I wanna sue Walmart and their racial profiling


New member
Aug 12, 2006
By the way this post says alot. Lets get this straight, your pissed off at whity cause of how the WalMart greeters profile you right? Then your next post is calling mexicans americans beaners and making fun of the way they dress, what they eat and how many kids they have in their family. I hope your kidding at this point cause how is what your doing any different than what you described. Basically all you did is change whity hating on black people to yourself hating on mexican people.

Mr. Easy Money since you are in Florida you might be a little ignorant to how things are here in Southern California. I understand in Florida a Cuban is a Cuban whether they are a refugee, American born or one of Castro's criminals he set loose on Miami. They all pretty much have the same culture.

Where I live we have what you call Chicanos which are American born Mexicans and we have the border jumpers who come over here illegally. Nobody hates a border jumper (wetback) more then a Chicano. They don't even get along in our jails or prisons they are two separate factions. The border jumpers love all of this free shit this country has to offer them like the free healthcare, food stamps, easy jobs that don't require them to speak or learn english and public housing. They even parade around the Mexican flag 365 days a year to show how much they actually dislike and don't respect America. They are content to use up our resources and send what ever honesty money they earn back home to their country in an effort to get more of them over here. We have had increases in all utilities, taxes, fees, violations, premiums to pay their unpaid bills. Some of these illegals eventually get green cards mainly because they gave birth to a child on our soil but they still use up our resources. They live 10 people per two bedroom apartment and run up high water and electricity bills and don't ever pay them then they get those bills reactivated in one of the other tenants names or their childrens name and do the same shit over again. Well who gets stuck paying for all of those unpaid bills?

I love Mexicans. My brother in law is Mexican and he is one of the greatest people I know. I do despise illegal aliens. I won't say hate cause that is a strong evil word and I would never do anything to harm another person unless my life or a loved ones life was in jeopardy. I do not treat illegals any different then I do that of a white or black person. In fact one positive thing about illegal aliens in Southern California is you never see one of them begging for money on the corner or in the parking lot. They will sell oranges, strawberries or flowers or wait out in front of Home Depot in hopes of getting some day work. Unlike our black or white homeless people who well beg and hound you for a free handout. I have never seen a black or white person willing to give up their body to do some day work for little pay.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
well every time i walk out of sam's (same company) there is always someone checking receipts etc...

being a former retail mgr. i have no problem with it and actually am happy that they do this...keeps the prices in line for those of us that do not go into stores with the intention to steal what don't belong to them...

i wished every store did this...

have been the mgr of store that had to close due to the constant problem of theft...then when out of business the neighborhood was in an uproar that the store closed and claimed racism and all that other crap...the low life f'ers brought it all upon themselves...

bottom line you don't like being checked? don't go back there to shop....

New member
Aug 12, 2006
well every time i walk out of sam's (same company) there is always someone checking receipts etc...

being a former retail mgr. i have no problem with it and actually am happy that they do this...keeps the prices in line for those of us that do not go into stores with the intention to steal what don't belong to them...

i wished every store did this...

have been the mgr of store that had to close due to the constant problem of theft...then when out of business the neighborhood was in an uproar that the store closed and claimed racism and all that other crap...the low life f'ers brought it all upon themselves...

bottom line you don't like being checked? don't go back there to shop....

Buster Sams Club and Costco can do this to keep their prices down by taking an on hands approach to loss prevention. If you don't like it you don't have to pay the membership fee to shop there. But when my local grocery market and retail stores do this shit I get annoyed because what does checking my receipt and bag have to do with consumer theft? Consumer theft happens before the checkout line when people stuff shit in their pockets and down their pants. When they check the consumers bags it is their way of telling us we don't trust our own employees and we think our cashiers are short ringing shit up so in order to keep our employees honest we are going to invade your privacy.

In the case of Walmart I have read online that they have discriminated against their own minority and handicapped employees. So when they let the whitey consumer walk on by unchecked and ask to browse the black or brown persons bag they think we are outsiders there helping to contribute in employee theft. Dude the registers are right next to the exits and their are a million cashiers and cameras right up at the front of the store. How is one supposed to actually fill up a walmart bag with stolen shit without getting caught in the act? Do customers pull that box of condoms or 700 count of Advil out of their pockets at the register and stuff it in a bag as they be are being checked out?

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
i see your point but where on earth can you buy Prell and twinkies?.......other than Walmart:grandmais

Not sure around the rest of the country. But where I live? ..at Target.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Mr. Easy Money since you are in Florida you might be a little ignorant to how things are here in Southern California. I understand in Florida a Cuban is a Cuban whether they are a refugee, American born or one of Castro's criminals he set loose on Miami. They all pretty much have the same culture.

