I thouth there was no obstruction, Part Deux: Roger Stone arrested for obstruction


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I think Mueller is going to regret going after Corsi and Stone - big time!

These guys aren't lifetime swamp creatures who enjoy sipping cocktails on the DC circuit - they are genuine mavericks who don't fuck around. Corsi is already making Mueller's life miserable filing a criminal complaint against him.

Mueller just kicked the wrong hornets' nest.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Roger Stone says he won’t testify against Trump as he vows to fight charges

By Lia Eustachewich

January 25, 2019 | 2:14pm | Updated

Modal Trigger

A defiant Roger Stone said he would fight the criminal charges filed against him Friday, pledging not to “bear false witness” against President Trump.

“There is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president, nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself,” Stone said outside federal court in Fort Lauderdale.

“I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated.”

Wearing a blue polo and jeans, Stone emerged from the courthouse to a swarm of media, protesters and supporters after he was released on a $250,000 bond.

The 66-year-old Republican operative was arrested by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid at his home on seven counts, including making false statements and witness tampering.

The charges, filed as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, relate to Stone’s testimony and communications about the thousands of Democratic emails released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign.

“As I have always said, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about,” the self-proclaimed dirty trickster said at first, amid a growing chorus of boos and chants of “Lock him up!”

“Any error I made in my testimony would be immaterial and without intent,” he added.

Modal TriggerRoger Stone in courtDaniel Pontet / APTrump’s longtime confidant then complained about the spectacle that “29 FBI agents” and a fleet of “17 vehicles with their lights flashing” caused in his neighborhood around 6 a.m. during the arrest.

“I believe this is a politically motivated investigation,” he said.
Supporters shouted, “We got your back, Roger!” before Stone flashed the victory sign — a gesture made famous by his former boss, President Richard Nixon.

Before appearing outside the courthouse, Stone called in to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ “InfoWars” show to downplay the charges.

“I predicted for many months that I would be framed on some processed charges,” Stone said.

He also urged supporters to donate to his legal defense.

“I need people’s help more than ever,” he said. “They project my legal costs to be 2 million bucks.”

Stone will be arraigned on the charges in Washington, DC, court next week.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Here's his deal.

After, repeat "after" Wikileaks released damaging e-mails about the Clinton Campaign, he reached out to Wikileaks to see if they had any more dirt on Clinton. He lied about that

Supposedly it was the Russians that gave Wikileaks the data, but Stone didn't reach out to the Russians, he didn't collude with the Russians, his actions were actually not criminal in any way shape or form. But he denied reaching out to Wikileaks, and Mueller did what Mueller does best, create a crime when none existed

Now compare that with the Clinton campaign that paid Russia for dirt on Trump, obtained a fake dossier, gave it to McCain who gave it to the justice department who used fraud to obtain an illegal fisa warrant...... then all the criminal activity that followed, then and the lies about an ACTUAL CRIME that followed, and baddafuckingbing you see the surface of the iceberg

We are a nation of idiots, with deadbeats like duuuuuuuhfeces being at the head of the class

“I’ll hire only the best people...”

New member
Nov 21, 2013

Yah my fellow Texan....there will come a day when we finally get to share a drink. And we will make two shared Toasts

1) To my fellow Dems for foolishly fumbling Hillary's 2016 bid and
2) To the FBI for their lengthy, persistent uncovering of literally dozens of federal felonies carried out by trump and his posse starting in the late 1990s and continuing right up until the day he is formally convicted.

ps.....I fully acknowledge he may die before the whole legal process runs it's course as I share the view of multiple former federal prosecutors who surmise it could take another three years up to maybe five or six with appeals

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Yah my fellow Texan....there will come a day when we finally get to share a drink. And we will make two shared Toasts

1) To my fellow Dems for foolishly fumbling Hillary's 2016 bid and
2) To the FBI for their lengthy, persistent uncovering of literally dozens of federal felonies carried out by trump and his posse starting in the late 1990s and continuing right up until the day he is formally convicted.

ps.....I fully acknowledge he may die before the whole legal process runs it's course as I share the view of multiple former federal prosecutors who surmise it could take another three years up to maybe five or six with appeals

still hoping and praying.. liberal collusion rabbit hole.. let us know when all this happens

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Because Trump fired "one of their own" (totally within a president's authority) and now the "deep state" has its panties in a wad. The "deep state" knows better than our duly elected president and the "little people" who voted for him. How dare We The People shun the anointed queen! They'll show us!

