David from Royal dispute

Sep 21, 2004
David, I leave the Royals of the world to players like you.

Hit, you are dead on here. I would have paid this guy asap. I would have sent him free stuff. He would be assigned a personal whale trainer. Again, like all of the other managers say, I have no idea what is going on over there. (Royal). Very bad move jerking this player around.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Sep 20, 2004
good point Hitman..I had the same thing happen at Grande...to this day the book I have just not been able to beat.

New member
Jul 8, 2005
Hitman26 said:
The one thing from those tapes that sticks out to me is when the guy wanted to bet 10 or 20 dimes a game, and Royal says no you are cut to 5, he says I can't live with 5 so process my payout. Royal backtracks and says ok bet what you want just don't withdraw. That right there shows me the character of Royal. I'm not saying the guy deserves to be paid, I'm just pointing out how Royal operates. It's really ironic how Royal's slowpaying has cost them a fantastic POST UP customer. Had they paid this guy on time, instead of stringing him along, they probably could have won hundreds of thousands of dollars from him as a long time customer. Did they really think he wouldn't be back? They traded 20 dimes for the potential of hundreds of thousands more. The first time I beat Pinnacle for a chunk and requested a payout it was in my account within 5 minutes. That won them my business and I have lost a whole lot more money than I withdrew that first time.

well put hitman....then again -- it is funny just how long a short-term mentality can last in this industry. :)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If royal did alter those tapes I give royal a lot of credit. Whoever wrote the dialogue should be in hollywood. The conversation between the player on linesmanager was incredibly believable. SOme one who was going to write a script may have simply had the player request to bet 10 dimes, and have the line manager say sure. But here they made it much more realistic, by first saying 5k max, and then relenting after the player insists he get down on 10k. And then that whole thing over whihc payout they were cancelling. Player verifying that the final payout would be cancelled first, and then the 2nd to last payout cancelled next. Making sure that in case he won, money would still be coming to him in the near future. Just absolutely brilliant scripting. DOn't think you can find anyone here that could write a script so well.
Jul 21, 2003
......... you are dead on here. I would have paid this guy asap. I would have sent him free stuff. He would be assigned a personal whale trainer. Again, like all of the other managers say, I have no idea what is going on over there. (Royal). Very bad move jerking this player around.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Frog, you have such a way with words. damn, I am still laughing at that one.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Fishhead said:
Out of all the books in the world, why would OSGA(Jim) say "try Royal"?


David: Where should I re-up at?

Jim: Alot of great books out there, but why not try Royal?

David: Ok, cool. Are they safe?

Jim: Yes they will pay you eventually, but be aware that they will slow-pay........but you will more than make-up for that with the great odds, promos, and bonuses. How much do you plan on sending, a couple dimes or so?

David: No, $20,000

Jim: Cool, go for it guy and best of luck!

David: Thanks, you saved me the hassle of asking around at other places and I will send the $20,000 tommorow.............thanks again.


Sep 21, 2004
This thread has gotten awfully quiet. I am sure glad David1 came out to play, I was having a small seed of doubt sprouting. He was a lethal dose of Roundup. But that name David1, that just does not work for me. Not accurate. When I think of David I think of David and Goliath. But with David1 I see him placing the rock in the sling, swinging it faster and faster above his head, then getting a blank expression on his face and watching the rock hit himself in the forehead, eyes cross and facefirst dive. David just does not cut it. And the 1? What are you number 1 at ? Let's see, we have used the the King, The SHEPHERD, tofu, Wynn's number one restroom attentdant. All used. Well I think I will give David1 the best nick of all, I have been saving it for someone special. David1 your new name is Barnum Minuteman1. You get to keep the 1. I thought you would like that. But that is long, so we will now refer to you as BM1.

But Fish gives me an idea. I have been working on a Kangeroo, I mean FROG court. This could be informative, fun or just flat out suck. But since I am dying of boredom, I will open the FROG court.

Baliff: Ladies, Gentlemen and Identity please rise.

The Honorable Omnivorous Frog.

OF: Be seated.

Baliff: Our first case your honor, BM1 vs. Royal

OF: Alright Mr. Minuteman, have you been provided adequate consel?

MB1: Yes I have your honor.

Boberto: That be me your honor.

OF: Boberto, call your first witness.

Baliff: The defense calls The SHRINK.

OF: I am sorry Boberto, that witness has been banned from the proceedings. Next witness please.

Baliff: The defense calls The General.

OF: Boberto, this witness has also been banned from the proceedings, if you find it amusing to waste the court's time I will hold you in contempt.

Bob: I had tales of bribes, payoffs and other innuendo.

OF: Had is the correct word here. They are banned from the proceedings, and all such tall tales are judged to be heresay, and inadmissable in FROG court.

Baliff: The defense calls Jay C.

