Romney Sued for RICO in Fed Court


Sep 22, 2007

Too funny! Ya got Governor Ultrasound, McDonald of Virginia, 2 seconds from being indicted, having a separate lawyers from his wife, whom he accuses of talking 50k behind his back, in a state where the Tea Party whackadoo candidate is losing so badly that Rick "Sanatarium" has swooped in and is sending out pleas for conservatives to send money for the election-to HIM, not the candidate, lol.

Butter up the popcorn, boys, the rattlesnakes are beginning to commit suicide...@)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
a private person is bringing a law suit, now that's an historical event I tell you

love the RICO reference, which actually infers some sort of federal prosecution which if true would definitely be newsworthy

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Nothing will come of it. Big corporations nowadays dont get punished.

There will probably be a settlement of about 10 percent of the profits, with no wrongdoing admitted.

Currently, they are looking to settle $3 Billion in fraud (by a sham/corrupt proceeding); for only $7 million.
(with that $7 million going to attorneys)

Hence, a 10% settlment of $300 million is far better than we hope for.

New member
Jun 19, 2008
a private person is bringing a law suit, now that's an historical event I tell you

love the RICO reference, which actually infers some sort of federal prosecution which if true would definitely be newsworthy

You need to study "Civil RICO" - it permits ANY U.S. Citizen to become a "Private Attorney General";
and was meant to be utilized by Congress - so much so - they provide treble damages.

One only needs TWO "predicate act" violations (under Title 18 Section 1961);
and we've got over 100 "predicate act" felony violations.

I've studied this section of law for months - before filing the Complaint.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You need to study "Civil RICO" - it permits ANY U.S. Citizen to become a "Private Attorney General";
and was meant to be utilized by Congress - so much so - they provide treble damages.

One only needs TWO "predicate act" violations (under Title 18 Section 1961);
and we've got over 100 "predicate act" felony violations.

I've studied this section of law for months - before filing the Complaint.

I don't need to study jack shit, don't pretend to be a legal expert. But I do know the difference between charges being brought by the Federal Govt as opposed to a lawsuit being initiated by a private citizen.

you need to study reading comprehension

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Careful Willie that guy might sue you for defamation of character (one thing is for sure he is a character).

New member
Aug 22, 2013
Best of luck to you, LaserHaas! I hope you have outstanding success!

Willie you should be supporting this effort. This is not a liberal vs. Conservative thing. This law he is using to do this is about the power of a U.S. citizen to stand up and fight corruption REGARDLESS of the politics of the party involved. Tell me you wouldn't support this if it was someone going after Obama or Clinton? Damn right you would. SUPPORT THE MAN!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Best of luck to you, LaserHaas! I hope you have outstanding success!

Willie you should be supporting this effort. This is not a liberal vs. Conservative thing. This law he is using to do this is about the power of a U.S. citizen to stand up and fight corruption REGARDLESS of the politics of the party involved. Tell me you wouldn't support this if it was someone going after Obama or Clinton? Damn right you would. SUPPORT THE MAN!

I have no information to support or oppose, I'll let the facts play themselves out

I was just saying RICO litigation brought about by a private citizen carries a lot less weight than if the federal government was bringing RICO charges

New member
Aug 22, 2013
I have no information to support or oppose, I'll let the facts play themselves out

I was just saying RICO litigation brought about by a private citizen carries a lot less weight than if the federal government was bringing RICO charges

Ok. That's definitely true.

New member
Jun 19, 2008
I have no information to support or oppose, I'll let the facts play themselves out

I was just saying RICO litigation brought about by a private citizen carries a lot less weight than if the federal government was bringing RICO charges

Wow - that's a genius quote for you. No [c]hit - if a fed gov filed a complaint, it would naturally carry more weight than any one citizen. Especially being the fact that fed gov is supposed to represent the general interest of all citizens.

As for your "facts" remark. Paul Traub worked for Romney and Michael Glazer in Stage Stores in Bankruptcy in Houston Texas and (simultaneously) walks over to Delaware and hopes on the (purported) opposing side of the fence as Creditors attorney in eToys.

Then Paul Traub (pretending to be acting in good faith) then takes the eToys federal estate assets yours truly sold for tens of millions to Bain (when Romney was CEO) and Kay Bee (when Glazer was CEO); and Traub efforts to reduce the prices to only $3 million.