"Russia did it!!!" :missingte

The FBI is hopeless corrupt and should be dismantled. Time to start over.

Mark, I read Stone appeared today on Alex Jones off the grid yammer cast and he told viewers all he needs is "about $2million" in donations to assure he beats the current charges.

If you don't mind holding off on donating some of that money you had planned for the RaiseABillionDollars for The Wall scam, you could be a major player in helping Stone become a free man!

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
If you want to see someone in real pain, check out Sarah Huckabee this morning flailing on CNN....has to be internally horrifying to be still in your 30s realizing that for literally the rest of your life you will be remembered by the entire world to have lied repeatedly for the the most notorious criminal in US history

to be honest, I feel sorry for her. I'm sure the pay is good. But fuck, how does this woman have the stamina to take it on the chin day after day. She looks like she's on the verge of tears or cracking every time she's in front of the camera. Not to mention I'm sure the White House throws her out there w/o any preparation or strategy.

Hopefully she'll resign soon for her own good and health.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
your batting average is as bad as duuuuuufeces (as in it can't go any lower), and your intellectual dishonesty is trending in the wrong direction (or maybe you really don't know more than what CNN tells you to think)

Donger presented respectful questions which I'll address when I have the time

I amittedly in a slump with regard to RxPoly predictions

1) Hillary wins in 2016 LOSS
2) Kavanaugh quits 2018 LOSS

Pending) Cohen was told by Tiny to commit felony crimes of lying to Congress. Buzzfeed reports Yes, Mueller's office did not wholly agree w that report. Should be fun to watch his upcoming regrilling by Dem-controlled HIC in two weeks

Sep 21, 2004
There is always conflicting recollections of facts from time to time imo! cheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgifcheersgif

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
UPDATE: Mueller and FBI Arrest Roger Stone Because Major FBI Scandal Out Today – FBI Agent Pientka Linked to Major FISA Abuse Scandal and General Flynn Setup

by Jim Hoft January 25, 2019 317 Comments

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Every time the corrupt Mueller gang, FBI and DOJ come out with a major news story it is strategically synchronized to cover up another scandal involving their corrupt actions. Today’s arrest of Roger Stone is no exception.

Today the corrupt Mueller gang arrested long time Trump friend Roger Stone. He was arrested early in the morning as the FBI always does. Another American attacked by the mobsters in the Deep State due to his relationship with this President. But there is something more than coincidental about this arrest this morning. Not only was CNN there to film the arrest, proving again that the Mueller mobsters are colluding with members of the deep state and corrupt media, but there is something more.

There always is a something that is breaking related to the corrupt Deep State whenever they attempt to change the news cycle. Today is no exception.

Over the past couple of days the testimony of former FBI General Counsel James Baker was released. Baker resigned and he too was a crook and involved in Deep State efforts to aid Hilary Clinton in her bid to become President and their attempted coup to remove President Trump after he defeated Hillary in the 2016 election.

What Baker said was shocking, especially his testimony surrounding the missing corrupt FBI agent Joseph Pientka.

According to Brian Cates at the Epoch Times the Baker testimony was explosive. Baker stated that –

  • The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] was not alerted to the fact that much of the information in the surveillance warrant on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page was being provided by paid political propagandists employed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

  • To continue receiving Trump-Russia collusion propaganda from opposition research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele—who had been hired by Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC—the FBI established a backchannel through former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr at the Department of Justice. After every meeting with Steele, Ohr would sit down for an interview with FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka, who would fill out official FD-302 interview forms to pass on the information within the FBI.

