Ya don't say: Impeachment reversal: Diplomat now acknowledges quid pro quo, ROTFLMAO


New member
Aug 28, 2012
ROTFLMAO!!!!! You're not just a steaming, lying, turd, you're very bad at it. Let's take a look at two groups:

No quid pro quo: Twittler, Mullvaney

Quid pro quo: Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

First of all, not only is 5-2, it's 5-2 with Mullvaney having admitted that, not only was there definitely a quid pro quo, it happens "all the time" and we should "get over it. Of course, he reversed himself hours later, what is your explanation for him 1) saying what he said, and 2) almost immediately reversing it? Something tells me I'll be waiting a LONG time for an answer to that.

What do the five people have in common? Well, for one thing, they were all, in some capacity, hired by Twittler or his people-not "18 angry Democrats," all of them in his administration-Vindman was the friggin' expert on Ukraine, fer crissakes, and, for REALLY human scum who had the balls to accuse him of being a traitor, he passed an extensive background check, unlike Dump's rubber-tittied, me-love-you-LONG-time-Daddy daughter, and her scrawny, sleazy mute of a husband. And, Sondland was about as far from being a "Never Trumper" as you can get: he stupidly gave the Orange Ape a million bucks so he could close to "greatness," and was dutifully gulping down the Twittler Kool Aide until he realized he was looking at BIG 'ole perjury charge. So, I am curious, also, as to your explanation, as to how and why FIVE people aligned with Trump in some way or another, suddenly, went "mad" en masse and stated that he did, indeed, ask for a qpq? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you're not gonna answer THAT, either, you gutless turd.

There is one other important thing The Five have in common: they have all testified UNDER OATH, whereas, Twittler and Mick-the-not-so-Quick can, and do, talk outta their asses-and that's, EXACTLY why Mick wouldn't testify-so, good luck with backing two idiots who have both, in their own way, confessed to abuse of power, schmuck.

keeACTLY what laws he HAS broken. :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

Actually, should be:

NO QUID PRO QUO: Both people on the conversation - President Trump and President Zelensky
QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Voting for impeachment inquiry: 100% democrats 0% Republicans
Voting against impeachment inquiry: Bi-partisan both Democrats and Republicans

Just facts listed, no insults or deflections. Honest debate coming?

Sep 22, 2007
Quid Pro Quo: everyone with TDS

nice try, douche

Hmmmm, did you forget Mullvaney's admission in front of the world? I think you did, Scumbag. And, you and Roman can't POSSIBLY be so stupid that you ignore that one, the guy being shaken down is not likely to contradict the "shaker" when the latter is still around, and, two, the Ukrainian's administration has let it be known that they had been feeling pressure MONTHS before the July call, asshole.:fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012

Sep 22, 2007
Actually, should be:

NO QUID PRO QUO: Both people on the conversation - President Trump and President Zelensky
QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Voting for impeachment inquiry: 100% democrats 0% Republicans
Voting against impeachment inquiry: Bi-partisan both Democrats and Republicans

Just facts listed, no insults or deflections. Honest debate coming?

Uhhhh, Vindman DID listen to the call, you lying sack of shit. Also, why would a Dump backer, Sondland, say that it WAS a QPQ and "illegal?" And, where is that picture you said you were gonna post, Roman?

Oct 11, 2014
And the winner is........Finchy!


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Uhhhh, Vindman DID listen to the call, you lying sack of shit. Also, why would a Dump backer, Sondland, say that it WAS a QPQ and "illegal?" And, where is that picture you said you were gonna post, Roman?

No idea who roman is, or what I have in common with him... Everything he is known for has nothing to do with me. So can you specifically elaborate, or is it just a random insult?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Uhhhh, Vindman DID listen to the call, you lying sack of shit. Also, why would a Dump backer, Sondland, say that it WAS a QPQ and "illegal?" And, where is that picture you said you were gonna post, Roman?

So, someone who listened to the call, who wasnt involved in the conversation cause no one was speaking to him, has more weight on his opinion than the two people who were on the call and what the actual transcript says?

Guess you have no IDEA why you call me "Roman" since there is nothing I have in common with him, and you cant even say what it is yourself. Isnt that right Pauper (I call you pauper cause you file frivilous lawsuits as a "Pauper" at the taxpayer expense, and try to sue people for money since you dont work)... See, I can explain why I call you PAUPER, AND I can back it up with actual facts.

Sep 22, 2007
So, someone who listened to the call, who wasnt involved in the conversation cause no one was speaking to him, has more weight on his opinion than the two people who were on the call and what the actual transcript says?

