Papadopoulos plea deal has opened up Jeff Sessions to perjury charges


Sep 22, 2007
Why do you keep answering the consent question when I have answered it, yet you havent... oh yeah, cause your a deflecting fat homo idiot.

Once again, you didn't answer SHIT, psychotic, stalking, scumbag, not a single, solitary word about all of the humiliations Twittler has suffered, and IS suffering, which I detailed. Gee, I wonder why?:hahahahah^^:):think2::pointer: One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Once again, you didn't answer SHIT, psychotic, stalking, scumbag, not a single, solitary word about all of the humiliations Twittler has suffered, and IS suffering, which I detailed. Gee, I wonder why?:hahahahah^^:):think2::pointer: One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

So you ask me about the CONSENT... I answer and wait for your reply... YET you dont answer, you just move forward to another question.

And where did I state that I supported trump and voted for him? You forget I supported Ben Carson (You know, he lost his brain surgeon license). And I dont think he is suffering, he is going about what he does, business as usual.

There I answered yet ANOTHER question.

So can you answer the Trump question on how he could have gotten consent?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
NFL, if it's not something he can find on the Huff Post, he can't answer your questions

He only knows what he's been told to think, not even that really

New member
Aug 28, 2012
And to clarify I did vote for Trump at the last moment, when it was clear Gary Johnson wouldnt win... and it would cancel out a Hillary vote

Sep 22, 2007
So you ask me about the CONSENT... I answer and wait for your reply... YET you dont answer, you just move forward to another question.

And where did I state that I supported trump and voted for him? You forget I supported Ben Carson (You know, he lost his brain surgeon license). And I dont think he is suffering, he is going about what he does, business as usual.

There I answered yet ANOTHER question.

So can you answer the Trump question on how he could have gotten consent?

Where did I ask you who you voted for? That was obvious(although, you're such a liar and so stupid that you contradicted this post and admitted that you voted for Twittler in the post after this one, lol). Business as usual? What business is THAT? Control of both houses of Congress, and he hasn't passed ONE major piece of legislation...not one. Not suffering? When Manafort's indictment came out, the WH was falling all over themselves pointing out that it didn't specifically mention Russia(although it didn't take much reading between the lines to see that there were Russian fingerprints all over that case), but then, a couple of hours later when Papadolp was shown to have pled guilty for...impeding an investigation...about RUSSIA, they didn't have shit to say for a day or so, then, they tried to float the "coffee boy" bullshit, and that's been getting cut to shreds over the last week or so. Now, we get Dumb and Dumber(oops, nope that would be Flynn and Manafort, not Flynn Sr. & Flynn Jr.), Father and Son scum(there were will be a sequel to this involving Donny Boy and offspring, eventually). Like I said, what possible defense can Flynn(and, for that matter, Manafort) have to the fact that he didn't register as a foreign agent(and even highlighted his guilt by doing so after the fact)? And, remember, Twittler did not, as far as we know, do anything to quash the investigation on Manafort, but he sure as hell tried to muscle Comey into "letting it go" re: Flynn, "because he's a good man." Now, I wonder why he felt compelled to do that?:think2::hahahahah You probably have no clue as to why, you still haven't shit answered, and you're still an idiot. One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Where did I ask you who you voted for? That was obvious(although, you're such a liar and so stupid that you contradicted this post and admitted that you voted for Twittler in the post after this one, lol). Business as usual? What business is THAT? Control of both houses of Congress, and he hasn't passed ONE major piece of legislation...not one. Not suffering? When Manafort's indictment came out, the WH was falling all over themselves pointing out that it didn't specifically mention Russia(although it didn't take much reading between the lines to see that there were Russian fingerprints all over that case), but then, a couple of hours later when Papadolp was shown to have pled guilty for...impeding an investigation...about RUSSIA, they didn't have shit to say for a day or so, then, they tried to float the "coffee boy" bullshit, and that's been getting cut to shreds over the last week or so. Now, we get Dumb and Dumber(oops, nope that would be Flynn and Manafort, not Flynn Sr. & Flynn Jr.), Father and Son scum(there were will be a sequel to this involving Donny Boy and offspring, eventually). Like I said, what possible defense can Flynn(and, for that matter, Manafort) have to the fact that he didn't register as a foreign agent(and even highlighted his guilt by doing so after the fact)? And, remember, Twittler did not, as far as we know, do anything to quash the investigation on Manafort, but he sure as hell tried to muscle Comey into "letting it go" re: Flynn, "because he's a good man." Now, I wonder why he felt compelled to do that?:think2::hahahahah You probably have no clue as to why, you still haven't shit answered, and you're still an idiot. One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

Still no evidence of Trump and Russian collusion, you have nor has anyone offered any evidence of that.

