Dr. Bruce Ivins, anthrax scientist was murdered by The CIA


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Gotcha, the CIA had him killed and were so sloppy with it a Poster on an Internet Gambling site was able to crack the case.

Makes sense.

Kinda like Dick Cheney telling a reporter they were going to fake an attack by Iran so they can start a war

or having the 9/11 hijackers come from everywhere but Iraq.

this master schemers are pretty fucking stupid, eh?


Jan 6, 2007
Some American government scientist just happened to decide to steal some U.S. military grade anthrax right after 911 and use it against Americans. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

And now we're supposed to believe he offed himself. Maybe he did kill himself because he was so mad at this fucked up country for framing him.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Remember folks, this is the same CIA that gave Secretary of State Colon Powell the "slam dunk" evidence that Iraq had Yellow Cake Uranium.
Utterly FALSE.

It is British intelligence that insisted there was good reason to believe that Iraqi envoys visited Niger in search of Yellow Cake Uranium, a claim btw they stand by to this day.

Moreover, the president nor the CIA ever insisted that Iraq had Yellow Cake Uranium. What the president said was...

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
-- President Bush -- State of the Union 2003

Obviously you have an agenda: smear Bush-Cheney. Obviously your 'sources' stink. Obviously you don't know what you're talking about. And obviously your credibility is headed for the same place as Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame: *flush*.


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
You have to go back to the beginning. In October of 2001. Dr Assaad an Egypitian microbioliogist at Ft Dietrich was being framed as the perp. His name was cleared. Dr Hatfill was then framed for it. Finally his name was cleared. Now they have decided to close the case to protect the real perp and his connection to another recent murder of 2 Frenchmen who have linkked this same perp him to the bird flu and vaccine conspiracy that in turn links John McCain who doent need that kind of exposure right now. So they need a death to close the case. They get this Dr. Ivins suicided and all is well. The case has been solved huh?
Somebody wants this all to go away- the fact that the anthrax was made at Ft. Dietrich has made that difficult. But as long as the MSM cooperates this doctor will go unnamed and unindicted because of what he knows.
I know who the perp is. But what good is stating a name to the deaf dumb and blind bought and paid for USA residents who think of nothing beyond what some idiot on the boob tube tells them.. They dont want the truth. All they want is their trinkets- their big screen TV's and Suv and Rasberrys and Ipods and whatever else they can be entertained with while this country gets broken up and sold to the higgest bidder as it gets flushed down the toilet of history along with its Constitution and Bill of Rights. The FBI certainly knows who did this too. Anybody who has done the research does. It wasnt Dr. Ivins or Assaad or Hatfill. Fort Detrick researcher, Dr. Mary Beth Downs told army investigators that on several occasions in January and February of 1992, she had come to work several times to discover that someone had been conducting anthrax research after hours. He was caught on surveillance cameras entering the facility late at night - after he was fired (voluntarily left from his perspective after it was revealled that he was behind the original framing of Dr. Aassad) for being the leader of the abuse and harassment that Assaad had endured from co-workers.
He has never been questioned. He has never been given a lie detector test. He remains the only doctor whose name has been delibrately overlooked by investigators.
The FBI has been told this is a hot potato case - dont touch it. So they follow their orders from Bush/Cheney and company.
The anthrax attacks were just another in the long line of false flag operations designed to get the American people behind the retaliatory invasion of the M.E.
Now you can all go back to watching your kool aide TV.:drink:

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Utterly FALSE.

It is British intelligence that insisted there was good reason to believe that Iraqi envoys visited Niger in search of Yellow Cake Uranium, a claim btw they stand by to this day.

Moreover, the president nor the CIA ever insisted that Iraq had Yellow Cake Uranium. What they said was...

Obviously you have agenda: smear the Bush administration. Obviously your 'sources' stink. Obviously you don't know what you're talking about. And obviously your credibility is headed for the same place as Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame: *flush*.


I have no agenda. I am merely trying to restore the good name of a guy who has been slaughtered by The Central Intelligence Agency. I disliked both parties equally (Republican and Democrats). Both are pawns to the media and corrupt. If you insist, I support Ron Paul.

But in typical fashion, the people who disagree with my conclusion that The CIA killed Dr. Bruce Ivins, always go off topic or reply to branches off the topic at hand rather than counter argue.

