Gambling/Football vs Family/Etc. (A Must Read!)


"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005
OK...check it out!

I have 4 Offshore accounts.
I've been gambling for 15 Years.
I've Played Parlay Cards For 15 Years.

I recently married(MR.NEWLYWED) this girl that I'd been dating for over 4 years!

Well....offshore I do Pretty Well.
I make a withdrawal once a month for a few G's...
more often, if I have a good day/week!

Recently, beginning of Football wife & I were eating at a restuarant that she loves. Well, the guy that owns it is the one I get the Parlay Cards through. He told me that he would be taking "alittle action" this football season, but The Limit per game was $200. So......

Week 1 -----COLLERCTED $325
Week 2------COLLECTED $157.50
Week 3------COLLECTED $97.50
Week 4------COLLECTED $432.50
Week 5------COLLECTED $477.50
Week 6------I OWE........$75
--You would think I owed $75,000! She is TRIPPIN'--

I'm an upfront & honest guy, so I told her..."Look I've got to go pay Mark $75." And man, she went OFF! I mean like a Crazy Woman!

But when I was giving her $100 Bills for some spending $$$! And buying new Jackets & earrings...NO PROBLEM!

Now, that I owe $75...."You have to quit gambling...NOW..all together..QUIT!
No More Parlays, No More BOOKIES, No More Internet! And No More Sports Forums, uhhh..No More RX Bullshit!"

I'm low-key, like I said, but...when she said, "No More RX!" That drew the line!
I went OFF...! This B*tch is Not Going To DICTATE to me what I can & cannot do w/ My Buddies here @ THERX! Hell, she even sleeps in an RX Sports Forum Tee Shirt!

Help Me Out Here Guys............MR. "NEWLY-DIVORCED":icon_conf

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Tell her that you need to take back her jacket and earrings and anything she bought in weeks 1-5 because thats dirty gambling money.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Newly, you bet 5k per game, and yet you told her about $75 bucks?????

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Well my friend you are leanring a valuable lesson here. I have been down that same road twice in my life.
Have learned that you ONLY say. Well "honey" i won a little bit EVERTIME she asks. But NEVA start the conversation, and NEVA give her ANY winnings as that will ONLY spoil her in the long run.

And another thing if she knows "too" much about your business she will only use this against you if that comes up later down the road. Been there done that too! Ex almost got me into HUGE trobule once. She wanted to tell Everything that she knew, or worse, what she "thought" she knew. You have Already put the "parlay guy" in a spot cause she KNOWS him.

So my BEST advice for you in this matter is Keep ALL of your busniess to yourself...Win or Lose. JMO.

PSU Fan...Go Lions
Nov 7, 2004
Been there done that...did not get divorced...

When she is being reasonable, show her the big picture. Let her know that you don't gamble more than you can afford to lose and that it provides you with some entertainment.

I own a company and it is stressful as hell. This is my escape as I am sure it is for others. I play with money that I can afford to lose, it took my wife a while to understand that. I let my mind get wrapped up in a game and I yell at stupid plays and cuss at a bad beat, but all in fun.

As far as the RX goes, hell I make a small killing now from this place, plus its a community of like minded gamblers who enjoy what they do. Its better than a smokey bar and this way you can be at home when you are hanging with the guys talking sports.

Good luck

Oct 17, 2004
Mr. Newlywed, A man marries a woman hoping she remains that same woman he indeed met and married. A woman marries a man knowing if he isn't exactly what she wants, she'll change him in time. Best of luck to you!!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gambling and Marriage don't Mix...

I've been married for a little over 6 years and I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old. My wife knew I gambled, but when I lost a significant amount she threatened me with Divorce if I did it again (I lost 3K on a bad month run).

Before we were married until before we had our second child, I didn't get too much flack. I did pretty well and I gave her some of my winnings just like you do and that kept the bitching down.
But.... when I lost that amount of money we had to go to counsilling (sp) to save our marriage and I wound up being the culprit of the problems because I liked to pick games on Sat and Sunday. That's all the shrink wanted to harp on. Nevermind what she brings to the table in the way of problems...if you gamble you have no basis for an argument against her in front of a couselor or judge. And if she's like my wife, and they are all alike, you will not win if you want to stay married.

Anyway, I tried to sneak around and gamble, but I got caught and that caused more problems. I also couldn't follow the games and pick half-times like I used to because I had the FBI (aka..wife) on my ass like a hawk. I couldn't research or call my buddy's who are decent handicappers without her riding my ass, and it affected my ability to pick winners,so I finally gave it up. Women are horrible for Carma when it comes to picking games. Your luck will turn when they start bitching at you for doing it.

You are heading into the "wife becoming a control freak" zone where everything that used to be cool isn't anymore. If ya'll have kids this
will kill your gambling career that much more. Women are here to have our children and make us miserable. If I ever get divorced, I certainly won't ever get married again. I love my children and I want them to have a daddy at home so I gave up the gambling and rightly so. I mean how could I look them in the eye down the road and tell them I left mommy because I gambled on Football? However, I believe that we could have come to some compromise like allowing me $300 to $500 in an Internet account for the year. If I lost that, then I was done for the year. I could've lived with $10 and $20 bets on the games just to make them intresting, but No way. I even had to go to GA meeting last year and that was humiliating to say the least.

I rambled all of this to make the following point. If you want to stay married to this hole...err, fine woman...then you will eventually have to give up the gambling. The two absolutely don't mix and it will affect your ability to pick solid winners with her whining all the time about it. You have to have a clear conscious to be a good gambler. (ironic statement of the decade I know, but you fellows know what I mean).