Where I live we have what you call Chicanos which are American born Mexicans and we have the border jumpers who come over here illegally. Nobody hates a border jumper (wetback) more then a Chicano. They don't even get along in our jails or prisons they are two separate factions. The border jumpers love all of this free shit this country has to offer them like the free healthcare, food stamps, easy jobs that don't require them to speak or learn english and public housing. They even parade around the Mexican flag 365 days a year to show how much they actually dislike and don't respect America. They are content to use up our resources and send what ever honesty money they earn back home to their country in an effort to get more of them over here. We have had increases in all utilities, taxes, fees, violations, premiums to pay their unpaid bills. Some of these illegals eventually get green cards mainly because they gave birth to a child on our soil but they still use up our resources. They live 10 people per two bedroom apartment and run up high water and electricity bills and don't ever pay them then they get those bills reactivated in one of the other tenants names or their childrens name and do the same shit over again. Well who gets stuck paying for all of those unpaid bills?

I love Mexicans. My brother in law is Mexican and he is one of the greatest people I know. I do despise illegal aliens. I won't say hate cause that is a strong evil word and I would never do anything to harm another person unless my life or a loved ones life was in jeopardy. I do not treat illegals any different then I do that of a white or black person. In fact one positive thing about illegal aliens in Southern California is you never see one of them begging for money on the corner or in the parking lot. They will sell oranges, strawberries or flowers or wait out in front of Home Depot in hopes of getting some day work. Unlike our black or white homeless people who well beg and hound you for a free handout. I have never seen a black or white person willing to give up their body to do some day work for little pay.

Please don't take anything I've said as an insult to you personally. I don't know you at all and obviously no nothing about you. And yes I live in Florida and I think you are slightly mistaken about this side of the country as well. Miami has a ton of cubans however Florida is absolutly littered with Mexicans, both legal and illegal. In fact Florida is about 21% hispanic. I live 15 minutes from a city named fellsmere. In that city about 7% of the population has a college degree. Only about 37% of the city has a high school degree, and about 75% of the city is hispanic. Of that 69% are mexican. Obviously you can tell by those numbers that I live very close to a large number of both legal and illegal hispanics and specifically mexicans. I also don't agree with illegal alians living in this country and using our systems while not paying for it. However, here is my point. Would you not agree that you "racially profiled" the mexicans in that Wal-Mart based on the fact that they had a bunch of children, dressed a certain way, and what they were eating. Fact is some of those mexicans were probably honest hard working legal mexican americans. You even used the word beaner, which I would guess would be an insult even if you said it to a legal mexican american would it not? I know in florida the legal mexicans would take offense to that word. I guess in the end I'm just saying lighten up a little. You probably ran across 1 or 2, 78 year old racist white pricks that think it should still be 1953. F*ck those guys, they make up less than 1% of the employees of your Wal-Mart. By all means go to the store or district manager and tell them your plight. It will at the very least make the manager aware of the problem so he can watch the employee more closly, and it may even get the old prick fired, but trying to sue Wal-Mart over it is a little much IMO.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
lookie here...i know you are a good dude and just by posting this there is not a doubt in my mind you would ever steal.however this particular store must have a theft problem,which is easily detected with what is called an inventory...we used to take them monthly,now they are probably only done quarterly...

suck it up and if you have nothing to hide,no problem...the 300 or more employees that would be out of a job due to the fact the store would close due to theft should make people thankful they do this...

i know this is embarrassing for you,it seems every single time i walk out of grocery store and through the "bars" the alarm goes off and i feel like shit...turns out your bank card or credit card strip sets it off,but i don't complain and welcome the subsequent questioning that goes along with it...if they piss me off,i simply don't go back...

am drunk and trying to answer in language that shows off my abilities like barman does...

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005

just look at this big word i was able to come up with...
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New member
Oct 11, 2004
Hosnatcher, for the record I would like to point out that if a store was going to profile, they should be profiling white people between the ages of 13 and 25 cause that is where most of your shiplifting happens.

If you eveer get a chance read Malcolm Gladwell's book called "Blink". Gladwell is himself part black. It is a fantastic read that has a part that dips into race and profiling. Specifically he talks about a test called the IAT (Implicit Association Test). Basically the test makes the person pick a word for different faces that pop up on the computer screen. The end results are that most people in the country, including black people actually pick the nicer words when a white face appears on the screen and the bad words when a black face appears. Point is every single person in the world profiles other people to atleast some extent. Either way he is a great writter and has a few great books that I would recommend anybody read.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
However, here is my point. Would you not agree that you "racially profiled" the mexicans in that Wal-Mart based on the fact that they had a bunch of children, dressed a certain way, and what they were eating. Fact is some of those mexicans were probably honest hard working legal mexican americans. You even used the word beaner, which I would guess would be an insult even if you said it to a legal mexican american would it not?

By identifying what I witnessed while I had a bad experience in a particular Walmart is hardly "racial profiling". I stated facts that there was an over-abundance of unwatched children running around the store. I said that their was large groups of people buying just 2 or 3 items in whole taking up space in the checkout lines and filling up the aisles. I also mentioned that a lot of the mexicans in the store and mainly at the on sight McDonalds were over dressed in what looked like church dresses on the women and cowboy boots and belt buckles the size of the WWE Championship belt on the men. All of these were facts if I was going to use stereotypes I would have made some slurs about where is the Mariachi band or those kids probably had lice.

