Service Plays Sunday 11/9/14


Capper Tracker
Jan 15, 2009
For those who dont know about Budin and company.

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 15:37 — cindi martin
From poster World Cup: "I'll be the one to spill the beans on what's going on. I used to work for the Sports Nation company that is owned by both Steve Budin & Al Rolli, FYI Al Rolli goes by Al Demarco. I was working for them until they let me go in the last 18 months. I still have had friends there until they hear what I say here and they figure out who leaked everything to me recently. Best thing that ever happened to me was leaving. I feel I have a new lease on life. I'll go into it later in my post why? I'm at an airport with a 5 hour layover until I leave for my final destination. Between meals and checking in I'll answer some questions and then I'm finished with this ugly chapter in my career. After I take off I'll never visit this time again no matter what. I know exactly what goes on with these corrupt lying bastards. I can tell you pretty much everything that went on the last 3 years through last night. Let's visit Brandon Lang real name Brandon Link because without him Sports Nation has no face or identity. This past weekend was a total disaster. Brandon talked Budin and Rolli into playing the Pittsburgh side of the game. They all talk everyday and try to cap. It's a joke. They know about as much about how to pick out games as a 3rd grader trying to take the SAT test to get into college. There is a strategy behind every big game like the Super Bowl, College National Championship Football and basketball game. They all decided to run with Pittsburgh as their play in some form. Brandon loves first half plays so he releases the first half, Budin likes the game so he releases Pittsburgh for the game and Demarco releases it on the moneyline. Since they are back together they want to be on the same side if at all possible. Go back and check what I'm saying in their released games. I don't believe they were opposite each other in any football game since Brandon came back to the site in early January. Now on to the Super Bowl and what took place afterward. They had less than 25 buys of Brandon's Super Bowl pick so when people said WTF and e mailed WTF is going on I got Pitt for the first half and not the game they would respond that they posted his pick in one of his other clubs and offer them a free day or a free week. Then because less than 5 people in the entire country bought his picks the last two days where he went 1-2 they posted fake games and make it seem like he went 3-0. They will do this for up to a week until they feel he is ready to make another run at bringing in some more unsuspecting clients. He's not doing any appearances the next couple weeks so they'll try to make it appear he's straightened out his picking by March Madness. then they'll line him up on some shows and away he goes again in mid March for March Madness. The only problem now is he is off TV until next fall and the radio shows he is on are pure shit FM music stations which aren't his audience, regular talk stations and a few garbage sports talk stations that have next to zero listenership. On to the role of message boards. We were told to sign up with up to five message boards under different fake names. We were told to post messages like "isn't Lang sharp?" or "isn't Lang running hot?" or "don't fade him tonight he's on the right side". That way idiots or new people would buy their games. I personally was on 5 message boards and it was crazy how just a few posts would generate buys to Lang's site. Now they r in big trouble. No one is buying much of anything from any capper. On an average day less each capper was selling about only 2 or 3 daily packages. Be careful everyone as Rolli and Budin r friends with many of the people that run the message boards and if you buy picks from them to fade they try to match up ip addresses who buy to these message boards. Many, many people are in bed together and a few of the message boards r sold off interests in their product to sports handicapping firms and offshore sportsbooks." Questions to World Cup: Since they have the technology to turn modules on and off at specific times how come they have never decided to show the selection once the game has started and how come they don't keep a running record of releases? During the pinnacle of all the fraud...when the movie was released, and Lang was in all his rich did everyone get? How much was the website actually selling and how was were the big names taking in? Budin, Rolli, Link? On average how many handicappers are writers responsible for? How many did you write for? Who specifically is real and fake? ANSWERS: "OK, here's the answers to your questions as best I can remember: I don't remember or know for that fact how many sites Budin and rolli own because they own so many url:s. I would actually guess in the mid 30's to low 40's We would post our write ups for particular handicapper and send it somewhere and they would publish it. It took about about 45 minutes per day to do the work necessary for each handicapper. I usually handled 2 or 3 but for almost 4 