Jazz's Korver reflects on racism, white privilege


May 27, 2007
A small example.

Jerry Stackhouse was hired to be the next Vanderbilt Men's Basketball Head Coach. Stackhouse has no college or NBA coaching experience. Others in the running for the job were Belmont's Rick Byrd, Wichita State's Greg Marshall and Murray State's Matt McMahon.

Now I'm not saying Stackhouse got the job over these three successful white college coaches because he's black but he, by far, was the least qualified of the bunch.

Giving a 7-year deal to a coach in the SEC with zero experience is a head scratcher.

May 27, 2007

May 27, 2007
If you could change places with an unqualified minority....you wouldn’t. Meaning real professional jobs aren’t looking for unqualified minorities. LMFAO. Shit is unreal you morons have no idea about anything. Seriously.

If you guys are talking restaurant jobs I don’t know your line of work. But maybe Racist Sams resume is mostly restaurant work. First of all there are a lot of fucking restaurants. You can find work. But I don’t think you want to work hard.

Well, no shit, because even if I were a minority, I'd become QUALIFIED through effort, determination and hard work.

May 27, 2007

I am starting to see what’s really going on here. Wow.

lazy fucking racist degenerates lmfaoooo can’t get a good job and angry at the world
. LMFAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

College admissions job applications. Omfg this shit is unreal.

You legit are trying to make an argument for the reason why you are a broke white college graduate living off of your parents money? And you think making shit up like this is going to help you understand why you aren’t successful? Lmfao unreal.

This is why you are tutoring little kids for income and on here at 8:30 AM sharp every morning. Because this is your outlook. This is your perspective.

Makes perfect sense about the racist shit now. You’re angry. Thanks for all that.

Always the liberal response. How dare you discuss Affirmative Action? If you do, you must be a racist according to Mob and his merry bunch of liberal friends.

Mob has made this accusation time and again against people here. Accused people of racism and making homophobic remarks yet never provides one shred of evidence.

As a matter of fact, Mob has used the homophobic slur f****tt more than anyone on this site.

Dec 15, 2017
Because the truth is, that Asian American households earn far more money than anyone else. The median income for Asians, is close to $69,000 a year; it’s $57,000 for whites, and $33,000 for blacks—so the question becomes, why? And the answer is found in stable homes and in emphasis on education; 88 percent of Asian Americans graduate from high school compared to 86 percent for whites and just 69 percent of blacks.

Like I stated before... THERE IS NO PRIVILEGE! 3 simple things to do to become successful in the US, no matter WHAT YOUR RACE.

1. Get an education
2. Dont have children out of wedlock
3. Have gainful employment

Those that ARENT successful in the US (white, black, asian, indian, martian, etc...) has more than likely broke 1 or more of those rules.

Why is the black community on the bottom of the success list? If you answer these questions, you will see why.

In 1965 What was the black single motherhood rate? Black incarceration rate? Graduation rate? Average income compared to rest of the non-black population?

Now... Answer those same questions, but to the most recent years.

What changed?

(I expect deflection and possible insults, instead of answering the questions, maybe I will somehow become racist?)

There's no point in bringing facts to the argument. Mob can only argue in incoherent dialogue.

Jul 2, 2010
A small example.

Jerry Stackhouse was hired to be the next Vanderbilt Men's Basketball Head Coach. Stackhouse has no college or NBA coaching experience. Others in the running for the job were Belmont's Rick Byrd, Wichita State's Greg Marshall and Murray State's Matt McMahon.

Now I'm not saying Stackhouse got the job over these three successful white college coaches because he's black but he, by far, was the least qualified of the bunch.

Giving a 7-year deal to a coach in the SEC with zero experience is a head scratcher.

I don’t disagree about Stackhouse being a head scratcher, but I believe all three coaches you mentioned had no interest in the job. Byrd is old and retired, McMahon announced his intention to sign an extension with Murray St and much bigger fish than Vandy couldn’t pull Marshall away from Wichita.

