I thouth there was no obstruction, Part Deux: Roger Stone arrested for obstruction


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Mueller stages full body armor predawn arrest of Roger Stone for CNN's cameras

By Thomas Lifson

The latest "This is the beginning of the end for Trump..." orgasm in the mainstream media comes with serious action movie production values, courtesy of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Roger Stone, who could easily have been notified to turn himself in the way white-collar defendants who are no danger of fleeing normally are handled, was instead subjected to a humiliating midnightpredawn raid with cars full of riot gear-clad FBI agents, all staged before the cameras of CNN, which was exclusively granted access to the scene worthy of an action movie.

[Update: It is not clear who leaked newsof the raid to CNN, having the effect of staging it for the most anti-Trump of networks. ]This is similar to the treatment of Paul Manafort, but with the added indignity of CNN cameras.

It is notable that Stone was arrested over alleged process crimes, not for conspiracy with Russia, or even "collaboration" (which is not a crime).

Further comment on the six crimes alleged in the indictment will have to wait for more information. But it is clear that Mueller was shown his man first, and then found the crime, following the dictum of Stalin's head of the KGB, Lavrentiy Beria: "Show me the man, and I will find you the crime."



Staged like it was the old Soviet Union.

Intimidate the populace.

Anyone who values a free society should NOT be okay with this.

Nov 23, 2004
Hillary Clinton LIED and OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE destroying evidence, not because of a lame-ass 'tweet' but actual PHYSICAL EVIDENCE - FACT!

James Comey leaked classified information to the press AND obstructed justice - FACT! Also, he LIED Trump wasn't under his investigation.

Obama and his corrupt FBI illegally spied opposition campaigns, then when Trump started gaining political momentum created this phony Russia! Russia! Russia! narrative to cover it up - FACT!

Robert Mueller is the "insurance policy" which began with the phony Comey "Russia investigation" designed to clean up the mess left by the REAL criminals - FACT! Just like this buddy Comey, Mueller has since destroyed evidence and obstructed justice.

Robert Mueller is a deep state clown extraordinaire. Just like his buddy Comey, his clown "investigation" is coordinating with the Fake News media to create this illusion of wrongdoing where none exists. (Once again, Fake News CNN just happened to be there to witness the Robert Stone pre-dawn raid.)

All of these clowns deserve to be relentlessly exposed and mocked with memes and other tools, because in a sane world they would all be in jail!

If Hillary is so guilty, then she should be in jail. Another failure of the Trump administration and HIS Dept. of Justice.

Where is the evidence for your claims that Comey leaked classified intel to press? In what way did he obstruct justice?

You keep saying FACT -- yet you provide nothing to support your claim.

FACT: Robert Mueller was embraced by both Republicans and Democrats when he was first appointed.

OPINION: I think this was a wise appointment by Rod Rosenstein (appointed by Trump!!) as it appeased Democrats by appointing a special counsel AND appeased Republican legislators because MUELLER IS A KNOWN, LIFELONG, REPUBLICAN.

See how that works? FACT and OPINION.

"All of these clowns deserve to be relentlessly exposed and mocked with memes and other tools, because in a sane world they would all be in jail!"

No, the memes are fucking brilliant because it puts misinformation in easy-to-digest phrases and pictures. Most people won't bother to read a full-length article and prefer to sensationalist nature of a meme. I mean, who can resist a photoshopped image of political opponents behind bars?? It must be true!!!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
They only plead guilty to crimes unrelated to "Russia! Russia! Russia!" in order to avoid financial ruin. Nobody, innocent or guilty, has the financial resources to withstand this illegal partisan unconstitutional witch hunt with virtually unlimited resources.
The longer this goes on the more certain I am that Mueller will commit suicide at Fort
Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If Hillary is so guilty, then she should be in jail. Another failure of the Trump administration and HIS Dept. of Justice.


