Jazz's Korver reflects on racism, white privilege


Dec 15, 2017


New member
Aug 28, 2012
No offense but you are also completely clueless about what white privilege is.

White Privilege doesnt exist.

Everything you can say about "White Privilege" in the US, I can counterpoint to another race doing better in almost all categories.

Want to debate and prove me wrong?

May 27, 2007
No offense but you are also completely clueless about what white privilege is.

If anyone has privilege now, it's minorities via affirmative action. Not the most qualified for a job? No problem, come on in. Don't have enough credit to secure a loan? No worries.

Dec 15, 2017
LMFAOOOOO. You are the biggest laughing stock here. A fucking loser. Calling other people race baiters when you post gorilla pictures directed at me because of my avatar. My God you are a fucking idiot , how can you speak and keep telling lies?

You don’t know what white privilege is, shut the fuck up. “The problem is people use the term to attack whites.” You’re a fucking idiot.

If you are not opting in you are opting out. Clearly your racist ass has opted out long ago. One day your little kid ass will grow up or someone will knock you out or even worse you’ll go through your whole life as a racist and learn a lot of lessons the hard way.

You're calling me the leader of the KKK and mentioning me as a racist in your signature, yet I'm one of the few guys here who actually believes white privilege exists

You take retardation to a new level

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Time to go back to the drawing board. You just missed the history of the universe and the reason for all the wars.

But, then again, you think this dollar store contraption flew through space:

How people can examine this picture and explain away ridiculous excuses out their assholes is the height of denial. If I told you this "airtight" spacecraft examined the sea floor in the 1970's, you'd probably believe it if I said it was a direct report from the US government.

You mean Jewish people don't tend to be white?

Oct 18, 2008
The social justice warriors ESPN didn't need to write a story about it. Doesn't have anything to do with sports.

It was written by an NBA player. I think it fits into the realm of what ESPN covers

Feb 20, 2019
No offense but you are also completely clueless about what white privilege is.

You can tell there's not much intelligence or objective posters here. Willie99 made a terrible case and it hurt his side more than anything.

Nobody is denying that Asians, Indians and certain races excel and dominate academics and financially in America. Building wealth after coming to this country with 20 dollars in their pockets. We acknowledge that and give them props.

But what the hell does that have to do with the argument against white privilege existing? I mean I know the weak point this guy was trying to make but it doesn't even make any sense. Lol.

Whites are still getting an advantage for white collar jobs..ahem, CEO positions manager positions etc. How the hell does the Vietnamese succeeding against all odds relate to white privilege?

How do we fight white privilege when people even deny that it exists? That's why we have a long way to go.

Many whites don't see it because they can never see it.

If you don't think being white gives you an upper hand right from the start you are either delusional, in denial or full of shit lol.

Those whites that willie speaks of that made it, even though they worked hard and went to school etc still partially made it because they were white. That helped them along the way I guarantee you.

This guy is talking about the great depression era LOL. Yes very relevant indeed cough cough. Those whites during that era were dealt a heavy blow but how lucky for them that they were white and can go out and easily get hired or go to school and get fast tracked to promotions and high paying jobs because they are white? How would a minority fair in that depression? Would they even be hired to some of the jobs that those people obtained?

Now having said that, let's stick to 2019 shall we? Lol.

White people saying white privilege doesn't exist should be ignored right off the bat lol

Who has the better chance at surviving a routine traffic stop where there's a misunderstand or what not? A white or a black?

How many of those poor white americans were eventually able to afford farms and land that their ancestors inherited and all that wealth that was accumulated over that time from the olden days?

When blacks were left behind and their kids and their kids never got that same chance? All that shouldn't affect how hard they work or study now but if we are talking about the great depression and olden days you can't ignore how whites accumulated and inherited land and wealth over time and it's helping them lead luxurious lives or at least their kids' kids or their kids whatever. Blacks had opportunities too but not to the extent whites did.

Being white means tailoring the media and books and school system to suit their needs and make them appear to have the image of good people, non violent people. Where other history books in other countries paint the whites as savages when they took over other lands and raped and killed and all sorts of atrocities, whites tailored the textbooks that paint over or leave out such details.

White privilege means you never have to be followed around shopping mall or store because you're black in a store/city where they don't see many blacks.

White privilege means a lot of things but mostly it means you're getting the top white collar positions. That's fact.

