Something to consider in the future, regarding futures...
You had SA in the west...who lost the first game and then won the next 3...possessing a very high probability of reaching the finals.
In the meantime, NJ won the first two games ON THE ROAD...the probability of NJ reaching the finals after winning the first two games of a 7-game series in the semi-finals on the road historically is very close, if not 100%!
That is WHEN you wanted to make the hedge purchase (as I did/IMO) on NJ +470 to win the Championship.
"VALUE/PROFIT" has now been realized in doing such (regardless if SA won) as indicated by CURRENT series odds:
NJ +277
SA -307
...If Dallas would have reached the finals, I suspect the odds would have even been better than the current SA odds, to profit with a DAL hedge on NJ.
Hoping you understand.