Stop shitting money down the toilet - AIDS Research

Sep 21, 2004
While the US has only 7% of the world’s population and has less than 1% of all HIV/AIDS cases, it provides more than two thirds of AIDS research funding worldwide.
  • Heart Disease: The number one cause of death in the United States, 21 million new cases of heart disease are reported each year, with 724,859 Americans dying from heart disease in 1998.[5] The National Institutes for Health (NIH) will fund the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at an estimated $2.6 billion–or $3,541 for each death from heart, lung, or blood disease
  • Cancer: The second leading cause of death in the United States, in 1999 549,838 people died of cancer. The NIH expects to fund the National Cancer Institute at an estimated $4.2 billion in 2002–or $7,713 for each death from cancer.
  • AIDS: By comparison, in 2000, 23,932 people were diagnosed with AIDS. In that year, 8,867 people died from the disease. According to the NIH Office of AIDS Research, $2.5 billion has been proposed for AIDS research programs within the NIH in fiscal year 2002, with that figure increasing to more than $2.7 billion in 2003. The current (2002) budget amounts to an astounding $265,591 per AIDS death. This figure does not include the public monies spent to treat AIDS through federal Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources (CARE) Act. Funding for CARE is currently $1.8 billion–an additional $202,999 per AIDS death.
According to a 2004 report, “In 2000, 4.5 million Americans were suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. This number is expected to increase nearly three-fold to 13.2 million by 2050 (Hebert, et al.). By contrast, the number of people with AIDS is less than 400,000.” Yet the FAIR Foundation noted at the time:
NIH research money budgeted per death is $162,790 for AIDS versus $10,245 for Alzheimer’s.
We already overspend on AIDS. Stop throwing money down the toilet.

For more details, read my thread on gays refusing to wear condoms:

Sep 22, 2004
Why don't you just start a thread entitled -I hate gay people.
Sep 21, 2004
Why don't you just start a thread entitled -I hate gay people.

My mother died of cancer at 60. I was given a weeks warning. My
grandfather died of cancer about the same age. My uncle died
of cancer at 61. My other uncle is currently fighting cancer. My
father in law died of cancer at 44.

  • Cancer: The second leading cause of death in the United States, in 1999 549,838 people died of cancer. The NIH expects to fund the National Cancer Institute at an estimated $4.2 billion in 2002–or $7,713 for each death from cancer.
AIDS: By comparison, in 2000, 23,932 people were diagnosed with AIDS. In that year, 8,867 people died from the disease. According to the NIH Office of AIDS Research, $2.5 billion has been proposed for AIDS research programs within the NIH in fiscal year 2002, with that figure increasing to more than $2.7 billion in 2003. The current (2002) budget amounts to an astounding $265,591 per AIDS death. This figure does not include the public monies spent to treat AIDS through federal Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources (CARE) Act. Funding for CARE is currently $1.8 billion–an additional $202,999 per AIDS death.

So 30 times the amount of funding per death. I have a right to be
damn pissed. It's not 'politically correct' to restrict AIDS funding, so the
real needs get screwed.

The facts don't lie eek, why don't you address them, instead of
your personal attacks? Hmmm?

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
getting beyond the whole aids debate which is a world epidemic not a gay issue although more gays end up getting it than the general population...

u can't cure cancer its not a virus

every day each of us has cancerous type stuff growing our immune system just is able to fend it off cause we not old yet eventually some people can't and genetics obviously plays a role as well.....

we will never cure cancer....all we can do is try to find better early detection techniques, better risk assessment based on family history/genetics, and better technology to better target the cancerous growths to knock them out vs. a chemotherapy type treatment that is very non specific and kills alot of healthy cells along with the bad ones

also the per death thing is overblown....aids doesn't kill kills your immune system and than something else offs you....its a slow death and at this point not a death sentence with good treatment.....look at magic johnson
Sep 21, 2004
getting beyond the whole aids debate which is a world epidemic not a gay issue although more gays end up getting it than the general population...

u can't cure cancer its not a virus or a disease

every day each of us has cancerous type stuff our immune system just is able to fend it off cause we not old yet eventually you can't

we will never cure cancer....all we can do is try to find better early detection techniques and better technology to better target the cancerous growths to knock them out vs. a chemotherapy type treatment that is very non specific and kills alot of healthy cells along with the bad ones

So, you are defending spending 30 times the amount of money per death on AIDS vs cancer? - When cancer kills 55+ times the amount of

Tiz, are you a physician, medical researcher? Just wondering what your
credentials are to definitively state that it is impossible to cure cancer.

Nov 9, 2005
getting beyond the whole aids debate which is a world epidemic not a gay issue although more gays end up getting it than the general population...

u can't cure cancer its not a virus

every day each of us has cancerous type stuff growing our immune system just is able to fend it off cause we not old yet eventually some people can't and genetics obviously plays a role as well.....

we will never cure cancer....all we can do is try to find better early detection techniques, better risk assessment based on family history/genetics, and better technology to better target the cancerous growths to knock them out vs. a chemotherapy type treatment that is very non specific and kills alot of healthy cells along with the bad ones

also the per death thing is overblown....aids doesn't kill kills your immune system and than something else offs you....its a slow death and at this point not a death sentence with good treatment.....look at magic johnson
Man, you are an expert on every single issue brought up.:missingte