Guess you have no IDEA why you call me "Roman" since there is nothing I have in common with him, and you cant even say what it is yourself. Isnt that right Pauper (I call you pauper cause you file frivilous lawsuits as a "Pauper" at the taxpayer expense, and try to sue people for money since you dont work)... See, I can explain why I call you PAUPER, AND I can back it up with actual facts.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Hilarious how that little dinosaur brain, in the BIG ass hat rack that sits atop your "neck-less" shoulders, can only fart out a couple of thoughts at a time: first, you latch onto ONE word, "Roman," like a dog onto a hungry bone, in post # 27, and, for some strange reason, ignore every other word in my post; then, clearly, it just ATE away at you how you'd been exposed, and, you felt compelled to come back, more than an hour later, to "answer" your own post; do you have a life outside of this forum, other than snooping around court sites, making mysterious, anonymous phone inquiries, snooping around gate directories, you psychotic fat fuck? Somehow, I don't think so, but, I digress. Time to tear apart your 2 boneheaded posts, which, you'll notice, I can do in ONE reply, I don't need two posts, over an hour apart, to express myself, Roman:

Post # 27: you are-all together now-a steaming, fly infested, sack of shit, you DO know exactly who Roman is, and what you have in common with him, evidenced by your running to the Mods and whining like a little bitch about both the name and its implications, so much so, that multiple posters, including, even BAS, ridiculed you for it. Did you "forget" that post, you lying lump of shit? You're so stupid, you forget your lies a short time later, lol.

Post # 28: The main point ISN'T that ANYBODY with a shred of common sense who heard that call knew EXACTLY what was going on with the Ukrainian leader, let alone a guy appointed, by Dump, as an expert on Ukraine, and he was backed up by four other people speaking under the penalty of perjury, ALL of them appointed by Dump. You have absolutely no explanation for why those 5 people would "turn against" Dump if he had actually been telling the truth, and you've been running away from that point the way you probably run away when LV SVU visit your cabbie company. No, the main POINT, you brainless, block headed bitch, is that you said:

"QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Therefore, you LIED, like the fat, fabulist, fuckwad that you are. Vindman...was on...the call, Blubber Runt. Try again, Roman. Btw, your namesake was in the news today, peas in a pod, Short Stuff, peas in a pod...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

(I predict 2 replies, full of lies and desperately avoiding the above bitch slap, spread over, oh, 90 minutes)

Mar 6, 2005
Hmmmm, did you forget Mullvaney's admission in front of the world? I think you did, Scumbag. And, you and Roman can't POSSIBLY be so stupid that you ignore that one, the guy being shaken down is not likely to contradict the "shaker" when the latter is still around, and, two, the Ukrainian's administration has let it be known that they had been feeling pressure MONTHS before the July call, asshole.:fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

Zeldin: “and in no way shape or form did you receive any indication whatsoever for anything that resembles quid pro quo.”
Volker: Correct
Hmmmm, did you forget Volker's admission in front of the world? I think you did, Scumbag. Keep swinging, Mr. .000 :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Thread will be abandoned like all the others when the facts come out... lmao

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Biden's protection racket revealed:


Sep 22, 2007
Thread will be abandoned like all the others when the facts come out... lmao

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roman's Fat mouth is slammed SHUT! No answer whatsoever to the following, huh, you blubbery, no neck runt? You got a BIG 'ole heaping of STFU, 'cause you got bitch slapped to a fare thee well. I clearly busted you in MULTIPLE lies, Scumbag. Why'd you lie, you boulder headed runt????d...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Post # 27: you are-all together now-a steaming, fly infested, sack of shit, you DO know exactly who Roman is, and what you have in common with him, evidenced by your running to the Mods and whining like a little bitch about both the name and its implications, so much so, that multiple posters, including, even BAS, ridiculed you for it. Did you "forget" that post, you lying lump of shit? You're so stupid, you forget your lies a short time later, lol.

Post # 28: The main point ISN'T that ANYBODY with a shred of common sense who heard that call knew EXACTLY what was going on with the Ukrainian leader, let alone a guy appointed, by Dump, as an expert on Ukraine, and he was backed up by four other people speaking under the penalty of perjury, ALL of them appointed by Dump. You have absolutely no explanation for why those 5 people would "turn against" Dump if he had actually been telling the truth, and you've been running away from that point the way you probably run away when LV SVU visit your cabbie company. No, the main POINT, you brainless, block headed bitch, is that you said:

"QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Therefore, you LIED, like the fat, fabulist, fuckwad that you are. Vindman...was on...the call, Blubber Runt. Try again, Roman. Btw, your namesake was in the news today, peas in a pod, Short Stuff, peas in a pod...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Sep 22, 2007
Zeldin: “and in no way shape or form did you receive any indication whatsoever for anything that resembles quid pro quo.”
Volker: Correct
Hmmmm, did you forget Volker's admission in front of the world? I think you did, Scumbag. Keep swinging, Mr. .000 :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

