One person confesses to Sean Taylor Murder


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Total Bullshyt....This was a not a was a planned murder...and you will never know about the real story by a controlled monopoly press...

Phone lines cut...the psychological intent in leaving a knife behind on a bed....Not to mention the unlikelyhood of a guy dying from a leg wound...

Not only did this guy have enemies...he still has enemies...and I dont think they are behind bars either....

More to this story...

Oct 7, 2006
So sean Taylor has a Machette within arms reach of his bed. He has drug and gun charges in his background. But because he was an NFL player you think his murder was a tragedy. Say for instance Taylor had been fronted 20 kilos of Coke and hadn't paid for them nd was trying to burn the guys that fronted them to him (allegedly). He owed them some where between 350-500K should they let him slide and not pay because he is a NFL player?? What would you do?? If your in that business which I happen to believe he was from some information I have. I think that is hazzard of the business he chose to deal in. Not many Murders like this do not have a outlying motive. if you think this was a Home Invasion your Crazy. But who am I to say. You can form your own opinion.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
He never had a drug charge... Stop making shit up...

The fact that you think he has a drug charge and can or think he was ever involved in selling drugs shows how little you know about this case...

New member
Aug 22, 2005
So sean Taylor has a Machette within arms reach of his bed. He has drug and gun charges in his background. But because he was an NFL player you think his murder was a tragedy. Say for instance Taylor had been fronted 20 kilos of Coke and hadn't paid for them nd was trying to burn the guys that fronted them to him (allegedly). He owed them some where between 350-500K should they let him slide and not pay because he is a NFL player?? What would you do?? If your in that business which I happen to believe he was from some information I have. I think that is hazzard of the business he chose to deal in. Not many Murders like this do not have a outlying motive. if you think this was a Home Invasion your Crazy. But who am I to say. You can form your own opinion.

This is fucking stupid. Where do I begin, first of all now they will never get the money so theyre not killing him, i mean he has the ability to get money so they wont kill him, bullshit premis anyway but just saying...
more importantly the story in the press is exactly how it goes down everyweher/.... dude had madd money, people close to him bring people around that are young and stupid (his sister brought these lowlifes arond) either they themselves or someone once or twice reemoved does a home invasion , happens very frequently. to top it off his sister was bragging about how paid he was... very very typical.

Oct 7, 2006
You think he had dough. I don't. You have no idea how these guys spend and how much debt they are in. Michael Vick ran through all his money. He has half ass investment properties and businesses. Sean Taylor never had that over the top contract. This is NFL money not NBA cash. So you don't think that guys that needed to get at him for stree debts wouldn't arrange themselves with Sean's low self-esteem ass sister to get close to him. You don't know how this shit works. From what I understand he had multiple drug charges on his juvie record. Whoever thinks he was a victim has no fukin clue.

New member
Aug 22, 2005
if it was really that serious than why did they send that group of retards?
okay so he owes a drug debt from when he was 16, how much could that be $ 1,000?? oh yeah he fronted mad kilos and never paid okay sure.
I'll play along, if this had to do with drugs than i bet he didnt owe more than he could afford BUT I'll come up with a plausable scenerio using your belief that this is drug goes.. he gets fronted 5 kilos and owes someone 100k for example, the guy he fronts it off is in cahoots with the buyer and the buyer stiffs taylor (telling him some story about getting robbed or whatever) the buyer and dealer end up with the stuff and the dealer pressures taylor for the 100K NOW this is extortion and it wouldve happened anyway, taylor could easily get 100k to pay off dealer but doesnt becuaes he feels its a setup - still i say bullshit cuz now noone gets the money and as I said if it was serious why did they send those monkeys to do the job, i tried to see it your way but your wrong ,, bullshit dude, it was a straight home invasion gone wrong , those niggaz were looking for a lick and taylor was a great score for them thats all.
You think he had dough. I don't. You have no idea how these guys spend and how much debt they are in. Michael Vick ran through all his money. He has half ass investment properties and businesses. Sean Taylor never had that over the top contract. This is NFL money not NBA cash. So you don't think that guys that needed to get at him for stree debts wouldn't arrange themselves with Sean's low self-esteem ass sister to get close to him. You don't know how this shit works. From what I understand he had multiple drug charges on his juvie record. Whoever thinks he was a victim has no fukin clue.

New member
May 7, 2006
I can't figure out why they have these three clowns on suicide watch. Don't we want murderers to commit suicide?

What is this world coming to?

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
You think he had dough. I don't. You have no idea how these guys spend and how much debt they are in. Michael Vick ran through all his money. He has half ass investment properties and businesses. Sean Taylor never had that over the top contract. This is NFL money not NBA cash. So you don't think that guys that needed to get at him for stree debts wouldn't arrange themselves with Sean's low self-esteem ass sister to get close to him. You don't know how this shit works. From what I understand he had multiple drug charges on his juvie record. Whoever thinks he was a victim has no fukin clue.