Secondly, off the top of my head... getting rid of business regulations and getting the US out of the TPP is and will be pretty significant.

Sep 22, 2007
Still no evidence of Trump and Russian collusion, you have nor has anyone offered any evidence of that.

<<You keep telling yourself that, lying, moronic, stalking scumbag who has with no life. That's why Twittler asked Comey to "let it go" regarding Flynn, right?>>:hahahahah^^:)Loser!@#0

Secondly, off the top of my head... getting rid of business regulations and getting the US out of the TPP is and will be pretty significant.

Saying you're gonna get rid of "70 per cent" of bad regs and actually, maybe, getting rid of 10 per cent, and you're crowing about that? Hey, you're a moron, also exhibited by your TPP comment: I can easily show a half dozen sources who say it was bad, and, I hope you won't be offended that I respect THEIR opinion a tad more than that of a moron.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Saying you're gonna get rid of "70 per cent" of bad regs and actually, maybe, getting rid of 10 per cent, and you're crowing about that? Hey, you're a moron, also exhibited by your TPP comment: I can easily show a half dozen sources who say it was bad, and, I hope you won't be offended that I respect THEIR opinion a tad more than that of a moron.

Less regulation has increased hiring and business growth... which under Trump the GDP has went from a stale 1 UNDER OBAMAS WHOLE TERM to shooting up to over 3 under Trump... consumer cofidence is high, and companies are investing billions in the US and creating jobs... which is why our labor participation rate is going higher, 1.5mil less on food stamps, ... it says something

Sep 22, 2007
Less regulation has increased hiring and business growth... which under Trump the GDP has went from a stale 1 UNDER OBAMAS WHOLE TERM to shooting up to over 3 under Trump... consumer cofidence is high, and companies are investing billions in the US and creating jobs... which is why our labor participation rate is going higher, 1.5mil less on food stamps, ... it says something

"CONSUMER COFIDENCE(sic) is HIGH? ROTFLMAO!!!! More like, almost 2 out 3 people have the sentiment now that Stevie Wonder had about Nixon in the song below. You remember Tricky Dick Nixon, don't you? If you don't, you'd better recognize. Oh, and I noticed you won't address the question of, if he's so innocent, why did Twittler asked Comey to "let it go" regarding Flynn, >>:hahahahah^^:)Loser!@#0

New member
Aug 28, 2012
"CONSUMER COFIDENCE(sic) is HIGH? ROTFLMAO!!!! More like, almost 2 out 3 people have the sentiment now that Stevie Wonder had about Nixon in the song below. You remember Tricky Dick Nixon, don't you? If you don't, you'd better recognize. Oh, and I noticed you won't address the question of, if he's so innocent, why did Twittler asked Comey to "let it go" regarding Flynn, >>:hahahahah^^:)Loser!@#0

Dont have any idea, but I would lean towards possibly guilty, doesnt want any distractions while he was trying to work, or there isnt anything there and not to waste time.

Apr 14, 2006
Trends, why are you even interacting with douche bag? He has proven to be a complete imbecile over and over again, and is the forum joke. Even when vitterd and Guesser (your welcome) were here they would not defend him or support his moronic rants and disgusting pedophile and beastiality references.

He will never answer a question, he will never take a wager, he will never address anything after he has been proven to be wrong again. He is nothing but a loser troll that possesses every horrible snow flake liberal melt down shit show on the planet, all rolled into one.

Sep 22, 2007
Dont have any idea, but I would lean towards possibly guilty, doesnt want any distractions while he was trying to work, or there isnt anything there and not to waste time.

