I know I am going to catch alot of flack for this, and, I am not trying to be a jerk, but, here it goes: There is a borderline bizarre obsession on not just this board, but all the boards, with Northcoast. Do your books not let you play other games, or is everyone forced to play on his games? I remember one person writing in about a comment he made on his 800 comp line. They were laying into Phil pretty good, but, to me, I found it utterly surreal that someone who thinks a tout is terrible would take the time out of their busy day to call their comp line. I have been at this for over 10+ years, and there are tons and tons of touts out there. Why is everyone obsessed with Northcoast? People come on the board and go on and on and on about how awful he is. Get over it. Don't use his picks, fade his picks, whatever, but for the love of humanity, what am I missing? I would think someone like a Feist, or a Wayne Root type would p more people off, but, I have been wanting to say something all year about this hang up people have with Northcoast. I think his college picks have blown lately (see, there, you made me say it!!), but, really, who cares? I don't play his picks, its not that big of a deal. Flame away on me, but remember, I am really not trying to tick everyone off, just a bit confused at why Northcoast is always everyone's obsession.