Poll: Tipping Dealers


Do you tip

  • A

    Votes: 18 37.5%
  • B

    Votes: 19 39.6%
  • C

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • D

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
When playing BJ, I usually put up 1-2 dollars every 20 hands or so, and play it for the dealer so they are part of the hand as well. They seem to like that better then just throwing a buck at them every now and then.

Quick question for ya terp, how much do you generally play a hand

Sep 21, 2004
The bottom line is that casinos don't take care of their employees, and it's a shitty system. What kind of business provides no real product, then expects losing customers to pay 95% of their employees' salaries? It's bullshit.

The last time I played at a casino, I put $3 on a hard eight for the dealers. It hit, they took down $30, and I cashed out immediately. I took my even amount, $500 or $600, whatever, threw them a dollar chip that I had left, and one of the dealers said, "gee, thanks for that dollar." What a fucking asshole. If I had bet the hard eight for myself, and then gave them $30, they would have been happy. But they don't consider it that way. Why the hell they would feel like I owed them that much anyway is ridiculous. If I ever opened up a casino, I would pay my employees a fair salary and not allow tipping.

New member
Aug 1, 2005
I tip along the way no matter how I am doing. Typically what I will do is put a tip up after the first Blackjack I get each hour. The relief dealer comes in for 15-20 minutes each hour so when they are gone and the main dealer is back, I will tip after the first Blackjack I get then. It's been a good rule of thumb for me over the years. Not tipping is stealing service from an employee - same as not tipping a waiter, a valet, a dancer, etc. How -much- you tip is another story and depends on how you feel of course.

Sep 21, 2004

Tips on tipping: Dealers rely on 'tokes' for much of their income

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Read more: Tips on tipping: Dealers rely on 'tokes' for much of their income - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/ae/gambling/s_724677.html#ixzz1FDylrXbP

Most people willingly give a couple of extra bucks to waitresses, hair stylists and bellmen for good service.
Don't overlook casino dealers as being worthy of tips as well.
With so much cash seemingly up for grabs in a casino, it's easy for players to forget that many people are there doing a job --one that often pays less than Pennsylvania's minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.
Dealers say tips account for 80 percent to 90 percent of their income.
Questions of when and how much to tip generate heated debates among players. Some who count on gambling for all or part of their income are loath to give away any of their hard-won chips. Seeing any tip -- or "toke," in casino language -- as a guaranteed loss in games where players seldom get an edge, these gamblers watch their stacks like Ebenezer Scrooge eyes his pennies.
At the other end of the spectrum are players who tip with almost every bet, virtually guaranteeing themselves one losing session after another because they give away so much of their winnings.
In general, you should tip dealers who are personable, efficient and add to your enjoyment of the game. Occasionally, you'll run into a surly dealer or toke hustler. Don't feel obligated to tip them.
Dealers at blackjack, craps, roulette and "carnival games" such as Three Card Poker or Let It Ride pool their tips, with each getting a proportional share of all table game tips received in a specified time, such as 24 hours. At poker, each dealer keeps his or her tips.
In either case, the casino is responsible for counting the chips in the dealer "toke boxes." The amount is monitored carefully and added to the dealer's paycheck, dealers and casino executives say.
At poker, the winner of a pot usually tosses $1 or $2 to the dealer. Dealers typically deal 25 to 30 hands per hour, said Marlene Tobin of Peters, who works in the Wheeling Island, W.Va., poker room. Dealers move from one table to another every 30 minutes. How much a dealer actually works in an eight-hour shift depends on how many tables are in use.
Tobin said some authors recommend a winner not tip unless the pot is at least $25. In some hands, a player who raises pre-flop might win only a few dollars because everyone else folds. Tobin said she doesn't expect a tip in such cases.
At blackjack and other games pitting players against the casino, players usually tip only when they're winning, agreed Meadows dealers Beth Haynes, Jason Maksemetz, Don Herbert and Matt Lane.
Some players give the dealer a tip equal to one or two average bets at the end of a session. A more common method is to bet for the dealer. For example, someone playing $10 a hand at blackjack would put a $1 or $5 chip in front of the regular bet. If the player's hand wins, the dealer gets the extra chip plus the winnings. If the player loses, the tip chip and regular bet go to the house.
Some players place the tip atop their bet instead of in front. That way, the floor supervisor might give them credit for a larger bet, thus increasing comp possibilities, and the winning portion can go to the dealer while the original tip stays on the bet. If the player wins two or three hands in a row, the dealer keeps getting tips.
In most cases, dealers appreciate the chance of getting the winnings as well as the tip. Haynes said that if a player offers a tip of $25 or more, she'd rather take the sure thing and drop it in the toke box.
If a player offers a dealer the choice of taking a tip or playing it, some casinos require the dealer to drop it in the toke box, Maksemetz said.
Haynes and Maksemetz said they've received $100 tips after dealing lucrative hands at Three Card Poker or Let It Ride.
In craps, players usually tip by placing a high-odds bet "for the boys."
Slot players often tip on a "hand-pay" jackpot. Experts recommend 0.5 percent to 2 percent, depending on the jackpot, with the percentage decreasing as the jackpot grows. Some players keep ones, fives and tens handy to cover a tip on a hand-pay, which typically comes in big bills.

