The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread

Sep 21, 2004
'I don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam,' says Holland's rising political star

Geert Wilders, the popular MP whose film on Islam has fuelled the debate on race in Holland, wants an end to mosque building and Muslim immigration. Ian Traynor met him in The Hague

A TV addict with bleached hair who adores Maggie Thatcher and prefers kebabs to hamburgers, Geert Wilders has got nothing against Muslims. He just hates Islam. Or so he says. 'Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology,' says Wilders, a lanky Roman Catholic right-winger, 'the ideology of a retarded culture.'
The Dutch politician, who sees himself as heir to a recent string of assassinated or hounded mavericks who have turned Holland upside down, has been doing a crash course in Koranic study. Likening the Islamic sacred text to Hitler's Mein Kampf, he wants the 'fascist Koran' outlawed in Holland, the constitution rewritten to make that possible, all immigration from Muslim countries halted, Muslim immigrants paid to leave and all Muslim 'criminals' stripped of Dutch citizenship and deported 'back where they came from'. But he has nothing against Muslims. 'I have a problem with Islamic tradition, culture, ideology. Not with Muslim people.'
Wilders has been immersing himself in the suras and verse of seventh-century Arabia. The outcome of his scholarship, a short film, has Holland in a panic. He is just putting the finishing touches to the 10-minute film, he says, and talking to four TV channels about screening it.
'It's like a walk through the Koran,' he explains in a sterile conference room in the Dutch parliament in The Hague, security chaps hovering outside. 'My intention is to show the real face of Islam. I see it as a threat. I'm trying to use images to show that what's written in the Koran is giving incentives to people all over the world. On a daily basis Moroccan youths are beating up homosexuals on the streets of Amsterdam.'
Wilders is lucid and shrewd and the provactive soundbites trip easily off his tongue. He was recently voted Holland's most effective politician. If 18 months ago he sat alone in the second chamber or lower house in The Hague, his People's Party now has nine of 150 seats and is running at about 15 per cent in the polls. His Islam-bashing seems to be paying off. And not only in Holland. All across Europe, the new breed of right-wing populists are trying to revive their political fortunes by appealing to anti-Muslim prejudice.
A few months ago the Swiss People's Party of the pugnacious billionaire Christoph Blocher won a general election while simultaneously running a campaign to change the Swiss constitution to ban the building of minarets on mosques. Last month in Antwerp, far-right leaders from 15 European cities and from political parties in Belgium, Germany and Austria got together to launch a charter 'against the Islamisation of western European cities', reiterating the call for a mosque-building moratorium.
'We already have more than 6,000 mosques in Europe, which are not only a place to worship but also a symbol of radicalisation, some financed by extreme groups in Saudi Arabia or Iran,' argued Filip Dewinter, leader of Belgium's Flemish separatist party, the Vlaams Belang, who organised the Antwerp get-together. 'Its minarets are six floors high, higher than the floodlights of the Feyenoord soccer stadium,' he said of a new mosque being built in Rotterdam. 'These kinds of symbols have to stop.'
Where a few years ago the far right in Europe concentrated its fire on immigration, these days Islam is fast becoming the most popular target. It is a campaign that is having mixed results. In Switzerland, the Blocher party has been highly successful. In Holland, Wilders is thriving by constantly poking sticks in the eyes of the politically correct Dutch establishment. But when Susanne Winter ran for a seat on the local council in the Austrian city of Graz last month by branding the Prophet Muhammad a child molester, she lost her far-right Freedom Party votes.
For the mainstream centre-right in Europe, foreigner-bashing is also backfiring. Roland Koch, the German Christian Democrat once tipped as a future Chancellor, wrecked his chances a fortnight ago by forfeiting a 12-point lead in a state election after a campaign that denounced Muslim ritual slaughter practices and called for the deportation of young immigrant criminals.
Wilders echoes some of the arguments against multiculturalism that have convulsed Germany in recent years. Like many on the traditional German right, he wants the European Judaeo-Christian tradition to be formally recognised as the dominating culture, or Leitkultur. 'There is no equality between our culture and the retarded Islamic culture. Look at their views on homosexuality or women,' he says.
But if Wilders shares positions and aims with others on the far right in Europe, he is also a very specific Dutch phenomenon, viewing himself as a libertarian provocateur like the late Pim Fortuyn or Theo van Gogh, railing against 'Islamisation' as a threat to what used to be the easy-going Dutch model of tolerance.
'My allies are not Le Pen or Haider,' he emphasises. 'We'll never join up with the fascists and Mussolinis of Italy. I'm very afraid of being linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups.' Dutch iconoclasm, Scandinavian insistence on free expression, the right to provoke are what drive him, he says.
He shrugs off anxieties that his film will trigger a fresh bout of violence of the kind that left Van Gogh stabbed to death on an Amsterdam street and his estranged colleague Ayaan Hirsi Ali in hiding, or the murderous furore over the Danish cartoons in 2005.
The Dutch government is planning emergency evacuation of its nationals and diplomats from the Middle East should the Wilders film be shown. It is alarmed about the impact on Dutch business. 'Our Prime Minister is a big coward. The government is weak,' says Wilders. 'They hate my guts and I don't like them either.'
And if people are murdered as a result of his film? 'They say that if there's bloodshed it would be the responsibility of this strange politician. It's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy. They're creating an atmosphere. I'm not responsible for using democratic means and acting within the law. I don't want Dutch people or Dutch interests to be hurt.'
But he does want to create a stir. 'Islam is something we can't afford any more in the Netherlands. I want the fascist Koran banned. We need to stop the Islamisation of the Netherlands. That means no more mosques, no more Islamic schools, no more imams... Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims.'
Free speech or hate speech? 'I don't create hate. I want to be honest. I don't hate people. I don't hate Muslims. I hate their book and their ideology.'
For more than three years, Wilders has been paying for his 'honesty' by living under permanent police guard as the internet bristles with threats on his life. He has lived in army barracks, in prisons, under guard at home. 'There's no freedom, no privacy. If I said I was not afraid, I would be lying.'
There is little doubt that if Wilders's film exists - and it's shrouded in secrecy - and is broadcast, it will be construed as blasphemy in large parts of the world and may spark a new bloody crisis in relations between the West and the Muslim world.
He does not seem to care. 'People ask why don't you moderate your voice and not make this movie. If I do that and not say what I think, then the extremists who threaten me would win.'