Where the hell do you get this shit from??? I am pretty sure you have him confused with someone else... He had no drug charge on his juvie record... He went to a rich ass prep high school and his dad was a cop...

You think his juvie record would be publicly known and brought up while he was a star in college or being drafted yet there is nothing being said about it...

When you get locked up as a kid and are being recruited these things are made public like R Moss or Willie Williams...

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
Tayor was a piece crap just like these guys atleast now the world is a safer place too bad they didnt take Pacman Jones out too.

Is this a joke? He was in his house sleeping.

The only mistake Taylor made was not having a gun to defend himself. If he was trained and had a shotgun, he would of been the hero instead of the victim.

Oh well - Why do they put these lowlives on suicide watch? Let them kill themselves, and save the taxpayers money.

Bottom Line - I'm sick and tired of robbers going into homes with guns and shooting innocents. Time to be ready for these intruders and shoot them before they get you.

New member
May 7, 2006
He did not have a gun cause he was on probation and had to turn them in.

My feeling is even people on probation should be allowed to have any firearms they want in their own home.


Sep 21, 2001
Well, at least all the charges were upgraded to murder (felony murder) - they got rid of the unpremeditated murder bullshit - I would assume they'll die in prison.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
Total Bullshyt....This was a not a was a planned murder...and you will never know about the real story by a controlled monopoly press...

Phone lines cut...the psychological intent in leaving a knife behind on a bed....Not to mention the unlikelyhood of a guy dying from a leg wound...

Not only did this guy have enemies...he still has enemies...and I dont think they are behind bars either....

More to this story...

I don't know man. From what the media tells us (and how credible of a source are they anyway) someone(s) broke into the home previously and left a knife on the bed. They were obviously sending him a message.

What I dont get, is that the press tells us the ones charged didn't think anyone would be home. Obviously they don't read nfl injury reports because the guy was out with an injury and not with the team.

Anyway, if you suspect nobody is home, why cut phone lines? Why kick a bedroom door down instead of casually open it and walk in. If it were locked and they did try to open it and chose to kick the door in, then they knew there was going to be something going down, especially them packing guns.

So two shots were fired, one missing and the other hitting his leg or the area. I don't know about you, but if I want someone dead, I go for the forehead or chest. They shot him in the leg, probably thinking that it wouldn't kill him, but be enough to drop him and make him suffer in pain so they could get the hell out of the house.

Wrong. He died from the wound. The media has never said if they were the same group that broke in previously and left the knife or not. All they have said is that the folks were caught and being charged with murder.

With these type cases they usually let the public know the bottom line only, when in reality there is way much more involved in the process.

Sep 21, 2001
Max penalty is unfortunately life in prison. Lucky for these guys, they are safer in prison

They are now charged with felony murder - there are two available sentances - (1) life (there is no possibility of parole in Florida) - and (2) death.

At least it's good to know that as quick as they took Taylor's life - is as quick as they ended their lives - 18 years old only to live out your life behind bars and then die - oh well, life sucks when your an animal

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
So sean Taylor has a Machette within arms reach of his bed. He has drug and gun charges in his background. But because he was an NFL player you think his murder was a tragedy. Say for instance Taylor had been fronted 20 kilos of Coke and hadn't paid for them nd was trying to burn the guys that fronted them to him (allegedly). He owed them some where between 350-500K should they let him slide and not pay because he is a NFL player?? What would you do?? If your in that business which I happen to believe he was from some information I have. I think that is hazzard of the business he chose to deal in. Not many Murders like this do not have a outlying motive. if you think this was a Home Invasion your Crazy. But who am I to say. You can form your own opinion.
So what if He had a Machette under his bed ? Lots of people have weapons close to their bed. Drop into my bedroom and I will great you with a Smith & Wesson 38 ! Does that make me some weird criminal ? It's pretty obvious that you should never serve on a jury as you think you have everything figured out without even sniffing any evidence.

Sep 21, 2001
It looks like the shooter is the one who is 17 - which would mean he's not eligible to be sparked up.

Handicapping Machine
Aug 31, 2006
For the last time, nobody cut the damn phone lines. The house phone in the bedroom did not work and his gf had to use her cell phone. Battery on house phone was probably dead.

Second of all, only two of the guys entered the house and one of them shot Sean when he surprised them in the bedroom. The other guys claim they had no idea anyone was armed.

This was not a hit, this had nothing to do with Sean's past. If you go look at these fuckin clowns MY SPACE pages, they were all little thugs who probably just went out there to steal some shit from his place.