According to Cates –

It seems something spooked the SpyGate plotters into presenting an appearance of drawing back from Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS while still surreptitiously using that political propaganda shop as a source for their ongoing investigations.

This backchannel allowed the FBI to hide Fusion GPS’s—and the Clinton campaign’s–role in providing much of the “evidence” being used to drive these politically-motivated investigations of Trump and his associates.

Cates continues [emphasis added] –

The point was to launder Fusion GPS’s Trump-Russia allegations through Ohr to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and lead agent on the Trump case, Peter Strzok, so it could be claimed the information was coming from a legitimate intelligence source instead of from paid political propagandists working for Hillary Clinton.

This means it’s highly likely that when Bruce Ohr’s personal notes from his meetings with Fusion GPS are compared with the official FD-302 interview forms that Agent Pientka filled out following his interviews with Ohr, they are not going to match when it comes to what the stated source was for the Trump-Russia information.

For Pientka to write down on the 302 forms that this information on Trump-Russia he was being given by Ohr was still coming from the Fusion GPS boys after the FBI had supposedly severed all ties with them would have defeated the entire reason for going to the trouble of establishing a backchannel in the first place.

Cates tweeted the point from his article where he states that Pientka is involved in two major scandals involving the Trump – Russia collusion sham – these phony 302s he took from his discussions with Ohr was one. Pientka was also the agent, along with the very corrupt and now fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who ambushed General Michael Flynn at the White House which led to reports Flynn lied to the FBI.

Cates believes that Pientka has some very damaging goods on the entire Russia collusion sham which may all be connected to Uranium One, the Iran deal and other real Russia collusion actions taken by the Obama White House. This is why he was not interviewed by Congress (because they all know the Dems would leak and mislead any information from these investigations).

Today’s corrupt actions by the Mueller gang, which was created as a result of the criminal acts taken by the FBI and DOJ to set up Trump related individuals, is just another action by the very criminal and corrupt Deep State to prevent real news from getting out. Hang in there Roger Stone. It looks like you’re unfortunately just a pawn in Deep State’s corrupt and conflicted game to unseat President Trump.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
My favorite part of the Stone arrest; Mueller storms Stone's residence with federal agents armed with assault rifles and the criminal corrupt colluding always lying democratic media in tow because Stone "lied about talking to Wikileaks" after Wikileaks started releasing dirt on Clinton. !!!!! Seriously? When all he had to do was tell Stone he was being arrested and Stone would simply drive to the courthouse. Mueller proves once again how fucked in the head he is, which of course proves he's a democrat. The fact that he had yet another Friday morning event is the icing on the cake, such a liberal democrat way to behave.

It's their MO, all theater, little substance

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You leave out some critical facts in your statement. First of all, the dossier was initially commissioned a Republican organization looking for opposition research against Trump during the GOP primary. That organization hired Fusion GPS to do the research and once Trump became the official nominee, it was scrapped. The Clinton campaign hired the same firm, Fusion GPS, to do oppo research on Trump for the general election. I would imagine that Fusion kept all that research when the earlier job was scrapped.

If the Clintons committed a crime, show me the evidence and throw 'em in jail. I have no love for the Clintons, but sometimes facts are unfortunate. I've never voted for a Clinton in my life.

Another unfortunate fact is that most of the Steele dossier has already been proven to be true.

Another unfortunate fact for those who think this is a 'witch hunt'

Michael Flynn - Trump's National Security Advisor (whom Obama suggested to Trump: get rid of that guy!!) - Plead Guilty
Paul Manafort - Trump's Campaign Chairman (who stepped down because of media scrutiny of his ties to Ukraine) - Plead Guilty
Rick Gates - Trump's Deputy Campaign Chairman - Plead Guilty
George Papadopoulos - Trump's Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor - Plead Guilty & sentenced
Michael Cohen - Trumps Personal Lawyer / Wannabe-Consigliere - Please Guilty & sentenced
Roger Stone - Indicted

That's a whole bunch of witches for a hoax witch-hunt.

