Who is the Best Capper on this forum?


Sep 19, 2007
What he said. Narrow it down to two at most, maybe keep an eye on another. Big Bookie gives you play from the book side, where the money is made. Vegas Runner is cold now but that will change as he's only had one losing month in like 7.

The service play thread is interesting, if not just for reading some of the game write ups, figure out who knows what theyre doing. KEEP TRACK OF THE CAPPERS YOU FOLLOW, be they paid guys in Service thread or good guys here. Maybe take a week off for now to do some intelligence work until youre comfortable then get after it.

You still need to keep up with whats going on in the league though. Read the paper, USA Today online whatever. Who's hot/not/why.

i would stay clear of the service plays. almost every tout is terrible and will lose you $$$. i watched several friends follow so called professionals right into the shit house.

also it doesn't matter what unit size your chosen capper plays.you can relate their unit size to yours. that shouldn't be an issue

Feb 28, 2007
thanks randy for that info. I think i will just follow BigBookie b/c most of his plays are 5 units and other times is 10 units so its an easy 1 unit or 2 unit play for me. I am just afraid now that Bigbookie might not win this much now b/c he is already up 24 Units for the season. Wished i tailed him from the beginning.

Definitely will be tailing from the start next year.

dont say i didnt try to help man

New member
Jan 4, 2007
thanks randy for that info. I think i will just follow BigBookie b/c most of his plays are 5 units and other times is 10 units so its an easy 1 unit or 2 unit play for me. I am just afraid now that Bigbookie might not win this much now b/c he is already up 24 Units for the season. Wished i tailed him from the beginning.

Definitely will be tailing from the start next year.

Im answering you again because I get a sense youre looking to find someone to follow absolutely blind...and if you limit it to one, then you better be ready to keep following thru losing streaks which will happen (see Vegas Runner, bad 4 weeks but up 12k or so ytd).

You need to diverify, number one. Not just one guy. Find two , maybe thre good ones. If they disagree, no play, all agree hit it. But you need to at least be able to tell your buds at the bar why the fk you took KC this moring, and so on. If you dont understand whats behind that selection or game, your asking for trouble. Good Luck and I mean that.

I really think you need to stop and do research and get it together before plauong again. Baseball can be lucrative or very brutal. You have college foots right around the corner, plenty of time to make money on the year. Stop forcing play. Be careful Bro.

Jan 3, 2008
Just wait for Football season. MLB is tough, and it's a grind.
NFL teasers are the easiest way to make money.
And college teams love to run up the score.

But if you need action during MLB season---------
Instead of following people, just bet the hot teams and the division leaders until they go cold. Ace posts all the stats you need to know to bet yourself. Remember, even the bottom teams go on streaks (Ex. Wash)

The most important thing to know is the money management aspect in betting MLB. If your bankroll is $1000, never bet more than 10% of that bankroll on large plays, and 5% on smaller ones. By that I mean, if you like a team laying 150 and your bankroll is $1000, bet
$100 to win $66.66 for a big play and $50 to win $33.33 for the small play.
If you win on the big play, now you have $1066.66 in the bank, so bet the same way. No more than 10% of your bankroll anytime, unless you want to be broke before the weeks up.

The worst thing one can do is follow someone and go broke !!

New member
Dec 19, 2007
hey schmeinz i saw your posts. But the thing is u dont post often and you dont really have a title to the post.

hey mtomto the thing is i SUCK at picking any sport games. Of the $5500 i lost, i think $4000 were b/c of my own picks. I only tailed guys on covers.

Last year i did real good in football season. However, i ALWAYS BLINDLY TAIL. I am not sure if you go to covers but there is this guy called Rush who hits 60 percent every single year and gets so many views. I think i made about $1000 that time but it was b/c i only bet like $50 a game. Have you heard of that guy Rush?

Then in College Basketball season, i tailed two guys named Stuckey and Helmut. Are you familiar with these 2? Well during the NCAA tournament, in 3 days, i went 16-0 winning $1600 tailing their plays and that was 16 straight wins. These guys are really damn good. They get lot of views at Covers. But when football and NCAAB season was over, i needed to find action and thats how i lost $5500 in baseball.

So i think i am up around $3000 in ncaaf, ncaab and NFL but that was like in a 9 month span betting 50 and then later on $100 a game. I blew like $5500 in just 6 weeks of baseball b/c i just chased and made my own bets betting crazy chalk.

Well since BigBookie fades his book, I guess i should just follow him since he never had a losing year and he can't lose. Am i right?