Please do me a favor, start a new thread on False Yellowcake CIA Report and Valerie Plame/Joseph Wilson and I will reply on topic in your thread.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
You have to go back to the beginning. In October of 2001. Dr Assaad an Egypitian microbioliogist at Ft Dietrich was being framed as the perp. His name was cleared. Dr Hatfill was then framed for it. Finally his name was cleared. Now they have decided to close the case to protect the real perp and his connection to another recent murder of 2 Frenchmen who have linkked this same perp him to the bird flu and vaccine conspiracy that in turn links John McCain who doent need that kind of exposure right now. So they need a death to close the case. They get this Dr. Ivins suicided and all is well. The case has been solved huh?
Somebody wants this all to go away- the fact that the anthrax was made at Ft. Dietrich has made that difficult. But as long as the MSM cooperates this doctor will go unnamed and unindicted because of what he knows.
I know who the perp is. But what good is stating a name to the deaf dumb and blind bought and paid for USA residents who think of nothing beyond what some idiot on the boob tube tells them.. They dont want the truth. All they want is their trinkets- their big screen TV's and Suv and Rasberrys and Ipods and whatever else they can be entertained with while this country gets broken up and sold to the higgest bidder as it gets flushed down the toilet of history along with its Constitution and Bill of Rights. The FBI certainly knows who did this too. Anybody who has done the research does. It wasnt Dr. Ivins or Assaad or Hatfill. Fort Detrick researcher, Dr. Mary Beth Downs told army investigators that on several occasions in January and February of 1992, she had come to work several times to discover that someone had been conducting anthrax research after hours. He was caught on surveillance cameras entering the facility late at night - after he was fired (voluntarily left from his perspective after it was revealled that he was behind the original framing of Dr. Aassad) for being the leader of the abuse and harassment that Assaad had endured from co-workers.
He has never been questioned. He has never been given a lie detector test. He remains the only doctor whose name has been delibrately overlooked by investigators.
The FBI has been told this is a hot potato case - dont touch it. So they follow their orders from Bush/Cheney and company.
The anthrax attacks were just another in the long line of false flag operations designed to get the American people behind the retaliatory invasion of the M.E.
Now you can all go back to watching your kool aide TV.:drink:

Aside from the closely spaced text TotalRecall, I absolutely loved your post. You probably have inside knowledge or at very least a military background so you understand how the "government politics" work.

You are right on target with the "hot potato" comment. Ace beats King, King beats queen. The CIA is the ace, the FBI is the king. National Security comes before some stateside white collar crook. That is indeed what happened, The CIA told the FBI, "Here Mr. FBI agent, take this donut and be on your way, we will handle it from here". So the case is settle for the FBI and the CIA has concealed the truth.

What I like best about your post is you agree with what I am saying. This wasn't some kook scientist who did this. This was carefully orchestrated for a higher purpose. To garner support from The US Lawmakers. The public already supported war, the trade centers were attacked. But the politicians weren't convinced until Rep. Tom Daschle got his "pink slip" (anthrax letter, mailed to him. Then all of a sudden, Bush is granted full unfettered access to the war chest.

Motive and means. How does a nerdy scientist have a motive and means. All those samples are tracked and traced anyways. We are talking about Ft. Deatrick, a US Army faicily not Walmart in in the cigarette isle. All this stuff is tracked and traced, fully accounted for. Flase Flag operations; however, are not track or traced and if they are in any way, very little people are aware of the operation.

Thank you very much for staying on topic and posting a well written reply.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
They get this Dr. Ivins suicided and all is well. The case has been solved huh?
Somebody wants this all to go away- the fact that the anthrax was made at Ft. Dietrich has made that difficult.

This reeks of a McVeigh/Nichols-type of solution. Hey, we got the 2 guys who were responsible for the Murrah Building bombing so now we can all go home.

What about the other suspects? Why did they get let off the hook? And why is everything all wrapped up in this anthrax case because one guy "suicides" himself? Was he the only suspect?

I wonder what the anti-conspiracy people were saying when Dr. Hatfill was being framed. Probably their typical "you nuts dare to question the US Government investigational methods???"

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
This reeks of a McVeigh/Nichols-type of solution. Hey, we got the 2 guys who were responsible for the Murrah Building bombing so now we can all go home.

What about the other suspects? Why did they get let off the hook? And why is everything all wrapped up in this anthrax case because one guy "suicides" himself? Was he the only suspect?

I wonder what the anti-conspiracy people were saying when Dr. Hatfill was being framed. Probably their typical "you nuts dare to question the US Government investigational methods???"

