OT: "24" season long thread (No Spoilers Please)


And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="100%">[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 12 | Aired on 2007.03.05 [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- EPISODE INFO TABLE END -->
<HR width="100%" color=#999999 noShade SIZE=1>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Wayne survives the bomb (unlike Assad), but he's unconscious and in no shape to run the country. Chad Lowe doesn't want to kill Tom to cover the conspirators' tracks, as Carson does, so he lets himself believe that Tom will go along with everything now that Vice President Powers Boothe is in power to implement Tom's proposals. So they let Tom go, and then Tom turns the conspirators in anyway. Tom is treated as a suspect himself, and quickly faces yet another ethical dilemma when the Veep offers him the choice of either maintaining Assad's innocence or letting the Veep start implementing Tom's nutty, police-state proposals immediately. And let's face it, Tom doesn't have all that many do-the-right-things in him. Karen Hayes, who turns out to have been stranded at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington D.C. this whole time, decides to go back to work. Meanwhile, in L.A., Logan tries to blackmail the Russian Consul into helping him find Gredenko, but gets nowhere. Logan knows the Consul is lying, so Kiefer decides to sneak back in, leading to a rather awkward phone conversation between the Veep and Russian President Suvarov. Kiefer tortures the Consul into giving up the goods on Gredenko and his part in Fayed's plan, and then gets taken into Russian custody before he can tell anyone. Fortunately, Kiefer persuades the Russian Consulate Cop to relay the message to CTU. Unfortunately, the Russian Consulate Cop gets killed, before he can do so, by one of his own fellow guards. How will CTU find Gredenko now? And how will Kiefer survive another twenty months in a foreign prison for misbehaving in a Consulate again? [/FONT]

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Good episode last night, best one of the year so far:aktion033

I didnt watch the episode till last night (Tuesday) and this was by far the best episode of the season and next week looks even better. :banger:

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
I couldn't disagree more, I thought last night's show was boring and predictable, to the point where I can go back through the last few seasons and pretty much play the scenes side by side and they would be identical.

I agree with you. Although I still enjoy 24, it is becoming extremely repetative. Jack always calling Chloe to do something under the radar, Jack getting taken and then eventually breaking out somehow, blah blah blah. They need to do something different sometime soon.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="100%">[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 13 | Aired on 2007.03.12 [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- EPISODE INFO TABLE END -->
<HR width="100%" color=#999999 noShade SIZE=1>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A wounded Kiefer gets loose inside the locked-down Russian Consulate, but after Consul Markov orders the phones shut down, he's got no way to communicate Gredenko's location, except to take a couple of hostages and wait around for one of them to bring him a magic phone. Which will arrive too late, in any case. CTU and the Veep respond with a three-pronged strategy. Prong One: Buchanan has his new head of tactical ops (Ricky Schroder) get ready to launch a strike on the Russian Consulate in order to get Markov and Kiefer out. The problems with Prong One are that this is basically an act of war, and that Ricky Schroder's playing a raging asshole. Prong Two: Logan offers to help again, this time by trying to win the Russian president over to his side through their respective wives. The problem with Prong Two is that the ex-FLOTUS wants nothing to do with Logan, no matter what her current boyfriend Aaron says. And it hits yet another hitch when Martha sticks a paring knife in Logan's shoulder (a prong within a prong, as it were). Prong Three: The Veep enlists Tom's assistance in blaming Assad for every bad thing that's happened today, giving him cover to threaten the Mideastian ambassador with a nuclear strike on his country if they don't help to find the terrorists. The problems with Prong Three are that it bothers Tom's conscience, and also the fact that it's fucking insane. Prong Two ends up working first, but only sort of. Suvarov orders his Consul to surrender, but when Markov refuses, Suvarov gives CTU the green light to go in shooting. They do, killing Markov, rescuing Kiefer, and learning that Gredenko's in the Shadow Valley. And unlike the good guys, he hasn't been wasting the whole hour; Fayed has arrived with the bombs, and the nuclear drones are just about ready to launch. And then Logan flatlines in his ambulance. [/FONT]

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="100%">[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 13 | Aired on 2007.03.12 [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- EPISODE INFO TABLE END -->
<HR width="100%" color=#999999 noShade SIZE=1>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]<SCRIPT language=javascript> function open_close() { if( document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display == 'none' ) { document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display = ''; } else { document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display = 'none'; } } </SCRIPT>