Sep 19, 2007
Just wait for Football season. MLB is tough, and it's a grind.
NFL teasers are the easiest way to make money.
And college teams love to run up the score.

But if you need action during MLB season---------
Instead of following people, just bet the hot teams and the division leaders until they go cold. Ace posts all the stats you need to know to bet yourself. Remember, even the bottom teams go on streaks (Ex. Wash)

The most important thing to know is the money management aspect in betting MLB. If your bankroll is $1000, never bet more than 10% of that bankroll on large plays, and 5% on smaller ones. By that I mean, if you like a team laying 150 and your bankroll is $1000, bet
$100 to win $66.66 for a big play and $50 to win $33.33 for the small play.
If you win on the big play, now you have $1066.66 in the bank, so bet the same way. No more than 10% of your bankroll anytime, unless you want to be broke before the weeks up.

The worst thing one can do is follow someone and go broke !!

totally disagree with this. ask any bookie and they will tell you baseball is by far the easiest sport to bet. it is a bettors sport, and can be very successful if your are patient and have good money mgt.
by no means are teasers the way to go. they are the biggest sucker bet in all of sports.

New member
Jan 4, 2007
hey schmeinz i saw your posts. But the thing is u dont post often and you dont really have a title to the post.

hey mtomto the thing is i SUCK at picking any sport games. Of the $5500 i lost, i think $4000 were b/c of my own picks. I only tailed guys on covers.

Last year i did real good in football season. However, i ALWAYS BLINDLY TAIL. I am not sure if you go to covers but there is this guy called Rush who hits 60 percent every single year and gets so many views. I think i made about $1000 that time but it was b/c i only bet like $50 a game. Have you heard of that guy Rush?

Then in College Basketball season, i tailed two guys named Stuckey and Helmut. Are you familiar with these 2? Well during the NCAA tournament, in 3 days, i went 16-0 winning $1600 tailing their plays and that was 16 straight wins. These guys are really damn good. They get lot of views at Covers. But when football and NCAAB season was over, i needed to find action and thats how i lost $5500 in baseball.

So i think i am up around $3000 in ncaaf, ncaab and NFL but that was like in a 9 month span betting 50 and then later on $100 a game. I blew like $5500 in just 6 weeks of baseball b/c i just chased and made my own bets betting crazy chalk.

Well since BigBookie fades his book, I guess i should just follow him since he never had a losing year and he can't lose. Am i right?

Well, a few comments. One, you may need another hobby, becasue we will all tell you LOUDLy that you cant just blind follow some guy daily. If you have know idea why you might have the padres tonight, then stop.

Or go to your back yard, put all your bills in a pile, add lighter fluid and ignite.

Bud, I am you reconsider playing at this point. You do have to invest time., if you dont have it, get out.

New member
Dec 19, 2007
Well I think i am already in big trouble. Last 6 weeks was horrific. I think the most i ever lost in a weeks time was 1000 dollars but this was a few months ago. It was frustrating when i lost 300 dollars in a day and this was like 6-7 months ago.

Now i blew like 5500 and i am just trying to win it back. Damn it is hard to quit

Sep 19, 2007
Well I think i am already in big trouble. Last 6 weeks was horrific. I think the most i ever lost in a weeks time was 1000 dollars but this was a few months ago. It was frustrating when i lost 300 dollars in a day and this was like 6-7 months ago.

Now i blew like 5500 and i am just trying to win it back. Damn it is hard to quit

def should prolly think about quitting. or take action? at least by doing that for a while you can learn how you should and should not bet.

Jan 3, 2008
totally disagree with this. ask any bookie and they will tell you baseball is by far the easiest sport to bet. it is a bettors sport, and can be very successful if your are patient and have good money mgt.
by no means are teasers the way to go. they are the biggest sucker bet in all of sports.

I'm just trying to help this guy, not lose the rest of the money he has.
I'm up this year in MLB, but most people aren't, just look in the tracker forum and see who is having a bad year.

I said NFL teasers, not college teasers.
If you ask any bookie they will tell you they lost money on people who bet them. NE was good in a teaser all season. College football is the easiest sport to bet.

I did EMPHASIS MONEY MANAGEMENT. If you follow someone who goes on a cold streak and bet what he bets, and he loses, your broke.
I can bet dynamite140 was betting over his head to lose $5500 in 6 weeks.
I just told him not to follow anyone, because I would be pissed if I lost $5500 of my money following someone who loses all the time.

