I'm 6 foot 6 and got up to 277 pounds. Decided 3 months ago to start eating healthier, no junk food, no soda, no fast food, no candy, cakes or pies, just normal "healthier" food at much smaller portions. I also started eating a lot more fruit. Also started taking fish oil and CLA before meals, plus other assorted vitamins. Started going back to the gym 5 days a week for 40 minutes of cardio a day. After the gym I hit the pool for around 30 minutes of swimming. After my workout I drink a Whey Protein shake.
Now 3 months later I weigh 227, loss of 50 pounds.
Thought I would miss the junk food, but I don't. Thought I would really miss soda, but I don't. I drink a lot more water these days. Don't plan on going back to the way I ate before.