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Wilders, a lanky Roman Catholic right-winger,

So Wilders is not a right-winger, no? Why do you then paste another article where is is called exactly that?

Zit, argueing with you is no fun. It lacks the challenge, you are too easy to expose. I'm bored and it's late here. Good night!
Sep 21, 2004
Wilders is a great Patriot.

15 March 2008

Geert Wilders speech to Hollands Parliament

Article courtesy of Mrs TG

Can you imagine what would happen if a British politician had the guts to stand up in Parliament and say what Geert Wilders is saying, he would probably have his head cut of there and then by the Dhimmis in Parliament on behalf of their Islamic Kingdom that they are nurturing upon the British homeland. LH

Is Europe waking up? Guess who aren't too pleased - MCB amongst others!

Geert Wilder's speech to Holland's Parliament

"Madam Speaker, allow me, first, to express my sincere thanks to you personally for having planned a debate on Islam on the very day of my birthday. I could not have wished for a nicer present! Madam Speaker, approximately 1400 years ago war was declared on us by an ideology of hate and violence which arose at the time and was proclaimed by a barbarian who called himself the Prophet Mohammed.

I am referring to Islam.

Madam Speaker, let me start with the foundation of the Islamic faith, the Koran. The Koran's core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war, a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30).

Madam Speaker, the West has no problems with Jews or Christians, but it does have problems with Islam. It is still possible, even today, for Muslims to view the Koran, which they regard as valid for all time, as a licence to kill. And that is exactly what happens. The Koran is worded in such a way that its instructions are addressed to Muslims for eternity, which includes today's Muslims. This in contrast to texts in the Bible, which is formulated as a number of historical narratives, placing events in a distant past. Let us remind ourselves that it was Muslims, not Jews or Christians, who committed the catastrophic terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London; and that it was no coincidence that Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered by a Muslim, Mohammed Bouyeri.

Madam Speaker, I acknowledge that there are people who call themselves Muslims and who respect our laws. My party, the Freedom Party, has nothing against such people, of course. However, the Koran does have something against them. For it is stated in the Koran in Sura 2, verse 85, that those believers who do not believe in everything the Koran states will be humiliated and receive the severest punishment; which means that they will roast in Hell. In other words, people who call themselves Muslims but who do not believe, for example, in Sura 9, verse 30, which states that Jews and Christians must be fought, or, for example, in Sura 5, verse 38, which states that the hand of a thief must be cut off, such people will be humiliated and roast in Hell. Note that it is not me who is making this up. All this can be found in the Koran. The Koran also states that Muslims who believe in only part of the Koran are in fact apostates, and we know what has to happen to apostates. They have to be killed.