If you go to any forum and watch for a week, you can find a lot of people who can't pick their nose, let alone pick games-------
These are the ones you fade !!

Any successful gambler will tell you that.:103631605

Rx. Senior
Dec 8, 2006
heres my nite time stab....padres bestplay....

2nd best is padres over the total

Jan 3, 2008
def should prolly think about quitting. or take action? at least by doing that for a while you can learn how you should and should not bet.
That's why I said to not follow and wait until football.

New member
Dec 19, 2007
I lost about $1500 tailing other people. I got sick of it and then made my own picks and thats how i lost the other $4000. The $4000 lost consisted of playing big chalk and chasing like no tomoorrow. Then what you know i was down to my last $56 in my account.

Woody paige........ I wam one of those people who cant even pick a winner. I am 0-7 in my last 7 plays. 6/7 were chalk plays like -150 and over. The other one was an over/under.

Well now that i found out BigBookie cant lose how can i not take those playys then?

New member
Jan 4, 2007
I'm just trying to help this guy, not lose the rest of the money he has.
I'm up this year in MLB, but most people aren't, just look in the tracker forum and see who is having a bad year.

I said NFL teasers, not college teasers.
If you ask any bookie they will tell you they lost money on people who bet them. NE was good in a teaser all season. College football is the easiest sport to bet.

I did EMPHASIS MONEY MANAGEMENT. If you follow someone who goes on a cold streak and bet what he bets, and he loses, your broke.
I can bet dynamite140 was betting over his head to lose $5500 in 6 weeks.
I just told him not to follow anyone, because I would be pissed if I lost $5500 of my money following someone who loses all the time.

If you go to any forum and watch for a week, you can find a lot of people who can't pick their nose, let alone pick games-------
These are the ones you fade !!

Any successful gambler will tell you that.:103631605


New member
Jan 4, 2007
I lost about $1500 tailing other people. I got sick of it and then made my own picks and thats how i lost the other $4000. The $4000 lost consisted of playing big chalk and chasing like no tomoorrow. Then what you know i was down to my last $56 in my account.

Woody paige........ I wam one of those people who cant even pick a winner. I am 0-7 in my last 7 plays. 6/7 were chalk plays like -150 and over. The other one was an over/under.

Well now that i found out BigBookie cant lose how can i not take those playys then?

You need to spend time on this site. Did you know his WL record is a loser, but he's up nice money? Thats right. You need to learn why beofre placeing another bet I am serious bud. Learn first bet later. Lots of baseball left then CFB NFL fk the NBA.

Jan 3, 2008
I lost about $1500 tailing other people. I got sick of it and then made my own picks and thats how i lost the other $4000. The $4000 lost consisted of playing big chalk and chasing like no tomoorrow. Then what you know i was down to my last $56 in my account.

Woody paige........ I wam one of those people who cant even pick a winner. I am 0-7 in my last 7 plays. 6/7 were chalk plays like -150 and over. The other one was an over/under.

Well now that i found out BigBookie cant lose how can i not take those playys then?
You might think I'm crazy, but I know a guy like yourself who lost 37 straight games once. After years of losing and working overtime to pay his debts, He turned his luck around by fading himself and going the other way. It works believe me. He won the last 3 years.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
best to follow big bookie-lordofballs-w365-nostradomus-also like twistedones fade plays and fade lang! i couldnt pick a winner on my own!:103631605

Sep 19, 2007
I'm just trying to help this guy, not lose the rest of the money he has.
I'm up this year in MLB, but most people aren't, just look in the tracker forum and see who is having a bad year.

I said NFL teasers, not college teasers.
If you ask any bookie they will tell you they lost money on people who bet them. NE was good in a teaser all season. College football is the easiest sport to bet.

I did EMPHASIS MONEY MANAGEMENT. If you follow someone who goes on a cold streak and bet what he bets, and he loses, your broke.
I can bet dynamite140 was betting over his head to lose $5500 in 6 weeks.
I just told him not to follow anyone, because I would be pissed if I lost $5500 of my money following someone who loses all the time.

If you go to any forum and watch for a week, you can find a lot of people who can't pick their nose, let alone pick games-------
These are the ones you fade !!

Any successful gambler will tell you that.:103631605

i know several big bookies and they will tell you they will eat any kind of teaser for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. not sure if thats the greatest advice

Jan 3, 2008
i know several big bookies and they will tell you they will eat any kind of teaser for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. not sure if thats the greatest advice
How long have you been gambling?

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