Things going swimmingly in usual.


Sep 22, 2004
Pain and disbelief in Gaza
By Matthew Price
BBC News, Jerusalem

Earlier this week, tens of thousands of people mourned the 18 Palestinians killed by Israeli tank fire in the Gaza town of Beit Hanoun. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has expressed regret and some Israelis are now beginning to re-assess the ongoing conflict.
When I got back home I went straight to the balcony.

I turned on the hose, took off my boots and washed them down. Made sure I got the blood off them. They are out there now, drying.

Then I went to shower, washed my hair, brushed my teeth. Beit Hanoun was dirty. I wanted to feel clean again. The streets were soiled. The tanks had left their track marks by the shops.
The wall outside the secondary school had been knocked down. Railings to stop children running into the street were bent over.
On one pavement I saw a trickle of dried blood, where a woman had fallen, shot in the head. And on a quiet residential street, the faces told me everything I needed to know.
The sides of the road were lined with people. Some stood, others sat. They stared into space, at one another, at the ground. Some put an arm around a neighbour. One man grieved alone, tears on his face. All had the same look in their eyes.
I noticed it because it was not the look you see so often, one of hatred, of revenge. This was a look of sheer disbelief. I noticed someone I had met before. A taxi driver who once picked me up at the Erez crossing into Gaza. Raed had the same look. Not quite crying. But you knew something was deeply, deeply wrong.
How many of your family have you lost, I asked? "All of them. They all had the same grandfather."
"I feel hate," he added. He did not spit it out like people so often do. He just said it. "I hate George W Bush. I hate Israel of course. I hate the Arab world. I hate Europe." His eyes, though, did not say hate. They said pain.
Later, when I got home, I spoke to an Israeli friend. She sounded broken. She is a true left-winger, always has been.
They are rare here now. She described how another Israeli had called her earlier, saying she felt so ashamed that she dare not call her friends abroad.
I told my friend it is not her fault. I know, she said. You meet very few Israelis who express such feelings.
Most, of course, express regret, especially at the death of children. But many of them find it impossible to properly understand Palestinians. It is often easier to blame. And it works both ways.
Earlier this week I met a Palestinian man who told me most of his neighbours think that all Israelis are soldiers.
"They only ever see soldiers," he pointed out.
"I try to tell them they are mothers and fathers like us," he added.
And this is the tragedy here. Neither side comprehends the other.
Hardliners prevail
The gulf between the two is so great that perhaps neither side wants to anymore.
The other day at an event marking the assassination of the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, one of Israel's most acclaimed left wing authors delivered the keynote speech.
David Grossman pulled few punches. He talked of an Israel in crisis, and of the failure of the peace process.
"The Palestinians are also to blame for the impasse," he said.
"But take a look at them from a different perspective, not only at the radicals in their midst.
"Take a look at the overwhelming majority of this miserable people, whose fate is entangled with our own, whether we like it or not."
The sad fact is most Israelis do not take a look at the Palestinians.
More and more it seems to me, it is the hardliners on both sides whose voices are being heard the loudest.
A day after the killings in Beit Hanoun, the Israeli newspapers were full of comment.
Some - predictably - said the deaths were preventable. If only the Palestinians would stop firing rockets at Israeli towns, Israel would not have to shell Gaza.
But there were others from a different perspective.
One commentator wrote: "For us, [these deaths] pass as if [they] were nothing.
"We have to ask ourselves. Does this really serve our national interest?"
Haunting memories
When I left Beit Hanoun, I went to the BBC bureau in Jerusalem to edit a television piece.
We have both Israelis and Palestinians working there.
I took a break to make a coffee and walked out into the newsroom to find a young girl, four or five years old, her hair in pigtails, standing with her father.
He is a producer in the office.
An Israeli, and it threw me.
She looked exactly like some of the girls I had seen in Gaza that day.
Back from the dead, standing there in front of me.
We closed the edit suite door so she would not see the pictures.
Outside on the balcony, my boots are now dry. It will be harder to wash away the memories of what happened at Beit Hanoun.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005

[SIZE=+1]Lebanon: Hezbollah Rearms While UN Sleeps[/SIZE]

<SMALL>The Trumpet| Friday, November 10, 2006 </SMALL>

Though southern Lebanon swarms with thousands of United Nations soldiers, Hezbollah continues to rearm at breakneck speed. If the embarrassing oil-for-food scandal in Iraq and the botched UN operations in Liberia, Sudan, Rwanda, Columbia, Kashmir and Angola weren’t enough to convince you the United Nations is a decrepit organization, then what’s currently unraveling in Lebanon probably won’t.

