Kari Lake


Sep 22, 2007
Only thing getting SLAMMED around here is her rancid bush from Blubber Boy's 3.5 inches of Angry Orange meat as she angles to be his "VP." What's the MATTER, Road SCUM, Glazed PIGGY, and NAZI Scum, you cocksuckers have been kinda QUIET lately about your girl? Gutless Glazed NEVER answered my question, why is she prattling on about running for Arizona Senator when she's gonna be "installed" as Governor? Oh, look, she's turned on you Republi-KUNTS, saying that YOU stole the election from HER, ROTFLMAO!!!!!

24K views 2 hours ago
24,641 views Apr 23, 2023
Sore losing grifter Kari Lake is out with a new, completely unhinged conspiracy: She's claiming that her election was taken away from her by Republicans. Not only is this a blatant lie, but it also makes absolutely no sense. BUT, in a way, her own Party did cost her the election because analyses of the votes found that Republicans simply didn't vote for her even if they voted for other Republicans. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins calls out Lake's lies and explains what actually happened.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Failed Republican gubernatorial candidate. Carrie Lake is out this week with a brand new conspiracy about why she lost the Arizona Governor's race. In a speech this week in San Diego, Carrie Lake told the crowd that it was not, in fact the Democrats who cost her that election, but instead tw the Republicans that done it. Now, if she had ended it there, if she had just said Republicans cost me this election, that would've been an accurate statement. But then she went into conspiracy land, lying to the crowd who for some reason showed up to listen to her, and she said that it wasn't the Republicans who cost her the election. She is saying Republicans stole it from her. Now, I'm gonna read what she said, but I want you to think about that for a minute. A Republican candidate says her Republican party stole it from her. I don't care which way you slice it like that literally makes no sense, and it's a complete lie. It's an absolute fabrication, but it also doesn't make sense. Here's what she said. Now I have to tell you a little bit of bad news about our election. Do you know who stole the election from the people of Arizona? I wish I could stand here and say it was Democrats. It was the Republicans running Maricopa County who stole this election. I hate to have to even say that. It hurts me to say that. Now, as I said, if she had just said, Republicans cost me this election, that would be an accurate statement. Because what we have seen from an analysis of the votes in the state of Arizona is that people who voted Republican all the way down the ticket did not vote for Kerry Lake, for governor. I mean, obviously plenty of them did, but tens of thousands of them chose to either leave it blank or to not vote for Carrie Lake as they voted for every other Republican. She was that toxic to them that they said, even though I am a Republican, I will not vote for her. So Republican voters cost you the election because you were too gross of a candidate for them to support. Now, the second thing, she brings up Maricopa County, and I'm glad she did because Maricopa County did do some things, Carrie, that did hurt you, but they didn't hurt your chances of winning. No, no, no, no. They hurt the claims that you're trying to make in court as you lie to judges, because what Maricopa County Republicans did, remembering, of course, what they went through in 2020, they hired more people to go over the ballots. They challenged more signatures than they did in 2020. They hired more people to Do signature verification. They put it before more eyeballs. They got rid of more ballots. They made sure that they did everything possible to avoid any of the idiotic and stupid claims from people like Carrie Lake. But Carrie Lake came and made those claims anyway, but it was their extra efforts that have destroyed Carrie Lake's claims in court. So yeah, Maricopa County has cost you a little bit, Carrie, but it's only cost you in court because the Maricopa Republicans are able to prove that you are lying. The voting records, the analyses that have been done on the votes, prove that you are lying and you're still out there lying today. That is what we're dealing with. That is what is happening, and it is beyond disgusting that anybody in any state would show up to hear this lunatic, speak to them.

Sep 22, 2007
Come outta your RAT hole, you gutless turd. Your equally gutless twat is lucky that Mika Brazinski didn't kick her ass at the airport-and she went crying to Steve "Hobo" Bannon, of all people? Hey, bitch, if the state of Arizona chooses to proceed, YOUR dumb ass may be in prison at the same time as the louse ridden hobo whose DICK you probably offered to suck if he would put in a good word to Blubber Boy about making you VP.

