Are religious people mentall ill?

Sep 21, 2004
The more scientists find out about the complexity of DNA and the cell, the more that life screams out for an intelligent designer. DNA is more complex than a computer operating system, and the idea that it evolved from ... nothing, is dumber than saying that the Microsoft Windows operating system could evolve from nothing.

There is an intelligent designer out there. You can call it whatever you want. To think otherwise is sheer lunacy.
Sep 21, 2004
DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created. - Bill Gates, The Road Ahead

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
What a load of crap. Generalize much? "Atheists liberals have no concept of right and wrong." Just plain stupid.

tells me all i need to know about Sallyboy

Atheist Liberals concept of right and wrong is an always-moving barrier which gets more ridiculous, bizarre, and psychotic every day. quote that if you wish but clearly atheist liberals have a concept of right or wrong. The "wrong" moves more insane every single fucking day. One day wrong is not believing a man could love a man....then wrong is not believing a man feel like a woman...then that a man that takes estrogen and slices his penis off isn't a women...then wrong is calling someone by the wrong gender pronoun

so, hell yeah, i believe you psycho radical leftists believe in right and wrong but it's not by any keep moving the goal posts in a more radical, and disgusting, direction by the day. What was "wrong" to you 5 years ago is your daily norm...and somehow you're proud of it.

the religious, or at least us guided by some playbook, understand that what was disgusting 10 years ago is still disgusting today

Feb 20, 2019
tells me all i need to know about Sallyboy

Atheist Liberals concept of right and wrong is an always-moving barrier which gets more ridiculous, bizarre, and psychotic every day. quote that if you wish but clearly atheist liberals have a concept of right or wrong. The "wrong" moves more insane every single fucking day. One day wrong is not believing a man could love a man....then wrong is not believing a man feel like a woman...then that a man that takes estrogen and slices his penis off isn't a women...then wrong is calling someone by the wrong gender pronoun

so, hell yeah, i believe you psycho radical leftists believe in right and wrong but it's not by any keep moving the goal posts in a more radical, and disgusting, direction by the day. What was "wrong" to you 5 years ago is your daily norm...and somehow you're proud of it.

the religious, or at least us guided by some playbook, understand that what was disgusting 10 years ago is still disgusting today

Are you just spewing nonsense and making stuff up as you go? Because you described a lot of Republicans there too...

There's Republicans that are Atheists too or did you not consider that before running off on that nonsensical rant?

This is about the idiocy of religion. The whole concept of it. ALL religions are equally fake and for people in denial. This isn't about politics. So take it easy with you inaccurate and obvious propaganda against the left. There's just as many loony, evil doing Republicans that have shaky and changing moral values. Don't kid yourself.

Let's stick to the topic. Religion. Don't have to make it about politics. Don't make yourself lose credibility.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I must say that Martin Luther wrote an interesting book. And since youtube did not exist at that time, Rolltide will now immediately consider it.

But first Rolltide will have to get past his indoctrinated beliefs before he can crack that book open. Sometimes the perpetrators pass themselves off as victims.
i think it's so sweet a 82-IQ halfwit is trying to push beyond the "moon landing" discussion. failing, of course, but trying

always felt bad about kids like you that never realized the joke was on YOU. we keep putting up with your silliness, tickling your underarms, and politely making the crazy guy forefinger circles around our right ears but you just don't see it. Studies have repeatedly shown that your kind, the ultra conspiracy theorist, is unable to rationally view information and facts yet you still believe your, ahemm, critical thinking skills are supreme? good stuff, bro, good stuff :)

Feb 20, 2019
Can you imagine the OP having the audacity to talk about irony? Haha, the epitome if ignorance

But what can one expect from some piss poor soul that's been banned multiple times from multiple forums and has to keep changing his user name just so he can share his unique brand of ignorance with the rest of us

We're truly blessed

Carry on

Banned? Oh, the last resort of a man who can't argue sensibly or logically. Just make stuff up. You lost a lot of credit right off the bat there.

You're clueless, you're easy and you're comedy relief with your inane comments.

Ignorance? How's that for some more irony from willy lol.

You're brand of ignorance is bland, boring and repetitive.

Carry on.

New member
Oct 29, 2006
You lost a lot of credit right off the bat there.

People who lose a lot of credit right off the bat on forums, are those that hit the ground running and know the entire landscape with post #1.