Good luck to you and yours and don't take the "hole" comment personal please. It's just a joke.:drink: :icon_conf :icon_conf :icon_conf

New member
Jan 20, 2001

Step back a sec son. According to your posts you put into weekly action about what you and the wifey take home monthly, and YOU THINK WIFEY'S THE ONE WITH A PROBLEM?

Siempre vive RX
Sep 20, 2004
Great advice, Fellas.

What I've noticed is that people who do not gamble (not just capping, any type of gambling) don't grasp the fact that you have to lay out some $$ and assume some risk to win anything.

They think it's great when they hear that you won a nickel, but if you tell them you had to bet a nickel to win one, they think you're nutso!

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
No more RX?

She should be content you are at home instead of out chasing tail.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Have you seen anything by me lately...

GFYS...I didn't ask for your opinion on my life. Just trying to offer advice.

New member
May 5, 2005
women dont understand about gambling,so keep all gambling in a completely seperate life. dont get cards from friends of hers. open an online acct. and never ever discuss with them under any circumstance. when you do well, buy her a gift w/ the $ if you want, but dont tell her its b/c you won, that'll cheapen it to her. jmo, gl.

"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

Good For U!

Thanks--MR. NEWLY!

New member
Jun 22, 2005
El Iguana said:
Great advice, Fellas.

What I've noticed is that people who do not gamble (not just capping, any type of gambling) don't grasp the fact that you have to lay out some $$ and assume some risk to win anything.

They think it's great when they hear that you won a nickel, but if you tell them you had to bet a nickel to win one, they think you're nutso!

This is so true...I do remember being in las vegas with a buddy earlier this year putting down a miserly 500 bucks on 7 games that totalled 3500. ( i had 2500 evenly laid out on each of the 7 games in my online books but my buddy didnt know that... do it like that due to the travel restrictions limiting you to under 10k)

Of course that looked really degenerate to him and something he would never do.. But as we drank the free beer and hit on women (it never ceases to amaze me how many women in las vegas know what the meaning of the "spread" is), i would explain to him that if chicken played the same bets as i did risking the same exact amount on each game, the chicken has a 50% chance that it would not lose anything!!!

It was not until my final record of 6-1 came through and we went to pick up my money that he understood the simple mathematics behind my gambling, combined with the knowledge i have on sports.(all my friends think i am a sports trivia genuis because i can out of the blue drop all the stats on some unknown Qb from some bush league school in the sun belt)

Anyway , the point is, if you have confidence in your gambling and have a serious plan and can explain it to some one one by simply showing them your betting tickets so they too can monitor your wins and losses as the day goes by, it does not take long for them to realize that in some cases you are not really gambling...Its more like high risk high reward investment (of sorts because gambling even money is as low risk and things get in our world)

By sunday that weekend, pretty much all my friends were talking about getting money off credit cards and coat tailing my picks, which is something i calmly explained to them was unwise and a major no no (ie you dont borrow money to gamble) they listened and didnt bet anything while i hammered out one more win on the NFL!!!!

I must mention this however, i dont gamble on much else..If my friends were playing black jack or roulette, i would be at the bar looking for some hotties to chatup or on the rare occassion stringing out a 50 at the slot machines!!!
I avoid all other kinds of gambling like the plague and i guess that helps cement the fact that i am not a true degenerate!!!

One should look into making a genuine plan and sticking to it..If you have a spouse, its your duty to explain to her and let her understand what exactly you are doing. And make sure to include her in some ways may be buy her a parlay card or show some interest in her alma mater....

But dont kid will always, always find women who hate sports and gambling alogether..Their fathers were gamblers and lost all their money, or their fathers were total sports addicts who totally neglected them in favor of sports or they never even had fathers and for some reason, they have this unatural demand for attention in that anything at all that may take up their husband/boyfriend's extra time is always something they absolutely hate and determine to be the problem in their relationship...

the one time i had issues like this, i thought i had things worked out with this girl and would feign interest in things she liked, hobies and such and she likewise would not complain about my football or basketball activity!!! (she was the first to know i do it full time)...Ultimately she broke up with me because i had gone way to far into this whole, sports bars, drinking, partying, too many vegas trips, the strip clubs etc etc...All that stuff comes with staying up too late to either watch late night games or handicap early lines so that your body clock is totally screwed up...Having excess cash hand doesnt help either!!!

Right now i am taking things slow and will approach this subject with great caution and all out honesty...I am glad i have curtailed the extra curricular activities associated with this life...But here comes the holidays, Bball is about to start so i wont pat myself on the back yet!!!!:toast:

"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

Very TRUE!


"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

Yeah, I Know...but that $$$ was Through a That LOCAL!


"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

NICE ADVICE---Thank You!


"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

Good Points..Top to Bottom!



New member
Feb 21, 2002
Wow I don't know where to start..

1. Why is this thread posted here?

2. I take it you never told her about your online keno skills.

3. Why didn't you tell her you are up 100k with your 4 favorite books and that you withdraw 2G's a month and you are a sharp?

4. Your wife told you "no internet"?

5. You would actually contemplate choosing your sports forum "friends" over a real life woman?

6. She wears the rx shirt to bed? Yikes.

7. Why not place a bet for her on one of your Cuz's plays for 5k. That should get her hooked.

8. You do realize you are whining about a woman on a sports forum right?

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