Tip mon gering, undereducated individuals, whom jobs are created for just for the sole purpose of procuring tips. Ask me why someone would want to sit in a stinky bathroom at the Barbary Coast, for a dollar an hour. Hell, I walked into the bathroom; I can easily grab a paper towel. Now maybe if they wipe my ass for me, that is deserving of a dollar. Next are the immigrant cab drivers that purposely take you out of your way, then bitch and complain that they need a tip. No the fare is $8.20, you get $8.20. The aspect of tipping is a farce, are most people paid or compensated beyond a salary for simply doing a job, no. Tipping was instituted for service above and beyond the call of duty, however all you service people, simply expect a tip just for doing your job, rather than doing it beyond expectations. That is the problem. My solution is to never tip again. I am sorry people, however you accepted a job knowing full well, what the rate of pay is, that goes for servers and bar tenders as well. It is not my job to subsidize your wage, as a result of already purchasing the overpriced product, whether it be a cab, food, or a drink. Tip= something voluntarily given in return for a favor or service, as a recompense or acknowledgment. The key term here is voluntary, however the earliest mention of the term can be found The Afternoon Tea Book" a Book about the history of teatime. T I P= To Insure Promptness which was given before hand to ensure that you had good prompt service; this was the origin of tipping. Not after the fact for mediocre run of the mill service. The usage of the term also goes back to at least the 17th century, and is probably derived from the even earlier (16th Century) use of "tip" to mean a piece of advice. Simply put here is my piece of advice, do not expect a gratuity for your normal job description duties. Wow me, case in point I was talking to a dealer at the Gold Coast, dragon lady they called her, this women did not smile or speak one sentence, however her replacement was actually personable, even though she pounded the table, she went above and beyond the call of the job. Another example is the cocktail server that keeps my drink constantly filled rather than coming by every half hour. Tips need to be earned not expected. The workers of Vegas need to realize that, and as a result, maybe the tourists will be happier and more willing, however no one will partake in the blatant extortion that the service economy expects of the non-tip worker. Also for your information, yes both Burger King and McDonalds in Vegas have audacity to place tip jars at the registers, (Riveria + Mc Donalds next door to Stardust) yes I'm going to tip a worker who begins to take my order in Spanish, then I promptly respond back in Spanish, to speak English. She then begins to display an attitude as a result of my request, is this prompt cheerful service?