Don't insult the intelligent posters here by trying to convince anyone you aren't a ghost. We've seen this act so many times and it's old.

Feb 20, 2019
The more scientists find out about the complexity of DNA and the cell, the more that life screams out for an intelligent designer. DNA is more complex than a computer operating system, and the idea that it evolved from ... nothing, is dumber than saying that the Microsoft Windows operating system could evolve from nothing.

There is an intelligent designer out there. You can call it whatever you want. To think otherwise is sheer lunacy.

The onus is on the religious people to prove God exists. The burden of proof isn't on Atheists.

Also, the argument of Microsoft Windows is a poor one. Comparing apples and oranges. Ever heard of Darwin? The DNA and design is what it is because it evolved over time and it's called natural selection.

Our DNA is still changing as a species and that's because of adaption and natural selection.

And yes DNA is complex but we are still very flawed. We age, we die we get sick, we have invented all sorts of medicines to keep us going for as long as possible and even then we suffer towards the end and eventually die. Is this what God intended? And while we are alive we hate each other based on skin color or weight or sex and fight and war, and deceive etc. Hell, most religious people are the most immoral and evil of all. Priests and Pastors raping kids and religious people killing their spouses for insurance money or because they fell in love with another man or woman and didn't want to pay out in divorce. I can make a list going pages and pages of examples of such good religious people so to guys like rolltide don't give me Atheists are immoral or have ever changing values etc. Simply baseless.

Man created a computer. He does not live in the computer. If God created the Universe where did he come from? Where was he before that and who created him?

Religious people have the luxury of saying oh he's God he can do anything. Also very telling that the concept of God is man made and primitive backwards old age thinking is that it's always a HE, no matter the religion, most religions refer to God as HE. More proof the concept was created by man to control people create wealth and deceive people.

But listen, I'm not one of those posters that isn't open minded or just likes arguing for the sake of arguing. I will definitely read and try to learn about other people's perspectives. I just haven't read or heard anything from anybody in my life that makes me wonder if there is a God. I'm convinced there isn't.

Now if somebody wants to convince me that we are in a matrix of some kind or some super beings or aliens created Earth and it's people and we are one big ant farm for some superior intelligent being, that maybe I can believe. Yes, I'll believe that over a guy named jesus that could walk on water and the concept of a fiery hell and angels and the devil or mohammed flying to the heavens on a horse or unicorn or whatever nonsense it was lol. It's been awhile since I studied religions in College. I can't remember.

I mean really. Come on.

Feb 20, 2019
People who lose a lot of credit right off the bat on forums, are those that hit the ground running and know the entire landscape with post #1.

Don't insult the intelligent posters here by trying to convince anyone you aren't a ghost. We've seen this act so many times and it's old.

What landscape is it that you speak of? Do you need a manual to know your way around an online forum?

You insult your own intelligence by being immature and cliche with accusations of ghosts etc

Look around, almost ever poster, new poster that joins gets accused of being a ghost around here. I've noticed that. Are people TRYING to drive away traffic here? Or is it that a select few deranged, loony right wingers just want to have the site all to themselves to spew the nonsense and racist views? Anybody else, especially if they lean left is ganged up upon by rabid dogs because they simply want to discredit and chase away people that don't share their views.

I've noticed that here.

So please spare me.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
The onus is on the religious people to prove God exists. The burden of proof isn't on Atheists.

Also, the argument of Microsoft Windows is a poor one. Comparing apples and oranges. Ever heard of Darwin? The DNA and design is what it is because it evolved over time and it's called natural selection.

Our DNA is still changing as a species and that's because of adaption and natural selection.

And yes DNA is complex but we are still very flawed. We age, we die we get sick, we have invented all sorts of medicines to keep us going for as long as possible and even then we suffer towards the end and eventually die. Is this what God intended? And while we are alive we hate each other based on skin color or weight or sex and fight and war, and deceive etc. Hell, most religious people are the most immoral and evil of all. Priests and Pastors raping kids and religious people killing their spouses for insurance money or because they fell in love with another man or woman and didn't want to pay out in divorce. I can make a list going pages and pages of examples of such good religious people so to guys like rolltide don't give me Atheists are immoral or have ever changing values etc. Simply baseless.

Man created a computer. He does not live in the computer. If God created the Universe where did he come from? Where was he before that and who created him?