Madam Speaker, the Koran is a book that incites to violence. I remind the House that the distribution of such texts is unlawful according to Article 132 of our Penal Code. In addition, the Koran incites to hatred and calls for murder and mayhem. The distribution of such texts is made punishable by Article 137(e). The Koran is therefore a highly dangerous book; a book which is completely against our legal order and our democratic institutions. In this light, it is an absolute necessity that the Koran be banned for the defence and reinforcement of our civilisation and our constitutional state. I shall propose a second-reading motion to that effect.

Madam Speaker, there is no such thing as "moderate Islam".... As Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said the other day, and I quote, "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it".... Islam is in pursuit of dominance. It wishes to exact its imperialist agenda by force on a worldwide scale (8:39). This is clear from European history. Fortunately, the first Islamic invasion of Europe was stopped at Poitiers in 732; the second in Vienna in 1683. Madam Speaker, let us ensure that the third Islamic invasion, which is currently in full spate, will be stopped too in spite of its insidious nature and notwithstanding the fact that, in contrast to the 8th and 17th centuries, it has no need for an Islamic army because the scared "dhimmis" in the West, also those in Dutch politics, have left their doors wide open to Islam and Muslims.

Apart from conquest, Madam Speaker, Islam is also bent on installing a totally different form of law and order, namely Sharia law. This makes Islam, apart from a religion for hundreds of millions of Muslims also, and in particular, a political ideology (with political/constitutional/Islamic basic values, etc). Islam is an ideology without any respect for others; not for Christians, not for Jews, not for non-believers and not for apostates. Islam aims to dominate, subject, kill and wage war.

Madam Speaker, the Islamic incursion must be stopped. Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time. One century ago, there were approximately 50 Muslims in the Netherlands. Today, there are about 1 million Muslims in this country. Where will it end? We are heading for the end of European and Dutch civilisation as we know it. Where is our Prime Minister in all this? In reply to my questions in the House he said, without batting an eyelid, that there is no question of our country being Islamified. Now, this reply constituted a historical error as soon as it was uttered. Very many Dutch citizens, Madam Speaker, experience the presence of Islam around them. And I can report that they have had enough of burkas, headscarves, the ritual slaughter of animals, so-called honour revenge, blaring minarets, female circumcision, hymen restoration operations, abuse of homosexuals, Turkish and Arabic on the buses and trains as well as on town hall leaflets, halal meat at grocery shops and department stores, Sharia exams, the Finance Minister's Sharia mortgages, and the enormous over representation of Muslims in the area of crime, including Moroccan street terrorists.

In spite of all this, Madam Speaker, there is hope. Fortunately. The majority of Dutch citizens have become fully aware of the danger, and regard Islam as a threat to our culture. My party, the Freedom Party, takes those citizens seriously and comes to their defence.

Many Dutch citizens are fed up to the back teeth and yearn for action. However, their representatives in The Hague are doing precisely nothing. They are held back by fear, political correctness or simply electoral motives. This is particularly clear in the case of PvdA, the Dutch Labour Party, which is afraid of losing Muslim voters. The Prime Minister said in Indonesia the other day that Islam does not pose any danger. Minister Donner believes that Sharia law should be capable of being introduced in the Netherlands if the majority want it. Minister Vogelaar babbles about the future Netherlands as a country with a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, and that she aims to help Islam take root in Dutch society. In saying this, the Minister shows that she has obviously gone stark raving mad. She is betraying Dutch culture and insulting Dutch citizens.

Madam Speaker, my party, the Freedom Party, demands that Minister Vogelaar retract her statement. If the Minister fails to do so, the Freedom Party parliamentary group will withdraw its support for her. No Islamic tradition must ever be established in the Netherlands: not now and also not in a few centuries' time.

Madam Speaker, let me briefly touch on the government's response to the WRR [Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy] report. On page 12 of its response, the government states that Islam is not contrary to democracy or human rights. All I can say to that is that things can't get much more idiotic than this.