The president is supposed to be separated from the Dept of Justice, which isn't doing it's job. Too many entrenched Clinton-Obama loyalists trying to cover their asses. Point conceded - Trump did NOT drain the swamp, as promised, although to be fair, even a president can't do it alone.

Crooked Hillary destroyed evidence and obstructed justice but remains free as a bird. No sane individual would argue otherwise.

Where is the evidence for your claims that Comey leaked classified intel to press? In what way did he obstruct justice?

Because Comey knew, full well, that there was sufficient evidence to charge Crooked Hillary with violating laws regarding the handling of classified material, but chose not to pursue the matter for political reasons...that in itself is illegal and is sufficient to charge him with obstruction of justice.

OPINION: I think this was a wise appointment by Rod Rosenstein (appointed by Trump!!) as it appeased Democrats by appointing a special counsel AND appeased Republican legislators because MUELLER IS A KNOWN, LIFELONG, REPUBLICAN.

The same Rosenstein who wanted to secretly wear a wiretap entrapping a duly elected president and invoke the 25th Amendment? Surely you jest.

No, the memes are fucking brilliant because it puts misinformation in easy-to-digest phrases and pictures. Most people won't bother to read a full-length article and prefer to sensationalist nature of a meme. I mean, who can resist a photoshopped image of political opponents behind bars?? It must be true!!!

Mueller is a clown and his (illegal) "special council" is stacked with Democrats - angry partisan Democrats. None of these so-called "crimes" you mentioned existed before his sham investigation...unless you include ones the FBI knew long before Trump announced he was running for president (but chose to ignore). And don't get me started on Uranium One Mueller's brutal track record of corruption, and that of his "pitbull" Andrew Weissman, another complete Crooked Hillary hack.

Ridicule is a powerful effective weapon, one of many in a citizen's arsenal. There are others, of course, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. But when I see Gestapo-like raids like this one for FUCKING PROCESS CRIMES!! which was leaked to Fake News CNN to intimate the populace, I think we may be headed down that path.

And you're okay with all this?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

President needs to have the FBI director in front of his desk this morning explaining exactly why an American citizen was assaulted by a SWAT team with tipped off cable news cameras. He should ask for the written safety analysis that showed this was required. There isn't one.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Robert Barnes Retweeted Manu Raju

Hey, @mkraju, how did @CNN have access to any "activity in grand jury" when federal law requires those proceedings be completely SECRET?

Manu RajuVerified account @mkrajuFollowFollow


Manu Raju Retweeted southpaw​

Important for folks to note: CNN was reporting yesterday about unusual activity in grand jury - and how the exact same steps were taken the day prior to a Mueller indictment - suggesting that a Friday indictment could be coming. And Stone, of course, has been a target for months


Oh look, Mueller's clown partisan goon squad broke another law. What a surprise.



New member
Aug 28, 2012
Everything is significant in my eyes. Give me facts to consider and I'll reevaluate my position.

Bill Clinton was impeached for a crime that he committed AFTER the special counsel (Ken Starr) began his investigation. They got him obstruction as well.

Why did they lie if they had nothing to hide? ESPECIALLY in the case of Michael Flynn, a career military man, who should have known better than to lie to the FBI. He admitted, in open court, to the judge that he should have known better than to lie to the FBI -- and that he wasn't tricked into lying, etc.

Ok whats your take on these facts:

Trump and his charities has received $0 dollars from the Russians
Clintons and their charities have received MILLIONS of dollars from the Russians

Yet, Trump is under investigation.

Hows that work?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Trump NSA Flynn indicted and convicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Trump national campaign mgr Manafort indicted and convicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Campaign staffers Pap and Gates indicted and convicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Longtime trump attorney and fixer Cohen indicted and convicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Longtime trump confidant Stone indicted on seven charges w potential of 60 yrs prison -- "It's not trump!!"

Four sealed indictments filed this morning

So when we eventually see

Don Jr indicted --- "It's not trump!!"
Eric T indicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Ivanka indicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Eric Prince indicted -- "It's not trump!!"
Steve Bannon indicted -- "It's not trump!!"

