
New member
Sep 21, 2004
Cardfather, I want to stay out of the arguement entirely, but I'd be glad to take you one on one for a dime, Texas Holdem. I'm just looking for a good match. Let me know if you are interested, I made another topic about it in the forum, I'm looking to take all comers head-to head. Perhaps we can work out a time?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm at Wsex right now.......wanna play?

Say 12:15am (EST)?

I'm not really arguing. I know that there is some degree of collusion on and offline. I also feel I am experienced enough to evaluate the conditions.
It's just that when someone calls you a sucker...they should be willing to put up the cash or shut-up!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
well, hey! I have a comer! but I've got to get up at 7:00 am tommorow so it wouldn't be the best tonight. Plus I need to shoot WSEX a Western Union before I can challenge anyone for a dime. Care to play any time after 2 Eastern Tommorow? One on One for a grand?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Let's say 4pm (EST) tommorrow WSEX boatswain table. Maybe some of our fellow posters will c'mon over and watch a legitimate online poker match.

P.S. Congrats on the 3rd in the Bet365 contest. I wanted to take New England, but wiley5 and marlowe's pick forced me to take St Louis. Way to go........Nice capping !!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
R U saying that if you have a WSEX account we can watch? You guys have made me dig up my Rounders tape!

New member
Sep 21, 2004

How did you know I was referring to Tony S? All I said was, "...a floorman at Binions"!


Is he still in Vegas? I heard he was working the big tournament at Jack Binion's place in Tunica; I didn't know if that was a temporary gig, or if he fled Becky for Jack.

If you see him, tell him that Bobby (the fat kid who worked in the sportsbooks at the Poker Palace and the Imperial Palace, who moved to Tunica a couple years ago) is booking offshore now.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's a date, I'm sure the winner will be granted the right to a thread here.

As for the contest, I kind of limped my way in, as after rounds one and two I was 4 out of 8 possible points, and had kind of given up on the thing. As I didnt have money on either championship game, I decided to play the dogs in the contest just to make watching the games more exciting. To my surprise, Both Philly and NE covered. Then I began to seriously cap again. I did have serious money on NE and the Under though, so I guess that was a good call. But I lucked out overall. Thanks anyhow though.

I'm going to stock up on mountain dew and the such (no beer during poker). I look foreward to the match!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
yes, I'm pretty sure you can watch any ongoing matches on WSEX poker, I for one welcome it, it'll be a little RX party in the afternoon. I'll see whoever shows up there! 4 Eastern it is!
What's the rules? 20-40 freeze out with two blinds? Or pot limit with two blinds? Sounds like it would be fun to watch. And good luck to both of you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Does WSEX offer Pot Limit or No limit games? I don't think it so, I haven't spent much time there though. I think it will be 20-40 till one of us is out. Is that okay with you Card, or do you have a different suggestion?
I don't know. I think the 20-40 freeze out with two blinds would make for a better test. Aces vs kings could end things rather quickly. Whatever you all decide I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I totally agree. I think that is the only true way to play head to head. Much more strategic. But i think it without going to WSEX to get them to open us a special no limit room we might be stuck with a standard 20/40 game. They might be willing to do this, though I don't know about by 4pm Tommorow.

If i'm wrong and you can play no limit, by all means someone let me know.

Otherwise, I want to see what Card has to say, seems he's spent more time there than me

EDIT: I think this will be freeze-out for sure, and I think all the holdem rooms have 2 blinds. 20/40 seems good to me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
well, however this works out, I'm off to bed. I'll check up on this thread in the morning to see that we are both clear and reaady to go. Otherwise, See you at WSEX at 4!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funk Soul Brother
Sounds great. I'll see you at 4pm EST.

Thanks Max. No pot-limit or no limit tables. Boatswain is a 1 on 1 20/40 table. I like the challenge of a limit match better anyway.

Anyone in the "Real Poker World" knows the peeps.
I think Tony is doing the tournament trail now. I saw him in Tunica last month.....still funny as ever. Tony & Jack know as much about the Poker Scoop as anyone in the biz.

Wow....I know all the guys from Poker Palace. I used to play a lot of 20/40 with Mickey Coleman.
I knew his head man Brad pretty well too. When I was doing Twin Q's and checking lines, Poker Palce was one of my favorite stops. Some days their Twin Q didn't get $100 action.....LOL
You could scoop it with a logical $18 ticket. Tony S. played horses in there quite often.

They had some great guys in the poker room....Pineapple, Kenny and Cecil.