May 27, 2007
I don’t disagree about Stackhouse being a head scratcher, but I believe all three coaches you mentioned had no interest in the job. Byrd is old and retired, McMahon announced his intention to sign an extension with Murray St and much bigger fish than Vandy couldn’t pull Marshall away from Wichita.

Well yeah, totally understand. Throw three other names in there instead. All based on the same premise.
Feb 6, 2007
No such thing as "White Privilege" just do 3 simple things, and you will have an over 90% chance to be successful in the US. It goes for ALL races and sexes. Those who live in poverty more than likely broke ONE OR MORE of these rules:

1. Get an education
2. Dont have children out of wedlock
3. Have gainful employment

Made up term used to silence any white who has the audacity to call bullshit when being lectured.

Because the truth is, that Asian American households earn far more money than anyone else. The median income for Asians, is close to $69,000 a year; it’s $57,000 for whites, and $33,000 for blacks—so the question becomes, why? And the answer is found in stable homes and in emphasis on education; 88 percent of Asian Americans graduate from high school compared to 86 percent for whites and just 69 percent of blacks.

Like I stated before... THERE IS NO PRIVILEGE! 3 simple things to do to become successful in the US, no matter WHAT YOUR RACE.

1. Get an education
2. Dont have children out of wedlock
3. Have gainful employment

Those that ARENT successful in the US (white, black, asian, indian, martian, etc...) has more than likely broke 1 or more of those rules.

Why is the black community on the bottom of the success list? If you answer these questions, you will see why.

In 1965 What was the black single motherhood rate? Black incarceration rate? Graduation rate? Average income compared to rest of the non-black population?

Now... Answer those same questions, but to the most recent years.

What changed?

(I expect deflection and possible insults, instead of answering the questions, maybe I will somehow become racist?)

After I’m done in here, you guys can start referring to me as Sir. With please and thank yous attached.

Im going to try to be short and sweet but probably not really possible.

Everyone I think will admit that they didn’t choose their life and their race. No one chooses their parents. I don’t know what you racists think but I will assume everyone believes that. So if you are black you didn’t choose to be black. If you are white you didn’t choose to be white. Got that so far?

Okay. Now the privilege part of it....this part of it resonates everywhere. When you walk into a store and you aren’t presumed as a threat to steal anything just because you are white and not colored is white privilege. When you are at home and you have the luxury of turning on your TV and going to every channel there is to see white people portrayed in a positive light, while on your local news they’re showing black people wanted or police looking for minorities to harass. Ever seen “Cops?” Thats white privilege. Walking freely in the United States without having to be held accountable for the same laws everyone else does. That’s white privilege. White privilege exists because of history. White privilege is justness racial bias. That’s all it really is. It isn’t racist until it turns into action. And you charge something against a colored person that you don’t and wouldn’t charge against a white person.

Take a look at NY. Lot of crime. Lot of colored people. And a lot of police corruption.
Y’all know who Ray Tillery was? When he flicked his cigarette onto the street and the police surrounded him and swarmed him and in the video shows about 8 cops slamming him to the ground. All for just doing what millions of people do every day...putting a cigarette out in public. 8 cops tackling this dude to the ground because he flicked a cigarette out. For every 10 people stopped by the NYPD 8 are black or Hispanic. Police have a license to hurt, shoot and kill people and get away with it. Nothing happens to them. Blue wall of violence/silence. NYPD might be the most harsh example there is in the country but it’s in the United States in a monumental city.

You guys must be thinking....”oh there had to be something else he was doing.” Sorry.

And of course your guys favorite....Systematic racism. That’s white privilege.

When your mentality is US vs them and they train not to identify with the people

There is no fucking screening process whatsoever for Racism. Imagine if the police department can hire somebody with a tattoo on his arm of a hanging black person like he’s being lynched. And they still qualify to be a New York City police officer. Has that happened? Yes. So imagine that.