For anyone who is buying into CPA-expert opinions on how federal prosecutors work, please brace yourself for the coming 90-180 days. Mueller is now at almost 50 criminal indictments and it's reasonable that by the time Tiny is the sole remaining conspirator there will be 100+

your batting average is as bad as duuuuuufeces (as in it can't go any lower), and your intellectual dishonesty is trending in the wrong direction (or maybe you really don't know more than what CNN tells you to think)

Donger presented respectful questions which I'll address when I have the time

Nov 23, 2004
Crooked Hillary destroyed evidence and obstructed justice but remains free as a bird. No sane individual would argue otherwise.

I have no loyalty to the Clintons or the Democrat party. If your claim is to be believed, show me the evidence. I honestly wouldn't bat an eye at Hillary Clinton being prosecuted and thrown in jail if the evidence proves she broke the law.

Because Comey knew, full well, that there was sufficient evidence to charge Crooked Hillary with violating laws regarding the handling of classified material, but chose not to pursue the matter for political reasons...that in itself is illegal and is sufficient to charge him with obstruction of justice.

Wait a second, didn't Trump say the reason he fired Comey was because of the way he mishandled the Clinton investigation and sandbagged her with the news conference right before the election?

So if I have it right: Comey had it out for Clinton, held a press conference about the ongoing investigation... But he's also loyal to the Clintons and the deep state?:think2:

The same Rosenstein who wanted to secretly wear a wiretap entrapping a duly elected president and invoke the 25th Amendment? Surely you jest.

Did he? Where did you read that? If I google "Rosenstein Wiretap" all I see are WaPo and NyTimes articles. Isn't that fake news? :think2:

Mueller is a clown and his (illegal) "special council" is stacked with Democrats - angry partisan Democrats. None of these so-called "crimes" you mentioned existed before his sham investigation...unless you include ones the FBI knew long before Trump announced he was running for president (but chose to ignore). And don't get me started on Uranium One Mueller's brutal track record of corruption, and that of his "pitbull" Andrew Weissman, another complete Crooked Hillary hack.

*yawn* All conjecture. You sound like a slightly more coherent tweet from Trump.

Ridicule is a powerful effective weapon, one of many in a citizen's arsenal. There are others, of course, but hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I don't understand. What other methods? Are you going to start shooting people who disagree with your political point-of-view?

But when I see Gestapo-like raids like this one for FUCKING PROCESS CRIMES!! which was leaked to Fake News CNN to intimate the populace, I think we may be headed down that path.

And you're okay with all this?

This just happened today and admittedly don't have all the info on it yet. I don't work for the FBI and am not familiar with their methods or the reason to which they employ them. If it truly went down the way you say, then no -- i'm not OK with it. On the surface it seems excessive, but again I don't have all the facts.

You know, ICE has been doing the same thing to LEGAL immigrants -- most recently the marine who was detained to be deported who held a valid US Passport and served in Afghanistan.

Are you OK with this as well?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
No I don't have time to watch cable news. Occasionally I will catchup with Shephard Smith, George Stephanopoulos, and Ari Melber.

I actually believe that Trump will make america great again -- when Mueller exposes all the rotten, corrupt politicians that sold out our country for political gain. If things go down the way I think they will, I think we'll get our government back.

I don't spend my life trying to convince people of anything, but I will speak the truth (as I understand it anyway) to ignorance every day of the week.

What I find so strange with this president is that supporters explain away and defend his action no matter what. Like I said earlier, I voted for Obama -- but there is PLENTY that I would criticize him for. I don't understand how people can be so willfully blind to what's staring them right in the face.

I mean, if I had a friend that I was constantly defending and explaining their poor behavior to those would condemn them -- at some point wouldn't you stop and ask yourself "Hey, maybe this person kinda sucks?"

