NBA Betting – Lebron Continues To Get More Credit Than He Deserves In Miami


New member
Nov 26, 2010
When Lebron James made the decision to take his talents to South Beach, the idea was that the game’s most talented and complete player was joining close friends Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade with the Miami Heat in their pursuit of his first championship. Wade had not been able to get the job done on his own the previous couple of wagering services years, and there was an emphasis on the fact that three superstars were getting together in a bold type of move that the association had never witnessed. But since before the days that he joined the Heat Lebron’s talents may have been a bit overhyped. After all, the league had never seen such a tremendous blend of size, speed, and skill at the same time. But what about if there are elements to his game that he is severely lacking? The trend over the past couple of seasons has been to rank Lebron among the best to have ever played the game, but a closer look might very well reveal that James has gotten much more betting services credit than he has ever deserved.

There is the obvious problem with Lebron being called the best player to ever play the game even despite that he doesn’t have a single championship to show for his time in the league. Lebron left the Cleveland Cavaliers without bringing them a single banner because he didn’t have the proper tools around him to win the title. At the same time, there is persistent talk about how Lebron makes his teammates so much better just by being present on the court. If Lebron was such an incredible facilitator and made his teammates so much better, than why did Cleveland never win a championship? On top of that, why didn’t more star players want to go and play with him on the Cavaliers?

James’ size and speed combination have made him an excellent weapon, a player that can both collect a ton of rebounds with his size and create for other players with his speed. He has all of the physical tools to be a quality defender, but there is an aspect of his game that he has missed since he came into the association. Lebron has never had the pure scoring touch to be the offensive force that some of the other pay per head greats like Kobe and Michael have had, and he has never had the mental toughness to play that outstanding game at the highest level. Lebron will always be an outstanding fantasy player, but until he can elevate those key levels of his game he will always get more credit than he deserves.

Jan 25, 2011
HE is not getting any credit from me. I think he SUCKS!!!!!!! 75% of his points come from dunks. Keep him out of the paint and he can't do shit. He shoots his arm off and the refs calling grade school fouls is the only way he scores as much as he does. NON SHOOTER!!!!!!!!!!

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
There is the obvious problem with Lebron being called the best player to ever play the game even despite that he doesn’t have a single championship to show for his time in the league. Lebron left the Cleveland Cavaliers without bringing them a single banner because he didn’t have the proper tools around him to win the title. At the same time, there is persistent talk about how Lebron makes his teammates so much better just by being present on the court. If Lebron was such an incredible facilitator and made his teammates so much better, than why did Cleveland never win a championship? On top of that, why didn’t more star players want to go and play with him on the Cavaliers?
great point being made here. I was also surprised why more star players werent on board for A 2011 Miami title run.

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