You ENJOYING all the Republi-KUNT BUTT fucking going on? "Traitor" Greene, Faux Non-news, Fucker Carlson, and, your Fuhrer's attempt to excuse him not attending his rape trial that starts tomorrow. No WONDER Glazed PIGGY in hunkering down in a shit hole, lol.

Kari Lake Cries To Steve Bannon About Reporters Calling Out Her Lies​

52,639 views Apr 24, 2023 Farron Balanced
Kari Lake had a run-in with MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at an airport last week that didn't go the way that Lake had hoped. Lake tried to intimidate the power duo, and instead ended up getting called out by Brzezinski for lying about her election. Lake ran crying to Steve Bannon about the encounter, but not before she offered to go on Morning Joe for some extra publicity. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos. So last week, as some people may have heard about, uh, Kari Lake, the failed Republican gubernatorial candidate from the 2022 Arizona election had a run in at the airport with Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brazinski. And while she says that Joe Scarborough himself was amiable, right, he was friendly, she says that, uh, Mika Brazinski, of course was, was a little more confrontational, and she didn't like that. So what Kari Lake did was immediately go run and cry to Steve Bannon, where she complained about the fact that Brazinski actually called her out to her face, something that Kari Lake is simply not accustomed to. So let me explain what really happened here. Kari Lake confronted Joe Scarborough and Mika Brazinski in that airport. She was hoping to intimidate them. Here's what she said. Um, I just wanted to, you know, put the human being behind the face that you guys kind of go after. Uh, she said, I just wanted to introduce myself because you guys spend an awful lot of time badmouthing me on your show. But I just said, look, you know, I'm the human being behind the person that the human being behind the person that's, it's a little redundant, gonna not gonna lie, I mean, but okay, but she continued. You guys like to bash 24 7, and that's okay, but I just wanted to introduce myself. At which point, a caring, according to what Kari Lake said, Tomika Brazinski, well, you're a liar and you're an election denier and, you know, went on and delivered Delusional in all of this, according to Kari Lake's interaction, which Mika Brazinski, by the way, did record. She was holding her phone there to record it. Um, so again, Carrie Lake goes and cries to Steve Bannon about this. How dare they, how dare she treat me this rudely and call me a liar to my face instead of doing it from the safety of her studio? Um, not gonna lie. Like, that's actually pretty ballsy. Like, that's really cool that Brazinski did not put on a fake face when she saw you in person. Like, that's, that's the mark of somebody who's being honest and genuine when they're willing to say the same thing to your face that they say from the comfort of their own studio. Like, you shouldn't be mad about that. I mean, if anything, uh, Brazinski should be applauded for not backing down when you approached her in order to intimidate her, because that's your goal. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, you're like, I just wanted to put the face to the person behind the person, which again, makes no sense, but nothing Carrie Lake ever says Makes sense. But here's the other reason she did it. And she, she did admit this. Of course, she then, after this confrontation offered herself to come on Morning Joe on Ms. N B C to, to tell her story. So you just wanted to get on TV again. You wanted to be on real tv, right? You didn't want to have to be relegated to crying on Steve Bannon's war room, which is what you were doing here. You wanted to make it to the big leagues, right? You wanted to get back on cable news. So that's why you confronted them. One, you wanted to intimidate 'em. Two, you wanted to get them to invite you on their show, which as far as I know, has not happened, thank God. But this is what Carrie Lake is all about. She wants to be famous. And at this point, she is. Let's, let's be honest, but she's more infamous than than famous. But that's why she did it. She admit, like I wanted, I want to go on your show, bring me on your show, put me on real TV so I don't have to talk to this disheveled Steve Bannon every day. But I'll settle for that too, because I'm so desperate to make sure my face is in front of a camera. That's who Carrie Lake is. And I'm also glad that this encounter showed us a little bit more about who Meka Brazinski is, cuz I'm not gonna lie, I got a lot more respect for her now because she called Carrie Lake out to her face. Something most of us can only dream of doing.