Like fire ants that just had their hill kicked over, Hezbollah soldiers are rebuilding, reshaping and restocking the infrastructure and arsenal that was destroyed and depleted this past summer. Tunnels and trenches are being redug; aid and supplies are flowing in; telecommunication lines are being restored; weapons and missile stocks are being replenished. On top of all this, this major overhaul is being carried out under the noses of over 20,000 Lebanese and UN soldiers.

Like Liberia and Rwanda before it, Hezbollah is making a mockery of the United Nations!

To be fair to the UN, Hezbollah’s method for putting itself back together is quite cunning. In the town of Bint Jbeil recently, locals told reporter Michael Hirst how Hezbollah soldiers are exploiting the major reconstruction occurring in Lebanese towns as a cloak by which they can cover up their own reconstruction efforts. Soldiers who brandished guns and rocket launchers in July now push wheelbarrows, swing brooms and drive shovels. But rather than help rebuild homes and schools, these soldiers are pouring their sweat into tunnels and trenches that will be used for weapons smuggling and launch pads.

The hundreds of trucks carrying aid, supplies and materials into southern Lebanon are perfect, as another local told Hirst, for smuggling weapons and communications equipment into the region. Hezbollah already has 20,000 missiles on hand, with more continuing to flow in.

About 9,500 UN soldiers and at least 12,000 Lebanese soldiers are stationed in southern Lebanon, and still the region is a beehive of terrorist activity. So if UN and Lebanese soldiers aren’t curbing Hezbollah’s activities, what are they doing?

The answer: very little!

Spiegel Online reports (emphasis ours):

“We just stand around,” complain Spanish Marines from the nearby “Isla de Leon” base who are on patrol in Piranha armored cars. The two vehicles stop every 20 minutes and the soldiers hang around on the street. “We can tell you exactly what we’re doing here,” they say. “We are here just to be here.”

Read UN Resolution 1701, and it becomes obvious why UN troops are inactive. Beyond being soft-spoken, toothless and painfully vague, the resolution provides no clear and definite course of action should Hezbollah decide to return to its pre-war status as a fully armed, battle-ready terrorist organization. Thus, Hezbollah is arming right in front of 9,500 UN soldiers, yet the mandate under which the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (unifil) operates fails to stipulate that UN troops should use force to stop these activities.

On paper, UN Resolution 1701 says Hezbollah should not be allowed to rearm. The reality of the situation, though, is that it does absolutely zilch to dissuade the Iranian-sponsored group from restocking its shelves.
The resolution is clear on one matter though, that is, unifil forces are not to act independently in their responsibilities in southern Lebanon, rather, they are to submit to and provide assistance to the Lebanese government and military. Though such a deal seems reasonable—after all, it is Lebanon’s territory that UN forces are working in—there is one major problem: The Lebanese government and military has a soft spot for Hezbollah and a history of failing to deal forcefully with the terrorist group in its midst.

The Lebanese government deployed 12,000 soldiers to southern Lebanon, but those soldiers are doing virtually nothing to prevent Hezbollah from rearming and replenishing its supplies. Hezbollah’s position in the Lebanese coalition government, as well as the staunch support it receives from Tehran and Damascus, gives the group the boldness and audacity that results in it disrespecting the Lebanese government and military.

UN Resolution 1701 requires that Lebanon disarm Hezbollah, a task unifil could assist with, yet after almost three months the Lebanese government has shown no signs that it is even interested in disarming the group.

Hezbollah (i.e. Iran) is preparing for war with Israel, Lebanon is doing nothing to stop it, and UN troops are little more than passive onlookers. In many cases, even UN soldiers themselves are growing frustrated.

“One junior officer, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he was glad that his battalion would be back in Cadiz in southern Spain at the beginning of November, replaced by normal infantry. ‘It’s absurd,’ he says. ‘We landed here and set up our tent city, but since then we’ve only left the camp to drive around and to make sure that we’re seen’” (ibid.).