ROTFLMAO!!!! Yeah, well, it's a a general rule of thumb is, the person who is being investigated, directly or indirectly, does NOT get to determine that "...there isnt anything there and not to waste time.":hahahahahface)(*^%Shush()*Loser!@#0

Sep 22, 2007
Trends, why are you even interacting with douche bag? He has proven to be a complete imbecile over and over again, and is the forum joke. Even when vitterd and Guesser (your welcome) were here they would not defend him or support his moronic rants and disgusting pedophile and beastiality references.

He will never answer a question, he will never take a wager, he will never address anything after he has been proven to be wrong again. He is nothing but a loser troll that possesses every horrible snow flake liberal melt down shit show on the planet, all rolled into one.

Yeah, but despite all that, you follow me around from thread to thread just like your little fellow stalkerazzi pyscho, so you're a hypocritical big belly, jelly bellied, limp dick loser who brags on an internet forum about his "hot Playmate wife" and his "yacht." Go give your "hot wife" 60 seconds good 'ole Gas Bag luvin' ^^:)kth)(&^Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90)):bigfingerazzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad:^^:)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
So... Ive answered several questions, are you going to answer this one?

What, in your opinion, could Trump have done to get consent from the woman he talked about on the tape, that you are accusing him of being guilty of Sexual Assault?

Sep 22, 2007
So... Ive answered several questions, are you going to answer this one?

What, in your opinion, could Trump have done to get consent from the woman he talked about on the tape, that you are accusing him of being guilty of Sexual Assault?

You need YEARS on a shrink's house, you're a messed up stalking scumbag, and there's not shred of doubt in my mind that you have raped people, sex and age unknown. You'll get caught(probably, AGAIN), Short Eyes, sooner or later. When are you gonna get it through your thick skull that the question that you asked below did not specify a sexual act? One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You need YEARS on a shrink's house, you're a messed up stalking scumbag, and there's not shred of doubt in my mind that you have raped people, sex and age unknown. You'll get caught(probably, AGAIN), Short Eyes, sooner or later. When are you gonna get it through your thick skull that the question that you asked below did not specify a sexual act? One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

And... here we go with the bullshit again.

Im done, your an idiot, case closed

Aug 2, 2017
You need YEARS on a shrink's house, you're a messed up stalking scumbag, and there's not shred of doubt in my mind that you have raped people, sex and age unknown. You'll get caught(probably, AGAIN), Short Eyes, sooner or later. When are you gonna get it through your thick skull that the question that you asked below did not specify a sexual act? One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

This is obviously the thoughts of a man that has never been laid before. Be a man, don't be a pussy your whole life.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Married for 33 years now, involved for 37 years

But back in the day, I just went for it. If she stopped me, she stopped me, we moved on. I never forced myself upon anybody.

Never axed fo permission

Even slapping your co-workers in the butt was acceptable, as well as flirting, never had a problem with any of it and most of it was a two way street

Not sure I can survive in modern day libtardville

Sep 22, 2007
And... here we go with the bullshit again.

Im done, your an idiot, case closed

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NFLTrends effortlessly pulls the Mother of All Idiot Moves: calling somebody ELSE an idiot, but unwittingly showing that THEY are the idiot in the seemingly simple insult. You know, like somebody who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're?" Yup, that's an idiot, alright.

As for your comment that you're-note the correct usage, moron-"done," is that a promise? I'm gonna go out on a limb and call "bullshit." After all, Ive been trying to get it through your thick skull for several weeks that you're a sick, stalking cocksucker who pretends he doesn't care what I say at the exact moment he follows me into virtually every thread that I start. So, I am confident that you will show yourself to be a lying sack of shit as you've shown so many times before, but for now, here's a "goodbye" present:

You need YEARS on a shrink's house, you're a messed up stalking scumbag, and there's not shred of doubt in my mind that you have raped people, sex and age unknown. You'll get caught(probably, AGAIN), Short Eyes, sooner or later. When are you gonna get it through your thick skull that the question that you asked below did not specify a sexual act? One of the traits about being an idiot is that, you're not AWARE that you're an idiot. All together now, once again:

"Can you explain HOW you give someone consent PRIOR to an act?" :hahahahah^^:)face)(*^%Loser!@#0:pointer::madasshol

And, btw, go lick the scum off a dead dog's dick, Short Eyes.

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