My personal take on BetROYAL


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
My PERSONAL feelings on ROYAL are as follows.......

First off, right to the jest of this thread topic and that is the ownership of Royal by this so called "Tej". Personally, I have no idea if he has any ownership in Royal whatsoever. Rumors or facts have linked him to non-ownership to as much as 3 years. Again, I have not talked to anybody with insight into this and we all will probably know more on this 'developing' fact/rumor later in the day.

True or not, I can only give you what I have learned about ROYAL from the times I have played there, moderated issues with them, handled disputes, met CEO Kevin King(in person and on phone), and how they have conducted themselves in and out of the forum.

Royal has A-L-W-A-Y-S paid those that have requested payouts.

Have they NUMEROUS times slow paid customers? Most certainly....from as little as 48 hours to some over 7 days as I recall.

I know they have bailed customers out of books that went belly-up with matching bonus incentives which they deserve high high praise for doing so.

From the time CEO Roberto C. stepped down till the approximently 2-4 weeks before ROYAL came on as an advertiser this last time, yours trully was as vocal as anybody in criticizing the ROYAL operation and advised others not to risk much money there, IF ANY.

Then had the oppurtunity to meet Kevin King firsthand at last years bash(august) for a lengthy discussion which involved a high percentage of talk about nothing but BetRoyal and its operation of other sister books. Having met Mr. King, I can tell you that I was very impressed with his intentions for BetRoyal and enjoyed the chance to discuss business with him.

Still, I was not totally convinced to the point where I was confortable in recommending BetRoyal to my friends and posters.

I have very little say as a moderater about who can and cannot advertise here at the RX. However, having said that, most all of those that do work here at the RX have some imput and SHRINK, MANAGEMENT, and OWNERSHIP do weigh ALL of our opinions if we are willing to speak up on whatever topic may do good or bad to the RX as a whole.

I cannot say with 100% certainity, but I would suspect ROYAL would have been back sooner at RX this last time if I wasnt as vocal to, THE GENERAL and THE SHRINK in particular, on my concerns with ROYAL as I was not yet convinced they were a place that the RX should take on as PERSONALLY I did not feel confortable sending ANY money there and certainly not to others to do so.

A few months later I became to like what I was seeing at ROYAL and this is what I pondered......

1. Never a NO-pay
2. The successful bailouts of other books
3. Speaking more with Mr. King via phone
4. Their new website and they way they were bookmaking
5. A SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays.

After considering all of the above and more, I personally was confortable sending my OWN money to Royal and have since done so. Actually, MR. KING even asked me if I was confortable in recommending them to readers of the RX BEFORE they reached their final contract agreement with the RX and I told him I had no significant problem with BetROYAL anymore and if I was confortable sending my own funds, I would certainly not inform readers to NOT deposit with Royal. Obviously it is important that each and every individual have their own RISK threashold and should always proceed with caution with any book offshore. However, at the time, I certainly in no way would classify ROYAL as a HIGH RISK book anymore where one should not send funds to. In fact, I would have had them below the moderate risk level.

Do I feel confortable now with ROYAL?

To be frank, considering we are headed to FINAL FOUR weekend(danger area), the latest aquisations/rumors/facts circulating about them.........I personally would take a wait and see attitude on they be an advertiser or not, that is my feeling on them. Personally, I may still play there during baseball season if nothing of significant proportions comes out about them in the next few days.

Having said that, I would be very surprised and shocked if anybody is NEVER not payed by ROYAL.......that is my gut feeling. Personally, I may still play there during baseball season if nothing of significant proportions comes out about them in the next few days.

I know I have failed to answer numerous questions you may have about ROYAL, but will be as frank and honest with each of you as possible if you would like to ask me some. Again, I dont know a whole lot more than most of you on this situation and many of you know much more than me.

This is why this forum and ALL forums are great for the offshore we each can dissect the thoughts of each other and make our OWN DECISIONS on how to attack the offshore gambling world with better saftey and peace of mind.

