The World According to Chuck Sims

Sep 21, 2004
The world of offshore bookmakers according to Chuck Sims is important for this site.

Absolutely-there is no doubt about that. I just think that he's a few degrees on the too critical side. Everyone needs their critics to keep them on their toes, but how can any serious player limit themselves to such a small (and tight) set of #'s to play?

If it works for him, it works for him. Regardless, I think he could find some bargains if he opened his horizons a little bit.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
In spite of what Chuck Sims (or his fans) feel about the current group of Rx. sponsers we do need them to actually stay in business. His constant "shit book" references only make it all the more difficult for The Rx. to get sponsers involved in forum dialogue, free contests, and most importantly to re-new advertising contracts. The days of actual no-pays are for all intents and purposes history - the main focus of disputes has changed from getting paid or not (among other things) to how quickly one is paid or how early lines are posted or how much limits are and probably the most common complaint books excersising their right to refuse to book certain types of players.

Almost every dispute that arises has two sides to it but posters are very quick to condem books without hearing both sides and that can be unfair. Are books always in the right - absolutely not but they are also not always in the wrong. Just because a poster says one book or another cancelled a bet or changed a line on a bet doesn't mean it was done to cheat that player. That could be a good reason for whatever foul was claimed or in some cases there was no actual bet or complaint to begin with.

The Offshore world has evolved into a large group of books that use a "recreational" player only business model. Chuck will have you believe that means losers only when in fact it is basically designed to keep Don best screen watchers from picking off steam and playing nothing else. Contrary to popular belief non steam players win also. I know many say I am not a steam chaser but still got booted and for that I am sorry but it more or less goes with the territory these days. Getting booted from a book is not the end of the world for players as there are many to choose from.

Everyone of those books that are listed above this forum are operated by real people just like you and I and quite frankly to constantly profanely abuse them is IHMO wrong. List grievances sure but detail them with actual facts instead of constant and repetitive mantra. This forum is trying it's best to allow all of the people that post here to enjoy freedom of speech but sometime it gets very difficult to justify the level of venom displayed by posters like Chuck Sims.

I am very concerned about the ethics of books that advertise here and really feel confident that any dispute that arises with an advertiser book will be settled honestly and fairly. Myself and the entire Rx. mod team invite any Rxer with a problem with an advertiser book to email us with any kind of issue they feel needs mediation.

Another issue with Chuck Sims is personal slander against Rx. moderators or posters who defend what are in his mind one of his "shit" books. Why does one lose all integrity, honesty or credibility for doing so? When I say defend books I am not talking about blindly defending obvious questionable tactics by a given book but to at least look at both sides of a dispute and to make sure all the facts come out before judgement is rendered. I know for a fact that several books that advertise here have come a long way towards becoming player friendly in the year since I have been head moderator - a trend I see continuing despite what Chuck Sims thinks.

Anyway Chuck you are invited to The Rx. Bash in Las Vegas this August why not show up and discuss your grievances in person.

Thanks, wil..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WildBill said:
Chuck might have good intentions for much of what he says, but come on just about all of us can agree he isn't exactly unbiased in this.

Can WildBill, Chuck Sims, or anyone else clarify the above?
It implies that Chuck Sims has a book or works for a book.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
It would be worth the trip to see Chuck Sims at the bash wearing some clothing or a ballcap from certain RX sponsors.

A good time and excellent camera opportunities for Chuck and Uncle Wilheim to bury the hatchet.

LT, I was victimized by a poster in the political forum in a contest...the avatar change is only for one week.

Whatcha say Chuck, you going to be at this years bash?


"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
wilheim said:
In spite of what Chuck Sims (or his fans) feel about the current group of Rx. sponsers we do need them to actually stay in business. His constant "shit book" references only make it all the more difficult for The Rx. to get sponsers involved in forum dialogue, free contests, and most importantly to re-new advertising contracts. The days of actual no-pays are for all intents and purposes history - the main focus of disputes has changed from getting paid or not (among other things) to how quickly one is paid or how early lines are posted or how much limits are and probably the most common complaint books excersising their right to refuse to book certain types of players.

Almost every dispute that arises has two sides to it but posters are very quick to condem books without hearing both sides and that can be unfair. Are books always in the right - absolutely not but they are also not always in the wrong. Just because a poster says one book or another cancelled a bet or changed a line on a bet doesn't mean it was done to cheat that player. That could be a good reason for whatever foul was claimed or in some cases there was no actual bet or complaint to begin with.

