regardless if rios time was off or he handicap the races, as long as the bet was accepted before the race went off, whats the problem? rio has to take responsiblity for their actions. Im sure they will correct it from now, but what choice do they have, besides to pay this guy and tell him to never play at rio again? I know i wouldn't feel the same about rio if they stiffed this guy because a couple of months ago, i had my little nephew over who was about 12, i had rios casino up. He thought it was an oline game, and he was betting Blackjack for real money while i was in the living room hanging out watching a baseball game with his father. He lost about $2,300 , but what could i do? I didnt even call rio or complain, it was my fault. I had to take responbility. Point is, RIO HAS TO TAKE RESPONSIBLITY, AND AS A SUPPORTER OF RIO, I HOPE THEY DO.