i'm done....



A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Jun 25, 2008
how the hell does a 22 year old kid have 15k available in credit cards. thats a disaster to happen, gambling with it or just in general for a 22 year old to have that much.

It's not that hard. Although I know I was dumb to do this I used the 35 k I got when I turned 21 from my parents, grandparents and other relatives to put into gambling accounts and I've turned it into well over 125 k now almost 3 years later. It's a dumb thing to do as the money was supposed to be for something like a car or a down payment on my first house, but I'd figure I'd use the money to make some more of it. It worked out for me, but I know a couple of people that did the same thing only to lose almost all of it.

When kids just start gambling they think it's the easiest shit in the world. If you grow up watching all these sports you feel like you can pick who will win easily, so a lot of kids take all the money they can get and try to make themselves rich. For some it works, for many it doesn't.
Jul 10, 2008
no offense but last night you were wanting to have players babies because they won a bet for you. Tonight you're quitting? It appears you can't handle the highs and lows of gambling. You get too excited when you win and too down when you lose. You're going to lose when you handicap no matter how good you might be. The best handicappers in the world are around 58% meaning they lose more than 40% of the time. If you are in it to make money then look at it as a long-term investment like the stock market, not as a quick way to make money. Always trying to hit the big one and the quick buck usually doesn't work. Find an amount to play per unit and play it consistent. I have learned a lot in the years I have been doing this. I used to bet smaller amounts and do well and then think oh this is easy I will step up the bets and they seemed to always lose. It's harder to pick a winner when you are pressured to "have to win a game". That's why chasing almost always ends badly. Do you think people on wall street jump off buildings after a bad week, month or year (and yes wall street has bad years...look at this year). They look at it for what it is...a long term investment. I have always said that sports handicapping is very much like the stock market. If you're serious about winning - have a plan and stick to it. Aways look other than the obvious...the oddsmakers know more than you. If you're in it for fun then figure up and amount that you don't care to lose and bet that amount and don't stress if you lose.

New member
Jun 1, 2006
how the hell does a 22 year old kid have 15k available in credit cards. thats a disaster to happen, gambling with it or just in general for a 22 year old to have that much.

Anyone can get 15k in credit cards. I have a buddy that went in 8k in just a few months of gambling. Not that hard.

New member
May 11, 2005
anytime i tried to use a credit card it would always get declined, the credit card company wouldnt let me use it for sportsbooks

New member
Feb 14, 2008
first of all, I appreciate all the resonses by people who had genuine words of advice or ideas on how to grind it back, and for that I sincerely thank you. unfortunately, a couple sites DO take credit cards (betonline is the one that comes up) and I also was buying phone cards to fund accounts (before both 5 dimes and betjamaica took down that option). Getting my credit card limit that high was too easy, as I just kept hitting "increase your credit card limit" online, and within minutes would get an increase of a couple of thousand dollars. I do not want to blame the local bookie that STILL has not paid me after over a month, but after being up over 13 grand on him, hitting him hard week after week, he refused to pay me. Instead of closing up shop until he DID pay, I tried to make him pay, and I came up losing bigtime. Now he owes me around 3500, which I still don't know if he'll pay me, and I am faced with a decision: try to grind back some of the money I lost by sticking TO ONLY STRAIGHT BETS on plays that have a good chance of hitting and only betting a small amount (say 75$ per play)....or take the money, put it towards the credit card debt, and start trying to find a 2nd job that I can perform while taking care of the rest of my responsibilities. All of you are right, I was freaking out in a good way when things FINALLY went my way the other day, and now when things don't go my way (tigers blow lead, dodgers lose to marlins, zona game goes over total in extras, seattle loses up 2-0 in 9th, etc etc.) I am down in the dumps...a clear sign that I was gambling WAYYY too much money and was not making rational, smart decisions. I understand that this is a long-term thing, that gambling is exactly what it sounds like, a gamble, yet I have recently lost site of that due to my financial situation. Not to go all storytelling on you all, but like most of you know, I started this betting a little bit, picking and choosing NBA, at a very high success rate. Eventually, after hitting a few parlays, I thought that this was the easiest thing in the world, picking games and sitting back and watching them happen. Now, just over 7 months after putting in my first bet, I have wagered between 10$ to 5,000 on 1 game (I lost the big one lol), have been up tens of thousands of dollars (which oddly enough gave me NO real joy), and am now down tens of thousands (which is giving me an early ulcer lol). If anything can be learned from this, I hope to inform people that gambling should NOT be something you put your rent money on. It can be fun, exciting, and perhaps make you a little extra beer money, but money management is the ABSOLUTE most important concept, something I unfortunately can preach but certainly did not practice myself. I don't know what I'm going to do from here on out, maybe wait a day or two to settle down and see what my options are....but I do respond everyone (and yes, that includes you TimetoPay) on the board, and sincerely wish everyone the best of luck in both their plays and in life. Take care, (and no, I REALLY did not mean to be this dramatic haha)