It is a matter of fact that Traub perpetrated fraud on the court;
because he has confessed lying under oath 17 times to the court - about his being partner with Barry Gold.

What happened is they offered me a bribe to get away with it all and I reported it to the DOJ;
who (instead of arresting the culprits) tossed me out and gave the vault robbers the keys.

The issue at hand is that Romney owned Stage Stores, Glazer was his "Director" (now actually CEO of Stage Stores). Barry Gold was the "director's assistant" at Stage Stores. Who then hires his partner Paul Traub in that case in mid-2000.

In March 2001, the MNAT law firm (who also works for Bain & Goldman Sachs), lied about their connections to the parties, in order to become the eToys debtors counsel. Hence both Debtor's counsel and Creditors counsel worked for Bain; and they continue to lie and hide this issue.

When yours truly (though my court approved entity of CLI) sold eToys for tens of millions to Bain Capital/Kay Bee and this did burst their schemes & artifices to defraud (to allow Bain/ Kay Bee to get the federal estate assets for only $3 to $5.4 million) - both MNAT and Traub's law firm did another scam to usurp our good faith efforts.

They planted Barry Gold inside eToys as post-bankruptcy petition filing President/CEO;
under the guise that Mr. Gold was vastly experienced in settling SEC issues (the lawsuit of eToys v Goldman Sachs)

Now - with the parties benefiting (and believing they got away with these plots) - the very first thing they do is "double" the salary of all eToys employees during a bankruptcy.

Does that sound kosher to you?

What this plot was designed to do, as yours truly was the head of eToys at the time;
is to make every hate Laser/CLI when we (as is the only thing to do) began to fire the "doubled" salary personnel.

Then, MNAT (while benefiting from its acts of Perjury concealing its connections to Goldman Sachs/ Bain) - asks for - and receives the permission of the DE Bankruptcy Court to Destroy eToys Books & Records in the very beginning of the case. (This helps destroy evidence eToys needs for its lawsuit against Goldman Sachs).

Again - is this all Kosher to you?

In a legitimate realm of justice, the federal watchdog systems (U.S. Attorneys office and U.S. Trustee's office) would speak up, along with Traub as Creditor's counsel and Barry Gold as CEO - Objecting to the Destruction of EVIDENCE very early in the case.

But that doesn't happen because the "retroactive" secret of Romney & his Gang.

When the bribes failed and are reported (again) the Racketeers react and do the largest scam/scheme possible that should have any good faith citizen up in arms. Mitt claims he is "retroactively" retired as Bain's CEO from August 2001; back to February 1999.

During that SAME EXACT PERIOD of time - The Learning Company, Stage Stores, Kay Bee and eToys frauds transpired. Along with this nationally significant/important issue germane. An MNAT law firm partner - Colm Connolly - was partners from 1999 to August 2001.

Then he was made to be the DE United States Attorney on August 2, 2001;
who refused for 7 years to investigate and/or prosecute MNAT, Goldman Sachs and Bain.

If Al Capone arranged for one of his attorney to be federal prosecutor;
who then refuses to investigate and/or prosecute Capone, his cohorts and cronies.

Do you call that corruption - or just "biz'ness"?

New member
Jun 19, 2008
United States Trustee MOTION to Disgorge Paul Traub's firm states (in parts 19 & 35) that Traub was warned in advance - NOT to replace any of eToys executives with anyone connected to the retained professionals of the case. As such would be Against the Law. (See John Gellene case if you desire a full education).

Not only did Traub & MNAT ignore the federal forewarning, the committed 33 acts of Perjury to hide it.

In the Motion to Disgorge Traub Bonacquist & Fox law firm for $1.6 million;
the US Trustee concludes (in part 35) that Fraud on the Court occurred.

Fraud on the court by officers of the court (which is what an attorney at law approved to do a case is)

is such an extensively heinous & egregious offense that the U.S. Supreme Court states (In re Hazel Atlas Glass)

that there's NO Statute of Limitations.

The Disgorge Motion, the DE Bankruptcy Court and Third Circuit Court have all affirmed (agreed) with Hazel Atlas.

So how am I (who was hired to protect eToys assets) to sit down and shut up;
when frauds are being perpetrated and the Feds are helping the fraudsters?

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