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Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Well said Fish, but I would still ove to know if TEJ is owner. If this is the case, I would never deposit a dime with that book again.

But like you said, I am giong to wait it out and see what transpires.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Fishhead said:
5. A SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays.

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Do you realize how ridiculous that statement sounds??? It's like saying your girlfriend cheats a lot less than in the past.

WIth all of the choices out there WHY would you want to support a place that has a SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays? There's certainly an argument to support one that doesn't have any anymore, not a great one but an argument. But to support a place that you acknowledge still has them, but less than in the past???

Is this the caliber of book you want the RX to beknown to support?

Your logic is seriously flawed. Please tell me you are on the payroll and I will understand. You can't be serious.

Jan 20, 2000
Thanks for your insights Fish. I guess only time will tell if this is a true concern or a Chicken Little scenario.


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Jay C said:
Do you realize how ridiculous that statement sounds??? It's like saying your girlfriend cheats a lot less than in the past.

WIth all of the choices out there WHY would you want to support a place that has a SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays? There's certainly an argument to support one that doesn't have any anymore, not a great one but an argument. But to support a place that you acknowledge still has them, but less than in the past???

Is this the caliber of book you want the RX to beknown to support?

Your logic is seriously flawed. Please tell me you are on the payroll and I will understand. You can't be serious.


Points well taken, I concur very much with what you are saying and respect what you are pointing out, no question about it.

This has been my concern always, as again probably NOBODY in the forum world(next to you and SBR), as been more hard on ROYAL.

Together, lets look at the facts.........

1. How many accounts/players have had to wait over 7 days to be paid from ROYAL that we know of in the past 2 years? Not asking this in jest, just looking for a reasonably correct answer. I personally do not know of many that have not been paid in a reasonable fashion.

2. Have they ALWAYS paid?

To me Jay, I may feel it could very well be in my best financial interest to have money in Royal as opposed to books that may grade out higher from a safety standpoint for the value I find at Royal.

I realize MANY books have payed liked clockwork in 4 hours or less for years!!!

Sure I would recommend them more than ROYAL overall, but this does not say that I would not recommend ROYAL now or in the future.

Please note, I said at the CURRENT time, I would say to posters to take a wait and see attitude for the time-being......even though I still play there.


Sep 20, 2004
Fish, a reduction in slow pays, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its very difficult for anyone to listen to what u have to say when u are a paid employee of this site and Royal is a paid advertise of this site, indirectly they pay YOUR salary. By reading your post it seems to me you are trying to stay nuetral due to the realitionship I outlined.

Its very easy for me and anyone who knows this buisness, If TEJ is the Owner(confirmed by Royal's biggest fan Roberto) STAY AS FAR AWAY AS YOU POSSIBLE CAN, END OF STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If TEJ is not the owner, they would remain in the middle tier of books and can be used as a 15th out on anyones lists. Just this past weekend they had Michst ML even money, while Pinny and everyone else had KY +05, offering free money to the players with more then 1 out and they lost, not a good sign this time of year and I feel bad for those who will be left holding the bag when TEJ pulls the plug, and thats WHEN, not IF!
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New member
Sep 21, 2004
I requested a neteller payout this morning because of all of this and was paid in 15 minutes. They had some problems before just like most books but nothing in the last 10-12 months.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
What's a "TEJ". Is this guy so well known that his initials should be immediately recognized by me ? Is it a name ( like Cher) ?

New member
Jan 30, 2005
DougJ said:
What's a "TEJ". Is this guy so well known that his initials should be immediately recognized by me ? Is it a name ( like Cher) ?

Agreed. Who is Tej?

New member
Dec 29, 2004
I know alot of books on the Donbest screen in the past before they even got offshore were short of cash and stalled and lied and said they were out of town when they were sitting right in the office, they were buying time. over the years I seen alot of books go from being way down to on top of the world. I think people need to focus on Royal these days not the past. If it looks like they are trying to do the right thing these days I say give them a chance. if I had to live my life in the past I would be dead. if anyone hears of any slow paying than I would defintely be concerned. my two cents.