>>Yawn>> Mullvanney's admission easily, uh, trumps Volker, not to mention YOU "forgot" FIVE people's sworn testimony that says otherwise, schmuck. Go engage Roman in a circle jerk while you two gush over your hilariously stupid and transparent lies. :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roman's Fat mouth is slammed SHUT! No answer whatsoever to the following, huh, you blubbery, no neck runt? You got a BIG 'ole heaping of STFU, 'cause you got bitch slapped to a fare thee well. I clearly busted you in MULTIPLE lies, Scumbag. Why'd you lie, you boulder headed runt????d...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Post # 27: you are-all together now-a steaming, fly infested, sack of shit, you DO know exactly who Roman is, and what you have in common with him, evidenced by your running to the Mods and whining like a little bitch about both the name and its implications, so much so, that multiple posters, including, even BAS, ridiculed you for it. Did you "forget" that post, you lying lump of shit? You're so stupid, you forget your lies a short time later, lol.

Post # 28: The main point ISN'T that ANYBODY with a shred of common sense who heard that call knew EXACTLY what was going on with the Ukrainian leader, let alone a guy appointed, by Dump, as an expert on Ukraine, and he was backed up by four other people speaking under the penalty of perjury, ALL of them appointed by Dump. You have absolutely no explanation for why those 5 people would "turn against" Dump if he had actually been telling the truth, and you've been running away from that point the way you probably run away when LV SVU visit your cabbie company. No, the main POINT, you brainless, block headed bitch, is that you said:

"QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Therefore, you LIED, like the fat, fabulist, fuckwad that you are. Vindman...was on...the call, Blubber Runt. Try again, Roman. Btw, your namesake was in the news today, peas in a pod, Short Stuff, peas in a pod...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Cause whatever I answer with is followed by insults that arent true and deflection and you twisting words... Not worth the effort on a pauper who tries to steal for a living.

Example, I said those involved in the call, which were our President and Ukraine President... those were the only 2 involved. YET you try and twist it that those testifying were involved, which they werent... then the usual insults that make no sense, then more insults, then some deflection followed by more insults which make no sense.

Not worth the effort.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
>>Yawn>> Mullvanney's admission easily, uh, trumps Volker, not to mention YOU "forgot" FIVE people's sworn testimony that says otherwise, schmuck. Go engage Roman in a circle jerk while you two gush over your hilariously stupid and transparent lies. :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

Who is Roman, and what does he have to do with me? Guess since you dont know, just another random insult not based on any fact or reality.

Sep 22, 2007
Cause whatever I answer with is followed by insults that arent true and deflection and you twisting words... Not worth the effort on a pauper who tries to steal for a living.

Example, I said those involved in the call, which were our President and Ukraine President... those were the only 2 involved. YET you try and twist it that those testifying were involved, which they werent... then the usual insults that make no sense, then more insults, then some deflection followed by more insults which make no sense.

Not worth the effort.

Then, why are you still flapping your gums? I didn't twist SHIT, you LIED, and everybody can see it. Below are YOUR words, not mine. C'mon, Roman, YOU can do it: just say, "I lied" (and, let us not forget, you ALSO lied by saying you didn't know who Roman was, or what the reference had to do with you, when you whined liked a little bitch to the mods about EXACTLY those two subjects).

"QUID PRO QUO: People who didnt listen to the conversation and dont have first hand knowledge Taylor, Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Sondland

Therefore, you LIED, like the fat, fabulist, fuckwad that you are. Vindman...was on...the call, Blubber Runt. Try again, Roman. Btw, your namesake was in the news today, peas in a pod, Short Stuff, peas in a pod...:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Sep 22, 2007
Who is Roman, and what does he have to do with me? Guess since you dont know, just another random insult not based on any fact or reality.

Hey, here's another easy way to show you're a liar and/or a stiff: if I post a quote of yours that shows you know EXACTLY who Roman is, and your speculation about what he has do with you, will you self ban?

The clock is ticking, Oh, fat, fabulist, fuckwad:pointer:Shush()*Slapping-silly90)):devilex::bigfinger:trx-smly0:madasshol:fckmad:

Mar 6, 2005
>>Yawn>> Mullvanney's admission easily, uh, trumps Volker, not to mention YOU "forgot" FIVE people's sworn testimony that says otherwise, schmuck. Go engage Roman in a circle jerk while you two gush over your hilariously stupid and transparent lies. :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

It's easy to give sworn testimony when you're swearing that you're only giving your opinion, ass hat. Your .000 average is in no danger of becoming .001 :fckmad::trx-smly0:bigfinger:madasshol^^:)

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