months one time i had four. It was crazy as sometimes I would do a certain handicapper if someone went on vacation for a week or two. Can you imagine buying a handicapper who was red hot and you think you buying him for the next week and I'm cold as a cucumber? For a young kid in my early 20's like almost all of the people doing the write ups we could make 30 to 75 thousand dollars for 2 to 3 hours of work a day. Pretty good money and hard to say no to someone when they tell you to do something and who wants to work at Denny's or as a card dealer when you make as much or more for such little work. Eventually if you have a soul you quit. i'd notice half of the guys were new and the other half were there for a long time and we refered to them as zombies because they will do or say anything for Budin and rolli. They would tell us each day how big to make our play. Of course the weekends, special games like the Super Bowl, National college Championship games or certain days were big sellers so you told to put out huge games on those days, if you were on a good run or it was just your turn to hype a big game. Notice how guys like Brandon Lang would never have a 50 or 100 dime play on a monday night for basketball after a football weekend. Everything we did from hyping games, telling people to buy half points, tease games and parlays go against basic strategies of winning in gambling. Basically they didn't care about any of their clients. Almost never did anyone re up after buying a week or longer package. If they did they were what we called reversing the play. that means you bet opposite. Brandon Lang's bad run which lasted from 2006 to until he left in march 2010 got people thinking and acting on reversing him and they made some incredible money for over 3 years. At this point I personally feel their business model is dead. It's like the pay phone business. Once great but doesn't really exist anymore. The Brandon Lang name is dead. His radio shows really almost drive no business anymore. The TV show appearances r bought and because of competition and high rates for the commercials and spots to spend 5K each for 5 TV guest hits makes no sense because they won't bring back 25 thousand in revenue each week to break even. Brandon Lang has no credibility anymore and he was theface of the company. Radio stations and TV stations got flooded and I'm talking in the hundreds for each station with complaints that they lost on his games, got no response to their complaints and it was known that his talks were backed up by 2 percent facts and 98 percent bullshit and lies. one radio station claimed they lodged over 80 complaints in one month about Brandon Lang and his business practices. That is staggering!!!!! Of course they like most stations didn't renew even when big money was waived in the face.The business for all the sites were rolling for the first 2 or maybe 3 years but they make no sales now and workers r grumbling. My guess is they make one more run this next football season to capture the glory. It won't happen. Budin and rolli will have all these site for a few more years and then probably more on to somethign else. The real people on the sites as best I can remember are: Lang, Budin, Stephen Nover, Demarco and Steve "big dog" duemig. The made up people were:Chris Jordan, Trace Adams, Jeff Benton, Derek Mancini, Scott Delaney, Chuck O'Brien, Andy Fanelli, bobby maxwell, Anthony" I ain't nobody's trick" Redd, Craig Davis, Bob Valentino,Brett Atkins,Michael Cannon, Joel Tyson, Karl Garrett and Sean Michaels. I'm probably leaving out about 3 made up people and of course we had 7 to 8 people get killied off. They wouldn't keep a running record of releases because if they public saw they sucked nobody would buy. I wouldn't say many people got rich off the first few years but the money was rolling in. Budin and rolli made the most, Brandon Lang made much more than us but I would say if I hadto place a bet that Budin and rolli were playing with the figures of his sales and these guys take out all kinds of other fees until tou arrive at your final check. I heard Lang got 20 or 25 percent of total sales but i'd bet in reality he ended up with about 12 percent when all was said and done. I'd bet the site brought in 6 to 8 million total each of the first two years off spending about 3 million in advertising, salary and other expenses. most of us besides Busin, rolli and Brandon Lang made 25 thousand to 100 thousand and that includes tech guys, we had two or three and assistants for the office. i'd bet last year they spent 2 million and if they were lucky they broke even. Budin and rolli suck on radio and TV and Brandon Lang's name, reputation and skill as a picker is on life support. We would get e mails from the office mainly rolli or as you know him Demarco to launch a certain size pick. sometimes we got to choose the game and sometimes it waschoosen for us which sucked as the big plays chosen by rolli or whoever were usually as bad as Brandon Lang;s stuff. they have the technology to turn the modules on at a certian time but never did so. Budin and rolli were smart about a lot of things and really dumb as rocks about others.