Hope things are going good for you offshore.....I'll tell Tony you said "wassup" next time I see him.

[This message was edited by CardFather on 02-12-02 at 02:33 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Boatswain will be ready for you guys.

Unless you want us to create a higher stakes table for you.

CardFather vs. FunkSoulBrother
4:00 PM EST

I'll even see if Steve wants to run an interactive on it for the viewers.

(Note: No worries, we will have our best set of eyes watching for collusion..... :)

See you there.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You guys only want to play one on one right? If not I am in (-;

Been wanting to try out wsex poker anyway.

Sep 21, 2004
when you get my wire I'm in for the prescription 20/40 showdowns. I'm happy to play with known users of this site.

[This message was edited by slots on 02-12-02 at 11:51 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah, that's where I met Tony. At "Mickey's Mirage", or as one disgruntled employee called it, "The Brown Nugget".

I only met Mickey a few times.

Every Monday night, as soon as the Monday Night Football game kicked off, I was to phone Mickey at home, and tell him who he was supposed to root for. If that call wasn't made within 2 minutes of the opening kickoff, there would be hell to pay.

I got a "Pineapple" story for you:

I was playing in their $1-4 hold'em game, and Harold (Pineapple) was propping. I had "Three pair", a particularly frustrating hand, and there were four hearts on the board (I didn't have a heart in my hand). The only players left in the pot were Harold and me. I checked, he bet.

I couldn't call. Flopped two pair, "improved" to three pair. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif I was frustrated. "I've got three pair!", I blurted disgustedly, as I was about to muck.

"Me too!", said Pineapple.

Wait a minute. That changes things. HE has three pair? Well, I've got TOP three pair. My hand must be good! For at least a split pot, anyway.

"I Call!"

"I got three pair of hearts!", Harold said, turning up a "pair of hearts", to go with the two-pairs of hearts that were on the board.

The whole table laughed at me.

You are indeed Mr Simple-Minded IMO. No matter how much that comment hits close to home for you Bobby and how many names you drop, let's stick to the facts. Color me impressed with the fact you know a couple floor walkers in the casinos. If I can't sleep later I may come back and read those last few posts of yours. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif Here's the genius talking about ROUNDERS, a movie I made a mistake of having an opinion on:

I've read over a MILLION posts on that movie!!

Dam son, may I suggest a dating service or something. Why would you read so much about such an awful movie?

After reading over a million posts I've never read anyone used the words "most" and "realistic" together in the same sentence

Let me start by saying I have gotten 2 e-mails with links that do indeed say just that. But unlike Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum running to every cyberboard on the net looking for "mistakes" in the movie, I am quite comfortable passing off my opinion and letting others have theirs. Mine is quite simply...

ROUNDERS was the most realistic poker movie I ever saw. I enjoyed it.

Why these two pinheads want to attack that I have no idea. Can you grasp the notion that may have been the only poker movie I have ever seen? If that was true than the point is already proven. Here's another thought if you have gotten over that one yet. Not everybody lives near casinos or plays in them regularly. Matter of fact I live far away from the nearest one and 90% of my poker action is in private games. If your life experience is the 1-2 stud game at the Horseshoe or only playing on-line than no the movie may not have appealed to you. People have different thoughts!! Imagine that!! Like I said overall the movie struck home better to me than any other I have ever seen. I don't care if you are a movie blooper kind of nerd and caught where they didn't cut the cards, a lot of that lingo and playing conditions and thought process I can relate to. Hope after this rebutal I am allowed to continue to have my opinion of a movie that differs from yours. Geez Louise.