Read more: Tips on tipping: Dealers rely on 'tokes' for much of their income - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/ae/gambling/s_724677.html#ixzz1FDyh5k9C

Jan 15, 2010
It pains me to tip poker dealers but when I rake a hand I will tip.

It pains me because between the two blinds,the house rake and tipping the dealer,who's really making any money for the privalige of playing poker?
+1, the goal is to make money not tip your winnings away. I feel the same way at the sports book when I'm cashing winners, and there's that pressure to tip even though there wasn't really a service provided. If I have big night I will tip, but I'm not going to tip my winnings away by tipping every time I win a game. After a session in poker if I'm up big, but not after every hand I win.

New member
May 13, 2005

I didn't know the cards dealt themselves and payed the players.

I guess when at a restaurant - the restaurant as well is the entertainment etc.

Couldnt have said it better myself.. The casino should pay dealers better but they dont, and thats that.. If players dont tip, nobody is doing that job for $8 an hour, and there will be no table games.. Period.. If you're playing blackjack to win, you should have your head examined.. Someone else made a good observation about 'stealing service'.. Thats exactly what it is.. What gets me more, is some 60 yr old hag serving drinks who spent their entire life squandering their money away, deserves a tip for 30 secs of work giving you a drink, and dealers who pump cards for 8 hrs straight only get paid if you win at a game with losing odds? ummm.. ok...

Sep 21, 2004
A. Always, no matter what im tipping (if you choose this I would be curious to know if you play poker and if you play poker, do you tip even when you lose a hand or not in the hand)

Answer A. iMO is the clear choice !!!


New member
Aug 30, 2008
I play poker and I always tip the dealer when I win a pot.

Some people will say that it's hard enough to make any money with the rake, let alone tipping the dealer. But, I have seen time and time again, people at the table will notice who tips and who doesn't, and they are far less likely to give any action to the stingy ones who don't tip. It may seem -EV to tip, but in my experience it's even more -EV not to.

Sep 21, 2004
I play poker and I always tip the dealer when I win a pot.

Some people will say that it's hard enough to make any money with the rake, let alone tipping the dealer. But, I have seen time and time again, people at the table will notice who tips and who doesn't, and they are far less likely to give any action to the stingy ones who don't tip. It may seem -EV to tip, but in my experience it's even more -EV not to.

Great post!!
Rx Tip of the day


Sep 21, 2004
D. Don't tip anymore its to tough the way it is to win the way it is

Always tip the bartender though

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Either B or C

Do you guys realize that the average daily grinding poker player tips out over $4000 a year? And I mean a guy who plays just 3 days a week and NEVER gives out more than $1 per pot.

Oct 16, 2008
i choose option a for the most part. if im playing craps or something, will play all the hards for the crew etc. if im playing something like pai gow ill stack their tip bet on top of my hand. now if i buy into craps for say 200-250 and i go bust in 15 mins, odds are the crew didnt get tipped shit, but if im playing for awhile then yes, i will play things for them. also normally when i color up, i tip the white $1 chips to the dealers. so in craps that could be anywhere from $5-30 just depending how many damn whits i amassed buying #'s and what not.

it all depends what type of day i had at the tables when i leaving

Nov 21, 2006
i am a dealer and guys like keyman are known as the scum of the casino. most dealers arent asking for a lot. the more you win the more you should tip. no one expects much if you lose, but throwing a few bucks would be a nice way of saying "thanks for the serivce"... if your meal sucks at a restaurant do you not tip the waiter? no you tip on the service... atleast you should be. trust me we know the non tippers at a casino and we are rooting against you big time. you do no good sitting at our table. the casino is only paying me $5 an hour. if everyone had the same mentality as guys like keyman there would be no casino's.

the cheapskates are the guys who go into a casino expecting to leave a winner. you should be going for entertainment and if you win a few bucks great.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
The bottom line is that casinos don't take care of their employees, and it's a shitty system. What kind of business provides no real product, then expects losing customers to pay 95% of their employees' salaries? It's bullshit.

The last time I played at a casino, I put $3 on a hard eight for the dealers. It hit, they took down $30, and I cashed out immediately. I took my even amount, $500 or $600, whatever, threw them a dollar chip that I had left, and one of the dealers said, "gee, thanks for that dollar." What a fucking asshole. If I had bet the hard eight for myself, and then gave them $30, they would have been happy. But they don't consider it that way. Why the hell they would feel like I owed them that much anyway is ridiculous. If I ever opened up a casino, I would pay my employees a fair salary and not allow tipping.