New member
Apr 7, 2008
first of all, I appreciate all the resonses by people who had genuine words of advice or ideas on how to grind it back, and for that I sincerely thank you. )


Let me help you out Miamiboy....Call your credit card company and dispute all the charges from the sportsbooks, prepaid cards, etc. I know someone that did this and they credited all the money back to his card. He claimed he didn't know how those charges got there. He showed me the credits on his credit card statement. I know you have to fax your DL and proof of address to these sportsbooks but that didn't matter. They didn't even try to dispute the claims.....Crazy!!! The sportsbooks tried calling him but he never answered their calls. Of course he can't wager online anymore but he doesn't care because he got out of that debt. It was over $10K. Good luck! I can't say I agree with what he did but it worked for him....

In the future my advice is to try to find another local (that pays) and only wager what you can pay at the end of every week.

New member
Feb 14, 2008
Let me help you out Miamiboy....Call your credit card company and dispute all the charges from the sportsbooks, prepaid cards, etc. I know someone that did this and they credited all the money back to his card. He claimed he didn't know how those charges got there. He showed me the credits on his credit card statement. I know you have to fax your DL and proof of address to these sportsbooks but that didn't matter. They didn't even try to dispute the claims.....Crazy!!! The sportsbooks tried calling him but he never answered their calls. Of course he can't wager online anymore but he doesn't care because he got out of that debt. It was over $10K. Good luck! I can't say I agree with what he did but it worked for him....

In the future my advice is to try to find another local (that pays) and only wager what you can pay at the end of every week.

the problem with that is, the credit card company would call to verify that it was indeed me making those charges, and they were crazy-looking to say the least, so I don't think this would work...although if it did work for your friend, it is definitely worth a shot.....

New member
May 10, 2008
first of all, I appreciate all the resonses by people who had genuine words of advice or ideas on how to grind it back, and for that I sincerely thank you. unfortunately, a couple sites DO take credit cards (betonline is the one that comes up) and I also was buying phone cards to fund accounts (before both 5 dimes and betjamaica took down that option). Getting my credit card limit that high was too easy, as I just kept hitting "increase your credit card limit" online, and within minutes would get an increase of a couple of thousand dollars. I do not want to blame the local bookie that STILL has not paid me after over a month, but after being up over 13 grand on him, hitting him hard week after week, he refused to pay me. Instead of closing up shop until he DID pay, I tried to make him pay, and I came up losing bigtime. Now he owes me around 3500, which I still don't know if he'll pay me, and I am faced with a decision: try to grind back some of the money I lost by sticking TO ONLY STRAIGHT BETS on plays that have a good chance of hitting and only betting a small amount (say 75$ per play)....or take the money, put it towards the credit card debt, and start trying to find a 2nd job that I can perform while taking care of the rest of my responsibilities. All of you are right, I was freaking out in a good way when things FINALLY went my way the other day, and now when things don't go my way (tigers blow lead, dodgers lose to marlins, zona game goes over total in extras, seattle loses up 2-0 in 9th, etc etc.) I am down in the dumps...a clear sign that I was gambling WAYYY too much money and was not making rational, smart decisions. I understand that this is a long-term thing, that gambling is exactly what it sounds like, a gamble, yet I have recently lost site of that due to my financial situation. Not to go all storytelling on you all, but like most of you know, I started this betting a little bit, picking and choosing NBA, at a very high success rate. Eventually, after hitting a few parlays, I thought that this was the easiest thing in the world, picking games and sitting back and watching them happen. Now, just over 7 months after putting in my first bet, I have wagered between 10$ to 5,000 on 1 game (I lost the big one lol), have been up tens of thousands of dollars (which oddly enough gave me NO real joy), and am now down tens of thousands (which is giving me an early ulcer lol). If anything can be learned from this, I hope to inform people that gambling should NOT be something you put your rent money on. It can be fun, exciting, and perhaps make you a little extra beer money, but money management is the ABSOLUTE most important concept, something I unfortunately can preach but certainly did not practice myself. I don't know what I'm going to do from here on out, maybe wait a day or two to settle down and see what my options are....but I do respond everyone (and yes, that includes you TimetoPay) on the board, and sincerely wish everyone the best of luck in both their plays and in life. Take care, (and no, I REALLY did not mean to be this dramatic haha)


1. stop gambling for now. You will only get deeper in the hole...do not chase
2. Pay off ALL of your debts, little by little. You need to feel the pains of your losses
3. When your debt is manageable where you have extra cash on hand, decide on whether or not you want to gable again. Puts things in perspective when your paycheck goes into your account and right back out to pay bills.
4. If you decide to gamble again, set a WEEKLY limit on max losses and a MAX limit per game.