A wounded Kiefer gets loose inside the locked-down Russian Consulate, but after Consul Markov orders the phones shut down, he's got no way to communicate Gredenko's location, except to take a couple of hostages and wait around for one of them to bring him a magic phone. Which will arrive too late, in any case. CTU and the Veep respond with a three-pronged strategy. Prong One: Buchanan has his new head of tactical ops (Ricky Schroder) get ready to launch a strike on the Russian Consulate in order to get Markov and Kiefer out. The problems with Prong One are that this is basically an act of war, and that Ricky Schroder's playing a raging asshole. Prong Two: Logan offers to help again, this time by trying to win the Russian president over to his side through their respective wives. The problem with Prong Two is that the ex-FLOTUS wants nothing to do with Logan, no matter what her current boyfriend Aaron says. And it hits yet another hitch when Martha sticks a paring knife in Logan's shoulder (a prong within a prong, as it were). Prong Three: The Veep enlists Tom's assistance in blaming Assad for every bad thing that's happened today, giving him cover to threaten the Mideastian ambassador with a nuclear strike on his country if they don't help to find the terrorists. The problems with Prong Three are that it bothers Tom's conscience, and also the fact that it's fucking insane. Prong Two ends up working first, but only sort of. Suvarov orders his Consul to surrender, but when Markov refuses, Suvarov gives CTU the green light to go in shooting. They do, killing Markov, rescuing Kiefer, and learning that Gredenko's in the Shadow Valley. And unlike the good guys, he hasn't been wasting the whole hour; Fayed has arrived with the bombs, and the nuclear drones are just about ready to launch. And then Logan flatlines in his ambulance. Want more? The full recap starts right below!

Now that Logan's bit at the Consulate is finished, they've brought him back to CTU instead of Not Camp David, for some reason. As he's paraded across the floor with an escort of uniformed CTU guards and plainclothes agents, everyone at CTU gawps at him, as they do. It must be so hard for these people to concentrate on fighting terrorism with people coming in and out all the time and forcing them to drop everything they're doing so that they can rubberneck. Logan's led into an interrogation room and locked inside, alone. At the same time, Chloe folds up her laptop and carries it back there. She tells the guards posted outside that she has to "set the transcript codes for the debrief," which is a pretty weak bit of technobabble just to get her in a room with Logan for the first time. He asks who she is, and he says she's "just Chloe O'Brian." They go back and forth in order to provide a little exposition about how Kiefer's still being held in the Russian Consulate. Logan demands to talk to Buchanan right away, and that old Logan sense of entitlement (Logantitlement, I like to call it) reappears once more: "Does he know that I'm all alone here in a holding cell?" Chloe points out that it's not a cell, and the cameras in the ceiling mean he's hardly alone. In any case, it's standard procedure for someone under house arrest to get stuck back here. Logan looks like he's about to take offense, but Chloe says, "Sorry, I'm feeling ambivalent. I'm gonna go." Heh. She does, and Logan totally checks out her ambivalence as she walks out, thinking he wouldn't mind feeling that himself. Wow, I just grossed myself out. I need a moment. Buchanan enters a meeting in the Situation Room, where Ricky Schroder is standing at the head of the table, looking pale and craggy and still rocking that haircut of his that he first made famous in The Champ. Buchanan introduces him as Mike Doyle, their new head of Field Ops from Fort Bragg. Buchanan exposits that Kiefer's being held inside the Consulate, and that Doyle's going to put together a plan for an assault. From the side of the room, a suddenly-reappearing Milo wonders why they're talking about committing an act of war just to free Kiefer (who saved Milo's life about three hours ago. I'm just saying). Doyle points out that their main objective is not to rescue Kiefer, but to get Markov, and Buchanan says that the final decision is up to the Veep anyway. Chloe comes in to say that Logan's waiting for Buchanan, and the boss heads out. Doyle starts giving out orders, and Milo steps up to say something about how they normally do things differently. "I don't care what you </I>normally do</I>, Pressman," Doyle snaps just as bitchily as he possibly can, and says he wasn't talking to Milo anyway. Milo says he was just thinking that maybe Doyle wouldn't be the jerk he was back in Denver, but clearly he is. "That's right, just like Denver," Doyle responds. Apparently, this is some kind of burn, because it shuts Milo up. Not that that's a bad thing. Doyle leaves everyone to his or her work as yet another forty-five-second meeting breaks up. Nadia apparently got the hint that Milo and Doyle know each other from before. "I don't like him very much," Milo understates. Nadia asks if Doyle knows what he's doing, and Milo says Doyle does. Damn, that means it's going to take him a while to die.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="100%">[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 6 | Aired on 2007.03.19 [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- EPISODE INFO TABLE END -->
<HR width="100%" color=#999999 noShade SIZE=1>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Gredenko and Fayed manage to get only one of their drones in the air before vacating their launch site. The Veep immediately decides to go nuclear on Mideastia, over the objections of Karen Hayes and nobody else. So Karen toys with the idea of pulling a Season-2-Darlene on Wayne and waking him up -- even if it endangers his life -- to stop it. An injured Kiefer gets back to CTU and finds out -- from Marilyn, of all people -- that Audrey's dead, supposedly killed in a car accident in China while looking for Kiefer. Now he's got a whole new mission in life: stop the terrorists, and then find Audrey's killers. Sounds like a setup for Season 7. Chloe figures out that the reason they can't find the drone on satellite is because someone in CTU is feeding data to the terrorists. The finger points to Nadia, who is already in an awkward position now that Chloe knows she's been using Milo's user ID. While Doyle interrogates her in a back room, Morris back-traces the data leak to a nearby building. Kiefer, Doyle, and CTU take out the drone's remote pilot, and then Kiefer takes the controls. He's able to prevent the drone from detonating its nuclear payload over San Francisco, but his godawful crash-landing at a loading dock near the Bay results in a radioactive spill. That's still good enough for the Veep to order that the nuclear strike on Mideastia proceed. As for the fate of Charles Logan, we get no updates whatsoever