Arutz Sheva recently noted how Hezbollah terrorists are more prone to roaming freely and conducting their activities at night because unifil does not patrol the streets after dark. Spanish unifil official Richard Ortax admitted that nightly patrols are not conducted by UN troops “because of the danger involved.” These soldiers went to Lebanon prepared for confrontation. They are well-trained and equipped with some of the best technology and weaponry available, not to mention that they outnumber Hezbollah fighters almost 2 to 1—yet it’s too dangerous for them to participate in nightly patrols?

This is as embarrassing as it is ridiculous!

Since Resolution 1701 passed in August, thousands of troops from around the world have descended into southern Lebanon. But those troops can do very little to actually stop Hezbollah from rearming. UN soldiers are cooped up in tent cities, or they are manning road blocks that are more like fishnets with gigantic holes, or patrolling streets teeming with Hezbollah terrorists who are rebuilding infrastructure.

UN officials would argue that its presence in Lebanon is preventing war from breaking out. That might be true for now, but the fact is, if an unrepentant Iranian-backed terrorist group with a proven track record for starting wars with Israel is allowed to rearm and reinstate itself so quickly after its latest war, then a future war is inevitable.

The UN has put 9,500 soldiers in southern Lebanon and essentially told them to close their eyes and do nothing about rampant terrorist activity. As long as Hezbollah’s army is allowed to prepare for war unhindered, there is one thing we can know for sure: The UN’s incompetence is hastening the day the next war begins.

Aug 6, 2006
When the Arabs start teaching their children that death is better than life, that love is better than hate, and that having a state next to Israel is better than making 58 years of war to build a state on top of Israel and a big pile of dead Jews -- Then they'll stop launching rockets, blowing up busses and discos, kidnapping and killing -- And then there will be peace. Until then Arabs will die. As it should be.......

Sep 21, 2004
Countries need to leave Israel alone and stop hurting them and if Countries continue to toss bombs at the Israeli people, Israel should blow those Countries off the face of the Earth! Peace

:toast: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi:

Aug 6, 2006
Leading export and contribution to the world of eek's Pali buddies, murdering innocent people on busses:

30 dead in Baghdad bus bomb
By Times Online

A suicide bomber boarded a packed bus as it was pulling out of a Baghdad station and detonated an explosive belt, killing at least 30 Iraqis, mostly women and children.

The bus was departing from the central Nahda bus station to Nasiriyah, a Shia city 200 miles southeast of the Iraqi capital. Police said the death toll was especially high because the blast triggered secondary explosions in gas cylinders stored at a nearby food stall. At least 25 people were wounded in the attack.

The attacker parked his car nearby and avoided security checks by climbing onto the bus just as it pulled out of the station.

Eyewitnesses described how the charred corpses of passengers, thought to have been mainly Shia Muslims travelling south for the weekend, remained in their seats. Rescue workers dragged bodies out of the wreckage into waiting ambulances. Blood and shrapnel littered the ground..

"As the bus was going outside the station, a man carrying a bag tried to get into the bus, but the conductor was suspicious about him," police officer Wisam Hakim said.

"He tried to stop him but the man insisted. He sat in the middle of the bus and then the explosion took place."

Still in a state of shock, sandwich seller Jawad Kaabi told of the horrors he had seen just 30 minutes after doing a brisk trade on the bus. "I didn’t imagine for a second that there was a suicide bomber among the passengers," he said.

"I sold six sandwiches to the members of one family, the father, mother and their children. After the explosion, I went back to the area and saw passengers burning alive as people were running everywhere in a state of panic."

In August the Nahda station was the scene of a triple car bombing which killed at least 43 people and wounded 89.

Today's attack comes 48 hours after 27 police recruits were killed by two men who blew themselves up in Baghdad's police training academy.

The scale of violence is expected to increase in the run-up to the country's third round of elections in a year, on December 15, when Iraqis will elect their first full-time parliament since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

As the attacks continued, Japan today agreed to keep its non-combat troops in Iraq for up to a year following the expiry of the current mandate on December 15.