Madam Speaker, it is a few minutes to twelve. If we go on like this, Islam will herald the end of our Western civilisation as well as Dutch culture.

I would like to round off my first-reading contribution with a personal appeal to the Prime Minister on behalf of a great many Dutch citizens: stop the Islamification of the Netherlands!

Mr Balkenende, a historic task rests on your shoulders. Be courageous. Do what many Dutch citizens are screaming out for. Do what the country needs. Stop all immigration from Muslim countries, ban all building of new mosques, close all Islamic schools, ban burkas and the Koran. Expel all criminal Muslims from the country, including those Moroccan street terrorists that drive people mad. Accept your responsibility! Stop Islamification!

Enough is enough, Mr Balkenende. Enough is enough."
Sep 21, 2004
So Wilders is not a right-winger, no? Why do you then paste another article where is is called exactly that?

Zit, argueing with you is no fun. It lacks the challenge, you are too easy to expose. I'm bored and it's late here. Good night!

Running away with your lame little spin job.

You're a poser.

Sep 21, 2004
Poser Preussen says that I've done nothing to prove my point
that western culture is fighting a culture war againt Islam,
and that Europeans have been tolerant of the intolerant, and
in doing so, are turning into Eurabia.

Then he disregards Geert Wilders because he has the same
"right wing" philosophy as I do.

Funny thing, Geert was voted Politician of the Year last year
by the Dutch Political Press, if I'm wrong, I sure have a lot
of Dutch people agreeing with me - those who are dealing
with this serious issue first hand in Holland.


Aug 17, 2008

"Just because Bawer and Wilders, two men with the same right-wing ideology as you,"

His party program states that Wilders' party is committed to "freedom of the individual"; Wilders believes that the Netherlands has been held hostage by elitist (mostly social democrat and left-wing liberal) politicians for decades. He claims to want to give it "back to the people", and in this respect he has been labeled a populist by the establishment.<SUP class="noprint Template-Fact">[citation needed]</SUP>
His political views (and so the ones of the PVV as well) often overlap those of the murdered Rotterdam politician Pim Fortuyn and his List Pim Fortuyn. There are strong resemblances, certainly on socio-economic issues, to libertarianism. Wilders wants to lower taxes, cut most welfare programs, raise highway speed limits and minimize state regulations by making it mandatory to scrap two legal rules for every new one to be instated. He also wants to reintroduce the mandatory army service. On the crime issue, he has supported a U.S.-style three strikes law with mandatory life sentences after three separate acts of violent crime.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-hardtalk_2-0>[3]</SUP>

Carry to try again?


Hell yeah, I'll bet you he'd be a Ron Paul supporter. I also like the quote about Islam being the trojan horse of europe.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Poser Preussen says that I've done nothing to prove my point
that western culture is fighting a culture war againt Islam,
and that Europeans have been tolerant of the intolerant, and
in doing so, are turning into Eurabia.

Then he disregards Geert Wilders because he has the same
"right wing" philosophy as I do.

Funny thing, Geert was voted Politician of the Year last year
by the Dutch Political Press, if I'm wrong, I sure have a lot
of Dutch people agreeing with me - those who are dealing
with this serious issue first hand in Holland.

I'm probably stupid for bringing this thread up again and I promise this will be my last post here, but I'd just like to add how amused I am that you, of all people, call me a poser. :)

And yes, you have done exactly nothing to prove that the (undoubtedly existing) sociological problems with muslims in Europe amount to a culture war and that Europe turns into Eurabia (whatever this is supposed to mean). I know you are probably not able to grasp this, but to actually prove something you have to bring a little more than examples and quotes from people with the same opinion as you.

And as to Wilders - you should actually read what you copy and paste:
On 15 December 2007, Wilders was declared politician of the year by NOS-radio, a mainstream Dutch radio station. The parliamentary press praised his ability to dominate political discussion and to attract the debate and to get into publicity with his well-timed one-liners.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-9>[10]</SUP> The editors eventually gave the title to Wilders because he was the only one who scored high both among the press as well as the general public.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-10>[11]</SUP><SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-11>[12]</SUP><!-- / message -->

So Wilders got the vote because he is a dominant debater and knows how to get publicity, not because his opinion is agreed to be the correct one. Many demagogues have been great orators, and their simplified message is often enough received well by the (mostly uneducated) public.
Hitler, for example, was known, too, for being able to dominate politic discussions and get publicity. By your logic, his opinions therefore were correct, too. Is this really what you want to say?