Here's another way to look at it. Let's assume for a minute that Trump's campaign didn't collude with Russia, that Trump as zero ties to Russia, and that Trump isn't compromised by Putin/Russia: What would it look like if he was compromised? Because from a global standpoint, you could argue that everything this administration has done benefits Russia.

And when the only world leaders that are applauding your presidency are Ergodan, Putin, Kim Jong Un -- uhm, those are the WRONG leaders to be praising a US president. For fucks sake Trump is on the records saying he wants to break up NATO!!

keep peddling your nonsense , not buying here.. GL with that narrative

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You know, ICE has been doing the same thing to LEGAL immigrants -- most recently the marine who was detained to be deported who held a valid US Passport and served in Afghanistan.

Are you OK with this as well?

“On November 23rd, ICE officers interviewed Jilmar Ramos while he was in the custody of local law enforcement. Mr. Ramos claimed in verbal statements to be a foreign national illegally present in the U.S. Based on his statements, ICE lodged a detainer with local authorities. On December 14th, ICE took Mr. Ramos into agency custody after he was released from local custody. On December 17th, an attorney for Mr. Ramos contacted the agency and provided documentation suggesting that he is a U.S. citizen. ICE reviewed the documentation and authorized Mr. Ramos’ release. No further action will be taken.”

Sounds like the man placed himself in the crosshairs for deportation...

Nov 23, 2004
Ok whats your take on these facts:

Trump and his charities has received $0 dollars from the Russians
Clintons and their charities have received MILLIONS of dollars from the Russians

Yet, Trump is under investigation.

Hows that work?

Not a Clinton loyalist. I have no idea. I don't work for the DOJ. If news/evidence emerged of her wrongdoing -- then I'll be on the front line with ya demanding prosecution. I recall a marathon congressional hearing where Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours or something. I was hoping they'd catch her on something during that and that it would cause her to drop out of the race. It didn't.

My understanding is that the Russians infiltrated the NRA and funneled money via the NRA which might explain why they suddenly have a 55million dip in donations. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/418465-nra-reports-55m-loss-in-2017-donations

I'm assuming its still under investigation, but when you a red sparrow light Maria Butina trolloping around legislators and NRA reps -- well, I see why its being investigated. I also believe that's why the Trump inaugural fund is under investigation. And the Trump charity you mentioned (now shut down) is currently under investigation on the assumption it was used to benefit Trump personally and politically.

Is it really so unreasonable to think that someone who says "Hey Russia, I hope you hack my opponents email servers and find/release all that dirt on her" would be under investigation by the FBI? Russia is arguably our #1 geopolitical foe.

Nov 23, 2004
“On November 23rd, ICE officers interviewed Jilmar Ramos while he was in the custody of local law enforcement. Mr. Ramos claimed in verbal statements to be a foreign national illegally present in the U.S. Based on his statements, ICE lodged a detainer with local authorities. On December 14th, ICE took Mr. Ramos into agency custody after he was released from local custody. On December 17th, an attorney for Mr. Ramos contacted the agency and provided documentation suggesting that he is a U.S. citizen. ICE reviewed the documentation and authorized Mr. Ramos’ release. No further action will be taken.”

Sounds like the man placed himself in the crosshairs for deportation...

That's ICE's statement on the situation though -- I'm sure the FBI will have a similar silver-lining explanation for the Stone arrest this morning.

My point is that ICE has been overly-aggressive in detaining/deporting non-illegals as well -- people should be as equally outraged.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Not a Clinton loyalist. I have no idea. I don't work for the DOJ. If news/evidence emerged of her wrongdoing -- then I'll be on the front line with ya demanding prosecution. I recall a marathon congressional hearing where Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours or something. I was hoping they'd catch her on something during that and that it would cause her to drop out of the race. It didn't.