Striking similarities to other cases, but the only relation to another case I want to use as a reference is Dr. Frank Olson. Who as stated earlier, was another Ft. Deatrick Army scientist, who died mysteriously of suicide. Later, his family exhumed his body to see if there was "foul play" and the coroner concluded their was "blunt force trauma" to the head. Meaning he was hit over the head and thrown out his hotel room to his death and not "tripping on acid and fell out of his hotel room to commit suicide" as previous reports concluded. The government eventually settle with the family in a wrongful death case for $750,000. That is called "hush money".

This right now would be classified as a conspiracy, because there is no physical evidence. But once the physical evidence is presented, it will be fact. Hence the purpose of this thread, to instill "awareness" of those who are misinformed or uninformed and urge them to have lawmakers conduct a full unclassified public hearing on this matter for all to see.

Those who do not believe this theory (mind you I have no physical evidence to make this fact, YET), typically either use the "distraction" method where they go off topic or they ignore the material completely. Eventually, The CIA will read threads like this in forums and send "updates" that I like to refer to as "cookies" where they give the "breaking news" on a new conclusion or a change in the story. This could be in the forum of the Tylenol and Codeine bottles that "were used in his suicide" in order to put the public at ease. But any ol random joe can physically plant evidence or pay a news media outlet to release information for a public announcement. If you have a spare $200K you get any article you want posted on the front page of The Washington Post or NY Times.

Remember, the motive for the CIA doing this was to garner public support for complete war chest powers to President Bush. The public already supported war when the Trade Centers were attacked.

To think The CIA would not, could not, and did not do this is complacency at its best.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Sorry.. edit time ran out.

I believe..

The motive for The CIA sending anthrax laced letters, was to garner the support of lawmakers (Politicians) for unfettered access to war powers for President Bush.

Maybe there is/was another motive. But regardless, Teh CIA killed Dr. Bruce Ivins. That is why we need this to go as public as possible and get a senate hearing on this matter.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Eventually, The CIA will read threads like this in forums and send "updates" that I like to refer to as "cookies" where they give the "breaking news" on a new conclusion or a change in the story. This could be in the forum of the Tylenol and Codeine bottles that "were used in his suicide" in order to put the public at ease. But any ol random joe can physically plant evidence or pay a news media outlet to release information for a public announcement. If you have a spare $200K you get any article you want posted on the front page of The Washington Post or NY Times.

I was right...

What did I say, once the CIA got onto people believing that the story was bullshit, they give cnn.com a "cookie" to report "breaking news" that DNA evidence links the guy to the crime. I find it ironic this happens after the internet buzzing with talks about how there is no way this guy would or could do it. A week AFTER the guy died as well. How come this wasn't released earlier? Lets see the DNA comparision graphs.. oh wait, they will have those answers too because they have his DNA and will just use two samples of his DNA and say one is "from a flask" or "the piece of evidence".

Case closed, right? Wrong. This is how the CIA, politics, and media work together. Oh well, just have to wait what, 50 years for the documents to be declassified so the public will know the truth now?

The media ALWAYS has the answer.

Mar 7, 2005
Codeine is one of the most effective pain killers known to man...so much for holding his stomach all weekend.

It would in fact be a very good way to do it.

So much for that conspiracy theory.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Codeine is one of the most effective pain killers known to man...so much for holding his stomach all weekend.

It would in fact be a very good way to do it.

So much for that conspiracy theory.

Provide your source
. "Mr_MJ" is not a viable source. Just cause "Mr_MJ" says so is not fact. We are using opinions and thieories in this thread and backing them up with facts. Your post shall be discredited from this argument until you provide a source that states Tylenol taken with Codeine does not cause stomach pain.

Also, you are basing your argument based on what the media has reported, that he died this way. They are still waiting for a second toxicologist/coroner in Los Angeles to do an examine on his body and come up with his/her report.

And obviously you didn't read the whole thread, so you just came in here to stink it up. Earlier it was stated, "Why would a government scientist, who is a doctor commit suicide in such an amatuerish way". There are plenty of easier and faster ways to do it.

Mar 7, 2005
I don't need a source...look it up yourself if you are ignorant.

99% of the world knows that codeine is a very effective pain killer...anything else, ass clown?

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
I don't need a source...look it up yourself if you are ignorant.

99% of the world knows that codeine is a very effective pain killer...anything else, ass clown?

Now you get off topic and resort to name calling. This thread requires sources. We are having a civil debate and providing as many facts to our arguments. You should also provide a source for you outrageous claim that "99% of the world knows that codeine is a very effective pain killer". I might have believed you without a source if you said "aspirin". But not everyone in the world knows what codeine is or has even been administered it. Stop hijacking my thread and stay on topic.