Really, Zit, you should try to learn how to truly prove a point, you are severely lacking in this area.
Oh, and calling your opponent names while ignoring his points and challenges (for example, I'm still waiting for your explanation why, as you asserted, the rise of Nazism and muslim immigration in Germany are comparable) does not make you win a debate, it just makes you look dumb.
Sep 21, 2004
I'm probably stupid for bringing this thread up again and I promise this will be my last post here, but I'd just like to add how amused I am that you, of all people, call me a poser. :)

And yes, you have done exactly nothing to prove that the (undoubtedly existing) sociological problems with muslims in Europe amount to a culture war and that Europe turns into Eurabia (whatever this is supposed to mean). I know you are probably not able to grasp this, but to actually prove something you have to bring a little more than examples and quotes from people with the same opinion as you.

And as to Wilders - you should actually read what you copy and paste:

So Wilders got the vote because he is a dominant debater and knows how to get publicity, not because his opinion is agreed to be the correct one. Many demagogues have been great orators, and their simplified message is often enough received well by the (mostly uneducated) public.
Hitler, for example, was known, too, for being able to dominate politic discussions and get publicity. By your logic, his opinions therefore were correct, too. Is this really what you want to say?

Really, Zit, you should try to learn how to truly prove a point, you are severely lacking in this area.
Oh, and calling your opponent names while ignoring his points and challenges (for example, I'm still waiting for your explanation why, as you asserted, the rise of Nazism and muslim immigration in Germany are comparable) does not make you win a debate, it just makes you look dumb.

Poser still suck with his head in the sand. blah blah blah.
Sep 21, 2004
I'm probably stupid for bringing this thread up again and I promise this will be my last post here, but I'd just like to add how amused I am that you, of all people, call me a poser. :)

And yes, you have done exactly nothing to prove that the (undoubtedly existing) sociological problems with muslims in Europe amount to a culture war and that Europe turns into Eurabia (whatever this is supposed to mean). I know you are probably not able to grasp this, but to actually prove something you have to bring a little more than examples and quotes from people with the same opinion as you.

And as to Wilders - you should actually read what you copy and paste:

So Wilders got the vote because he is a dominant debater and knows how to get publicity, not because his opinion is agreed to be the correct one. Many demagogues have been great orators, and their simplified message is often enough received well by the (mostly uneducated) public.
Hitler, for example, was known, too, for being able to dominate politic discussions and get publicity. By your logic, his opinions therefore were correct, too. Is this really what you want to say?

Really, Zit, you should try to learn how to truly prove a point, you are severely lacking in this area.
Oh, and calling your opponent names while ignoring his points and challenges (for example, I'm still waiting for your explanation why, as you asserted, the rise of Nazism and muslim immigration in Germany are comparable) does not make you win a debate, it just makes you look dumb.

Not only to you continue to ignore the facts, you continue
to try and distort my points as a straw man when you reply.

I've done nothing to show there is a culture war in Europe between
Islam and western culture? Clearly you are high on crack?

You are clearly a poser.
Sep 21, 2004
[ inch by inch... ]

Six Flags asks workers not to wear shorts on Muslim Day

By Melissa Gasca
Signal Staff Writer
Posted: Sept. 30, 2008 9:48 p.m.
<script type="text/javascript">document.write(writeModDate("Oct. 1, 2008 4:59 a.m."));</script>Updated: Oct. 1, 2008 4:59 a.m.

It's Muslim Day at Six Flags Magic Mountain on Saturday and Santa Clarita resident A.J. Jones is curious to know if the park hosted other religious events in the past.

This is Magic Mountain's first year hosting Muslim Family day. It is far from its first time hosting a religious event, said park spokeswoman Sue Carpenter.

"I think it's great as long as they open it up to everyone," said Jones, whose friend works at the park.
Jones is concerned the park's supervisors asked the employees to wear pants Saturday to cover their legs despite the unusually high heat. "I think its kind of strange," Jones said. "It's been so hot for pants."

But Carpenter said not to worry.

"Out of respect, we request the employees wear their uniform pants, instead of their shorts," Carpenter said. "It is only a request, it is not mandatory."

The Islamic Circle of North America requested the day as a celebration for end of Ramadan. Muslim Family Day comes just five days after the end of Ramadan, a Muslim religious observance in which participating Muslims fast from dawn until sunset.