New member
Nov 7, 2006
I dont know, last nights episode just annoyed me from the start, they are killing off way to many of the good characters, its getting out of hand, and there was so much perdictability to last nights episode it wanted to make me puke..

Poor Nadia, i like her even more if she was actuallly the mole...
Why kill off Audrey? they cant think of a plot for next years series? Its gonna be based around Jacks revenge now, ghetto

New member
Feb 20, 2005

Loved the tension in last nights episode. Lennox is great. The actor playing him has been great from the start with his facial expressions and so far at least, a hint of moral character. Chloe was in rare form last night and she was funny. That has been missing a bit this season. I really enjoyed the episode.

New member
Nov 21, 2002
really dont believe audrey is dead.next years show will probably about jack going to china to see what really happened to her,then the last episode she will appear to be alive.just my 2 cents.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="100%">[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 15 | Aired on 2007.03.26 [/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- EPISODE INFO TABLE END -->
<HR width="100%" color=#999999 noShade SIZE=1>[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]<SCRIPT language=javascript> function open_close() { if( document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display == 'none' ) { document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display = ''; } else { document.getElementById( 'recaplet-div' ).style.display = 'none'; } } </SCRIPT>In a hurry? Read the recaplet for a nutshell description of this episode!

Kiefer learns that the Veep is planning a nuclear retaliation against Mideastia for his crappy drone landing. This is too aggressive even for Kiefer, so he resolves to find Gredenko and Fayed in the next hour before that can happen. Luckily, CTU is able to trace a phone call from Gredenko to a guy who's been using his Rain Man brother to get through nuclear facility firewalls. So then Kiefer uses Rain Man to set a trap for Gredenko. He fells really bad about it, though. At the White House Bunker, Karen convinces Sandra Palmer to screw the risks and let the doctor wake Wayne up so that they can get the Veep back on his leash. As for the question of whether Nadia was set up, a tech from Division -- who has some shady history with Doyle -- finds proof on the drone pilot's computer that she's innocent. He acts all sketchy about it, secretly handing it over to Doyle, who secretly hands it over to Morris. It's complicated, but when it's all over, Doyle knows who his real enemy is, and it isn't Milo. Milo's too busy putting the moves on Nadia anyway. When Gredenko finds himself in Kiefer's clutches, he offers a deal: Fayed in exchange for amnesty and a promise not to be returned to Russia. While Kiefer's pondering that, Wayne manages to wake up without dying, and calls off the Veep's nuclear strike from his hospital bed. But the Veep's not ready to give up, and resolves to have Wayne removed from power. Maybe he'll catch a break and somebody else will come along to blow Wayne up again. Want more? The full recap starts right below!