The topic is The CIA Murdered Dr. Bruce Ivans. If you disagree, please cite sources of how the questions in post #1 can be explained.

Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc.
May 11, 2007
Who on god green earth hand writes court documents? This is the "restraining order" of the therapist hand written. If that isn't the first suspicious piece of evidence I don't know what is? Let's take a poll of who has ever filled out court papers by hand and those who hired a lawyer to do it for them. Bottom line is the "therapist" was paid to fill this out prior to putting the "hit" on Dr. Bruce Ivins. This aided in the pre-demonizing process to garner support he was a "bad guy" and make the story more believable.

Why did she not provide her address? What school did she graduate from? Will she be willing to testify before a senate hearing on national TV publicized that he was in fact stalking her and she did not file a false report in a court of law? Doesn't anyone find this strange this report was filed 3 days before his "reported" death?


Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
The Fact Is That Was Really Baby Powder And He Tried To Sell It To Bush As Coke. When In Doubt Blame It On Bush.

Mar 7, 2005
If this guy was a domestic terrorist using anthrax to murder and disrupt our postal system...I don't really have a problem with the CIA taking him out.

Whats the problem?

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
You dont have to go back to 1940- since 9/11 since Sept. 11 many world-class microbiologists have died mysterious deaths.
Top experts in infectious diseases and biological agents such as Anthrax, as well as DNA sequencing, have been found dead or have gone missing or been "suicided."
Alot of these guys eventually realized that their work wasnt about finding cures to save people from disease- it was all about developing new diseases and discovering better ways to kill people using "black-opps research."
To end up dead is fairly simple as it usually follows the same pattern. First - one of these scientists accidently creates a very virulent strain of a disease- lets say mousepox using advanced methods of DNA sequencing.
His job had originally been attempting to develop a drug that would fight this pathogen based on its genetic profile which would eventually lead to breaththroughs in treatment agaist such pathogens based on a persons genetic profile. He reports his results and instead of being told to end his study since his creation was an abhorrent mistake is he is praised for this find and asked something this "Do you think you could do the same thing with smallpox?" If he expresses reluctance or makes the claim that he wants to work to find cures for diseases not make more virulent strains of them he is put on a watch list. eventually he tells someone about his work which is against the rules and begins to show signs of a strain on hi/her conscience. This of course will not be tolerated and he goes onto a hit list and at some opurtune time he is liquidated.
The goal of all this research is to find ways to modify diseases to infect only those people with specific genetic markers such as race based pathogens. for example most people remember the Sars epidemic a few years ago but were not aware that 90% of the victims were Asian. this was in fact the end result of such race based genetic designer pathogens being unleashed on an unsuspecting race of people. Now it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that there are other scientists that are accidently discovering ways to make arabs susseptible- ar blacks- ar indians- or Eskimoes etc. the research goes on to find the perfect disease that is going to kill people of one race while leaving everone else immune to its effects.
The weapons grade strain of anthrax (made at Ft. Dietrich) that was sent to Tom Daschule's office among others was the most powerful ever seen in history. No one had ever seen anything as virulent as this stuff before. One part per billion was the best anyone ever heard of but this strain could infect you with only one part per trillion.
So the murder of scientists for what they have discovered is not rare and has been standard operating procedure for many years now. A cure for any kind of cancer might ruin Big Pharma with its chemotherapy scam and the thousands of worthless drugs ingested to prolong your life. It will put you at the top of the "hit list" automatically- despite all the grants given to scientists to supposedly work on cures for it. Here are just a few who have paid the ultimate price for their work for the good of mankind- or their refusal to work against it. Some of these murders or "suicides" and the events surrounding them are so bizarre a Hollywood scriptwriter would never imagine it. This is the legacy of the "New World Order."