Park officials will try to meet the Muslim group's needs as it does with any other group, Carpenter said.

"There will be a plethora of things to do for the youth and the entire family including halal food stalls, ethnic bazaar and family entertainment" the event's Web site states.

The group is hosting Muslim Family and Youth Days in seven other United States cities this fall.

All those who attend will take part in what the group claims is "The largest American Muslim event."

The theme park expects a busy day Saturday and the park will remain open to the general public and host the first day of its annual Halloween Fright Fest, Carpenter said.
Sep 21, 2004
More Friendly Muslim Terrorist Bombers in London

3 Men Charged in Plot to Attack Book Publisher

Friday, October 03, 2008
<script type="text/javascript"> yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = "3 Men Charged in Plot to Attack Book Publisher"; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = "Three men charged with plotting to attack the publisher of a novel about one of the Prophet Muhammad's wives made a brief court appearance Friday and were returned to custody"; yahooBuzzArticleCategory = "World"; yahooBuzzArticleType = "text"; yahooBuzzArticleId = window.location.href; </script>
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LONDON — Three men charged with plotting to attack the publisher of a novel about one of the Prophet Muhammad's wives made a brief court appearance Friday and were returned to custody.
Ali Beheshti, 40, Abrar Mirza, 22, and Abbas Taj, 30, were charged late Thursday with plotting to damage the offices of Gibson Square publishers. Beheshti was also charged with possession of a weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of a noxious liquid or gas — reportedly a gasoline bomb. No one was injured in the incident.
The suspects' next appearance at City of Westminster Magistrates Court was set for Oct. 17.
They were arrested early Sept. 27 under anti-terrorism laws, but were not charged with any terrorist offenses.
Gibson Square had announced on Sept. 8 that it would publish "The Jewel of Medina" by U.S. journalist Sherry Jones. The novel is focused on the prophet's very young wife Aisha.
Random House Inc., which had planned to publish the book in the United States, changed its mind after what it called "credible and unrelated sources" warned that the book "could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment."
<!-- QUIGO --> <!-- QUIGO --> <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var adsonar_placementId="1307847",adsonar_pid="144757",adsonar_ps="-1",adsonar_zw=190;adsonar_zh=200,adsonar_jv=""; qas_writeAd(); /*]]>*/ </script><iframe name="adsonar_serve336971" id="adsonar_serve336971" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" src="" scrolling="no" width="190" frameborder="0" height="200"></iframe>
U.S. publisher Beaufort subsequently said that it would publish the book on Oct. 15. As of Friday morning, the book was No. 435 on
On Tuesday, a report on The Bookseller magazine Web site said Martin Rynja, the publisher of Gibson Square, was considering whether to go ahead with the book.
The Bookseller quoted Alan Jessop of Compass, the publisher's sales representative, as saying Rynja was taking advice from the security services.
Borders UK and Amazon have said they intend to stock the book, while the Blackwell's chain is leaving the decision to individual shop managers. Waterstone's has said it had not decided what it would do if the book was published, but that the safety of its staff would be a consideration.
In 1989, mass protests worldwide followed the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses," because it allegedly insulted Islam. Rushdie lived in hiding and under guard for years after Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, called for his death.
There were much smaller protests in June after Rushdie accepted a knighthood at Buckingham Palace. Demonstrators, some wearing masks, chanted "Death to Rushdie! Death to the queen!" outside Regent's Park Mosque in London.
Rushdie joined in criticism of Random House, his publisher, for dropping Jones' book. "This is censorship by fear, and it sets a very bad precedent," he said in an e-mail to the AP earlier this year.
Sep 21, 2004
Muslim Father murders daughters in "honor" killing,2933,437502,00.html