I did make one slur when I said beaner babies but I also used a slur about my own race when I used the "N" word. The RX I guess automatically edits that word out of posts and replaces it with ******. Basically I didn't place my race as superior above another.

I say I was racially profiled because nobody in Walmart witnessed me acting out of character from any of the other shoppers, I did not fail to lift something out of my cart and hand it over to the cashier and my cart wasn't filled with expensive looking household appliances or tools that would arouse suspicion at first glance when I was attempting to exit the store. On my last 3 visits to a Walmart store I just noticed a lot of people exiting the store immediatly before and after me and they were all white people and not one of them were detained for an inspection but I was on all three occasions. The first time it happened I complied to let the old bag check my purchases. The last two times I refused to let them check my shit and kept on exiting the store.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
On my last 3 visits to a Walmart store I just noticed a lot of people exiting the store immediately before and after me and they were all white people and not one of them were detained for an inspection but I was on all three occasions.



New member
Sep 20, 2004
Don't sweat it Hos....

As I'm white-bread as they come and I get spot checked as often as not at the Orange mall store.

Sep 21, 2001
This happens to me all the time and I'm Puerto Rican - the old azz bitch is always like, "Paco, empty your pockets" - total bs - meanwhile, white folk walk right by and and she's like, "Thanks for shopping"

New member
Aug 10, 2008
Are you a light skinned brother with no negro dialect (unless you want to) or are you a Superfly brother who keeps it real?

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Maybe if you didn't wear pants that was hanging of your ass like they do in prison. Maybe not walking with a swagger and also speak english and not gibberish that would help.

btw Walmart don't even check here in Michigan. Sam's and Costco do it to everyone.

Buster you can not be more right. There is very few stores in Detroit. Shit goes into the store and goes out the backdoor. Between the customers and the employees they just can't make money. But yet it racist. How dare a business be out for profit.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
This happens to me all the time and I'm Puerto Rican - the old azz bitch is always like, "Paco, empty your pockets" - total bs - meanwhile, white folk walk right by and and she's like, "Thanks for shopping"

Telling you if I learned anything from watching Mad Men on TV it is that the 50's and early 60's was a good time to be a 25-40 year old white male. Your wife was a product of a finishing school and she stayed home and took care of the kids and the meals. Black people weren't allowed to work then besides being the occasional driver, door man or field-hand. Mexicans were still in Mexico. Asians and Indians weren't doctors or engineers in this country yet and just by simply being white you were guaranteed a high executive level job just by serving in the Army.

Nowadays being white doesn't guarantee shit in life unless you were born into two levels of wealth (your rich mommy married your rich daddy).

These old ass greeters lived through the good times and are witnessing their loss of power as a race and can't stand it. 50 years ago they ran the country and because of all of the minority flood gates and jobs moved overseas their investments went to shit and they are forced to work some shit minimum wage job in their golden years. Believe me the elderly hold a grudge in life.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Maybe if you didn't wear pants that was hanging of your ass like they do in prison. Maybe not walking with a swagger and also speak english and not gibberish that would help.

btw Walmart don't even check here in Michigan. Sam's and Costco do it to everyone.

Buster you can not be more right. There is very few stores in Detroit. Shit goes into the store and goes out the backdoor. Between the customers and the employees they just can't make money. But yet it racist. How dare a business be out for profit.

Board meeting time. How can we increase profits at the company. Uhhh start searching colored's and spics.

Sears, Macy's and JC Penny's have been around for over 100 years and I don't see them sweating customers with check points and shit.
Oct 26, 2003
This happens to me all the time and I'm Puerto Rican - the old azz bitch is always like, "Paco, empty your pockets" - total bs - meanwhile, white folk walk right by and and she's like, "Thanks for shopping"

I am Irish/Puerto Rican...I get stopped everywhere....:toast:

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Wal Mart across the street from work, so I've been going in either before my shift at 11 at night or on my break at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. Definitely seems to me they ask to search the minorities a lot more than whites

Only time I was stopped I had already tried to go out the other entrence that was locked for the night and tossed my reciept. Guy tells me to wait and starts talking into the radio I ask him to move so I can leave and he won't let me. Following the rules of card counters I ask if he is holding me against my will and I am prepared to report a kidnapping

New member
Nov 8, 2006
I get stopped some. I figure its to prove to the blacks that they are not racial profiling.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Maybe if you didn't wear pants that was hanging of your ass like they do in prison. Maybe not walking with a swagger and also speak english and not gibberish that would help.

btw Walmart don't even check here in Michigan. Sam's and Costco do it to everyone.


Maybe it is racist POV that has kept you unemployed for an extended period of time.

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