Yet another episode of 24 begins with people cleaning up the mess that was made at the end of the last one. In this case, the terrorist drone pilot that Doyle and Kiefer shot is being wheeled out of the building on a gurney. Kiefer follows him out, yelling at the medic to keep the pilot alive, since he's their only link to Gredenko. As for Kiefer himself, he seems to have recovered from any ill effects that might have lingered from his being blown up less than ninety minutes ago. Doyle comes out to tell Kiefer about the consequences of his crappy landing, but Kiefer doesn't seem too worried about it for now. He just tells Doyle to have his men go through all of the pilot's computers. And since the medic calls over to say that the pilot just died, that's all they're going to be getting from him. Kiefer mutters a half-hearted "dammit" and dials his cell phone. When he gets through to Buchanan at CTU, they touch base on their respective non-progress, and Buchanan breaks the news that, as a result of the dozen or so firefighters Kiefer killed, the Veep is now determined to nuke Mideastia. Kiefer is stunned: "What's he trying to do, start World War III? That'll be seen as an act of aggression against the entire Middle East." And if Kiefer thinks you're being too aggressive, just how far off the reservation have you gone? Buchanan says that they're just going to have to find Gredenko and Fayed before the strike, which is scheduled to occur in an hour away. Kiefer grumbles and hangs up. Somewhere else, Gredenko is trying to reach the pilot on his cell phone, but there's no answer. You'd think CTU would hear a ringing cell phone at their end and be more than a little interested to talk to Gredenko, but no. They're all too busy gossiping. Gredenko goes inside the parked panel truck that's serving as his and Fayed's temporary base, and reports to Fayed that his pilot is incommunicado. Without taking his eyes off Fox News (Fair. Balanced. Beloved by terrorists), Fayed says that's because the pilot got busted. After all, the destruction of San Francisco is ten minutes overdue, and there's nothing about it on TV. Fayed doesn't realize that this could be because Roger Ailes is trying to decide whether a terrorist-destroyed San Francisco is good news or bad news, but in any case, Fayed's correct in assuming that the detonation never occurred. Gredenko says it's okay, because the pilot doesn't know where they are, and they still have two nukes to continue their operations. In fact, the two suitcases are sitting right there on the floor. They make kind of a sad display after the four Fayed was carting around a mere eleven hours ago. Fayed agrees; he shoves Gredenko up against the wall and sticks the muzzle of his gun under Gredenko's jaw. "I have the bombs!" he angrily corrects. Gredenko coolly reminds Fayed that he still needs Gredenko to get the targets. Fayed reluctantly lets Gredenko go. Gredenko pulls out his cell phone to call someone else.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Season finale of prison break tonight too, I believe.

After this, next season ends the schofield saga.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Day 6: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
By M. Giant | Season 6 | Episode 16 | Aired on 2007.04.02


Wayne's already back on his feet, and defending his office from the Veep's attempt to 25th-Amendment him. After a brief debate, the Cabinet is tied 7-7 on removing Wayne from office. That means he stays, until the Veep claims that Karen's vote doesn't count because she resigned as National Security Advisor. Nothing for it but to reconvene the Supreme Court. Everyone knows the Veep doesn't have a leg to stand on, including his Chief of Staff, Lisa. So she secretly offers to commit perjury to support his case. The Veep takes her up on it, much to his embarrassment when it turns out that Tom's bugged the conference room. Tom forces the Veep to back down, and Wayne gets to remain president for as long as he can continue browbeating his doctor into keeping him conscious with adrenalin shots. At CTU, Doyle has decided that the security breach was Milo's fault, so he enlists Nadia's help in finding the proof on Milo's system. She does, and it turns out that Doyle only wanted to hide the evidence to keep Milo out of trouble. Aw, what a nice asshole. Satisfied with his immunity agreement, Gredenko calls Fayed to set up a meeting at the Santa Monica Pier. Before cutting Gredenko loose, CTU tags him with a radioactive tracker isotope in his arm. Which works great, until Fayed's men cut Gredenko's arm off. Gredenko then tries to make a solo escape by outing Fayed in a crowded bar, which would have gotten Fayed killed if Kiefer hadn't shown up in time to take him into custody. Unfortunately, Fayed left his two remaining nukes behind with his men, so they're still out there somewhere. Gredenko only gets far enough to quickly bleed to death, unlike a certain amputee on another Monday-night Fox show I could mention. And it looks like Wayne has figured out a way to finally stop people from accusing him of being weak: he's going to haul off and nuke Mideastia after all.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Great show last night...nice to see Palmer back. Tom pulled a good one too placing a bug in the VP's office.

pro gamblererer
Sep 20, 2004
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by brutusthebuckeye
really dont believe audrey is dead.next years show will probably about jack going to china to see what really happened to her,then the last episode she will appear to be alive.just my 2 cents

Stumblin' around, drunk on burgundy wine.
Oct 11, 2004
We finally get a kick ass 24 episode. About time.

New member
Feb 20, 2005
Great as usual

Tom Lennox is so specutacular this season. But now the emphasis shifts so I'm not sure where we're heading.

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