First Time FBI Calls Case an 'Honor Killing' Tuesday, October 14, 2008 By Maxim Lott * E-Mail * Print * Share: o Digg o Facebook o StumbleUpon o Post to MySpace! o o Facebook Amina (left) and Sarah Said Amina (left) and Sarah Said * * * * Almost a year after two teenage girls were found dead — allegedly executed by their father — in the back seat of a taxicab in Texas, the FBI is saying for the first time that the case may have been an "honor killing." Sarah Said, 17, and her sister Amina, 18, were killed on New Year's Day, but for nine months authorities deflected questions about whether their father — the prime suspect and the subject of a nationwide manhunt — may have targeted them because of a perceived slight upon his honor. • Click here for photos. The girls' great-aunt, Gail Gartrell, says the girls' Egyptian-born father killed them both because he felt they disgraced the family by dating non-Muslims and acting too Western, and she called the girls' murders an honor killing from the start. But the FBI held off on calling it an honor killing until just recently, when it made Yaser Abdel Said the "featured fugitive" on its Web site. "That's what I've been trying to tell everybody all along," Gartrell told "I would say that's a victory." But some Muslims say that calling the case an honor killing goes too far. Related * Stories o Report: Murdered Girls' Father Had Long History of Abuse, Police Run-ins o Father of Slain Teen Girls Upset That Daughter Dated Non-Muslim, Police Records Show o Slain Teen Girls' Brother Begs for Suspect Father to Turn Himself In o Manhunt for Father Suspected of Killing Teen Girls Video o 'I'm Dying' Photo Essays o Amina and Sarah Said "As far as we're concerned, until the motive is proven in a court of law, this is [just] a homicide," Mustafaa Carroll, the executive director of the Council of American-Islamic Relations in Dallas, told He said he worries that terms like "honor killing" may stigmatize the Islamic community. “We (Muslims) don’t have the market on jealous husbands ... or domestic violence,” Carroll said. The United Nations estimates that 5,000 women are killed worldwide every year in honor killings — mostly in the Middle East, where many countries still have laws that protect men who murder female relatives they believe have engaged in inappropriate activity. A U.N. report includes chilling examples of such cases. “On the order of clerics, an 18-year-old woman was flogged to death in Batsail, Bangladesh, for "immoral behavior,” the report reads. “In Egypt, a father paraded his daughter's severed head through the streets shouting, ‘I avenged my honor.’” But Islamic scripture in no way condones such actions, Carroll said. "People have their own cultural nuances and norms from before they got their religion," he said. "This is not Islamic culture." Regardless of whether religion itself is to blame, Gartrell said it is important that society recognizes the case as having a cultural element, just to prevent similar crimes in the future. "That culture is so different," Gartrell said. "If people had been more educated about it, they would have known that when the girls told people, 'Dad wants to kill me' — they were serious." Many of the threats against Sarah and Amina Said were known to their friends and classmates. High school friends told the Dallas Morning News that the girls sometimes came in with welts and bruises, which they confided were inflicted by their father. One time, Yaser Said reportedly went into one daughter's bedroom waving a gun and making threats on her life. After he threatened to kill one daughter in December 2007 — documented in text messages Sarah Said sent to a friend — the girls and their mother, Patricia, fled from their home in Lewisville, Texas, to Tulsa, Okla. But the mother soon had a change of heart and went back, leading to the tragedy on January 1. Some, including Gartrell, believe the mother may even have been complicit in the murders. Dr. Phyllis Chesler, author of several books, including "The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom," said that the case fits the description of an honor killing. "The premeditation, the family collaboration, and the particular rules (set for the girls) make this consistent with an honor killing — not just domestic violence,” she said. She said she hoped that calling the case an "honor killing" might indicate a shift in attitude at the FBI. "I think this may suggest that law enforcement is beginning to realize that they may have to treat these incidents differently if they are to either prevent or prosecute," Chesler told She noted that the United Kingdom has a special police unit to deal with “honor-related violence,” and said that she hoped that the situation in the U.S. does not get to the point where that becomes necessary. But an FBI spokesman played down the significance of the listing, saying that the change on the wanted listing was simply due to more information coming out about the case since it was first listed and that it shouldn't matter what the case is called. "We're just looking at how do we find the guy?" said FBI special agent Mark White, media coordinator in the bureau's Dallas office. Irving Police Department Public Information Officer David Tull agreed. "We just look at the facts. The man killed his two daughters. This is a domestic violence, multiple-capital murder case." Tull said that, unfortunately, there have still been no sightings or major leads — a fact that distresses Gartrell. "I'm very upset about it," said Gartrell, who argues that the case needs special consideration. "This is not a typical murder case. When a family member murders another family member to protect [the family] name — that's different."

Aug 6, 2006
So Wilders is not a right-winger, no? Why do you then paste another article where is is called exactly that?

Zit, argueing with you is no fun. It lacks the challenge, you are too easy to expose. I'm bored and it's late here. Good night!

You spelled arguing wrong.