Baliff: Please rise, place your right hand on this racing form.

OF: Do you swear to be a straightshooter and not bs us?

Jay C.: I do your honor.

OF: Be seated.

Bob: Jay, What is your postion if the tapes were legit.

Jay C.: If the tapes were legit the player should get nothin.

OF: Boberto may I remind you that your duty is to represent BM1.

Bob: No sir, your honor, that 50% is going to be sweet.

OF: Thank You Jay C, Boberto has no furthur questions.

OF: Boberto, your next witness please.

Baliff: The defense calls BM!, aka David1.

Baliff: Please rise, place your right hand on this racing form.

OF: Do you swear to be a straightshooter and not bs us?

BM1: I did not make those bets.

OF: David, we are taking the oath.

BM1: Oh' sorry, I do.

Baliff: Be seated.

Bob: Barnum, could you please describe the events leading up to the disputed bets.

BM1: Well, I had piles of money laying around, and I wanted to be a big shot sportsbettor. So instead of researching of how and where to invest my money, I hooked up with a whale spotter named Jim. Jim delivered me to Royal.

OF: Was Jim compensated for his deeds?

BM1: I am not sure, but he mentioned something about a huge kick, and my limits would be whatever I wanted, because he could arrange it.

OF: So effectively he was your spotter and trainer also? Baliff, I want a warrant issued for the Jim the Whale Spotter, Trainer and Deliverer.
Go on Mr. Minuteman.

BM1: Well then I deposited, and deposited and deposited.

OF: How many times Barnum?

BM1: At last count 5 times.

OF: And what would you say the average deposit was?

BM1: 20 dimes.

The entire courtroom gasps. Some start laughing hysterically.

OF: Order, order in the court. People you may find Barnum's behavior amusing, but I assure you, it is indicative of the things to come.

BM1: Yes, then I had trouble getting it back out.

OF: And your trainer Jim was long gone? Getting it back out, are you refering to a slow pay?

BM1: Yes, it was a different story every time. But finally they just decided not to pay me my own money.

OF: I see, so you never made the alledged bets in question.

To be continued...OF:howdy:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good one Froggy. You're true calling may be in writing humor.

I agree with many of the points you have made. One I disagree with is the part where R(B)oberto takes glee in getting his 50% share. I know from personal experience that he hasn't taken anything from me when he helped me recover before. When I recently asked him to help me to recover funds that Tej stole from me at Pyramid and offered him a reward (percentage), he flatly refused any compensation. However my offer still goes and Tej Sports aka Royal (if Tej is the owner there) is responsible to his past victims. Pay up Tej, you scumbag.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
carryback said:
Good one Froggy. You're true calling may be in writing humor.

I agree with many of the points you have made. One I disagree with is the part where R(B)oberto takes glee in getting his 50% share. I know from personal experience that he hasn't taken anything from me when he helped me recover before. When I recently asked him to help me to recover funds that Tej stole from me at Pyramid and offered him a reward (percentage), he flatly refused any compensation. However my offer still goes and Tej Sports aka Royal (if Tej is the owner there) is responsible to his past victims. Pay up Tej, you scumbag.
You should ask TEJ for a percentage in Royal since it was your $ along with many others that TEJ stole to buy into Royal.
Sep 21, 2004
Narrator: During a brief recess some new facts have been brought to the court's attention regarding Boberto and his 50% recovery fee. A member of the jury submits Bob actually helped him without the 50% fee, and although Boberto is not on trial here the court does recognize this as indeed a noble act and has had all references regarding Boberto grabbing the money be stricken from the court transcripts. BM1 aka David1 is still on the stand.

Baliff: All rise. The Honorable Omnivorous Frog resides in the offshore FROG court of dispute.

OF: Be seated. Now Boberto, where were we?

Bob: My client is obviously confused and voluntarily submits to a polygraph test.

OF: Boberto, poligraphs are inadmissable in any court as unreliable, even in my kangaroo, I mean FROG court. However we do have another tool, a lieometer. It has bells and whistles. Will that suffice Boberto?

Bob: Yes your honor, the lieometer will work.

BM1: I didn't make the bets.

OF: Let us hook the lieometer up first. Baliff, put one alligator clip on Mr. Minuteman's ear, the other on his scrotum. OK Baliff, power on the lieometer.

BZZZZ. The lieometer works by sensing twitching of the ears and sweat on the nutsack when bs is being produced.

OF: We have tapes of you placing these bets, Barnum, did you indeed make these disputed bets?

BM1: Err, uh, no.

Ding, ding, ding. Bells sound.

OF: Is that your voice on the tapes David1?

BM1: Err, duh, maybe.

A loud whistle eminates from the lieometer.

OF: This is getting us nowhere fast Boberto. Let us end the lieometer. Baliff remove the lieometer from Barnum Minuteman.

