"Big Dog" Steve Deumig, of Tampa's Sports Animal 620 AM, read word for word the entire RX page one story "10 THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE SENDING MONEY OFFSHORE" this afternoon, giving proper attribution and encouraging listeners to log on to this site and the others before sending out money. Particularly urged "newbies" to do so.
I think he mentioned something about morning guy Chris Thomas doing the same, although I caught a bit of static and may not have heard right.
In his own unique way, reading slowly and pausing often for dramatic effect, Deumig particularly stressed reading the rules and dwelled upon the "wiseguy/syndicate" clause as an escape clause for a book to not pay.
BTW, exactly which share of the market is BetPanAm looking for with that same clause in their rules?
I think he mentioned something about morning guy Chris Thomas doing the same, although I caught a bit of static and may not have heard right.
In his own unique way, reading slowly and pausing often for dramatic effect, Deumig particularly stressed reading the rules and dwelled upon the "wiseguy/syndicate" clause as an escape clause for a book to not pay.
BTW, exactly which share of the market is BetPanAm looking for with that same clause in their rules?