Handicapping Machine
Aug 31, 2006
<TABLE class=profileInfo height=100 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=text style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=bottom align=left width=300 bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=3>MR.FLORIDA$

</TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE id=Table2 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD class=text width=75 bgColor=#ffffff height=75> <TD><TD class=text width=15 bgColor=#ffffff height=75>
</TD></TD><TD class=text align=left width=193 bgColor=#ffffff height=75>"FUCK A BITCH!!!!!GET YO MONEY RIGHT!!!!!!SHIT ON YOUR LIFE!!!!!KILL YOURSELF CAUSE U DONT HAVE NOTHIN TO LIVE 4!!!!!!!"

17 years old
LIL PAKISTAN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!, Florida
United States
<TABLE class=interestsAndDetails id=Table1 borderColor=#6699cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class="text tdborder" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=center align=left width=300 bgColor=#6699cc wrap="">$MR.FLORIDA$'s Interests </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdborder><TABLE id=Table2 borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=300 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR id=GeneralRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0>General</TD><TD id=ProfileGeneral style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>COUNTIN MONEY AND TALKIN TO MY HOMIES AND MY BUDDY LOL</TD></TR><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>highlightInterests("ProfileGeneral");</SCRIPT><TR id=MusicRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0>Music</TD><TD id=ProfileMusic style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>ANYTHING THAT SOUND GOOD </TD></TR><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>highlightInterests("ProfileMusic");</SCRIPT><TR id=MoviesRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0>Movies</TD><TD id=ProfileMovies style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>MONEY TALK....LOVE AND BASKETBALL....LOVE DONT COST A THING....STEVEN SEGAL MOVIES....THE HILL HAVE EYES</TD></TR><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>highlightInterests("ProfileMovies");</SCRIPT><TR id=TelevisionRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0>Television</TD><TD id=ProfileTelevision style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>BET AFTER DARK....AND ACTION STUFF....SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS</TD></TR><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>highlightInterests("ProfileTelevision");</SCRIPT><TR id=BooksRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0>Books</TD><TD id=ProfileBooks style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>I HATE ALL BOOKS "</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

wow real shocker on that last one about books.
Otherwise sounds like a real nice guy

This turned out to be the shooter....fuckin knew it and his MY SPACE page has now been shut down.

New member
Feb 8, 2007
<table class="profileInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100" width="300"><tbody><tr><td class="text" style="" colspan="3" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="bottom" width="300">MR.FLORIDA$
</td></tr><tr><td><table id="Table2" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="300"><tbody><tr><td class="text" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" width="75"> </td><td>
</td><td class="text" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" width="15">
</td><td class="text" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" width="193">"FUCK A BITCH!!!!!GET YO MONEY RIGHT!!!!!!SHIT ON YOUR LIFE!!!!!KILL YOURSELF CAUSE U DONT HAVE NOTHIN TO LIVE 4!!!!!!!"

17 years old
LIL PAKISTAN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!, Florida
United States</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="interestsAndDetails" id="Table1" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" bordercolor="#6699cc" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="300"><tbody><tr><td class="text tdborder" style="" wrap="" align="left" bgcolor="#6699cc" valign="center" width="300">$MR.FLORIDA$'s Interests </td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="tdborder"><table id="Table2" align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="300"><tbody><tr id="GeneralRow"><td align="left" bgcolor="#b1d0f0" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="100">General</td><td id="ProfileGeneral" style="" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" width="175">COUNTIN MONEY AND TALKIN TO MY HOMIES AND MY BUDDY LOL</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileGeneral");</script><tr id="MusicRow"><td align="left" bgcolor="#b1d0f0" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="100">Music</td><td id="ProfileMusic" style="" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" width="175">ANYTHING THAT SOUND GOOD </td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileMusic");</script><tr id="MoviesRow"><td align="left" bgcolor="#b1d0f0" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="100">Movies</td><td id="ProfileMovies" style="" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" width="175">MONEY TALK....LOVE AND BASKETBALL....LOVE DONT COST A THING....STEVEN SEGAL MOVIES....THE HILL HAVE EYES</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileMovies");</script><tr id="TelevisionRow"><td align="left" bgcolor="#b1d0f0" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="100">Television</td><td id="ProfileTelevision" style="" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" width="175">BET AFTER DARK....AND ACTION STUFF....SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileTelevision");</script><tr id="BooksRow"><td align="left" bgcolor="#b1d0f0" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="100">Books</td><td id="ProfileBooks" style="" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" width="175">I HATE ALL BOOKS "</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

124spot, is that you?


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
If that is true that he is the shooter I hope they have a message waiting for him when they lock his ass in jail:



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