New member
Mar 18, 2005
Now the banner is back up? haha

I don't know or care about Royal, but I can tell you the daily flip floping, banner up, banner down, don't send money, go ahead and send money makes management HERE look like keystone cops.

If a book is so shakey that 5 hours after every new:103631605 you have to put them back on the :icon_conf list, why not just keep them down for a few days and find out WTF is really going on?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
NightHawk said:
I requested a neteller payout this morning because of all of this and was paid in 15 minutes. They had some problems before just like most books but nothing in the last 10-12 months.

Had a payout request this morning processed by Royal that was in my Neteller account less than one hour after the request.
This after taking the $2500 daily maximum last week.
Royal is ok with me.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
hawkeye171 said:
Had a payout request this morning processed by Royal that was in my Neteller account less than one hour after the request.
This after taking the $2500 daily maximum last week.
Royal is ok with me.

Any plans for the dough?



Mar 20, 2001
"1. Never a NO-pay
2. The successful bailouts of other books
3. Speaking more with Mr. King via phone
4. Their new website and they way they were bookmaking
5. A SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays."
Sep 21, 2004
Fish I think you meant gist, or main idea instead of jest, or to joke. But you have always stood by your guns, and I have always admired you for that. But the replies pretty much tell how many members feel. First a reduction in slow pays is totally inadequate. Good analogy with the girlfriend. I think something that should be automatic, being able to withdraw your own funds in a timely manner, should not have any exceptions. It's like going to the ATM at your bank, you have plenty of money in the bank, but it says try next week, we need to refill. The ramifications are important, especially when operating on a limited bankroll, with numuerous outs. You need that money fast, to get reupped in another book, to make money. Having your money held hostage is a pretty bad experience. Even if you are paid eventually, the bad experience does not just dissappear. It took me a full month to get a 5K cc, that was properly made out to me. I asked other owner operators what do you think is going on? They were deep pocketed. They had good backing. Why the delay? I received two answers, 1. When they did the bailout, they got a lot of sharps they did not desire. I was not one of them, I was a straight post up. But after crushing their candy store limits for many months, I was cut way back, limit wise, obviously thrown into the sharp list. Then I could no longer use an automatic Neteller, I had to call CS. Then the games began. After wasting many hours getting the proverbial runaround, twice in a row, I gave up and requested my final balance. The month delay was a nightmare. Every book manager I talked to said it was an obvious stall. Was there an agenda to jerk around the sharps to get them out? 2. Gross incompetence. Many also said, it just seems like no one is in charge there. I really do not know why, but I do know it was the worst experience I ever had trying to get my own money. How many books have done this to me? One, Royal.

One thing that I do agree with is there is an inherent conflict of interest. That is part of the game. But to sit there and say I am comfortable placing my money there, is a direct conflict to telling someone to do their own homework. Which is it, listen to you, or do your own homework? If doing your homework, you find out they have had a long and ongoing problem with slow pays, but they are OK now because you say so? Come on Fish. You guys do look like Keystone cops here. The up again, down again banner. The constant defense of Royal. They are good now, but were not good before. Of all of your advertisers, you guys get more heartache and more explaining about Royal than the rest put together. It is the never ending saga. The best question I have ever heard concerning the entire mess is, why would you sign up there, when there are so many books who pay on time, every time? The RX should take a long, soul searching, self reflective look at the damage this causes. It has gotten to the point where many people do not think what you or anyone else affiliated with the RX can post an objective opinion. This is not a slam on you, but hopefully a pointer of where this has gone. I truly hope there is a solution, but without being privy to the inner workings of your business, I cannot even begin to think of a solution. I just hope you can.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
5. A SIGNIFICANT reduction in slow-pays."[/QUOTE]

" Book of Kings" does have a better ring to it !

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