Sep 22, 2007

62,977 views May 6, 2023
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that Kari Lake's lawyers filed such egregiously fictitious claims about election fraud in her lawsuit to overturn the 2022 election results that they have been sanctioned for several thousand dollars. But there's an important part of this story that isn't getting enough attention: If the Court said the lawyers told such obvious lies, why are they letting part of it continue? Farron Cousins addresses this question.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos. On Thursday of this week, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled in favor of rightful Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat who defeated Kerry Lake in the 2022 election, and granted her request to sanction Kerry Lake's lawyers for what the court described as unequivocally false allegations about November's election. The court added sometimes campaigns in their attendant hyperbole, hyperbole, spill over into the legal challenges. But once a contest enters the judicial arena, rules of attorney ethics apply, which of course means a lawyer cannot walk into court and openly lie about a case, which according to this court, is what Carrie Lake's lawyers did with their election challenge lawsuit. They lied unequivocally false is the phrase used by this Supreme Court in Arizona. You probably already knew that, right? I mean, the story's been out there for two days. So why am I talking about it two days after the fact? Well, because there's a part of this that nobody seems to be acknowledging, and that is the fact it's mentioned in reports, but it hasn't been discussed. And I feel like it needs that conversation first and foremost, even though, even though the Supreme Court said, yes, we agree with you Katie Hobbs and the Arizona Secretary of State, that they came into this court and lied. However, we're not gonna make them pay your attorney's fees. Like we're just gonna sanction the lawyers $2,000. We're not even gonna sanction Carrie Lake in this particular matter. We're just gonna sanction the lawyers two grand. Uh, which you know, I imagine is probably nothing to them, and we're not gonna grant you attorney's fees, even though we have determined legally that they came in violated lawyer's ethics, ethics lied to us and to you, but they don't have to pay your legal fees. That that is mind blowing. I've never seen that. Like I've never seen that when the court decides declares rules that the other side lied to even file the lawsuit to begin with, and then to not give attorney's fees, that is absolutely unheard of. And it gets even worse because this is the same Supreme Court that just, uh, well, a month and a half ago in March, ruled that all of Carrie Lake's lawsuit can be thrown out except for one part where she's challenging the ballot signature verification process for early voting that that can stand. And this is the part that nobody's talking about. As I have already repeatedly said, the judges on the Arizona Supreme Court said, these people lied. The lawyers lied. Kerry Lake lied, but we're still gonna let part of the lawsuit go. We know these people are proven liars at this point. We've already made that ruling. That's official. They are liars. But yeah, well, for the hell of it, let's just go ahead and let part of the lawsuit continue in the lower courts until it reaches us again, and then who knows what's gonna happen, right? This Arizona State Supreme Court is a farce. It's an absolute farce. You can't sit there and tell those lawyers to their faces, you're a bunch of liars. What you've told us is unequivocally false, but we're still gonna entertain part of it because maybe even though you're a bunch of big fat liars, maybe you're not lying about this one part, even though you've lied about all of these other parts that we already dismissed. Maybe on this one, you told the truth. Any normal court in this country, which I don't even know if we have any of those left, would have tossed the entire thing. They would have given attorney's fees. This $2,000 sanction against those lawyers, that's not even a slap on the wrist. That's literally like two hours of work for these people. Maybe, depending on what their billable hours are, it may be half an hour. This ruling is a joke. It is not a punishment for those lawyers. It is not a punishment for Carrie Lake. It is a punishment to the state of Arizona that now has to absorb the cost of those legal fees to fight the very claims that the court has already said. Were once again, unequivocally false.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
“New evidence shows Maricopa County falsely certified that it passed L&A testing and then secretly tested all of the tabulators on three different days. It also shows they KNEW that 260 of the tabulators WOULD FAIL on Election Day.”