So when you talk about the Vietnamese or Indians or Chinese etc succeeding and building wealth then hell yeah I give them props. But whites? Meh. Yeah some of them do it too but the system is tailormade for them to succeed so nothing special there.

Learn something people. Open your minds and wake up to the country you live in.

Any white man that denies white privilege exists is secretly fuming that there's programs out there helping to even the playing field and they miss it being heavily favored towards them (which it still is)

Thank God for affirmative action, campaigns against racism and just generally the younger generations become more and more liberal and less racist.

My parents accumulated wealth as first generation Asians and they often said look at the blacks they are just lazy and make excuses but it's easy to point fingers. Only later did they understand what disadvantages they have.

Who are you to talk about the Vietnamese Willie? How do you know what they've been through? Just because they made it means they that America isn't racist or white privilege exists? Do you not think those Vietnamese (which you sort of eluded to reluctantly) faced racism and huge hurtles due to the fact that they weren't white?! Duh! You admitted it in your own words you clown! That's white privilege too! When you avoid these things and don't have to face those obstacles.

How the hell would most of you ever understand or empathize with a minority and how it feels and what toll it takes on you when you are called a nig er or sp c, or chi k or whatever? Most of the time you are the majority everywhere you go and now that America is getting more and more people of color in it look how nervous you are getting. So imagine what it was like for minorities back in the olden day?

Now don't even try to use that weak argument of oh we get called h nkey or this n that too. If you don't realize why it's not the same (it's still wrong) then you don't get it.

Moddeeper7239..preach all you want but there's some cowardly, stubborn, old aged racists on here and they will never understand. They are just dinosaurs stuck in their ways and luckily most of them are old Af and will wither away in the coming years and make America a better place than it already is.

We've made progress yes but until the playing field is completely even it will be an issue and the groups involved should keep fighting for more and more equality.

Feb 20, 2019
If anyone has privilege now, it's minorities via affirmative action. Not the most qualified for a job? No problem, come on in. Don't have enough credit to secure a loan? No worries.

You have stats on how many minorities get loans without qualified credit? You think banks just hand out credit because you are a minority or do you just make stuff up as you go?

Affirmative action? My God what state would minorities be in if there was no affirmative action? Do you not realize most CEO, top managerial jobs are still held by whites?

You think affirmative action gives minorities an edge then you don't even understand affirmative action.

You think many companies don't just go and comply, meet their quote for the token black or Chinese guy and then go back to hiring whites only especially for the manager positions etc?

Minorities don't have a privilege they are just being given somewhat a chance to even the playing field but it's nowhere close to being evened out. If you really think minorities have a privilege then you are really misled and ill informed.

I still don't know where you got the loan thing from.

May 27, 2007
It was written by an NBA player. I think it fits into the realm of what ESPN covers

You know as well as I do they covered it because it's written by a white guy apologizing for having fake white privilege. That's why they covered it. ESPN is almost as political as any news network out there and stories like this reaffirm that fact even though they deny it.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
You can tell there's not much intelligence or objective posters here. Willie99 made a terrible case and it hurt his side more than anything.

Nobody is denying that Asians, Indians and certain races excel and dominate academics and financially in America. Building wealth after coming to this country with 20 dollars in their pockets. We acknowledge that and give them props.

But what the hell does that have to do with the argument against white privilege existing? I mean I know the weak point this guy was trying to make but it doesn't even make any sense. Lol.

Whites are still getting an advantage for white collar jobs..ahem, CEO positions manager positions etc. How the hell does the Vietnamese succeeding against all odds relate to white privilege?

How do we fight white privilege when people even deny that it exists? That's why we have a long way to go.

Many whites don't see it because they can never see it.

If you don't think being white gives you an upper hand right from the start you are either delusional, in denial or full of shit lol.

Those whites that willie speaks of that made it, even though they worked hard and went to school etc still partially made it because they were white. That helped them along the way I guarantee you.

This guy is talking about the great depression era LOL. Yes very relevant indeed cough cough. Those whites during that era were dealt a heavy blow but how lucky for them that they were white and can go out and easily get hired or go to school and get fast tracked to promotions and high paying jobs because they are white? How would a minority fair in that depression? Would they even be hired to some of the jobs that those people obtained?

Now having said that, let's stick to 2019 shall we? Lol.

White people saying white privilege doesn't exist should be ignored right off the bat lol

Who has the better chance at surviving a routine traffic stop where there's a misunderstand or what not? A white or a black?