BM1: Ahhhhh! As the baliff rips the clips off.

OF: Baliff, let us listen to the tapes.

Baliff: The tapes, they are missing.

OF: You lost my tapes?

Baliff: No your honor, they are in another thread.

OF: I see, well we will have to move on without them. If any members of the jury wish to hear the tapes please go to the other thread.

Narrator: There is a loud commotion outside as Royal's entourage arrives at FROG court. There is a large stretch limo and a black suburban with limo tint behind it. From the limo emerges RJ, KK and tej, wearing a full length mink coat and a diamond ring on each finger. Exiting the suburban is the legal dream team, I recognize star attorney F. Lee Froggy, and the other 4 thuggish looking characters look like defensive linemen in the NFL. The Royal management enters the courtroom, but wait, a problem at the metal detectors. Beep Beep. The four big guys all have guns in their waistbands. This will not work in the FROG courtroom, and only F. Lee is admitted.

F.Lee: Your honor, I motion you step down on the account you had a cigar and glass of wine during recess.

OF: Motion denied, I always do that.

F.Lee: your honor, I submit my clients cannot get a fair trial as you were also slow paid by Royal.

OF: Approach the bench F. Lee. My fellow judges are all former members of Pyramid sports. Would you prefer I step down and have one of them preside.

F. Lee: Yikes! No thank You, you are the perfect judge to preside in the hearing.

OF: That is what I thought, you may call your first witness.

Baliff: Will Devon Ding please take the stand, KK for short.

Narrator: Sworn in on the racing form, KK takes the stand.

F. Lee: Devon, did David, I mean Barnum Minuteman place bets with his remaining balance that was supposedly being paid to him, albeit, extremely slow.

KK: He most certainly did.

OF: Would you be willing to submit to the lieometer?

KK: Well, I have a condition, my nads are always sweating.

OF: Well then you are excused from the lieometer. Boberto, would care to cross examine the witness?

Bob: Yes I would your honor. Devon, you agreed to supply the court a copy of the tapes.

KK: The tapes were in route, but they became lost in transit, and my dog ate the tracking number.

Bob: I see, well do you have any knowledge of this letter, gentlemen of the jury, let this be marked exhibit A. The Royal apology letter. This letter states you were indeed slow paying, and would reimburse the claimant in full.

KK: Obviously that is a forgery, and has no signature either. Everyone from Royal signs their letters, it is an fake letter, probably produced by David1.

F Lee: Objection. My clients apologize to no one.

OF: Sustained. The unsigned letter cannot be used as evidence. Boberto do you have any more questions for KK? No, you may step down.

Bailiff: Will Barnum Minuteman please return to the stand.

BM1: I didn't make the bets.

OF: No one has asked you anything yet.

F. Lee: You failed the lieometer, is that your voice on the tapes?

BM1: Err, uh, Maybe.

Bob: You idiot, I told you to say it wasn't your voice, they were not your bets, how many times did we rehearse this?

F. Lee: Objection, the witness is being led.

OF: Sustained. Boberto, please refrain from coaching your client on the witness stand.

F. Lee: Answer the question, is that your voice?

BM1: I don't know, I made hundreds of bets there.

OF: Mr. Minuteman, we need some direct answers out of you, or this entire case will be thrown out of FROG court.

BM1: I didn't make the bets.

OF: This is not working, leave the stand Barnum.

BM1: Those tapes are fakes. I never lose.

To be continued: next episode tej and rj take the stand.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tej the scum : I'm too busy to be here, but since I'm here, this is what we'll do. Dave1 can post up an additional twenty and I'll match it with a ten times rollover. Dave1 can only bet favorites on the games I choose and I can change the rules whenever I like. Should Dave1 by some extraordinary amount of luck win, he will have to settle for less than half the account balance and sign a statement saying that Tej Sports is the best sportsbook on the planet and that I and everyone here are honest and reputable businessmen. It's that or nothing! Ha ha, I love Costa Rica.
Sep 21, 2004
Narrator: David1 aka Barnum Minuteman1 decided to try and fool the polygraph, and the FROG endorsed lieometer. He failed miserably at both. What a stiff. Although the FROG court proceedings were getting to the bottom of it, outside revelations have confirmed our doubts.

Baliff: Please rise. The Honorable Omnivourous Frog presiding in the FROG court of offshore disputes.

OF: Be seated.

OF: In my many years of monitoring offshore disputes this David1 aka Barnum Minuteman1 has reached an all time low. He lied to everyone involved, including those who put faith in him, attempting to help him. I find this behavior reprehensible. Baliff, I want you to physically remove Mr. Minuteman from this court, he is a disgrace to all parties involved. Boberto, I am sorry it has came to this, but you were the last man standing to back the fraud. The court has no hostile feelings towards you, as many were indeed duped by this convicted liar. Case Dismissed.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

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