260 tabulators. 260. Two Hundred and Sixty. FAILED!!


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
“New evidence also shows that Director of Elections Scott Jarrett gave FALSE TESTIMONY at trial concerning the BOD printers failures that caused the tabulators to malfunction.”

That fucking jerk should be arrested and have his ass rammed in jail until it bleeds.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
“MORE: Jarrett LIED on the stand when he talked about the 19” ballot on 20” paper. I have been pounding this since day 1, but now we have more. Jarrett’s testimony that this occurred at only 3 vote centers and was caused by temporary technicians changing printer settings in an attempt to fix printer issues on Election Day IS FALSE.”

This fucking Jarrett guy is about as trustworthy and truthful as Dafinch licking Squatter Joe Biden’s asshole and saying it’s just chocolate.

Sep 22, 2007
“MORE: Jarrett LIED on the stand when he talked about the 19” ballot on 20” paper. I have been pounding this since day 1, but now we have more. Jarrett’s testimony that this occurred at only 3 vote centers and was caused by temporary technicians changing printer settings in an attempt to fix printer issues on Election Day IS FALSE.”

This fucking Jarrett guy is about as trustworthy and truthful as Dafinch licking Squatter Joe Biden’s asshole and saying it’s just chocolate.
"New evidence"

"New filing"


You ever wonder why all this "new evidence" "new filings" and "MORE" never seem to AMOUNT to anything?????? SEVENTY FUCKING LAWSUITS, BUTT FUCKED EACH..AND EVERY...TIME.

Hey, why am I asking, YOU'RE the GENIUS who publicly the following, the dumbest fucking statement THIS side of "tRump will be REINSTATED as POTUS:"

"BIDEN DIDN'T WIN...I, GLAZED PIGGY, DIDN'T LOSE (Despite my disappearing as fulfilling the losing bet, that is, until I WELCHED some months late)."

Time for a little UPDATE, no?

tRump WASN'T filed liable for SEXUAL ASSAULT AND DEFAMATION TO THE TUNE OF 5 MILLION BUCKS, AND GEORGE SANTOS WAS NOT ARRESTED AND HIT WITH 13 FELONY COUNT, A MERE FRACTION OF BLUBBER BOY'S THIRTY-FOUR. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :arrowhead :arrowhead :arrowhead :+paranoid:+paranoid:+paranoid:an_burn_m:an_burn_m:an_burn_m:lock2::lock2::lock2::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::hung::hung::hung::+signs9-1

Sep 22, 2007
“MORE: Jarrett LIED on the stand when he talked about the 19” ballot on 20” paper. I have been pounding this since day 1, but now we have more. Jarrett’s testimony that this occurred at only 3 vote centers and was caused by temporary technicians changing printer settings in an attempt to fix printer issues on Election Day IS FALSE.”

This fucking Jarrett guy is about as trustworthy and truthful as Dafinch licking Squatter Joe Biden’s asshole and saying it’s just chocolate.
Lol, post # 509 BITCH slapped your dumb ass into silence, huh? Yer girl is always advertising giving it up, but, instead, you end up having to jerk it to still photos of her, lol:


Kari Lake's latest Arizona election bombshell looks like (yet another) dud​

Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic
Fri, May 12, 2023 at 1:01 PM PDT

Kari Lake's attorneys are again arguing that Maricopa County broke election law. The county again says it's not true.

Kari Lake's attorneys are again arguing that Maricopa County broke election law. The county again says it's not true.
Kari Lake this week dropped yet another one in her ongoing, unending challenge to the 2022 election. (Yeah, it’s still going on.)
“The sabotage was worse than we thought,” she tweeted on Thursday. “We have some bombshells to share with you …”
This particular “bombshell” — as opposed to her previous duds — involves devious Maricopa County elections officials who conducted “secret testing” of tabulators and knew, weeks before the election, that 260 of the county’s nearly 450 vote counting machines would fail.
It was a “shocking revelation,” her attorney, Kurt Olsen, told Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson on Friday.