How many of those poor white americans were eventually able to afford farms and land that their ancestors inherited and all that wealth that was accumulated over that time from the olden days?

When blacks were left behind and their kids and their kids never got that same chance? All that shouldn't affect how hard they work or study now but if we are talking about the great depression and olden days you can't ignore how whites accumulated and inherited land and wealth over time and it's helping them lead luxurious lives or at least their kids' kids or their kids whatever. Blacks had opportunities too but not to the extent whites did.

Being white means tailoring the media and books and school system to suit their needs and make them appear to have the image of good people, non violent people. Where other history books in other countries paint the whites as savages when they took over other lands and raped and killed and all sorts of atrocities, whites tailored the textbooks that paint over or leave out such details.

White privilege means you never have to be followed around shopping mall or store because you're black in a store/city where they don't see many blacks.

White privilege means a lot of things but mostly it means you're getting the top white collar positions. That's fact.

So when you talk about the Vietnamese or Indians or Chinese etc succeeding and building wealth then hell yeah I give them props. But whites? Meh. Yeah some of them do it too but the system is tailormade for them to succeed so nothing special there.

Learn something people. Open your minds and wake up to the country you live in.

Any white man that denies white privilege exists is secretly fuming that there's programs out there helping to even the playing field and they miss it being heavily favored towards them (which it still is)

Thank God for affirmative action, campaigns against racism and just generally the younger generations become more and more liberal and less racist.

My parents accumulated wealth as first generation Asians and they often said look at the blacks they are just lazy and make excuses but it's easy to point fingers. Only later did they understand what disadvantages they have.

Who are you to talk about the Vietnamese Willie? How do you know what they've been through? Just because they made it means they that America isn't racist or white privilege exists? Do you not think those Vietnamese (which you sort of eluded to reluctantly) faced racism and huge hurtles due to the fact that they weren't white?! Duh! You admitted it in your own words you clown! That's white privilege too! When you avoid these things and don't have to face those obstacles.

How the hell would most of you ever understand or empathize with a minority and how it feels and what toll it takes on you when you are called a nig er or sp c, or chi k or whatever? Most of the time you are the majority everywhere you go and now that America is getting more and more people of color in it look how nervous you are getting. So imagine what it was like for minorities back in the olden day?

Now don't even try to use that weak argument of oh we get called h nkey or this n that too. If you don't realize why it's not the same (it's still wrong) then you don't get it.

Moddeeper7239..preach all you want but there's some cowardly, stubborn, old aged racists on here and they will never understand. They are just dinosaurs stuck in their ways and luckily most of them are old Af and will wither away in the coming years and make America a better place than it already is.

We've made progress yes but until the playing field is completely even it will be an issue and the groups involved should keep fighting for more and more equality.


May 27, 2007
You have stats on how many minorities get loans without qualified credit? You think banks just hand out credit because you are a minority or do you just make stuff up as you go?

Affirmative action? My God what state would minorities be in if there was no affirmative action? Do you not realize most CEO, top managerial jobs are still held by whites?

You think affirmative action gives minorities an edge then you don't even understand affirmative action.

You think many companies don't just go and comply, meet their quote for the token black or Chinese guy and then go back to hiring whites only especially for the manager positions etc?

Minorities don't have a privilege they are just being given somewhat a chance to even the playing field but it's nowhere close to being evened out. If you really think minorities have a privilege then you are really misled and ill informed.

I still don't know where you got the loan thing from.

Do you agree that some minorities get some jobs they are unqualified for based on race?

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]University of Kansas to offer 'Angry White Male Studies' course[/h]

The course catalog description states: "Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals."


In case anyone is wondering where people like Korver get these idiotic ideas.

New member
Jan 29, 2009
Made up term used to silence any white who has the audacity to call bullshit when being lectured.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
No such thing as "White Privilege" just do 3 simple things, and you will have an over 90% chance to be successful in the US. It goes for ALL races and sexes. Those who live in poverty more than likely broke ONE OR MORE of these rules:

1. Get an education
2. Dont have children out of wedlock
3. Have gainful employment
Feb 6, 2007
You're calling me the leader of the KKK and mentioning me as a racist in your signature, yet I'm one of the few guys here who actually believes white privilege exists

You take retardation to a new level

Lol so you are saying Willie and everybody who doesn’t believe in white privilege is racist? Lol ok.

You are a racist whether or not you believe or understand white privilege....my guess though is that you also have no idea what really white privilege is.

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