You are much nicer than me, I would have told him to go fuck himself and then said here, is a tip, get a better job you dumb uneducated piece of shit.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
A dealer needs to be pleasant and entertaining if possible to earn tips . I'm thinking more BJ than poker. Tips do need to be earned. If some Chinese woman is dealing me BJ ( Blackjack, not blowjob), she needs to know more Chinglish than Isurwonce ? Insurowonce Close, sorry I ain't tipping such a dealer ! Give me a fun BJ dealer, I'll tip if I'm losing ( and being drunk ,helps ! )

The no personality Asian woman hurts the tip pool BIG-Time. If you ever deal you want to deal poker ( many poker dealers keep their own tokes....plus you sit down.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Read closely the post by the dealer terps. That is how the majority of dealers feel
about players, that if you aren't there to tip them then you should take a hike.
They could give two shits if you were playing six hours before they came on
shift and lost a ton. When you sit at their table they want theirs and trust me, it is
never enough for these jack-offs. My wife used to deal and in the break room we are
all dumb pieces of shit to them. The big bettors are just suckers who their only objective
is to milk for as much as they can. The smaller bettors are just fleas who if they are
not toking are just in the way. They have complete contempt for all players and half of them
are actually dumb enough to think they have some kind of influence on the game.
"I won for that jerk and he didn't even throw me a bone." Dumbest of the dumb.

Terps, I've played all over the world and plenty of places FORBID toking and those
casinos do just fine so cut the crap about players not toking would ruin the industry.
What would happen is that the casino would start paying you a wage where you wouldn't
have to panhandle to make ends meet. Same as in the restaurant industry, Americans have
been conned into thinking it's their responsibility to pony up or the service person will starve.
In other countries it is actually insulting to leave what we leave in US for a waiter. They make
a reasonable living doing their job and don't need nor expect it.

All that being said I tip if they do something for me I value. Mispays always get a toke but
the toke hustlers never get a cent.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Well I can certainly see giving a toke on occasion, but I don't tip too often, either ~

Sep 18, 2006
Years ago I use to drive one of my friends dad to the casino 3 hours away & he use to give me $300 & expenses for driving him. This guy use to bring between $8,000 & $10,000 to play roulette. Not once did he ever tip & I mean never. One weekend he won about $20,000 & he was still cursing at the dealers, the guy was obnoxious but believed its bad luck to tip the dealer.

Sep 18, 2006
Read closely the post by the dealer terps. That is how the majority of dealers feel
about players, that if you aren't there to tip them then you should take a hike.
They could give two shits if you were playing six hours before they came on
shift and lost a ton. When you sit at their table they want theirs and trust me, it is
never enough for these jack-offs. My wife used to deal and in the break room we are
all dumb pieces of shit to them. The big bettors are just suckers who their only objective
is to milk for as much as they can. The smaller bettors are just fleas who if they are
not toking are just in the way. They have complete contempt for all players and half of them
are actually dumb enough to think they have some kind of influence on the game.
"I won for that jerk and he didn't even throw me a bone." Dumbest of the dumb.

Terps, I've played all over the world and plenty of places FORBID toking and those
casinos do just fine so cut the crap about players not toking would ruin the industry.
What would happen is that the casino would start paying you a wage where you wouldn't
have to panhandle to make ends meet. Same as in the restaurant industry, Americans have
been conned into thinking it's their responsibility to pony up or the service person will starve.
In other countries it is actually insulting to leave what we leave in US for a waiter. They make
a reasonable living doing their job and don't need nor expect it.

All that being said I tip if they do something for me I value. Mispays always get a toke but
the toke hustlers never get a cent.

Dude, big difference between a dealer in a casino & a waitress in a restaurant. The waitress usually gets like $3 an hour while the dealers make a lot more than that.

Sep 18, 2006
i am a dealer and guys like keyman are known as the scum of the casino. most dealers arent asking for a lot. the more you win the more you should tip. no one expects much if you lose, but throwing a few bucks would be a nice way of saying "thanks for the serivce"... if your meal sucks at a restaurant do you not tip the waiter? no you tip on the service... atleast you should be. trust me we know the non tippers at a casino and we are rooting against you big time. you do no good sitting at our table. the casino is only paying me $5 an hour. if everyone had the same mentality as guys like keyman there would be no casino's.

the cheapskates are the guys who go into a casino expecting to leave a winner. you should be going for entertainment and if you win a few bucks great.

I tip a waitress because she actually talks to me & brings me my meal & fills my drink up as many times as I want. I tip an escort for obvious reasons. A dealer job is very monotonous, they dont talk much & most of the dealers look like robots. Do I tip? I never tip while im playing & I could be up big & will not tip until im done & ready to leave the table. Screw the tipping in between deals, not from me you wont. Unless a beautiful girl is under the table giving me a blowjob while im playing cards, I dont see the need to tip every time I get a winning hand :)

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