Again, I don't identify with one party or the other. I lean right on fiscal matters and lean left on social matters. I follow facts and not the bullshit lines fed to the public by politicians. I don't care what party you belong to, if you break the law -- you go to jail. I hope Mueller exposes EVERYONE involved, EVERY last congressman that has accepted money from a foreign adversary

Honest question: At what point to you take a step back and say "Hey, maybe there's something there there" Because innocent people don't plead guilty and Trump has a shitload of guilty players formerly on his campaign and cabinet.

Flynn guilty, of lying about a conversation he had with the Russians in December of 2016, when he was part of the transition team. Was communicating with the Russians a crime? NO, butt an investigation into a crime that never happened gave Mueller a chance to create a crime, his perjury trap MO, and that he did

Was Manafort for guilty of any crime he committed during the Trump campaign? NO, he's guilty of tax evasion from many years ago. From the moment Mueller was appointed, Manafort was fucked, because Mueller was chasing him about this stuff over a decade ago but couldn't win in the court of law. More on that in my next post.

Gates? he was Manafort's partner, same issues as Manafort

Papadopulos? with Trump campaign for some minimal amount of time. His crime? Trying to set up a meeting between Trump and the Russians but failing, and then lying about it

Cohen? Guilty of tax fraud, taxi medallion fraud, bank fraud, and generally lying to everyone everywhere, even selling access to Trump which he never delivered

Stone? Already discussed in this thread, Talked to Wikileaks AFTER they started releasing dirt and then guilty of lying to Congress about it.

Flynn, Papadopulos and Stone never committed a crime, never colluded with the Russians, but were all guilty of lying during an investigation into a crime that never happened, Mueller's MO

Manafort, Gates & Cohen were all convicted of real crimes they committed on their own time, NONE of them colluding with the Russians during the Trump campaign.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
By virtue of the authority vested in me as Acting Attorney General, including 28 U.S.C.
§§ 509, 510, and 515, in order to discharge my responsibility to provide supervision and
management of the Department of Justice, and to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the
Russian govemmenfs efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, I hereby order as

Robert S. Mueller III is appointed t() serve as Specia] Counsel for the United States

Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI

Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals


associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and



any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and


any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is

authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are

applicable to the Special Counsel.

Date '



When Rothenstein appointed Mueller, they already knew they had Manafort, that's why Mueller was given such broad powers.

To this very day, there is not one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, all the charges are about a political smokescreen

This is an extension of the "Trump Insurance", it's all part of the resist resist resist movement, it's all an effort to undermine his presidency, because they all know there was NO COLLUSION

Did Russia try to interfere in our election? Absolutely, they've been doing that for 100 years now, just like we interfere in their elections. The only reason there's a pretense of something new and something huge is because they want to undermine Trump, they're trying to justify an investigation into a crime that was never committed

If the investigation was limited to the actual crimes it was created to investigate, it would be over before it started. There was no Russian collusion, and firing Comey was not obstruction of justice. I pray a special prosecutor is never given such broad and unrestrained powers again.

Jul 4, 2012
Originally Posted by theDonger
You leave out some critical facts in your statement. First of all, the dossier was initially commissioned a Republican organization looking for opposition research against Trump during the GOP primary.

'I'm not loyal to a party!!!


Jul 4, 2012
I amittedly in a slump with regard to RxPoly predictions

1) Hillary wins in 2016 LOSS
2) Kavanaugh quits 2018 LOSS

Pending) Cohen was told by Tiny to commit felony crimes of lying to Congress. Buzzfeed reports Yes, Mueller's office did not wholly agree w that report. Should be fun to watch his upcoming regrilling by Dem-controlled HIC in two weeks


"Did not wholly agree"

You really need to put down the bong.

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