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
well i'm a engineer by trade but i've study biochemistry and other things....a "cure" seems illogical

its not a virus that you can target

every day toxins create free radicals in your body but your immune system typically can fight them off

eventually with age and what not they can't no more and the cancer grows and spreads

lung cancer due to smoking that's putting toxins in your body creating free radicals eventually some smokers can no longer fight them off.....this is why many people who quit smoking by 30 yo see no long term effects cause under 30 yo you can beat up your body and your immune system can keep up as you age it can't anymore

best way to fight cancer on a personal level is eat foods with lots of antioxidants and foods that promote a healthy immune system as well as get regular checkups

only ways we can fight it for now is via better detection and better targeting of the cancer once its found

i mean maybe through gene therapy or something they might be able to find a cure.....i dunno....

hiv has a much better potential cure since it is a virus problem with hiv is it mutates so damn fast its a very tricky one.....we can save so much money and health care costs if we can find a cure rather than having to take drugs for the next 30 years of your life to keep you alive like a magic johnson

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
good another anti-homo thread....start a third one about they really cant accessorize
Oct 30, 2006
Aids was started by Faggs then spread thru Bisexuals to Heterosexuals... There will never be a cure for aids...Aids was put here by God to kill faggs because It's wrong plain & simple... & yes I hate faggs

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006

those stupid africans humping monkeys started it

to be serious though

hiv crossed species via chimps/monkeys probably caught it on blood/blood contact hunting them vs. humping them

Nov 9, 2005
Aids was started by Faggs then spread thru Bisexuals to Heterosexuals... There will never be a cure for aids...Aids was put here by God to kill faggs because It's wrong plain & simple... & yes I hate faggs

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Aids was started by Faggs then spread thru Bisexuals to Heterosexuals... There will never be a cure for aids...Aids was put here by God to kill faggs because It's wrong plain & simple... & yes I hate faggs
wow u need a saliva test..are you for real?
Oct 30, 2006
WTF are you talking about are you one of these politically correct Mfers?...I tell it like it is So go fuck your candy ass selves.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
Aids was started by Faggs then spread thru Bisexuals to Heterosexuals... There will never be a cure for aids...Aids was put here by God to kill faggs because It's wrong plain & simple... & yes I hate faggs

also hiv doesn't kill anymore my friend and it doesn't kill you to begin with it just kills your immune system

if anything it punishes us heterosexuals by having to spend more money to keep the gays that get it more often alive and now these people living longer and have more chance to spread the virus further amongst the population

if god wanted to punish gays he woulda come up with a much better sexually transmitted virus that kills you off right away
Oct 30, 2006
also hiv doesn't kill anymore my friend and it doesn't kill you to begin with it just kills your immune system

if anything it punishes us heterosexuals by having to spend more money to keep the gays that get it more often alive and now these people living longer and have more chance to spread the virus further amongst the population

if god wanted to punish gays he woulda come up with a much better sexually transmitted virus that kills you off right away
Maybe so....I remember when it first started showing up in the papers around 82... I also sadly but nesessarily believe it is the Man upstairses way of controlling population...Look at Africa...They have too many babies & not enough food....They just sit around & fuck all day.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
also here's an article to throw the anti gay crew for a loop

bisexual activities found in many other species


Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom
Homosexual behavior is common in nature, and it plays an important role in survival

By Emily V. Driscoll

Two penguins native to Antarctica met one spring day in 1998 in a tank at the Central Park Zoo in midtown Manhattan. They perched atop stones and took turns diving in and out of the clear water below. They entwined necks, called to each other and mated. They then built a nest together to prepare for an egg. But no egg was forthcoming: Roy and Silo were both male.

Robert Gramzay, a keeper at the zoo, watched the chinstrap penguin pair roll a rock into their nest and sit on it, according to newspaper reports. Gramzay found an egg from another pair of penguins that was having difficulty hatching it and slipped it into Roy and Silo’s nest. Roy and Silo took turns warming the egg with their blubbery underbellies until, after 34 days, a female chick pecked her way into the world. Roy and Silo kept the gray, fuzzy chick warm and regurgitated food into her tiny black beak.

Like most animal species, penguins tend to pair with the opposite sex, for the obvious reason. But researchers are finding that same-sex couplings are surprisingly widespread in the animal kingdom. Roy and Silo belong to one of as many as 1,500 species of wild and captive animals that have been observed engaging in homosexual activity. Researchers have seen such same-sex goings-on in both male and female, old and young, and social and solitary creatures and on branches of the evolutionary tree ranging from insects to mammals.

Unlike most humans, however, individual animals generally cannot be classified as gay or straight: an animal that engages in a same-sex flirtation or partnership does not necessarily shun heterosexual encounters. Rather many species seem to have ingrained homosexual tendencies that are a regular part of their society. That is, there are probably no strictly gay critters, just bisexual ones. “Animals don’t do sexual identity. They just do sex,” says sociologist Eric Anderson of the University of Bath in England.

Nevertheless, the study of homosexual activity in diverse species may elucidate the evolutionary origins of such behavior. Researchers are now revealing, for example, that animals may engage in same-sex couplings to diffuse social tensions, to better protect their young or to maintain fecundity when opposite-sex partners are unavailable—or simply because it is fun. These observations suggest to some that bisexuality is a natural state among animals, perhaps Homo sapiens included, despite the sexual-orientation boundaries most people take for granted. “[In humans] the categories of gay and straight are socially constructed,” Anderson says.

continued.....its a long article
Oct 30, 2006
Gone where?... It's the truth... Any dumbass would know that.... Your saying sticking your dick up a Mans ass isn't wrong?

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