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<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:date month="5" day="19" year="1994">May 19, 1994</st1:date>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="16">
</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="16"></TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="16">
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<st1:date month="5" day="7" year="1996">May 7, 1996</st1:date>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#3-7</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Microbiologists </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> </TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Plane crash </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="10" day="4" year="2001">October 4, 2001</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#8</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Jeffrey Paris Wall</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">41</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered? </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="11" day="6" year="2001">November 6, 2001</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#9</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr.Vladimir Pasechnik</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">64</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Stroke</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="11" day="21" year="2001">November 21, 2001</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="40">#10-12</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="40">
</TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="40">54, 59,50</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="40">Plane crash </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="40">November 24, 2001</TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#13</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Roman Kuzmin </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> 24</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Struck by a car</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19">December 2001</TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#14</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Benito Que</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">52 </TD><TD align="center" width="27%" height="19"> Mugging</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="6" year="2001">December 6, 2001</st1:date><?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#15</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. David Schwartz</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">57</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="10" year="2001">December 10, 2001</st1:date><o:p></o:p></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#16</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Set Van Nguyen</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">44</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Found in airlock chamber</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="14" year="2001">December 14, 2001</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#17</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Don C. Wiley</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">57</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Body found by river</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="20" year="2001">December 20,2001</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#18</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Ivan Glebov</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> </TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Bandit attack</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19">January 2002</TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#19</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Alexi Brushlinski </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> </TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Killed/murdered? </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19">January 2002</TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#20</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Victor Korshunov </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">56</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="2" day="9" year="2002">February 9, 2002</st1:date><o:p></o:p></TD></TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#21</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Ian Langford</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">40</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="2" day="11" year="2002">February 11, 2002</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="26">#22-23</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="26"> Tanya Holzmayer & Guyang "Mathew" Huang </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="26">46,38</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="26">Murder then suicide</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="26">February 28, 2002</TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#24</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">David Wynn-Williams</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">55</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Struck by vehicle</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="3" day="24" year="2002">March 24, 2002</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#25</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Steven Mostow</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">63</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Plane crash </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="3" day="25" year="2002">March 25, 2002</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#26</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Leland Rickman</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">47</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Unknown</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="6" day="24" year="2003">June 24, 2003</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#27</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. David Kelly</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">59</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Suicide?/ Murder</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="7" day="18" year="2003">July 18, 2003</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#28</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Michael Perich</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">46</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Car wreck</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="10" day="11" year="2003">October 11, 2003</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#29</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Robert Leslie Burghoff</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">45</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Hit and run</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="11" day="20" year="2003">November 20, 2003</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#30</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr Robert E. Shope </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">74</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="1" day="19" year="2004">January 19, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#31</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Michael Patrick Kiley</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">62</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Heart failure</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="1" day="24" year="2004">January 24, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#32</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Vadake Srinivasan</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">78 </TD><TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Stroke/Car wreck</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="3" day="13" year="2004">March 13, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#33</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">William T. McGuire </TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">39</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="5" day="5" year="2004">May 5, 2004</st1:date></TD></TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#34</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Eugene F. Mallove</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">56</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="5" day="16" year="2004">May 16, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#35 </TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Antonina Presnyakova</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">46</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Accidental/Ebola</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="5" day="19" year="2004">May 19, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#36</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Thomas gold</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> 84</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Heart disease</TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="6" day="23" year="2004">June 23, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#37</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. Assefa Tulu</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">45</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Hemorrhagic stroke</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="6" day="24" year="2004">June 24, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#38</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. John Mullen</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">67</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Acute arsenic intoxication</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="6" day="29" year="2004">June 29, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#39</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr Paul Norman</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">52</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Plane crash </TD><TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="7" day="2" year="2004">July 2, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#40</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr. John Badwey</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">54</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Pneumonia like symptoms</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="7" day="21" year="2004">July 21, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#41</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Dr Bassem al-Mudare</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> </TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="7" day="21" year="2004">July 21, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#42 </TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Professor John Clark</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">52</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Hanging</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="8" day="12" year="2004">August 12, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#43</TD><TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">40</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="9" day="5" year="2004">September 5, 2004</st1:date><o:p></o:p></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#44</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Matthew Allison</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">32</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Car exploded</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="10" day="13" year="2004">October 13, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#45</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">John R. La Montagne, Ph.D</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">61</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Sudden pulmonary embolism</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="11" day="2" year="2004">November 2, 2004</st1:date><o:p></o:p></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#46</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19"> </TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="21" year="2004">December 21, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#47-48</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Tom Throne & Beth Williams </TD><TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">63, 53</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Car wreck</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="12" day="29" year="2004">December 29, 2004</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#49</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Jeong H. Im</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">72</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19"><st1:date month="1" day="7" year="2005">January 7, 2005</st1:date></TD> </TR><TR><TD align="center" width="9%" height="19">#50</TD> <TD align="center" width="32%" height="19">Geetha Angara</TD> <TD align="center" width="6%" height="19">43</TD> <TD align="center" width="27%" height="19">Murdered/Drowned</TD> <TD align="center" width="41%" height="19">February 8, 2005</TD></TR>


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