Will a judge reopen Lake's rejected claim?​

Well, it’s the latest “shocking revelation” anyway — all the others having been sizably less than shocking once examined by Thompson, the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Arizona Supreme Court.
It’ll be up to Thompson whether to reopen Lake’s already rejected claim that the county’s printers were intentionally set to fail, denying her victory.
Thompson also will decide whether to hold a trial next week to determine whether the county followed the law on validating early ballot signatures.
The Supreme Court ordered him to take another look the signature verification issue, saying his previous basis for rejecting Lake's claim was incorrect.
But the BOMBSHELL is this week’s big revelation, being hyped by Lake and on right-wing “news” sites across the country.

Attorney claims the county broke the law​

It comes courtesy of “new and compelling evidence” from Lake’s IT expert, who pored over tabulator logs for hours to uncover the incendiary device.
Lake is now claiming the county didn’t really test its tabulators for logic and accuracy, as required by law, on Oct. 11.
Instead, as the BOMBSHELL goes, the county secretly tested the machines on three days the following week, wherein they learned that 260 of the tabulators produced error codes when ballots were inserted.
This could only happen, Olsen told the judge, due either to malware installed on the tabulators or “some other nefarious act of remote access.”
“Not only did Maricopa officials knowingly violate the law mandating logic and accuracy testing,” Olsen wrote in his motion to reopen the matter, “but that they knew about and planned the Election Day debacle” -- one that he claims resulted in more than 8,000 ballots not being counted.

Except 'secret testing' was livestreamed​

Even if that’s true — and the county says it’s not — Lake lost by 17,117 votes.
County officials called Lake’s latest claim “laughable”.
The required tabulator testing not only happened on Oct. 11, they say, but was observed and certified by state and county officials and even representatives of the state Republican and Democratic parties.
As for the so-called “secret testing” the following week, it was livestreamed.
Maricopa Deputy County Attorney Joseph La Rue told Thompson the county was installing new memory cards containing an already certified security feature designed to prevent votes from being counted twice.
A small number of ballots were then run to make sure the memory cards were installed properly and some of the ballots were spit out, usually because they weren’t inserted properly, he said.
What's next for Lake? Her signature verification dispute continues
“That’s the shocking bombshell,” he said.
One that doesn’t seem to amount to even a small firecracker, given that printer failures didn’t affect the outcome of the election.

My guess? This 'bombshell' goes pfft​

But don’t take my word for it.
“Plaintiff’s own expert acknowledged that a ballot that was unable to be read at the vote center could be deposited by a voter, duplicated by a bipartisan board onto a readable ballot, and — in the final analysis — counted ... .
“It is worth repeating that ballots that could not be read by the tabulator immediately because of printer settings — or anything else — could be deposited in Door 3 of the tabulator and counted later after duplication by a bipartisan adjudication board.”
So wrote Judge Thompson, in his December ruling tossing out Lake's challenge.
We’ll know soon whether Thompson is impressed by her most recent BOMBSHELL.
Me? I’m guessing his ruling will come with a soundtrack that goes something like this:

Sep 22, 2007
Why is it the Democrats predominantly get away with such voting fraud schemes..

Why do you keep spouting insane bullshit without a shred of proof, or explain why the Republi-KUNTS never "bothered" to show the same while they were getting BUTT fucked in sixty odd "voter fraud" lawsuits, you stupid cunt? Cry them SALTY tears, Glazed PIGGY, and enjoy the 5 million dollar BUGGERING he just took from Carroll, with 2 more "on deck," the THIRTY-FOUR FELONY CHARGES coming up, all but certain indictments coming in both D.C. and Georgia, and, now it looks like he and Looney Rudy were involved in a 'Pay for Pardon" scheme.

SUCKS to be Glazed PIGGY, doesn't it, Scumbag? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead

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