The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
True dat..When SheBar and I go out to dance clubs, she leaves my boot wearin' cowboy ass at the bar while she does half an hour on the floor with Mikey

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
They are always the first to get up and dance.

Oops...when I read this earlier I got confused about it being in the IslamicPhobe thread and not the HomoPhobe thread

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
True dat..When SheBar and I go out to dance clubs, she leaves my boot wearin' cowboy ass at the bar while she does half an hour on the floor with Mikey

Aug 6, 2006
I notice they also make a lot more sweeping motions when they dance, and stomp and yell a lot as well.
Sep 21, 2004
Muslims Kill 14 Children

U.S.: 14 children die in bombing near Afghan school


Dec. 28, 2008, 2:08PM

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<!-- Airport Code (Kayak) --> <!-- end Airport Code (Kayak) --> <!-- BEGIN movie info box --> <!-- END movie info box -->
<!-- end floating resource box --> KABUL, Afghanistan — A single-file line of school children walked past a military checkpoint Sunday as a bomb-loaded truck veered toward them and exploded, ending the lives of 14 young Afghans in a heartbreaking flash captured by a U.S. military security camera. The video shows an SUV slowly weaving through sand bag barriers at a military checkpoint just as a line of school children, most wearing white caps, comes into view. They walk along a pathway between the street and a wall, several of them pausing for a few seconds in a group before moving forward again. The vehicle moves toward the security camera while the children walk in the opposite direction, nearly passing the SUV when the footage ends in a fiery blast. Photos of the bombing’s aftermath showed bloodied text books lying on the ground beside small pairs of shoes. Afghan officials said the kids were attending a final day of class for the year to find out whether they would move up to the next grade. Dr. Abdul Rahman, a doctor at a hospital near the blast, said the children were aged 8 to 10. The U.S. military said the attack in the eastern province of Khost killed 16 people, including 14 children, an Afghan soldier and another person — likely a private security guard that Afghan officials reported killed. The U.S. said 58 people were wounded. In an angry condemnation of the attack, President Hamid Karzai said those that carried it out “cannot escape the revenge of Afghans and God’s punishment.” The U.N. mission in Afghanistan and the NATO-led force also strongly condemned the attack. The blast went off near the entrance to a police and army post, said Yacoub Khan, the deputy police chief of Khost. U.S. troops are also stationed inside the outpost, but no troops were wounded or killed in the attack. U.S. Gen. David McKiernan, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, said he believes the militant network run by warlord Siraj Haqqani was responsible for the attack. “The brutality and disregard for human life by terrorists is sickening, as I continue to witness innocent men, women and children being killed and maimed in the pursuit of this pointless insurgency,” McKiernan said in a statement. Afghan officials offered a slightly lower death toll. Abdullah Fahim, spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Kabul, said eight people in total died and 51 were wounded. Khan said he believed that only five school children had died. It wasn’t possible to reconcile the differing death tolls, though the U.S. military video seemed to support the likelihood of the higher toll. Khan said the attack came at a time when Pashtun tribal elders from Mandozai district were meeting inside the compound to discuss security issues. It was not immediately clear how many — if any — of those tribal leaders were wounded or killed. Khan said it was possible they were the target but that there was no way for him to know for sure. The attack came on the last day of school for the year. Students had gathered in the classrooms to receive end-of-year certificates and learn if they had passed on to the next grade, Asif Nang, spokesman for the Ministry of Education, said. A U.N. spokesman said the U.N. mission in Afghanistan was “appalled” at the suicide attack. “The deaths of young children who were receiving their end-of-year education certificates are particularly galling,” said Dan McNorton. The blast in Khost province came only hours after a late-night rocket attack in Kabul on Saturday killed three teenage sisters. McNorton said that attack “also reminds us of the true impact this conflict has on those who play no part in it.” Violence has spiked across Afghanistan the last two years, and the U.S. plans to send between 20,000 and 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan over the next six months to reinforce the 32,000 U.S. forces already in the country. More than 6,100 people have died in insurgency-related violence this year, according to an Associated Press count of figures from Western and Afghan officials. The year has also been the deadliest for NATO soldiers since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban. In the south, a roadside bomb killed two Canadian soldiers and two Afghans working alongside them in a dangerous region of southern Afghanistan, Canada’s military said Sunday. In addition to those killed in Saturday’s roadside bomb attack, four Canadian soldiers and one Afghan interpreter were wounded, the military said. The two Afghans killed in the blast in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar province included an interpreter and a police officer. NATO officials have said that Canadian troops have suffered more deaths per capita than any other foreign military in the country. More than 100 Canadians have been killed. Elsewhere, coalition forces killed five militants and detained six during operations in Kabul and Paktika provinces on Saturday, the U.S.-led coalition said Sunday.
Sep 21, 2004
Muslim Polygamy, Women Abuse Exposed in Britain

