The Clean Program


New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 9 - Made it thru yesterday without any hiccups. Rained all day so was limited to activities. Trying to stay out of the social scene til I get thru the 21 days. Grinding. Down 9 pound.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
I get an email everyday, thought I'd share this one...

You’re officially halfway through your cleanse. Heck yeah!

Day 10 is a time when the detox is beginning to speed up. Your body is fixing the gut, cleaning out yeast and fungus, and getting your system back into balance. As this happens, your immune and repair systems are starting to bounce back into full, working mode. This awakening can sometimes unsettle the body causing skin breakouts, tiredness, and symptoms that may make you feel like you’re getting sick. This is a normal part of the cleanse process and a sign that your body is getting back in the game.

Sometimes these symptoms can be intense. Fortunately, we are in control of how much and how fast we cleanse.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
We get it. It’s not always the easiest thing to stay Clean when your boss invites you to a wine-tasting or your grandmother is looking forward to you attending her weekly Sunday brunch. We’ve been there, and back again.

We know it’s challenging, but social obligations present a great time to get clear about why you are doing the cleanse. This is a chance to develop some personal independence and get outside your comfort zone.

Remember, you have chosen to do the cleanse. Stay true to your goals. This can be a great time to bring awareness to any issues that arise during social, business or family situations. Are you nervous about telling people what you’re doing? Do you feel inhibited when you’re not drinking? Use these insights to do some quantum cleansing and deepen your understanding of who you are and what you want.

Most of us have spent years repeating patterns and staying within our comfort zone. Clean is an opportunity to mix things up and get clear on what works and what doesn’t. And heck, the program is only 21 days and you’re already on Day 11. Only 10 more days to go, why not give it your all?

New member
Jun 29, 2013
Good luck man. I've battle addiction every day and when I stay sober, I feel great. The brain clears up. Diet makes up a big part of how you feel.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 13 - Hit a wall with the weight loss. Down 10 pounds. As far as the food and shakes, I'm on cruise control. I find myself not thinking about food like I use to. I've ate more blueberries in 2 weeks than I have in my entire life. You have to focus that this is a clense and not a diet. It's crazy how your body can change in just of matter of a few weeks.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 15 - Dropped a pound to total 11 pounds lost. My wife told me this morning that I have not snored in about 2 weeks. I usually wake her in the middle of the night where she is wakes me up to stop. I sleep better now and been having some very vivid dreams that when I wake up I can actually remember most of the dream. 6 more days to go.

Oct 31, 2004
When you get off this plan on day 22 are you going to celebrate by eating the most fattening, unhealthy food you can think of or are you going to work towards eating right?

If I read this correctly you probably do not crave the bad foods right now.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
When you get off this plan on day 22 are you going to celebrate by eating the most fattening, unhealthy food you can think of or are you going to work towards eating right?

If I read this correctly you probably do not crave the bad foods right now.
That's a good question. I do not crave any food right now but wouldn't mind some red meat. I think I'll definitely cut back on the junk and alcohol. I'll let you know about Day 22 when it gets closer.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Your doing awfully well on this to say the least rooftop. I wasnt sure you would last just do to the strictness of this cleanse.

kudos to you bud and gl with the remainder :toast:


New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 16 - All Good. Dropped another pound yesterday. I think the breaking point is around Day 3. If you can get past that without any hiccups then you can make it work. After I got past that it seemed fairly easy to do. Got a lot of stuff going on so keeps my mind off food. If it was winter, it would be more difficult to make it. Diets are hard, if you're on one, keep grinding.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Day 15 - Dropped a pound to total 11 pounds lost. My wife told me this morning that I have not snored in about 2 weeks. I usually wake her in the middle of the night where she is wakes me up to stop. I sleep better now and been having some very vivid dreams that when I wake up I can actually remember most of the dream. 6 more days to go.


New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 18 - gonna be a good day. Gonna play golf. Still sticking with it. Down 14 pounds. Having chicken, rice, and pineapple for lunch. All good.

New member
Mar 26, 2006
Day 21 - The final day, or so I thought. Got another 7 day program to follow. The Reintroduction process is the last stage of the Clean Cleanse. The purpose of the process is to identify your Toxic Triggers. Toxic Triggers are those foods that cause inflammation, irritation, and digestive upset. Most likely, you were consuming some Toxic Triggers before starting the Clean Cleanse without realizing it.
One of the key reasons you feel better on the Clean Cleanse is because you’ve removed the most common Toxic Triggers, and given your digestive and immune systems a reset. Now, the goal is to discover what your specific Toxic Triggers are by following a seven-day testing period. If you simply go back to your normal diet immediately after the Cleanse, without knowing what your Toxic Triggers are, you may feel “off” without knowing why.
Getting started with the Reintroduction process is easy. Now that you’ve finished your Clean shakes and supplements, continue eating three solid meals a day from the Cleanse Diet. Over the next seven days you’ll be introducing Gluten and Dairy and noticing how they affect you.
The Reintroduction process is seven days long. Here’s how it works.
Monday: Gluten
Tuesday: Gluten
Wednesday: Cleanse Diet
Thursday: Cleanse Diet
Friday: Dairy
Saturday: Dairy
Sunday: Reflect
STEP 1: Reintroduce Gluten, 2 to 3 times a day for 2 days