Junichiro Koizumi, the Prime Minister, said: "The people of Iraq have been making efforts to establish a stable and democratic government on their own, and we judged that we need to assist such efforts."

Sep 22, 2004
Scott L said:
eek's Pali buddies

I'll need to correct you here Scotty.

I think the whole lot of you are a bunch of murdering third world morons.

That's why my posts look different, most posts by people in here are about one group of third world ME monkeys, mine are often about the other bunch of no hoper welfare idiots to even up the perspective.

I'm still rooting for nukes for the whole lot of ya Scotty.
Lets find out if there's a civilised society gene lurking dormant over there.


Aug 6, 2006
Your posts look different because you are either unable, or simply refuse to grasp the difference between...

--the intentional killing and maiming of civilians on one side by terrorists who then hide amongst a civilian population.

--the death of civilians on the other side when the aggressed upon are left with no choice but to hunt down the terrorists using civilians as human shields on the other.

You have been shown more times than I care to remember that one side is a tolerant, advanced society that DOES NOT live on the dole. And although there are those who long for peace on the side WE KNOW YOU SUPPORT, they are controlled by a gang of intolerant, murderous thugs. And for that everyone suffers....While you think your posts somehow make a difference.

These links aren't for you eek. You are a mere troll on an offshoot room of a gambling board who wouldn't recognize a false favorite any more than a terrorist about to saw off your head. They are for anyone who may foolishly fall for your crap. We all know you are too dense to get it....

Sep 22, 2004
Both sides have their good points, most societies have ordinary folk who just want to get on with things.

Unfortunately, both sides in this case have waaay too many fundamentalists who run things and steer policy, Israel even managed to kill its own Prime Minister when he was seeking peace, something even those crazed slaphead Islamic whackos haven't done yet.

But feel free to keep on telling us all that you're just a bunch of ordinary regular dudes.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
"Earlier this week, tens of thousands of people mourned the 18 Palestinians killed by Israeli tank fire"

If this were the other way around and 18 Israeli's killed we would hear about it all week long on the news but when its palestinians it hardly classifies as news. Ever since the ceasefire the only ones I have heard doing the bombings are Israeli's.

agreed eek there are crazed lunatics on both sides perhaps more on one side than the other but there is enough hate to go around that I could really careless about either side.

Aug 6, 2006
Muslim extremists kill Jews because they are Jews, and for no other reason. Those whose strict aim is to kill civilians on the other side are responsible for the death on BOTH SIDES. It's obvious you don't "careless"(sic). So why even post, especially when you're too lazy to take 5 minutes to find out the truth? Which is that no Palestinians would ever die if they stopped trying to destroy Israel, and build a peaceful country next to it.

What happened to Sadat eek?
You take the murder of Rabin by one extremist Jew, a national tragedy mourned by all Israelis to paint the whole of Israel as extreme fundamentalist, when it is in fact an open, secular society. Maybe if you didn't waste 18 hours a day in here spewing your illusions, you'd know. But there's something more to your "evenhandedness," isn't there? Can you name me ONE JEWISH member in the Parliament of any Arab country?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005

1. the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah.

2. the whole body of Muslim believers, their civilization, and the countries in which theirs is the dominant religion.


1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

2. the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.


New member
Mar 16, 2006
"Those whose strict aim is to kill civilians on the other side are responsible for the death on BOTH SIDES"

funny I keep getting told one side targets civillian , yet the side that I am constantly told doesn't target civillians probably kills 10x as many civillians but of course its alway a big oops.

Personally I would like to put all extermist of every religion on a different planet and let them kill each other off. Almost every religions goal at the extreme end is to convert and unify.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
t2050 said:
"Earlier this week, tens of thousands of people mourned the 18 Palestinians killed by Israeli tank fire"

If this were the other way around and 18 Israeli's killed we would hear about it all week long on the news but when its palestinians it hardly classifies as news. Ever since the ceasefire the only ones I have heard doing the bombings are Israeli's.

agreed eek there are crazed lunatics on both sides perhaps more on one side than the other but there is enough hate to go around that I could really careless about either side.

Why do you suppose you only hear about the Israelis "BOMBINGS"? Id assume when the MSM,where you gleen all your info from about the Israeli "bombings",mentions the Jews "bombings" they must mention the "innocent" Arab victims.You seemed to have contradicted yourself in your first effort in here.Regroup,rinse and reapply.

