Those that are opposed to a border wall... Can you give the benefits of NOT having it?


Jul 4, 2012
Listen you paranoid, believe anything motherfucker. You talk about having a job and clean roads. Tell me exactly what fucking job a Mexican or illegal stole from you. If they took your job then either you were too stupid to educate yourself or you're just so fucking lame you have no skill to work.

You're so ignorant it is cartoonish.

Both low- and high-skilled natives are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip. The monetary loss is sizable

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Of course we can't have open borders, not sure how people don't understand this. We need a 10,000% improvement in border security, and a wall is very much part of that. Crime is a the low hanging fruit, and arguing against the criminal element argument is nothing but a straw man.

Every politician in American history argued for border security, even the fucking idiots arguing we don't need it today. Like everything else in libtardville, the wall is a wedge issue, and wedge issues are their life's blood. It's how they get the dumbest of the dumb, the poorest of the poor and all their real base living in the most crime invested neighborhoods to vote. Here's the kicker, if you did a poll asking people about border security using pointed and objective questions, even libtard nation would support increased border security.

The biggest problem with open borders is the social and economic drain, simply unsustainable. While the fucking idiots argue we can't afford the wall, the truth is it costs us fractions of what open borders cost us. It's all somewhat surreal to be honest, a real WTF are they thinking issue.

We need immigration reform, we need to find a path to have our current illegal residents become legal. But we cannot have immigration reform before we secure our borders, it's that simple. But libtard nation doesn't really want immigration reform either, that's another wedge issue for them that they can lie about non-stop

Some day democrats will realize money doesn't grow on trees, not even the other peoples' money they love to waste.

We need border security to ensure the survival of this nation for everyone, and the financial destruction is a real risk. Our recorded deficit is out of control, although that in and by itself is manageable. Our unrecorded deficit is far greater, that's all the social payments we're promising people. Now they want open borders and healthcare for all..., calling that naive and dumb and incredibly fucking stupid just doesn't do such ignorance justice.

We need a pill people, before it's too late. To paraphrase their climate change denier messiah, we may only have a few more years to right this ship before too much water has been taken on. Every great dynasty in the history of mankind ended eventually, even the Patriots' run will come to an end :), so will ours. Especially if the dumbest of the dumb have their way.

Jul 4, 2012
GREAT response. Doubt if any of the insecure dimwits who believe our insecure prez will read it though. Here come the libtard comments.

Would you like me to create a list of murders by MS-13 gang members who are in America illegally, retard?

Mar 5, 2009

Feb 2, 2010
The Wall won't make a fucking difference whatsoever. That's the goddman benifit you dumbfucks.

So walls at the borders of countries never work? Why do so many countries use them?

Jul 14, 2007
Let me know... I cant think of a single one.

The benefits of continuing the status quo of mass migration (notice I don't just say illegal immigration?) is it makes a lot of people a lot of money and gives a lot of other people a lot of control.

Those are the benefits. They just don't accrue to most American citizens.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Israel has a great, big beautiful wall.

Be honest with yourself. Look at the US in the 50's, 60's and 70's before the massive influx of Mexicans in the Southwest. Clean, orderly, safe.

Lol, who was making your delicious steak then? (Moronic argument) Who was keeping your streets clean?

The reality is (whether you care to admit it or not) is that Mexico/Mexicans are turning the Southwest into a third world country. Crime, shitty neighborhoods, destroyed schools, lack of decorum in general civilization... it's just the reality.

Millions have fled Mexico because the US "had" pretty much better everything. But they are destroying it. Any honest person can see this. But the relationship is parasitic. Once they destroy the host (just imagine a few generations forward), they will look to move to a safer region with a better economy and better quality of life.

Sound familiar? Mexican culture leaving a third world region to a better one for a better life? Then once the host is destroyed, moving on to the next "host" region. It is just the reality.

It is the same for Europe.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
These are your new Americans.

Note that a lot of illegals and their children have this mentality that is in the video. It didn't use to be that way.

Jun 16, 2011
Those hopping the border are taking jobs that the lazy, sofa sleeping, daytime TV watching, welfare collecting US fucking citizen won't take because they think they're above them.

"Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households"
Sep 21, 2004
You fucktards who believe Trump and his manufactured crisis are the same imbreds who are still looking for WMD's in Iraq.
You retards will never learn.

Here's the inept lying maggot you campaigned for on the wall. Oh wait, looks like all these DemoScums were for the wall, that is until Trump was for it.

Fucking mindless sheep.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
3peet's peeps:

Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips asked students on the campus of American University if they agreed with President Donald Trump's statements on immigration and the border wall.

Only the quotes the students were given were not actually from Trump. They were from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Secretary of State Hillary of Clinton, and President Barack Obama.

In recent years, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, President Barack Obama, and Secretary Hillary Clinton have all stated the danger in embracing illegal immigration and ignoring the laws we have on the books.

Such quotes include:
“Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.” -Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked” -Barack Obama, 2005

“I voted numerous times… to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” -Hillary Clinton, 2008

Wanting to know if opponents of Trump’s border wall had opinions on these past quotes from Democrat leaders, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to American University.

But there’s a catch… the students were told the quotes actually came from President Trump.

Upon hearing the quotes, students said Trump’s words were “dehumanizing,” “problematic,” and “jingoist.”

“I just really think it’s hateful speech,” one student said, while another added, “the way he’s referring to people across the wall is dehumanizing.”

One student said the comments held racist undertones, claiming “there are racial biases deeply embedded in there.”

But this was all before they knew these quotes were actually coming from political idols of theirs.

Watch the full video to see their reactions to being told Democrats actually the statements.


New member
Jan 11, 2015
I do have to agree with the libtards on one thing. A wall is pointless... unless you have massive deportations afterwards.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I do have to agree with the libtards on one thing. A wall is pointless... unless you have massive deportations afterwards.

So, a wall wouldnt deter even 10% of those trying to come to the US illegally, wouldnt have any effect on drugs or human trafficking?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
The Wall won't make a fucking difference whatsoever. That's the goddman benifit you dumbfucks.

Why are there so many walls around peoples houses, businesses and other countries?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
other than 3peet I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe that barriers can't keep people out.

The wall aspect of this has gotten out of's truly one of the only things Republicans and Democrats have agreed on for the past 12 years. Of course the libs need to politicize it now but the wall should have been a simple approved vote and THEN the tough part would have started which is actual reform. We need to stop giving incentives for people to enter illegally...that requires overhauling the welfare system, taking apart the desire to have a child in the USA so they're automatically a citizen, and getting some of these states (NY, CA) to drop the free healthcare incentive that has suddenly taken hold.

The Wall part of this should have been the easy part but the Dems decided to politicize it even though they supported it for a decade.

anyone stupid enough to think that barriers don't keep people in or out are a worse joke than the ones that say "people can't be illegal". if barriers don't work then people would be escaping from prison by the dozen, every minute

Sep 21, 2012
if we currently had it nobody would say "tear it down because we dont need it" so the debate can be over the funding but not over its purpose. i agree though that a wall is simply one step. laws have to be put in place so that the trend doesnt continue. we cant just deport and move along either. businesses that employ illegal immigrants should face punishment as well-and strict ones at that. as long as opportunities exist on the other side of the wall people will continue to try to go around, over, under whatever to get there. cut off the supply of jobs and we become a land of opportunity for those who choose to go about it the right way.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Listen you paranoid, believe anything motherfucker. You talk about having a job and clean roads. Tell me exactly what fucking job a Mexican or illegal stole from you. If they took your job then either you were too stupid to educate yourself or you're just so fucking lame you have no skill to work. Those hopping the border are taking jobs that the lazy, sofa sleeping, daytime TV watching, welfare collecting US fucking citizen won't take because they think they're above them. Instead all you do is complain while you collect welfare checks Every see an obese fat fucking immigrant? Most likely not, because they're busing working. Unlike the triple chinned, 600lb fat fuck on the heavy duty scooter (with oxygen tank) that has the time of day to attend a Trump Rally cause they don't have shit else to do but bitch.

