022 election.
“Two hours in and this trial is already over,” wrote Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts. “Or it should be.”
Lake’s “star witness,” Roberts wrote, instead “proceeded to annihilate Lake’s case” on the witness stand.
Lake, a former TV host who has turned into a conspiracy theorist and acolyte of Donald Trump, lost to Katie Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes in November’s election.
Rather than concede, she has made a series of wild and unproven claims, and sued. While most of her legal claims have been dismissed, the Arizona Supreme Court is hearing her claims over the signature verification process in Maricopa County, where the bulk of the state’s voters live.
Lake claims the county failed to perform higher-level verification on ballots that were flagged for potential inconsistencies.
But Roberts said Lake’s witness, Jacqueline Onigkeit, spent an hour explaining how thorough that process is, with a week of training, multiple levels of review, and reminders to be cautious and pay attention.
Another Lake witness also bolstered the county’s case, she added.
“As blockbusters go, Kari Lake is halfway there,” Roberts wrote. “If you count the ‘bust’ part.”

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Reminder ? ? ? ?

Maricopa County has always been ground zero for election fraud and Kari Lake was chosen to run for governor for this reason.

Kari is a Patriot and white hat. She will NEVER back down.


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
HuffPost. ????. Ervin must be use to be buttfucked by them

Poor damn fool. Always wrong , Always with jizz on lips and ass

Sep 22, 2007
View attachment 67655

Reminder ? ? ? ?

Maricopa County has always been ground zero for election fraud and Kari Lake was chosen to run for governor for this reason.

Kari is a Patriot and white hat. She will NEVER back down.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Sheriff JAGOFF. Is your Arizona namesake dead yet? You BOTH have been kinda QUIET lately. You're as DUMB as ever, I see:

Big Liar Kari Lake got humiliated in court, but elections are still endangered

Aldous J Pennyfarthing for Community Contributors Team
Thursday May 18, 2023 · 11:45 AM PDT

It’s hard not to picture Arizona gubernatorial dopeful Kari Lake sitting at a mall Chili’s bar four years from now with the last soldier who doesn’t know World War II is over and the most popular REO Speedwagon tribute band on MySpace as she whines and reminisces in equal measure about the good old days.
Lake remains in thrall to her delusions, including that she won her election in November and that Donald Trump is simply too stable and genius-y to have possibly lost in 2020. She is currently in court challenging her loss. And—well, gee, you never could have predicted this—it’s not going well. At all.

RELATED STORY: Kari Lake headed to trial on last remaining claim in suit over loss in Arizona governor’s race

As Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts noted, the first day of Lake’s latest trial was a “complete and total fizzle.” According to Lake’s attorney, Kurt Olsen, the very-much-not-governor of Arizona was sitting on a powder keg of evidence proving that Arizona’s Maricopa County failed to do any signature verification on early ballots during the midterm elections. And her side called witnesses who proved exactly that.
Wait. Sorry. That was supposed to say “who proved exactly the opposite.”
Jacqueline Onigkeit, who worked as a level one reviewer during last year’s election, spent more than an hour explaining the lengths to which county went to verify signatures — the weeklong training of workers, the two shifts of level one reviewers, three levels of signature review, the admonition to get it right.
“They (supervisors) told us, ‘You need to be very cautious. You need to pay attention to what you’re doing and remember that whatever you reject or approve, you can be called in to testify,’ ” Onigkeit testified.
As a witness for the defense, Onigkeit was dynamite.
The problem is, she was supposed to be the star witness for Lake.
Wait, so why would Lake call a witness who ended up destroying her case? I’m no lawyer, but isn’t that the opposite of what you’re supposed to do? Did she find her attorney on Craigslist? And did the advertiser throw in a free futon?
But that wasn’t all. Oh, no. The hits kept coming.
According to Roberts, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson said that in order to prove her case, Lake needed to show that the county had conducted no signature verification at all. Instead, she and her lawyer helpfully proved that it had.
Olsen showed a video in which one election worker did appear to be breezing through signature verifications too quickly, but he failed to note that the worker was dismissed from those duties for not doing a thorough job—a fact that, as Roberts writes, “bolstered the county’s case that it was taking signature verification seriously.” Meanwhile, Onigkeit testified that the workers were continually told that they should be careful not to rush through the verification process.
RELATED STORY: Kari Lake goes full bananapants, calls herself the 'duly elected governor' of Arizona
Of course, while the Big Lie may triumph in the court of public opinion (at least in MAGA-land), it’s done diddly-squat in actual courts, possibly (gird your loins now) because these Big Liars have no case. And on Wednesday that was made brutally clear. Again.
That said, Big Liars are still poking at the foundations of our democracy, looking for flaws that might allow them to illegally install their once and future Burger King, who continues to serve up steamy whoppers on the daily while safely ensconced in Mar-a-Lago. Their ultimate vision, of course, is a permanent white minority rule in which Potemkin elections rubber-stamp their preordained picks. And while they’ve run into plenty of roadblocks on their way to this white man’s coup-topia, their plan remains essentially unchanged.
To be fair, it’s abundantly clear by now that election denialism is a bad campaign strategy. Relying on voters who think voting is pointless is always a bad tactic, of course, but now we have data to support the fact that Big Liars tend to be Big Losers.
According to a recent study from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, election deniers did demonstrably worse in the midterms than candidates who refused to embrace Trump’s barmy nonsense.
Los Angeles Times:
Assaying the general election results in 85 races across the country, the study found that election-denying Republicans received 2.3% less support in statewide contests than Republicans who stood fast and refused to indulge Trump’s insidious blather.
That may not sound like a lot. But it was the difference in several close contests involving prominent election deniers, including races for U.S. Senate and secretary of state in Nevada, and governor and attorney general in Arizona. In each of those elections, scoundrels and cheats — let’s call them what they are — went down to narrow, deserved defeat.
Great news, to be sure. But don’t get too comfy. Democracy is still in danger.
The nonpartisan watchdog group Informing Democracy recently put together a report on some of the perils still facing our democracy, including the fact that election deniers are worming their way into government like weevils in Lake’s squishy simulacrum of a brain.
Still, following the results of the 2022 elections, a positive narrative that most election deniers were defeated at the ballot box quickly developed within the national media, but outside of a few prominent election contests, the reality is unfortunately more pessimistic. In fact, more anti democracy actors were elected to statewide offices last year, not fewer. Across the country, candidates supporting election denialism won several statewide elections, solidifying their influence in state and federal government. These election winners include the Governors of Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, South Dakota, and Texas; Secretaries of State of Indiana and Wyoming; Attorneys General of Alabama, Florida, Kansas, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas; and U.S. Senators in Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin.
At least 180 of the 222 Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives elected in 2022, most of whom were incumbents, either questioned or denied the results of the 2020 presidential election. Of the 34 U.S. Senators elected or reelected in 2022, 17 expressed skepticism about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This adds up to at least 74% of Congressional Republicans who rejected the 2020 election results. Barring their resignation or removal from office, these same officials will be charged with confirming the electoral college votes for the 2024 presidential election.
Then there’s that wacky SCOTUS, which loves nothing more than to place flaming bags of poo at the public’s doorstep and run away laughing. The court is currently considering the validity of the so-called “independent state legislature theory,” which would give partisan legislatures broad authority to gerrymander districts, disenfranchise voters, and possibly even pick their own winners. Fortunately, the Supreme Court looks poised to reject the theory, but it remains a real and horrifying threat.
RELATED STORY: 2024 won't be about candidates, it'll be about ideology
Meanwhile, state legislatures continue to nibble around the edges of our tasty democracy while repeatedly plunging their grubby fingers into the frosting. Texas’ GOP-led state legislature is currently pushing a bill that would give Texas’ secretary of state the power to 86 election results in the Lone Star State’s largest county possibly probably because its residents keep voting for Democrats.
The Republican-controlled Senate passed the bill Tuesday and sent it to the state House. If it is enacted, it would allow the secretary of state to toss out election results in the state's largest county and call a new vote if there is "good cause" to believe that at least 2% of polling places ran out of usable ballots during voting hours.
The bill would apply only to counties with populations greater than 2.7 million, effectively singling out Harris County, which is home to Houston and has by far the largest population in the state, at nearly 5 million. In recent decades, Harris County has become more Democratic.
And hoo-boy, get a load of this one. Georgia’s Fulton County Board of Commissioners nearly appointed a Republican to oversee elections in the heavily Democratic county, which includes almost all of Atlanta. (The nominee, Lee Morris, eventually withdrew his name in the face of strong opposition, and a Democrat was given the reins. But seriously—what were they thinking?)
So, yes, Lake’s faceplant is both hilarious and heartening. But that doesn’t mean we can relax, fellow progressives! Democracy is still on the ballot in 2024, and likely will be for the foreseeable future. Or until MAGAs finally realize that Trump almost never tells the truth. Which pretty much means we’ll be white-knuckling our way through election nights until the heat death of the universe. And here you thought you might get a full night’s sleep sometime before the end of the millennium. You naif!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Fraudulent Katie Hobbs vetoes election security and integrity from Arizona to Beijing instead. Vetoes the requirement of voting machines be made in America.


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Fraudulent Katie Hobbs vetoes election security and integrity from Arizona to Beijing instead. Vetoes the requirement of voting machines be made in America.

Corrupt as hell. Same thing as Biden fraud.
So many facts and fraud proven. But cover up and deep state is pathetic. Why terrified of Trump

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
No matter the decision, appeals are already being prepared by both sides.

Sep 22, 2007
No matter the decision, appeals are already being prepared by both sides.
Yeah, and Republi-KUNTS have such an OUTSTANDING record in appeals, from the sixty-odd BUTT fuckings they suffered in trying to contest the 2020 election to this grifting slut betting BUTT fucked in the election, BUTT fucked in her lawsuit, and BUTT fucked in two appeals, except for this one claim, which she is gonna lose, just as SURE as you're a welching, grifting, always wrong scumbag who uttered the memorial phrase:


You poor, delusional bastard. Isn't time for another 6 month "vaction" where you claim to have been burglarized by people paid by me? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::surrender::surrender::surrender::lie::lie::lie::duh::duh::duh::lock2::lock2::lock2::3dfesses::3dfesses::3dfesses::an_violin:an_violin:an_violin

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