You probably werent even aware the missles have never stopped being lobbed into Israel.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
do you have reports of missles falling on israel since the ceasefire? I have not heard of any if there have been please post them along with any Israeli deaths in the last 3/4 weeks. I don't follow the mid east that close so would appreciate your reports on Israeli killed in the last 3/4 weeks


Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
t2050 said:
do you have reports of missles falling on israel since the ceasefire? I have not heard of any if there have been please post them along with any Israeli deaths in the last 3/4 weeks. I don't follow the mid east that close so would appreciate your reports on Israeli killed in the last 3/4 weeks

Yes,plenty of reports of missles falling into Jewville...theres one in the link I posted.

As long as the seeing eye missles dont hit anyone, the ceasefire is maintained? is that what youre insinuating? Even during the "war" the missles rarely hit anyone,it was still aggression nevertheless.See a ceasefire means to cease firing unless fired upon.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
thanks for the link

that seems odd that missiles are raining down and no Israeli deaths and I have not heard of any in months, thats not to say there are none thats why i asked if you know of any please post s I like different media sources. Yes I agree with you a act of agression none the less but neither could never really be expected to stop.

Like I said I care none for either side and only wish pat robertson was a little closer to the action.

Redpimp Ghost.
Nov 7, 2006
eek. said:
Both sides have their good points, most societies have ordinary folk who just want to get on with things.

Unfortunately, both sides in this case have waaay too many fundamentalists who run things and steer policy, Israel even managed to kill its own Prime Minister when he was seeking peace, something even those crazed slaphead Islamic whackos haven't done yet.

But feel free to keep on telling us all that you're just a bunch of ordinary regular dudes.

I think i am with you here. I am sick and tired of right wing whackos and extremists israels perpetuating this israeli conflict and needlessly draggin us and our children into their bullshit.

Its about time we left those israelis who are no different from the terrorist..(sorry basehead, murder is murder i and dont give a fvck how you wish to differentiate two morons that choose different methods to kill people) to fight out their shit.

We need to cut off aid and support to the terrorist government of israel.

I cant believe the prime minister has the nerve to serve up dumb ass apologies after slaughtering innocent civilians, and two three weeks from now when a bunch of jews get blown up, the very same morons are gonna turn around and scream bloody murder..

I am fed up with all of them. We get nothing but pain and shit from Israel..Even osama bin laden in part says they attack us for this shit...

For what? to support some murdering idiots who are no different from the people they claim to fight? What the heck do we get from Israel?

Aug 6, 2006
And you're the guy who started a thread trying to ban someone for being a racist? Typical, ignorant, patently false, anti-Semitic spit I need a shower after reading.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
Scott L said:
And you're the guy who started a thread trying to ban someone for being a racist? Typical, ignorant, patently false, anti-Semitic spit I need a shower after reading.

Israel has been given weapons and means of defending itself which they should have and you posted a link of all their great accomplishments in science and other fields so let them start taking care of themselves economically instead of looking for a constant handout from the US tax payer every year you have to cut the cord sooner or later. A person or country will never support themselves unless they are forced to. Jewish people are resourcefull and intellegent and I bet they could take care of themselves fiscally but why bother when you just give them billions every year

Redpimp Ghost.
Nov 7, 2006
Scott L said:
And you're the guy who started a thread trying to ban someone for being a racist? Typical, ignorant, patently false, anti-Semitic spit I need a shower after reading.

with all due respect...actuall fvck the respect...all i wanna say is

FUCK YOU!!!! NO really i mean it... go fuck yourself..

Every one who does not agree with israeli politics is anti semitic?

what a crock of shit!

You aint getting no apologies out of me....

I am opposed to the idea that slaughtering innocent men women and children can be legitimized in any way shape or form.

They are all friggin murderers..

And if that makes me anti-semitic well then it makes you a friggin hypocrite as well because defending such shit is more or less saying palestinians are not human beings and should be slaughtered aimlessly like the attack Israel, willingly and forcefully carried out in Beit hanoun.

thats all i will say on that......well i will say again...Fuck you!!!

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