How Sahar Daftary's death fall exposed polygamy in Britain

Muslim marriage rules 'leave women at risk'

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<!-- Remove following <div> to not show photographer information --><!-- Remove following <div> to not show image description --> Rashid Jamil and Sahar Daftary at a party before their wedding last year

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<!-- Print Author name associated with the article --><!-- Print Author name from By Line associated with the article --> Dominic Kennedy, Investigations Editor

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Sahar Daftary, 23, fell 150ft from the twelfth storey of a block of flats where she had gone to collect her belongings at the home of a businessman whom she had married in a religious ceremony last year.
Her husband, Rashid Jamil, 33, was arrested on suspicion of murder but bailed by police after they found no evidence that the death was anything other than an accident or suicide.
Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, the head of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, told The Times: “This story is very common, unfortunately. We have tried to plug some of the holes in the whole system, but unfortunately our clerics do not live on this planet.
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Ms Daftary, a Sunni Muslim from London whose family comes from Afghanistan, was crowned Miss Face of Asia in a beauty contest last year. She was found critically injured by the apartment block in Salford Quays near the Manchester United football ground on Saturday. She had been helping with make-up at a fashion show in the city but left early to collect clothes from Mr Jamil’s home.
Ms Daftary also wanted to arrange an Islamic divorce from him. She had undergone a Muslim wedding ceremony in Brentford, West London, only to learn later that her husband already had a wife.
Her sister, Mariya Massumi, a hairdresser, said: “A few months after they got married we had a phone call from Narissa Amjad, and she said she was Rashid’s wife. We were very shocked and we confronted him.” Relatives learnt that Ms Amjad, 29, a marketing executive, was expecting a second child by Mr Jamil.
Islam traditionally allows husbands to take up to four wives at a time. A confrontation took place at Mr Jamil’s detached house in Altrincham, Manchester, where Ms Amjad lived.
Ms Massumi said: “When we arrived he was very calm. He said to Sahar he was not happy with his wife. He said in front of his wife he wanted to live with Sahar. His wife Narissa was also very calm and said that was OK. We were all so shocked. Rashid told Sahar he loved her.”
Mr Jamil also had a former wife, Sebina Malik, a lawyer. They had a daughter but were formally divorced. According to relatives, Mr Jamil had also undergone an arranged marriage in Pakistan that ended in divorce.
Dr Siddiqui said some British Muslim clerics performed polygamous marriages. The ceremonies are unrecog-nised by law. Clerics let husbands end marriages by saying “I divorce you” three times. Ex-wives have no rights.
Ahmad Thomson, a barrister and founder of the Association of Muslim Lawyers, said that polygamous marriages could work in Britain if all parties were open and in agreement. But he added: “Sometimes the husband has tried to keep the earlier marriage secret. When the second or third wife finds out, it’s devastating.”

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Also, if they ensure the marriages take place outside the UK muslims can bring in as many wives as they like and the state will provide housing and social security benefits for them and for all their children also. There was a fuss when this was put in place, but a week is a long time in politics.
Paul, Sutton, Surrey., England
The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women states polygamy discriminates against women, reduces them to concubinage, denies them any right to their "husband's" estate, and impoverishes them and their children. For these reasons it should be banned.
Jancis M. Andrews, Sechelt , Canada

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I think 4 Wives would be great.I see nothing wrong with it.

In your case, it would probably be more fair to find even one woman that would peaceably live with you before setting goals for four or more.

Feb 22, 2005
I think 4 Wives would be great.I see nothing wrong with it.

The problem is the four mother-in laws:drink:

Not to mention that once the sex stops, you will have four women nagging you... one is more than enough, let alone four
Oct 30, 2006
I see nothing wrong with polygamy if the parties involved agree to it & are happy.None of the Govts or the Laws damn business.
Oct 30, 2006
You should be interested in these Zit

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]You've heard all about the disputes: "Silent Night" banned at the "holiday" [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]program, artistic references to the Bible censored and faith-inclusive children's [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]programs facing discrimination.

Now some people are fed up with public school treatment of Christianity and
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]have launched a campaign calling for a rescue of kids from government [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]education programs – a "Call to Dunkirk."

Read the latest and see the video now on
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] & The Bible under onslaught of attacks

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
My first foray into civic activism was when I assisted a series of successful lawsuits that forced the Irving TX Independent School District to cease using school time for an annual Christmas pagaent.