Religious people have the luxury of saying oh he's God he can do anything. Also very telling that the concept of God is man made and primitive backwards old age thinking is that it's always a HE, no matter the religion, most religions refer to God as HE. More proof the concept was created by man to control people create wealth and deceive people.

But listen, I'm not one of those posters that isn't open minded or just likes arguing for the sake of arguing. I will definitely read and try to learn about other people's perspectives. I just haven't read or heard anything from anybody in my life that makes me wonder if there is a God. I'm convinced there isn't.

Now if somebody wants to convince me that we are in a matrix of some kind or some super beings or aliens created Earth and it's people and we are one big ant farm for some superior intelligent being, that maybe I can believe. Yes, I'll believe that over a guy named jesus that could walk on water and the concept of a fiery hell and angels and the devil or mohammed flying to the heavens on a horse or unicorn or whatever nonsense it was lol. It's been awhile since I studied religions in College. I can't remember.

I mean really. Come on.
1. Do you think it's possible that there is a multiverse?
2. Do you think it's possible for other entities to be alive in these other universes?
3. Do you think it's possible that another entity in another universe has created this universe and has full power over it?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
You insult your own intelligence by being immature and cliche with accusations of ghosts etc

Look around, almost ever poster, new poster that joins gets accused of being a ghost around here. I've noticed that. Are people TRYING to drive away traffic here?
which is exactly what every proven ghoster types when he's been outed as a ghost :)

if you don't want to be accused as a ghost next time then actually post some relevant sports betting discussions for 4-6 months before you dive into your political/religious diatribe

it is comical that you fellas still don't realize how obvious you are. but, road2/vitty/etc, you'll become unhinged and get banned like many iterations that preceded you....

you'll get us next time, I promise're so, so close to fooling the forum. you got us next time for sure ;)

Nov 25, 2006

Nov 25, 2006

Nov 25, 2006

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Reminds me of politics, allow me to quote the articulate Charles Barkley :)

"poor people have been for for democrats for 50 years, and they're still poor"

Religion takes many different forms

Nov 25, 2006

Nov 25, 2006
I still wonder how anyone can trust the Catholic church? They admit to the systematic raping of boys yet people still look to them for guidance. I don't know what kind of mindset that is.

New member
Oct 29, 2006
I still wonder how anyone can trust the Catholic church? They admit to the systematic raping of boys yet people still look to them for guidance. I don't know what kind of mindset that is.

Martin Luther figured that one out 100’s of years ago.

Church’s are corrupt. Men are corrupt. That doesn’t have anything to do with God. If he exists.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
which is exactly what every proven ghoster types when he's been outed as a ghost :)

if you don't want to be accused as a ghost next time then actually post some relevant sports betting discussions for 4-6 months before you dive into your political/religious diatribe

it is comical that you fellas still don't realize how obvious you are. but, road2/vitty/etc, you'll become unhinged and get banned like many iterations that preceded you....

you'll get us next time, I promise're so, so close to fooling the forum. you got us next time for sure ;)

They join a gambling forum
They jump into politics
They say the same stupid stuff
They start the same stupid threads
They fight with posters
They fight with mods
They get banned

They set up a new user name, and go through the entire process again

So damn weird

Feb 20, 2019
They join a gambling forum
They jump into politics
They say the same stupid stuff
They start the same stupid threads
They fight with posters
They fight with mods
They get banned

They set up a new user name, and go through the entire process again

So damn weird

Just happened to come across this comment from willy99

''My last point, I stay out of pissing contests, they bore the shit out of me. So I really can't pretend to know everything you're complaining to each other about. If I don't like someone, I just ignore them. Maybe you should try it, seriously''

Yup, willy99 sure seems like a mature, well rounded individual that likes to stay out of pissing contests or likes to ignore somebody he doesn't like. LOL.

This guy is about as insincere, hypocritical blowhard as you can find around here. Give me a break with this nonsense from this clown and his circular, self serving, deceitful and manipulative logic.

Like everywhere I go this clown exposes himself as a phony. No integrity no backbone or character but he sure likes to fake it. Lol.

Well..looking forward to having more nonpissing contests with you. Lol. Give me a break. You're so Goddamn easy.

If your trolling was at least funny or amusing then I can understand but really what do you bring to the table?

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