The Offshore world has evolved into a large group of books that use a "recreational" player only business model. Chuck will have you believe that means losers only when in fact it is basically designed to keep Don best screen watchers from picking off steam and playing nothing else. Contrary to popular belief non steam players win also. I know many say I am not a steam chaser but still got booted and for that I am sorry but it more or less goes with the territory these days. Getting booted from a book is not the end of the world for players as there are many to choose from.

Everyone of those books that are listed above this forum are operated by real people just like you and I and quite frankly to constantly profanely abuse them is IHMO wrong. List grievances sure but detail them with actual facts instead of constant and repetitive mantra. This forum is trying it's best to allow all of the people that post here to enjoy freedom of speech but sometime it gets very difficult to justify the level of venom displayed by posters like Chuck Sims.

I am very concerned about the ethics of books that advertise here and really feel confident that any dispute that arises with an advertiser book will be settled honestly and fairly. Myself and the entire Rx. mod team invite any Rxer with a problem with an advertiser book to email us with any kind of issue they feel needs mediation.

Another issue with Chuck Sims is personal slander against Rx. moderators or posters who defend what are in his mind one of his "shit" books. Why does one lose all integrity, honesty or credibility for doing so? When I say defend books I am not talking about blindly defending obvious questionable tactics by a given book but to at least look at both sides of a dispute and to make sure all the facts come out before judgement is rendered. I know for a fact that several books that advertise here have come a long way towards becoming player friendly in the year since I have been head moderator - a trend I see continuing despite what Chuck Sims thinks.

Anyway Chuck you are invited to The Rx. Bash in Las Vegas this August why not show up and discuss your grievances in person.

Thanks, wil..

Wil, is there any way the RX can put a big R on a book that advertises here that is primarily a Recreational Book? It might help with who is Rec and who is Wise and who is Both(R&W). LT:grandmais :modemman:

New member
Jun 22, 2005
Chuck Sims said:
The RX had BetOnSports rated as a "NO PAY" stay away book. That changed overnight when the payoffs begun. The bashing of Chuck Sims by a couple of the mods started at the same time. I'll let the forum posters decide who has an objective view of sportsbooks.

Around the same time i was put on post review and even had one of the mods here edit my post and resubmit it totally changed..(and he had the guts to claim he only edited out curse words!!!!) That shit still incenses me!!!

All because i had played at Betonsports and experienced some of their dirty tactics and had the nerve to talk about it!!!!

I dont mind saying it, i really wish all those little fly by night operations would be shut once and for all..Or better yet we get this biz legalized here in the USA so we can see just how those shit books compete when faced with the threat of actual prosecution for shoddy tactics and b/s like that!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i was just thinking about that yankee game last friday night when BOS had the yanks at -550 on their square line, while pinnacle and grande had -375.

there are people out there that took the yanks for 55 to win 10 and it really bothers me.

the older i get, the more i find myself caring about the little guy and with the amount of watchdogs and forums out there, they should care about them to.

i could never let someone bet on the yanks at that number if i was a mod or forum owner and i would tell that book to get rid of your unfair square lines that take advantage of some of our members or get the hell out of my forum.

if i hear again about this has been done since the beginning of time, im going to puke; alot of things had been done in the past that were clearly wrong and they finally stopped when people in a postion of power stood up and said not on my watch.

i just wanted to say thanks to chuck sims and keep up the good work. if a book is feeling pressure from a posters comments than maybe they arent the kind of book that we need at the rx. imagine if it was honor to advertise at the rx and try to obtain platinum status based on a yearly performance review instead of the way its done now.

New member
Aug 2, 2005
i think its bs as well

a recreational book has people playing on worse lines and hoping to get enough action to increase their profit

how does that benefit the player at all ?

i mean with the large rollover required to actually get a decent bonus theres not alot of chance a new gambler would actually ever collect.

but let them play at a book giving them true odds and a slightly lower bonus and lower rollover they may actually withdraw.

i think the recereational books should be closed down because to be honest they dont help anyone in the long run and the big problem is at the end of the day no matter how good or bad you do they have the ultimate catch phrase - we are for recreational bettors and its totally our discretion - so any wager can be cancelled by them at any point, any bonus can be cancelled and the winnings, your limits lowered to such a point of making it unworkable and being put on phone only that is a fate worse than death.

this just doesnt hold up in the real world of business in anything i have ever seen.

recreational book = subsidising people who cant make it in the real world.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Kind of a shame this thread got moved to the RR it was one of the better ones I've read here. Funny how some of the wannabee wise guy pussies in this thread are all huffy and puffy that Chucky got called out. Same guys who will flame and piss all over a book when a poster gives his side of a story they fucking know nothing about.