New member
Sep 20, 2014
For those who dont know about Budin and company.

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 15:37 — cindi martin
From poster World Cup: "I'll be the one to spill the beans on what's going on. I used to work for the Sports Nation company that is owned by both Steve Budin & Al Rolli, FYI Al Rolli goes by Al Demarco. I was working for them until they let me go in the last 18 months. I still have had friends there until they hear what I say here and they figure out who leaked everything to me recently. Best thing that ever happened to me was leaving. I feel I have a new lease on life. I'll go into it later in my post why? I'm at an airport with a 5 hour layover until I leave for my final destination. Between meals and checking in I'll answer some questions and then I'm finished with this ugly chapter in my career. After I take off I'll never visit this time again no matter what. I know exactly what goes on with these corrupt lying bastards. I can tell you pretty much everything that went on the last 3 years through last night. Let's visit Brandon Lang real name Brandon Link because without him Sports Nation has no face or identity. This past weekend was a total disaster. Brandon talked Budin and Rolli into playing the Pittsburgh side of the game. They all talk everyday and try to cap. It's a joke. They know about as much about how to pick out games as a 3rd grader trying to take the SAT test to get into college. There is a strategy behind every big game like the Super Bowl, College National Championship Football and basketball game. They all decided to run with Pittsburgh as their play in some form. Brandon loves first half plays so he releases the first half, Budin likes the game so he releases Pittsburgh for the game and Demarco releases it on the moneyline. Since they are back together they want to be on the same side if at all possible. Go back and check what I'm saying in their released games. I don't believe they were opposite each other in any football game since Brandon came back to the site in early January. Now on to the Super Bowl and what took place afterward. They had less than 25 buys of Brandon's Super Bowl pick so when people said WTF and e mailed WTF is going on I got Pitt for the first half and not the game they would respond that they posted his pick in one of his other clubs and offer them a free day or a free week. Then because less than 5 people in the entire country bought his picks the last two days where he went 1-2 they posted fake games and make it seem like he went 3-0. They will do this for up to a week until they feel he is ready to make another run at bringing in some more unsuspecting clients. He's not doing any appearances the next couple weeks so they'll try to make it appear he's straightened out his picking by March Madness. then they'll line him up on some shows and away he goes again in mid March for March Madness. The only problem now is he is off TV until next fall and the radio shows he is on are pure shit FM music stations which aren't his audience, regular talk stations and a few garbage sports talk stations that have next to zero listenership. On to the role of message boards. We were told to sign up with up to five message boards under different fake names. We were told to post messages like "isn't Lang sharp?" or "isn't Lang running hot?" or "don't fade him tonight he's on the right side". That way idiots or new people would buy their games. I personally was on 5 message boards and it was crazy how just a few posts would generate buys to Lang's site. Now they r in big trouble. No one is buying much of anything from any capper. On an average day less each capper was selling about only 2 or 3 daily packages. Be careful everyone as Rolli and Budin r friends with many of the people that run the message boards and if you buy picks from them to fade they try to match up ip addresses who buy to these message boards. Many, many people are in bed together and a few of the message boards r sold off interests in their product to sports handicapping firms and offshore sportsbooks." Questions to World Cup: Since they have the technology to turn modules on and off at specific times how come they have never decided to show the selection once the game has started and how come they don't keep a running record of releases? During the pinnacle of all the fraud...when the movie was released, and Lang was in all his rich did everyone get? How much was the website actually selling and how was were the big names taking in? Budin, Rolli, Link? On average how many handicappers are writers responsible for? How many did you write for? Who specifically is real and fake? ANSWERS: "OK, here's the answers to your questions as best I can remember: I don't remember or know for that fact how many sites Budin and rolli own because they own so many url:s. I would actually guess in the mid 30's to low 40's We would post our write ups for particular handicapper and send it somewhere and they would publish it. It took about about 45 minutes per day to do the work necessary for each handicapper. I usually handled 2 or 3 but for almost 4 months one time i had four. It was crazy as sometimes I would do a certain handicapper if someone went on vacation for a week or two. Can you imagine buying a handicapper who was red hot and you think you buying him for the next week and I'm cold as a cucumber? For a young kid in my early 20's like almost all of the people doing the write ups we could make 30 to 75 thousand dollars for 2 to 3 hours of work a day. Pretty good money and hard to say no to someone when they tell you to do something and who wants to work at Denny's or as a card dealer when you make as much or more for such little work. Eventually if you have a soul you quit. i'd notice half of the guys were new and the other half were there for a long time and we refered to them as zombies because they will do or say anything for Budin and