White people don’t get arrested as much. The criminal justice system doesn’t prosecute them as much. It doesn’t charge them the same way that they charge minorities. There’s a total imbalance to the process that people sanction because they turn a blind eye to it. Which leads to a ton of false incarcerations truthfully. Shoddy ass racial profiling police work, they don’t give a fuck about WHO did it. As long as some minority goes down for it who can’t defend it then case closed. And the public knows this. Just say it was a black guy and ID him when they stop some random dude walking down the street and he will go down for it. Happens all the time and the dude pleas for something he didn’t do. Happens many times everyday. That’s how fucked up and corrupt or justice system is. So no I don’t blame minorities for everything like you guys do.
Feb 6, 2007
A small example.

Jerry Stackhouse was hired to be the next Vanderbilt Men's Basketball Head Coach. Stackhouse has no college or NBA coaching experience. Others in the running for the job were Belmont's Rick Byrd, Wichita State's Greg Marshall and Murray State's Matt McMahon.

Now I'm not saying Stackhouse got the job over these three successful white college coaches because he's black but he, by far, was the least qualified of the bunch.

Giving a 7-year deal to a coach in the SEC with zero experience is a head scratcher.

Lol. I hope it’s a small example because it’s a bad one imo. He is very much qualified to be a college basketball coach.

You know they had to invent a Rooney Rule in the NFL right because no black coaches ever would get hired, qualified or not. I think all of you old fucks wish you lived in the 1940’s or some shit. Just because you are living now and refusing to change with the times doesn’t mean you are right. It’s sort of sickening to see your guys perspectives.
Feb 6, 2007
The murder and killing of Eric Garner, that stop was illegal to begin with. They never should have stopped or approached that man to begin with.

And that’s the type of shit I am talking about.

You swore to uphold the constitution. To protect and serve!!!!!! You can’t say minorities commit all these crimes and are so pathetic to society when you have police violating people’s rights like they don’t know what the fuck their job is. And it starts from where guys? It starts at the fucking top.

You guys all know there is a constitution right? That police took an oath to protect our rights. You guys know that right? It starts at the fucking top.

Now come back with your shitty rebuttles....” oh if the black guy doesn’t leave his family then the kids wouldn’t go down for something he didn’t do.” Or something like that.....

Feb 6, 2007
Blue isis....domestic terrorism. Biggest threat to America.

Oct 11, 2014
After I’m done in here, you guys can start referring to me as Sir. With please and thank yous attached.

Im going to try to be short and sweet but probably not really possible.

Everyone I think will admit that they didn’t choose their life and their race. No one chooses their parents. I don’t know what you racists think but I will assume everyone believes that. So if you are black you didn’t choose to be black. If you are white you didn’t choose to be white. Got that so far?

Okay. Now the privilege part of it....this part of it resonates everywhere. When you walk into a store and you aren’t presumed as a threat to steal anything just because you are white and not colored is white privilege. When you are at home and you have the luxury of turning on your TV and going to every channel there is to see white people portrayed in a positive light, while on your local news they’re showing black people wanted or police looking for minorities to harass. Ever seen “Cops?” Thats white privilege. Walking freely in the United States without having to be held accountable for the same laws everyone else does. That’s white privilege. White privilege exists because of history. White privilege is justness racial bias. That’s all it really is. It isn’t racist until it turns into action. And you charge something against a colored person that you don’t and wouldn’t charge against a white person.

Take a look at NY. Lot of crime. Lot of colored people. And a lot of police corruption.
Y’all know who Ray Tillery was? When he flicked his cigarette onto the street and the police surrounded him and swarmed him and in the video shows about 8 cops slamming him to the ground. All for just doing what millions of people do every day...putting a cigarette out in public. 8 cops tackling this dude to the ground because he flicked a cigarette out. For every 10 people stopped by the NYPD 8 are black or Hispanic. Police have a license to hurt, shoot and kill people and get away with it. Nothing happens to them. Blue wall of violence/silence. NYPD might be the most harsh example there is in the country but it’s in the United States in a monumental city.