I can't believe I'm hearing all these praises of chucky it's pretty laughable. I have been posting here for many years and have read many of Chucks simple "shit book" with a thumbs down Icon with no reasoning to why.

Chuck called SIA a "shitbook" because he bet a three way line boxing match and expected a refund on a side bet when it ended in a draw. Chuck calls reputable books notorious for payouts as well as not wanting sharp action "shit" but shilled for the old GCS all the way up until the time they started stiffing players. Chuck calls a book "shit" because he had a bonus confiscated even though the books rules clearly stated that the bonus did not apply to bettors from Nevada.

Incredible how some posters hold double standards. Flame and piss on an advertiser about an issue or claim you know zero about and then flame the mods when they defend the book or disagee for disagreeing with an egghead poster.

I am the beetman, goo goo g'joob.
Sep 21, 2004
There's something really wrong here when the moderators decide to start flaming in a thread that's critical of books that advertise, and then promptly bury the thread in the rubber room.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You think it's wrong for mods to defend their advertisers if they feel the posts are unfair? The mods are not entitled to give their opinions? I read the whole thread and I didn't see Ttinco or any mod offend Chuck once.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Ummm is it me or did someone delete my post in this thread??? Are we deleting now when someone doesn't agree with the powers to be?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
No posts are deleted. There is second part of this thread in The Rubber Room - left there after part of the thread was hijacked.


Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
wilheim said:
No posts are deleted. There is second part of this thread in The Rubber Room - left there after part of the thread was hijacked.


Hijacked? You mean when J-man told another poster to FU because he said something he didn't like? If so that's weak. TT started the thread, let it remain completely in tact for all posters to see. It almost makes it look intentional to start a mini flame war in order to move the thread.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Your right we had the thread hijacked on purpose so it could be moved. Good catch.


Sep 20, 2004
go2guy said:
Hijacked? You mean when J-man told another poster to FU because he said something he didn't like? If so that's weak. TT started the thread, let it remain completely in tact for all posters to see. It almost makes it look intentional to start a mini flame war in order to move the thread.

Oh thats right we're just suppose to take unwarranted personal attacks , never defend, cause we're the Mods, we have no backbone.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
wilheim said:
Your right we had the thread hijacked on purpose so it could be moved. Good catch.


I said it almost "looks" like it was done on purpose as in gives the impression. It was moved for a reason to the Rubber Room then moved back to Offshore. I've seen worse flaming in threads that remain in Offshore but ok Wil. :drink:

Sep 20, 2004
DickyW said:
Kind of a shame this thread got moved to the RR it was one of the better ones I've read here. Funny how some of the wannabee wise guy pussies in this thread are all huffy and puffy that Chucky got called out. Same guys who will flame and piss all over a book when a poster gives his side of a story they fucking know nothing about.

I can't believe I'm hearing all these praises of chucky it's pretty laughable. I have been posting here for many years and have read many of Chucks simple "shit book" with a thumbs down Icon with no reasoning to why.

Chuck called SIA a "shitbook" because he bet a three way line boxing match and expected a refund on a side bet when it ended in a draw. Chuck calls reputable books notorious for payouts as well as not wanting sharp action "shit" but shilled for the old GCS all the way up until the time they started stiffing players. Chuck calls a book "shit" because he had a bonus confiscated even though the books rules clearly stated that the bonus did not apply to bettors from Nevada.

Incredible how some posters hold double standards. Flame and piss on an advertiser about an issue or claim you know zero about and then flame the mods when they defend the book or disagee for disagreeing with an egghead poster.

Has Chuck ever said anything positive?

I don't even know if he wagers, I have never seen him talk about anything before it happens, oh wait he was all over the Yankees not making the playoffs last year, I do recall him bumping that thread for months, til they heated up.


Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Journeyman said:
Oh thats right we're just suppose to take unwarranted personal attacks , never defend, cause we're the Mods, we have no backbone.

That's right J-man you're suppose to take any abuse from various posters and not defend yourself. The customer is always right remember? You shouldn't have a backbone because you're paid to put up with other posters' shit! Is that what you wanted me to say? Geesh guys you need to lighten up. I didn't mean to question you about a thread that a Mod started to bash a fellow poster that was moved to the Rubber Room when it didn't get its desired effect.

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