Lebron announcing his decision Thursday @ 9pm eastern LIVE on ESPN.


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
LeBron proving once again that"Its all about me" with him.

I think this makes it almost clear now that he's staying in Cleveland and just a way to tell everyone how he checked around but in the end nothing felt like home/Cleveland. Just a way for him to eat up the attention...

May 27, 2007
LeBron proving once again that"Its all about me" with him.

I think this makes it almost clear now that he's staying in Cleveland and just a way to tell everyone how he checked around but in the end nothing felt like home/Cleveland. Just a way for him to eat up the attention...

I've watched this guy from the start and I don't see why guys get this impression of him. For a young guy, I think he's pretty mature, professional and handles himself very well. Guy doesn't run his mouth and say stupid things to the media. For all the media attention he's received, I'd say I'm quite impressed with how he's handled himself.

Also, the entire circus surrounding him is media driven and ESPN is the big culprit. For god's sake, they did a countdown to the beginning of free agency on their network. He can't control what they discuss.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
I've watched this guy from the start and I don't see why guys get this impression of him. For a young guy, I think he's pretty mature, professional and handles himself very well. Guy doesn't run his mouth and say stupid things to the media. For all the media attention he's received, I'd say I'm quite impressed with how he's handled himself.

Also, the entire circus surrounding him is media driven and ESPN is the big culprit. For god's sake, they did a countdown to the beginning of free agency on their network. He can't control what they discuss.

I agree completely with what you stated

New member
Mar 15, 2005
He's having a one hour special on ESPN called The Decision to let everyone know where he's going.
No he's not an ego-driven media whore LOL

New member
Jun 2, 2006
I can hardly wait what a primadonna he is

Not just him, I just bet that the empty suits out of Clown University in Bristol Ct. went up to LBJ and said "hey, we have an idea, let's go on primetime, and make this a real three ring circus"

The only thing missing would be the dancing elephants and the seals with the beach balls on their noses.

Sep 21, 2004
What was that event in one of the early Rocky movies before the fight with all the dancers and big show for the fans????????

New member
Mar 29, 2007
I just dont see him having an hour event special to announce he is coming back? wtf kinda sense does that make? he is trying to make a splash and I dont see going back to the Cavs being a splash.....

is he going to have Cleveland, New York, NJ, Miami hats all lined up.....fake to the right..to the left...ohhhh he puts on the Knicks hat, Lebron is going to NY!!!!!! the world is going to end holy shittttttt

lol retarded

New member
Mar 29, 2007
mark my words I bet you most of the time is going to be spent, him thanking the fans of Cleveland and paying a tribute to them and talk about how the proceeds of this event are going to charity ( all to soften the blow )

than announce he is leaving.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If he was leaving he would have leaked it slowly with hints. Not clobbered Cleveland over the head with it in a shocking hour long ESPN special. I'd like to see him go anywhere else, but he's staying.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
If he was leaving he would have leaked it slowly with hints. Not clobbered Cleveland over the head with it in a shocking hour long ESPN special. I'd like to see him go anywhere else, but he's staying.

think that is what the hour long special is for. to soften the blow and pay tribute to the fans of Cleveland.

you dont need an hour long event with proceeds going to charity just to announce your coming back. think about how disgruntled this guy was in his presser after being eliminated from the play offs, he wanted nothing to do with the Cavs. Now all the sudden he is coming back and holding an hour long event to appease the Cavs...dunno bout that.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
also think about the long term. Broussard actually just said something that made sense for the first time. Lebron is worried if he stays in Cleveland in 6 years he still may not have a ring. Staying really limits his options and puts everything on his shoulders that much more to where as if he went to say the Knicks...the long term situation is much much better with Amare and even more cap space clearing next year being able to sign another max free agent or joining Bosh n Wade in Miami or the the baby Bulls.

long term the Cavs make the least sense.

New member
May 15, 2007
I've watched this guy from the start and I don't see why guys get this impression of him. For a young guy, I think he's pretty mature, professional and handles himself very well. Guy doesn't run his mouth and say stupid things to the media. For all the media attention he's received, I'd say I'm quite impressed with how he's handled himself.

Also, the entire circus surrounding him is media driven and ESPN is the big culprit. For god's sake, they did a countdown to the beginning of free agency on their network. He can't control what they discuss.

all of what you just said would go out the window if he were to really screw around with cleveland's minds on thursday night and go to miami, ny, or chicago. This is agonizing enough for all fans involved, but he would be really throwing a pie in cleveland's faces.

But why the hell would he stay in cleveland now when the other three teams look so tempting, especially miami?

New member
May 15, 2007
think that is what the hour long special is for. to soften the blow and pay tribute to the fans of Cleveland.

you dont need an hour long event with proceeds going to charity just to announce your coming back. think about how disgruntled this guy was in his presser after being eliminated from the play offs, he wanted nothing to do with the Cavs. Now all the sudden he is coming back and holding an hour long event to appease the Cavs...dunno bout that.

No matter how much he would try to soften it, he would become the most hated man in cleveland for pulling a stunt like this. As big of an ego that he has, I'm not sure he has the heart to do that to cleveland and his home town. If he does, he's going to have a pretty bad image floating around him amongst players and other teams. Maybe Chris Bosh would've done this with more star-power, but not even Kobe thought about pulling this crap off.

Sep 21, 2004
This is a just another example of how money have kill sports in this day and time.I really cant see how anyone would like this jerk after this pr move.I guess he cant be better on the court than Kobe and he will never walk in Jordan shoes so he is doing it this way.Oh by the way what the name of the movie he doing this summer.......lol.....ck

New member
Mar 29, 2007
No matter how much he would try to soften it, he would become the most hated man in cleveland for pulling a stunt like this. As big of an ego that he has, I'm not sure he has the heart to do that to cleveland and his home town. If he does, he's going to have a pretty bad image floating around him amongst players and other teams. Maybe Chris Bosh would've done this with more star-power, but not even Kobe thought about pulling this crap off.

why? why does he absolutely have to stay committed to Cleveland and if not hes a criminal? people make changes and move on in life....

Im not disagreeing with you cause I think thats how Cleveland will re act too but I also think its ridiculous.

New member
Jan 10, 2010
hes staying in cleveland 100% obvious. no way he has a special to stab his hometown in the back. if he woulda left it woulda been done more quietly. i do think the charity thing is a cover for the ego in place though.

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