You guys must be thinking....”oh there had to be something else he was doing.” Sorry.

And of course your guys favorite....Systematic racism. That’s white privilege.

When your mentality is US vs them and they train not to identify with the people

There is no fucking screening process whatsoever for Racism. Imagine if the police department can hire somebody with a tattoo on his arm of a hanging black person like he’s being lynched. And they still qualify to be a New York City police officer. Has that happened? Yes. So imagine that.

White people don’t get arrested as much. The criminal justice system doesn’t prosecute them as much. It doesn’t charge them the same way that they charge minorities. There’s a total imbalance to the process that people sanction because they turn a blind eye to it. Which leads to a ton of false incarcerations truthfully. Shoddy ass racial profiling police work, they don’t give a fuck about WHO did it. As long as some minority goes down for it who can’t defend it then case closed. And the public knows this. Just say it was a black guy and ID him when they stop some random dude walking down the street and he will go down for it. Happens all the time and the dude pleas for something he didn’t do. Happens many times everyday. That’s how fucked up and corrupt or justice system is. So no I don’t blame minorities for everything like you guys do.

Feb 6, 2007
Because the truth is, that Asian American households earn far more money than anyone else. The median income for Asians, is close to $69,000 a year; it’s $57,000 for whites, and $33,000 for blacks—so the question becomes, why? And the answer is found in stable homes and in emphasis on education; 88 percent of Asian Americans graduate from high school compared to 86 percent for whites and just 69 percent of blacks.

Like I stated before... THERE IS NO PRIVILEGE! 3 simple things to do to become successful in the US, no matter WHAT YOUR RACE.

1. Get an education
2. Dont have children out of wedlock
3. Have gainful employment

Those that ARENT successful in the US (white, black, asian, indian, martian, etc...) has more than likely broke 1 or more of those rules.

Why is the black community on the bottom of the success list? If you answer these questions, you will see why.

In 1965 What was the black single motherhood rate? Black incarceration rate? Graduation rate? Average income compared to rest of the non-black population?

Now... Answer those same questions, but to the most recent years.

What changed?

(I expect deflection and possible insults, instead of answering the questions, maybe I will somehow become racist?)

Lmfao. You’ve been answered. But no seriously I’m not here to make anyone look stupid, except a few. But not you guys. You guys are good peoples.

Shit if you read what I said you would maybe realize what they realize....that they might go down and their life be fucked over something they didn’t even do. So why not take the chance and rob something or take the chance and sell crack? You might try to be the perfect fucking citizen or you made one dumb mistake as a kid like we all do...and you still go down for it.

But how can you get an education locked up in jail for something you didn’t do? How can you get good employment coming out from a plea agreement? You can’t. Your life is fucked. Back to the block. And then you’ll probably end up doing something worse. That’s the system. They get you early.

May 27, 2007
Lmfao. You’ve been answered. But no seriously I’m not here to make anyone look stupid, except a few. But not you guys. You guys are good peoples.

Shit if you read what I said you would maybe realize what they realize....that they might go down and their life be fucked over something they didn’t even do. So why not take the chance and rob something or take the chance and sell crack? You might try to be the perfect fucking citizen or you made one dumb mistake as a kid like we all do...and you still go down for it.

But how can you get an education locked up in jail for something you didn’t do? How can you get good employment coming out from a plea agreement? You can’t. Your life is fucked. Back to the block. And then you’ll probably end up doing something worse. That’s the system. They get you early.

It’s always the system’s fault with you.
Feb 6, 2007
Now ima tell a quick story real quick.... my moms brother, a white hippy about 18-19 years old in the 70’s, was riding his motorcycle with his girlfriend in the evening.... he and his gf stop at McDonald’s, where 4 or 5 kids are hanging out. They decide to follow my uncle and his girlfriend when they leave.