Have been in the same situation. Lost my ass. Took 3 years to pay back my debts...didn't gamble during the time period. After I paid them off I got back in action thinking this time would be different and I would be smarter. After 1 week, the same bad habits were back. Called the local and asked him to cap me at 1000 for the week and max play at 150. Have won 4 consecutive weeks now, close to $3000. Much less stress than playing $2k per game. Plus, if you win, even $250 a week, that's an extra $1K spending money for the month.

Good luck, I feel your pain, as I am sure others do as well

New member
Jul 21, 2006
great way to end up with a lawsuit randy55. what the hell are you thinking lol

Cosa Nostra
Sep 14, 2006
All the best miamiboy86!!!

One day at a time. Bad beats are tough to swallow but unfortunately they happen to all of us.

Oct 9, 2006
The problem is that most of us bet exactly how miamiboy does. I have gotten up so many times, but for some reason I stress so much when Im chasing, but in the end I get much more of a thrill when Im down.

When Im up, I raise my bets each and every time ONLY because I need that thrill. Trust me...I know it's a disaster waiting to happen, but unfortunately that's how I get my thrills. I remember being up 5k one time (the most I had ever won) and thinking how it wasnt as fun than when I was trying to "get it all back."

My other issue is if Im up and then I lose and get below my highest point, I always feel like Im a big loser unless I end the week with my highest point of the week then. Again...a disaster waiting to happen, I know.

But isn't this how most of us do it? I truly wish I could do what you say in betting within your means each day, but it's too hard when a game is just staring at you as "easy money" or "a lock" and you dont want to miss out on the easy payout. I got burned yesterday because I heard people talk about the dbacks as a "lock" so I jumped on the Nats. Another important tip learned yesterday...sometimes the lines CAN be good to be true.

Good luck to you all today. Now Im in the sad disposition to going to Wrigley today with my son and somewhat hoping the Giants win ONLY because I wouldve laid alot on the Cubs today had the Nats won last night. So if the Giants win today, it will be like the Nats won last night and I bet the Cubs big today and they lost for me. Isnt that some sad shit. Its going to be 90 and sunny today at the most beautiful ball park in the world and I have somewhat of a negative feeling going into it.

Hell...I might even take the Giants today. Im hoping the crowd and seeing the ball flyout in BP doesnt force me to do something, but Im hoping to stay away from this one and play the evening slate. Ill keep ya posted. Time to go and try and get some autographs with my boy.

Apr 10, 2007
Those beats yesterday were cruel...Sorry to hear it and was on the Mariners with you..Nice advice here..In the end you wont listen to nobody but yourself..gambling is in your blood..it beats through your heart..like a buffalo in the 1860s open plains..now that you have had your taste..tuff not to keep chasing..

I am in my 40s..I figure I am done bout 900,000 since I began gambling in my teens...but I love it...I like everyone else here..wake up each morning expecting to go on the greatest winning streak of my life..

I could tell you to bet 20 bucks a game..get your fix and try to supplement your income...anytime I bet 20 on a game I hit it seems more than half the time..BUT YOU CAN BE GawdD DAMNED SURE...SOON AS I PUT 500 ON A GAME ITS A GUARANTEED LOSE..Gawdd FUCKEN DAMMIT..

So my advice- This aint no game..this is about $..millions of people got up and drove their cars to work today for it..NOBODY on this forum really gives a shit about you ( in general not you specifically)..LOWER YOUR LIMITS..DONT POST YOUR PLAYS, IT JINXES THE FUCK OUT OF YOU..GL-D

New member
Mar 19, 2006

Havent gambled since January when the Colts lost to the Chargers as the last leg of my parlay. Just needed them moneyline. Now not having placed a bet in 7 months I cant tell you how much happier I am watching games and not worrying about the outcome. Things will get better. Take some time off.

Apr 10, 2007

Havent gambled since January when the Colts lost to the Chargers as the last leg of my parlay. Just needed them moneyline. Now not having placed a bet in 7 months I cant tell you how much happier I am watching games and not worrying about the outcome. Things will get better. Take some time off.
Hey Degz..My best friend put his $5,ooo savings on that game..Colts ML too..I will never forget him telling me.."My only worry is that the game ends before the 4:15 game starts"..' Theres no way I can lose bro"..Evil..this gambling gawd aint he

New member
Aug 28, 2007
Good luck...You are doing the right thing. Quit before it get's worse. If you can't control the amount of cash you ae putting on games you need to quit. Good luck...

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
great way to end up with a lawsuit randy55. what the hell are you thinking lol

A slimy thing for him to do bec. he is shunning all self responsibility but no damn offshore book is going to sue him in an American court.

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