Sep 22, 2004
Minorities always have to be watched, they can never be trusted.

Muzzies, joos, whoever.

Alger Hiss, Klaus Fuchs, Theodore Hall, the Rosenbergs, Rudolf Abel, Morris Cohen Morten Sobel

Joos gave Americas techological and industrial advantages to the Russians right from the 1920s.

It wasn't until the yanks tightened things up in the 40s/50s with the nuclear program that they finally figured out how the hell the Russkies kept getting American technology.


There's currently some AIPAC spy trial on the go in America.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was the tip of the iceberg.

WASHINGTON — What started out as a low-grade spy thriller, complete with furtive clandestine meetings over classified information in the heart of the nation's capital, has turned into a ponderous tale of legal delays and a debate over whether the government is trying to criminalize free speech.

Former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) employees Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman were charged in 2005 with passing along to media, colleagues and Israeli officials in the U.S. classified intelligence gleaned from now-convicted former Pentagon Iran analyst Larry Franklin.,2933,280172,00.html
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2004
Religion of Peace at it Again

Somali woman executed by stoning

<!-- S BO --> <!-- S IIMA --> <table width="226" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td>

</td></tr> </tbody></table> <!-- E IIMA --> <!-- S SF --> A woman in Somalia has been stoned to death after an Islamic Sharia law court found her guilty of adultery.
The woman was buried up to her neck and then pelted to death with stones in front of a large crowd in Kismayo.
It was the first such execution in the southern port city since Islamist insurgents captured it from government-allied forces in August.
A local Islamist leader said the woman, Aisho Ibrahim Dhuhulow, had pleaded guilty to committing adultery. <!-- E SF -->
"She was asked several times to review her confession but she stressed that she wanted Sharia law and the deserved punishment to apply," said Sheikh Hayakallah.
A group of men performed the execution in one of the city's main squares in front of thousands of people, AFP news agency said.<!-- E BO -->

New member
Oct 20, 2005
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CRHSM%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} </style> <![endif]-->[FONT=&quot]The Muslims are a whacked bunch no doubt. This is the thing with fundamentalism thou. If people here treated the Bible like they do the Koran in other parts of the world, you would have the same type of shit. Think about it. They dont because they are evolved people who dont literally live out what the bible tells them to. For all the shit i give Christians i will say for the most part they are pretty civilized folks in public. Now what they think might be different but at least we dont have this nonsense going on. Just wondering Zit, are you down for another crusade yet? I think its about that time isnt it? Its only been a few hundred years, i reckon. [/FONT]
Sep 21, 2004
<link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CRHSM%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} </style> <![endif]-->[FONT=&quot]The Muslims are a whacked bunch no doubt. This is the thing with fundamentalism thou. If people here treated the Bible like they do the Koran in other parts of the world, you would have the same type of shit. Think about it. They dont because they are evolved people who dont literally live out what the bible tells them to. For all the shit i give Christians i will say for the most part they are pretty civilized folks in public. Now what they think might be different but at least we dont have this nonsense going on. Just wondering Zit, are you down for another crusade yet? I think its about that time isnt it? Its only been a few hundred years, i reckon. [/FONT]


Very key difference. Christians are followers of Christ, hence the name.
Jesus Christ was a man of peace, that taught people to turn the
other cheek. On the other hand, Mohammad was a murderer, and a killer
and the Koran is not a book of peace.

The so-called "Christians" in the long ago past that crusaded were
either not Christians in my opinion, or were seriously deluded.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Very key difference. Christians are followers of Christ, hence the name.
Jesus Christ was a man of peace, that taught people to turn the
other cheek. ...

The so-called "Christians" in the long ago past that crusaded were
either not Christians in my opinion, or were seriously deluded.

Zit, if you want to explain all the violence in Christian history, the crusades, the forced convertions, the inquisition, the witch burnings, all the wars fought in the name of Christianity, with all those people involved being either not Christians or seriously deluded you will have a lot of explaining to do.

I certainly have no sympathy for many practises of Islam. But the fact is that Christianity wasn't much better for a long time. That the Western world is more civilised today has less to do with religion but more with our comparative wealth. People who are well-off very rarely are violent. On the other hand, if you have nothing then religious fervour can give your life a meaning.
If we could make the Islamic countries (relatively) prosperous, religious zealots would get a lot less influence. Unfortunately, this is hard to achieve with wars.

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