Oh and lastly I just read where now Bobby says even he can't name a more realistic one after all?!!? Huh? After all that time it took you to find those posts you have never watched one that was more realistic? 'Nuff said. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I'll leave you out of it and won't make fun of you any longer. Though that comment nobody knows more about cheating than me is hilarious. We know who actually does know the most about cheating, hope that isn't you. Anyway this peabrain said there's been no cheating since 10 years ago when he caught it in the games he was playing in. LOL!! Okay man. Of course we all want to believe that but it isn't true or realistic. If you've played in Vegas or anywhere else and played in games without noticing at least a few guys on the same team were at your table you are a fool or a liar. Probably both, one or the other for sure. Not to mention playing on-line!! I have more respect for the people (though I don't necessarily agree) that state I know it happens and can't be stopped in it's entirety but I think I can outrun it and still make a profit. The day a site comes on (WSEX came relatively close) and acknowledges it on their own and list some tools they will try to curtail it I'll give them credit. They KNOW they can't eliminate it. Have some sak and admit it, do what you can and say so and watch the folks that give you credit for the site's integrity log on. PLUS your players will know more what to watch for. Makes sense to me. Heck I would one day even try it since these guys are playing heads up on-line over here now. Hard for me to pass as is although I just don't play over the net. I'll shoot some other fish in the barrel for now. Anyway some "expert on cheating" BobbyAWS is. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif Get back to the movie board and break down Lion King for me. My friend swears the cheetah pulled a string bet on the turn in the finals. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Ironhead was just as funny. After I make my post about cheating he comes on and relates a hand where he got cheated on the internet!!! Then when I reply with sympathy and understanding for this suc..., err nice guy, he comes back to me with "... in your zest to be right you sound PRICKISH!! Huh? I was trying to help and this is the response I get? This AFTER he provides play by play on him getting cheated. He even said it goes on all the time on-line? LOL! That's what I was warning about to begin with! As always after one of these goobers mouth off to someone they are (to use a Tony Bruno word) OUTRAGED when someone responds back. I prefer the HIGH ROAD when dealing with you simplistic types. I make a point of stepping over the trash piles you are sweeping on the way to the cashiers cage, and if you are in my neighborhood looking at Christmas lights than I offer a polite wave. Let's leave it that way before I take the gloves off. I can get mean when provoked. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


There are three types of people that are infuriated when someone like me provides negative (realistic) information about an on-line service and none of them like it much.

1 - The people that have a vested interest. Either they make a living themselves or have a job in the same industry. Or it is their site.

2 - The suckers I refer to. Nothing makes an alcoholic more pissed off than to be called a drunk. Call a guy that doesn't drink one and he laughs. Call a sharpie a sucker and he laughs it off. Call a sucker a sucker and they chase you all over the board trying to get the last word in. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif He is furious at you for noticing. No arrow but one filled with truth in it truly kills. (Not sure if that was Shakesphere or Robin Hood) I can only hope BobbyAWS and Ironhead can forgive me. As a peace offering let me change the official diagnosis on you two from suckers to "inexperienced". Simple-minded was already frowned upon by Bobby. Much like I prefer to call a heavy girl "big-boned" or "short for her weight", you two aren't suckers, just "inexperienced". Deal? /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

3- The scammers. The ones that have the sweet set-up right now. The ones that can't believe people will actually play poker on-line. They hate it bacause it culls the herd and may even wise up the site owners. Nobody wants to see their action stepped on.

Here's the kicker - I don't blame any of the three categories above for hating my post. I expected to get piled on. I am posting an opinion that not only I know some people around here won't like, it's an opinion that the RX can't endorse either as WSEX is an advertiser here I believe. I'm just one Irishman that has some realistic insight here and wanted to contribute. While I'm no dummy and didn't fall off the cornbeef and cabbage truck last night, I can understand there are other thoughts that you can consider. If a retiree or a guy that usually plays big stakes wants to mess around and meet some people and have fun on-line there is nothing wrong with that. Just be educated about what is going on or has the potential to happen. Heck I see the Caribbean Stud table full, parlay card rack empty, and the field bet full of chips on crap tables all the time. Look how many go to the track where the juice is 27% in a lot of places. Nothing wrong with being a sucker, it's just helpful when you realize it and work around it. Education, it all comes back to this. That's why there is never a charge for the one I dished out to BobbyAWS and Ironhead. I prefer peace around here and have a good reputation IMO until stumbling over here and have the audacity to have a dissenting opinion. Heck at heart I'm a loving man I just have a job to do. (President Bush or John Holmes?) I don't like to argue.

This will be my last post on this matter in this thread. I don't want to run this debate into a smack war because I have no desire to embarass these goobers any worse. I love this site and the exchange of ideas and thoughts, I find it very very helpful. Thats what I was doing. For a guy like me that does cap games and does a lot of sports betting opinions are essential. Twas all I did was give mine. Outside of the folks that fit into the 3 categories above hope I didn't hurt anyone elses feelings. I understand and can feel for the low self-esteem guys like Bobby and Ironhead (HINT for you two - I stil see those penis enlargers in the back pages of the weightlifting magazines) and was trying to help them. I'm sure they are nice boys in real life. Since this thread has gone to the dogs I will relent and let my posts speak for themselves. You guys have the floor. No hard feelings. If you cross the tracks to look at Christmas lights next year with your family please wave, the Irishmann snubs his nose at no one. I'm the big house on the corner. I'm OUT!!


[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on 02-12-02 at 04:03 PM.]

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