They get on the road and these 4-5 kids are in a truck and they start fucking with my uncle on his bike. They end up hitting him in the rear and he loses control of his bike, the girl goes flying off the bike ricocheting off someone’s windshield and landing in the grass.

uncle meanwhile ejected the bike and landed on the opposite side of the road...And a drunk driver who was a doctor ran over him.

Long story short, they broke tons of bones but both still survived.

The 4-5 kids had connections. One of them was the senators son. They all got the option to enlist in the Army instead of jail time. They all took it. Easy way out. The drunk doctor didnt serve any jail time. My uncle got paid $25K in a settlement.

Thats in the 70’s. But can you imagine if they were colored? They might have seen the chair lol.
Feb 6, 2007
Another story I have told many of times...I think once here....

I was working V fest one year I think in 2012 or something down at Pimlico in Baltimore.

This story is fucking nuts. About 4 of us are crashing at my friends house who lives down there. We wake up at 4 am from a loud bang in the kitchen. We wake up and walk in the kitchen to see somebody’s arm in the window trying to open the handle to get in. We are legit watching a stranger break in. As soon as he gets in his arm is gushing blood from breaking the window. We are all questioning who the fuck he is and he yells something in Spanish to some Mexican dude outside our front steps and the dude runs off. This kid who broke in is as white as a piece of paper and he is extremely intoxicated and very emotional like pleading we wouldn’t kick his ass so my friend who owns the place finally wakes up and wants to call the police.

They police show up 10 minutes later......

This kid becomes more irate. First of all this is a fucking intruder who none of us know and he just broke into this home at 4 am with some Mexican that he told to run off. We tell all this to the police when they arrive.... still no cuffs. They want the story from the intruder. So they walk in the kitchen and this kid becomes more irate. Starts telling them about his dad blahblahb just sounded like a bunch of drunk bullshit. He then two hand pushes a cop.

Cop yells....”HEY!” Still doesn’t cuff him. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime. TV or in person. Never.

Still to this day I have no idea what happened to him. Police just took it into their own hands. I’m sure I could request that information but it’s too long ago to remember who the cops were who arrived at the call. Shit was crazy.

if that was a minority...they would have been knocked out and being sent to the hospital.

Oct 11, 2014
Another story I have told many of times...I think once here....

I was working V fest one year I think in 2012 or something down at Pimlico in Baltimore.

This story is fucking nuts. About 4 of us are crashing at my friends house who lives down there. We wake up at 4 am from a loud bang in the kitchen. We wake up and walk in the kitchen to see somebody’s arm in the window trying to open the handle to get in. We are legit watching a stranger break in. As soon as he gets in his arm is gushing blood from breaking the window. We are all questioning who the fuck he is and he yells something in Spanish to some Mexican dude outside our front steps and the dude runs off. This kid who broke in is as white as a piece of paper and he is extremely intoxicated and very emotional like pleading we wouldn’t kick his ass so my friend who owns the place finally wakes up and wants to call the police.

They police show up 10 minutes later......

This kid becomes more irate. First of all this is a fucking intruder who none of us know and he just broke into this home at 4 am with some Mexican that he told to run off. We tell all this to the police when they arrive.... still no cuffs. They want the story from the intruder. So they walk in the kitchen and this kid becomes more irate. Starts telling them about his dad blahblahb just sounded like a bunch of drunk bullshit. He then two hand pushes a cop.

Cop yells....”HEY!” Still doesn’t cuff him. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime. TV or in person. Never.

Still to this day I have no idea what happened to him. Police just took it into their own hands. I’m sure I could request that information but it’s too long ago to remember who the cops were who arrived at the call. Shit was crazy.

if that was a minority...they would have been knocked out and being sent to the hospital.

What a Goof. :):):):):):)azzkick(&^Hit the ignore feature STAT!
Feb 6, 2007
What a Goof. :):):):):):)azzkick(&^Hit the ignore feature STAT!

Yall are right.....all I do is derail threads. Lmfaoooooooo into real shit. How my nuts taste PulledChicken?

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