At the time (early 90s) it was still an issue in many communities. Thankfully with each passing year since more and more public schools are being brought into line with regard to illegal promotion of religious celebrations on taxpayer-owned property.
Sep 21, 2004
My first foray into civic activism was when I assisted a series of successful lawsuits that forced the Irving TX Independent School District to cease using school time for an annual Christmas pagaent.

At the time (early 90s) it was still an issue in many communities. Thankfully with each passing year since more and more public schools are being brought into line with regard to illegal promotion of religious celebrations on taxpayer-owned property.

Were you also a civic activist in the area of "responsible" LSD use?
Sep 21, 2004
Friendly Muslim Taliban orders Girls to Marry Militants

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="100%"><arttitle>Girls to marry militants, orders Taliban</arttitle>
2 Jan 2009, 1524 hrs IST, PTI
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</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="7">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left"> <!-- google_ad_section_start --> ISLAMABAD: On the heels of their crusade against girls going to schools, the Taliban have now issued new dictum in the areas under their sway asking parents of the grown up daughters to marry them to militants or "face dire consequences".

This new force-marriage campaign is being run in most of the areas in the Pakistan's troubled NWFP through regular announcements made in mosques to congregations.

Such instances have come to light recently through some of the affected women daring to go to authorities for justice rather than meekly surrender to the militants’ dictates.

Salma, who teaches in a primary school in Peshawar, told the Dawn newspaper that Taliban have told families to declare in mosques if they have unmarried girls so that their hand could be given in marriage, most probably to militants.

If they did not do so, the girls would be forcibly married off, the newspaper quoted the 30-year-old widow as saying.

She also said the Taliban in the Swat valley of NWFP have threatened women with dire punishment, if they are found outside their homes without identity cards and a male relative accompanying them.

Couples should also carry 'Nikah Nama' or marriage certificates with them when they venture out of home or they will be in trouble, she said.

"I have heard that Taliban have announced that if a girl above the age of seven is found outside her house, she would be slaughtered," Salma said.

Once an avid listener of Pakistani Taliban commander Maulana Fazlullah's FM radio station, Salma doesn't tune in to the channel any more.

"Usually there is only dreadful news on the radio, so I stopped listening to it," said Salma, who has three sons.

Fazlullah, also known as Mullah Radio for the fiery sermons he broadcasts on his illegal FM station, leads a campaign by Taliban militants to enforce Shariat or Islamic law in Swat.

Fazlullah's followers have blown up or torched over 100 girls' schools in Swat and barred women from going to markets.

The Taliban's recent decision to completely ban girls' education from January 15 has upset Salma and her colleagues because most of them are the sole bread-winners of their families.

"My colleagues were crying when they heard this bad news. Some have aged and handicapped parents while others have lost their male members in the ongoing conflict," she said.

"Our principal has said that all female teachers should write down the domestic problems forcing them to work so that they could be forwarded to Taliban, who would be requested to review their policy about women's education," Salma said.

Women who go out for work, especially social work, are tagged as immoral and eliminated by militants controlling the area, he said.

Bakht Zeba, a 45-year-old woman councillor who was a staunch supporter of girls' education, was murdered on November 25. She was first threatened by Taliban to stop her activities or face dire consequences. When she did not pay heed to the warnings, the Taliban shot her dead in her house.

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New member
Oct 20, 2005
Arraigned marriages, who woulda thunk it? If you Christians had any balls or the respect, you would still be doing the same thing, as was done in biblical times. But, evolution of ideas has proved this well.... KOOKY. This is why many of Islam is crackpots....they are living in the dark ages still.
Sep 21, 2004
Arraigned marriages, who woulda thunk it? If you Christians had any balls or the respect, you would still be doing the same thing, as was done in biblical times. But, evolution of ideas has proved this well.... KOOKY. This is why many of Islam is crackpots....they are living in the dark ages still.

If Christians had balls or respect they'd be arranging marriages?

Um.... where you coming from dude?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Arraigned marriages, who woulda thunk it? If you Christians had any balls or the respect, you would still be doing the same thing, as was done in biblical times. But, evolution of ideas has proved this well.... KOOKY. This is why many of Islam is crackpots....they are living in the dark ages still.

Biblical times?

Dude...Arranged marriages were part and parcel of Western European culture well into at least the early 20th century. And they remain an extremely common method of uniting young men and women in the Christian communities of India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
Biblical times?

Dude...Arranged marriages were part and parcel of Western European culture well into at least the early 20th century. And they remain an extremely common method of uniting young men and women in the Christian communities of India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia case you hadn't noticed, we're well into the 21st century.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The periods I cited (early to mid 20th century in Western Europe and today in Asian countries) are certainly a bit more recent than "biblical times".

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