rolli. They would tell us each day how big to make our play. Of course the weekends, special games like the Super Bowl, National college Championship games or certain days were big sellers so you told to put out huge games on those days, if you were on a good run or it was just your turn to hype a big game. Notice how guys like Brandon Lang would never have a 50 or 100 dime play on a monday night for basketball after a football weekend. Everything we did from hyping games, telling people to buy half points, tease games and parlays go against basic strategies of winning in gambling. Basically they didn't care about any of their clients. Almost never did anyone re up after buying a week or longer package. If they did they were what we called reversing the play. that means you bet opposite. Brandon Lang's bad run which lasted from 2006 to until he left in march 2010 got people thinking and acting on reversing him and they made some incredible money for over 3 years. At this point I personally feel their business model is dead. It's like the pay phone business. Once great but doesn't really exist anymore. The Brandon Lang name is dead. His radio shows really almost drive no business anymore. The TV show appearances r bought and because of competition and high rates for the commercials and spots to spend 5K each for 5 TV guest hits makes no sense because they won't bring back 25 thousand in revenue each week to break even. Brandon Lang has no credibility anymore and he was theface of the company. Radio stations and TV stations got flooded and I'm talking in the hundreds for each station with complaints that they lost on his games, got no response to their complaints and it was known that his talks were backed up by 2 percent facts and 98 percent bullshit and lies. one radio station claimed they lodged over 80 complaints in one month about Brandon Lang and his business practices. That is staggering!!!!! Of course they like most stations didn't renew even when big money was waived in the face.The business for all the sites were rolling for the first 2 or maybe 3 years but they make no sales now and workers r grumbling. My guess is they make one more run this next football season to capture the glory. It won't happen. Budin and rolli will have all these site for a few more years and then probably more on to somethign else. The real people on the sites as best I can remember are: Lang, Budin, Stephen Nover, Demarco and Steve "big dog" duemig. The made up people were:Chris Jordan, Trace Adams, Jeff Benton, Derek Mancini, Scott Delaney, Chuck O'Brien, Andy Fanelli, bobby maxwell, Anthony" I ain't nobody's trick" Redd, Craig Davis, Bob Valentino,Brett Atkins,Michael Cannon, Joel Tyson, Karl Garrett and Sean Michaels. I'm probably leaving out about 3 made up people and of course we had 7 to 8 people get killied off. They wouldn't keep a running record of releases because if they public saw they sucked nobody would buy. I wouldn't say many people got rich off the first few years but the money was rolling in. Budin and rolli made the most, Brandon Lang made much more than us but I would say if I hadto place a bet that Budin and rolli were playing with the figures of his sales and these guys take out all kinds of other fees until tou arrive at your final check. I heard Lang got 20 or 25 percent of total sales but i'd bet in reality he ended up with about 12 percent when all was said and done. I'd bet the site brought in 6 to 8 million total each of the first two years off spending about 3 million in advertising, salary and other expenses. most of us besides Busin, rolli and Brandon Lang made 25 thousand to 100 thousand and that includes tech guys, we had two or three and assistants for the office. i'd bet last year they spent 2 million and if they were lucky they broke even. Budin and rolli suck on radio and TV and Brandon Lang's name, reputation and skill as a picker is on life support. We would get e mails from the office mainly rolli or as you know him Demarco to launch a certain size pick. sometimes we got to choose the game and sometimes it waschoosen for us which sucked as the big plays chosen by rolli or whoever were usually as bad as Brandon Lang;s stuff. they have the technology to turn the modules on at a certian time but never did so. Budin and rolli were smart about a lot of things and really dumb as rocks about others.

Soo who do you follow were here to help each other out i believe would like to know who do you think is a solid capper?
All i know is that Chris James And Mr Steve Budins Picks have been making Me money!! How bout your guys?? cheersgif

Capper Tracker
Jan 15, 2009
If they are making you money then play away. Im not here to put down who you like. My comment was to the people saying Chris James is the best of all time but he was non existent around these parts until September. I dealt with the picknation guys years ago and that was enough for me. Lang and Budin could hit there next 100 plays each and be down more money then most people ever wagered to begin with.

Right now the best around is skyblue,lyle and hochman

Nov 11, 2007
If they are making you money then play away. Im not here to put down who you like. My comment was to the people saying Chris James is the best of all time but he was non existent around these parts until September. I dealt with the picknation guys years ago and that was enough for me. Lang and Budin could hit there next 100 plays each and be down more money then most people ever wagered to begin with.

Right now the best around is skyblue,lyle and hochman

I don't know about James, and I am impressed so far.
I have followed Budin for years, and imo over time he is slighty better than average.
What bothers me is that I heard any interview with him fiv eor six years ago, and when asked what his opinion was of Lang, he said and I am quoting, "He is one of the best guys out there." lol

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