On the first and second day of your Reintroduction week you’ll be introducing gluten into your diet. Eat gluten two to three times a day, for two days, and then notice what happens over the next forty-eight hours. You’ll still be eating from the Cleanse Diet, the only difference is that you’ll be adding in gluten to see if it is one of your Toxic Triggers. Reintroducing gluten by itself is simple. Try eating just bread for breakfast, and then some pasta for lunch or dinner. Don’t include any dairy or other excluded items yet. The goal is to isolate one excluded food at a time to determine if it is one of your Toxic Triggers.
STEP 2: Record your reactions in a journal

Use a journal to record any reactions you might have to gluten. This may include bloating, skin breakouts, a foggy mind, or constipation. Not everyone will react to gluten in the same way. Some people may notice their reactions immediately. Others might notices their reactions the next day. That’s why it’s important to test gluten over the course of two days.
STEP 3: Eat from the Cleanse Diet for 2 days

After you have reintroduced gluten it’s important to return to the Cleanse Diet. For the next two days eat three meals a day exclusively from the Cleanse Diet. Taking two days to eat from the Cleanse Diet sets you up for testing the next possible Toxic Trigger, dairy.
STEP 4: Reintroduce Dairy, 2 to 3 times a day for 2 days

For the next two days you’ll be reintroducing dairy into your diet. Eat dairy two to three times a day, for two days, and then notice what happens over the next forty-eight hours. Once again, you’ll still be eating from the Cleanse Diet, the only difference is that you’ll be adding in dairy to see if it is one of your Toxic Triggers.
To reintroduce dairy try having a glass of milk in the morning and a few pieces of cheese with your lunch or evening meal. Today dairy is included in so many different foods. It’s important to avoid having dairy in combination with other excluded foods.
Stay away from cereal, ice cream, or baked goods. These foods contain other excluded foods like processed sugar, gluten or preservatives. If you have ice cream for example, and it causes a reaction, you’ll have no idea which excluded ingredient was the cause.
STEP 5: Review Your Journal

Now that you’ve tested both gluten and dairy, it’s time to review your journal. Your goal here is to figure out whether gluten and/or dairy are Toxic Triggers for you. The way we determine this is by understanding how strong your reaction was to these foods.
Let’s review the possible reactions you may have had during the last few days.

No reaction: I had no reaction at all to the excluded food.
Example: I felt fine. I didn’t notice any changes in mood. I felt energized and awake. Overall, I felt good.

Mild reaction: I had a noticeable reaction to the food.
Example: I felt bloated and gassy. I felt tired. I felt dehydrated. I felt itchy. I felt uncomfortable. My sleep was off. I felt foggy.

Strong reaction: I had a strong negative reaction to the food.
Example: I felt sick. I developed a lot of mucus. I had a strong headache. I became flushed. I became very constipated. I developed a rash. I had trouble sleeping. I felt cold or flu-like symptoms. I developed diarrhea. I became very angry or upset.
STEP 6: Remove or Rotate

Creating a game plan starts when you decide whether you need to a) Remove or b) Rotate your Toxic Triggers. Let’s take a look at both options.
Remove: If you had a strong negative reaction to a Toxic Trigger, this is your body telling you that it’s important to eliminate this food from your diet completely for a period of time. We know that removing a favorite food from your diet can be challenging, but the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term gratification. Many people continue to become healthier simply by removing their key Toxic Triggers.
Rotate: If your reaction to a Toxic Trigger is mild but still noticeable, it may not be necessary to eliminate them forever. However, you will benefit greatly from reducing your frequency of exposure to these foods. Rotate your choice of foods in such a way that you don’t eat the irritating ones more often than once a week.
Going Beyond Gluten and Dairy
The two most common Toxic Triggers are gluten and dairy, but they aren’t the only ones out there. There are other potential Toxic Triggers that are worth testing. The best way to get clear on our relationship with these other foods is continuing the reintroduction process and testing those foods the same way you tested gluten and dairy.
Here is a list of the most common Toxic Triggers: Eggs • Red Meat • Corn • Soy • Nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant)
The Bigger Picture
There is no need to be a purist for the rest of your life if you enjoy gluten or dairy. Have them and enjoy them, bringing your awareness fully to the present moment with each bite or sip. There’s nothing worse for digestion than guilt. What’s most important is that you notice the strong connection between what you eat and how you feel. Take your time to explore this process. Your relationship with food wasn’t created overnight, and it won’t be reset overnight either.
There are thousands of theories about diet, lifestyle, and stress management. On top of that, it seems everyone has their own opinion on how you should live and what you should eat. But nothing is more real than your first-hand experience. Completing the reintroduction process empowers you to listen to your own body and make your own decisions about which foods work best for you.
Jan 17, 2007
7 More Days ?? This is Sick !

All the power to you..... I would have given myself a 20% chance to complete all of this..

Oct 31, 2004
You can go get tested to find out what foods trigger toxins.

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