Btw, you know who makes all those neighborhoods and roads beautiful? You know who's making that delicious steak you're eating at that restaurant? Know who's keeping the office buildings and bathrooms spotless and sparkly? It sure fuck ain't a U.S. Citizen.

Saying gangbangers, rapist and murders coming to our country and making our country unsafe is the biggest load of shit of all.

Exactly who did the shooting again at the laundry list of massacres here here in the US?

Las Vegas
Not an immigrant
Sandy Hook
Not an immigrant
Parkland Shooting
Not an immigrant
Douglas High School Shooting
Not an immigrant
Columbine High School Shooting
Not an immigrant
Pulse Night Club Orlando
Not an immigrant
Borderline Bar and Grill Thousand Oaks
Not an immigrant

I can keep going but you'll just cry "well they had mental health issues". Well then do us all a favor and go pop a pill then.

Ok lets break down your arguments as to why a wall has 0 benefit:

Listen you paranoid, believe anything motherfucker. You talk about having a job and clean roads. Tell me exactly what fucking job a Mexican or illegal stole from you. If they took your job then either you were too stupid to educate yourself or you're just so fucking lame you have no skill to work: ---- So, you are saying that illegals coming here are stupid and uneducated, taking jobs away from the stupid and uneducated?? And that those people who are losing their jobs to the stupid and uneducated deserve it because they are lazy

Btw, you know who makes all those neighborhoods and roads beautiful? You know who's making that delicious steak you're eating at that restaurant? Know who's keeping the office buildings and bathrooms spotless and sparkly? It sure fuck ain't a U.S. Citizen. ---- Most of those jobs are held by corporations who by law check immigration status. With the exception of day laborers who do yard work....

Also you listed a series of crimes committed by people here legally, is the point you are trying to make is that those here ILLEGALLY should be given the same opportunity to commit those crimes as well?

These claims overlook disturbing actual data on crimes committed by criminal aliens. For example, the Government Accountability Office released two unsettling reports in 2005 on criminal aliens who are in prison for committing crimes in the United States, and issued an updated report in 2011.

The first report (GAO-05-337R) found that criminal aliens (both legal and illegal) make up 27 percent of all federal prisoners. Yet according to the Center for Immigration Studies, non-citizens are only about nine percent of the nation’s adult population. Thus, judging by the numbers in federal prisons alone, non-citizens commit federal crimes at three times the rate of citizens.

The findings in the second report (GAO-05-646R) are even more disturbing. This report looked at the criminal histories of 55,322 aliens that “entered the country illegally and were still illegally in the country at the time of their incarceration in federal or state prison or local jail during fiscal year 2003.” Those 55,322 illegal aliens had been arrested 459,614 times, an average of 8.3 arrests per illegal alien, and had committed almost 700,000 criminal offenses, an average of roughly 12.7 offenses per illegal alien.

Out of all of the arrests, 12 percent were for violent crimes such as murder, robbery, assault and sex-related crimes; 15 percent were for burglary, larceny, theft and property damage; 24 percent were for drug offenses; and the remaining offenses were for DUI, fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, weapons, immigration, and obstruction of justice.

The 2011 GAO report wasn’t much different. It looked at 251,000 criminal aliens in federal, state, and local prisons and jails. Those aliens were arrested nearly 1.7 million times for close to three million criminal offenses. Sixty-eight percent of those in federal prison and 66 percent of those in state prisons were from Mexico. Their offenses ranged from homicide and kidnapping to drugs, burglary, and larceny.

Once again, these statistics are not fully representative of crimes committed by illegal aliens: This report only reflects the criminal histories of aliens who were in prison. If there were a way to include all crimes committed by criminal aliens, the numbers would likely be higher because prosecutors often will agree to drop criminal charges against an illegal alien if they are assured that immigration authorities will deport the alien.

The GAO reports also highlight another important flaw in the study referenced by the Associated Press. It uses survey data from a nationally representative sample of people living in the United States. Thus, the study does not take into account some potentially key factors highlighted in the GAO reports: that criminal aliens from Mexico disproportionately make up incarcerations (GAO-05-337R) and that most arrests are made in the three border states of California, Texas, and Arizona (GAO-05-646R and GAO-11-187).

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