My understanding is that the Russians infiltrated the NRA and funneled money via the NRA which might explain why they suddenly have a 55million dip in donations. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/418465-nra-reports-55m-loss-in-2017-donations

I'm assuming its still under investigation, but when you a red sparrow light Maria Butina trolloping around legislators and NRA reps -- well, I see why its being investigated. I also believe that's why the Trump inaugural fund is under investigation. And the Trump charity you mentioned (now shut down) is currently under investigation on the assumption it was used to benefit Trump personally and politically.

Is it really so unreasonable to think that someone who says "Hey Russia, I hope you hack my opponents email servers and find/release all that dirt on her" would be under investigation by the FBI? Russia is arguably our #1 geopolitical foe.

So... why have donations dropped significantly to the Clinton Foundation after she lost the election?

New member
Aug 28, 2012

Scam Exposed: Donations To Clinton Foundation Plummeted After Clinton Lost The Election

Corruption: Throughout the presidential campaign there was plenty of talk about whether the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity or a pay-to-play scam. The latest financial data from the charity provides the answer.

Controversy over the foundation erupted after Peter Schweizer's 2015 book — "Clinton Cash" — suggested that the foundation served as a way for donors to curry favor with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

And, indeed, the multitude of connections that slowly turned out became hard to dismiss as coincidental. There was the fact that 85 of the 154 private interests who'd met with Clinton during her tenure at state were Clinton Foundation donors.

Emails turned up showing how the foundation intervened to arrange a meeting between Clinton and the Crown Prince of Bahrain, a country that had been a major foundation donor. A Chicago commodities trader who donated $100,000 to the foundation got a top job on a State Department arms control panel, despite having no experience in the area. On and on it went.

Earlier this year, news broke that the FBI was investigating whether the foundation violated tax laws by converting donations to personal or political uses. In December, Republicans plan to hold a hearing into the probe, before handing control of the House to Democrats.

Throughout all this, the Clinton's and their defenders insisted that foundation was doing great work for mankind. It was helping the poor and sick around the world. It got top ratings from charity rating agencies. They said there wasn't any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

Donations Evaporate
But the most glaring indictment of the Clinton Foundation came from what happened last year, after Hillary Clinton lost the election — and effectively ended her political career.

First, the Clinton's almost immediately shuttered the Clinton Global Initiative and laid off 22 employees.

Now, fresh financial documents show that contributions and grants to the Clinton Foundation plunged since Hillary lost her election bid. They dropped from $216 million in 2016 to just $26.5 million in 2017 — a stunning 88% fall. Throughout Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, the foundation pulled in an average of $254 million a year. (See the nearby chart below for a timeline.)

If the Clinton Foundation was as good as defenders claimed, why did all its big-time donors suddenly lose interest? The only reasonable explanation is that donors weren't interested in what the foundation supposedly did for humanity. They were interested in the political favors they knew their money would buy.

Nov 23, 2004
So... why have donations dropped significantly to the Clinton Foundation after she lost the election?

I saw that as well.

I don't disagree. I think the Clintons are shady as fuck and never liked them, never voted for Bill or Hill. I thought the Clinton Foundation was shady as fuck as well and an obvious means for interest groups to gain access to the Clinton machine.

Republicans have owned the House of reps for quite a while and possess the power to subpoena -- I wish that had opened an investigation into the Clinton foundation.

Though I only replied to this, I also don't disagree with your lengthier post #57

Right is right, wrong is wrong. I call 'em as I see 'em and you're 100% right about this.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Can anyone cite 1 charge thats happened for the original reason the case was opened against Trump or anyone associated with him?

The only charges that have been brought are things DURING the investigation, and things that have NOTHING to do with the investigation from many years before..... but actually NOTHING for the investigation.

Whats the point of the investigation again?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Can anyone cite 1 charge thats happened for the original reason the case was opened against Trump or anyone associated with him?

The only charges that have been brought are things DURING the investigation, and things that have NOTHING to do with the investigation from many years before..... but actually NOTHING for the investigation.

Whats the point of the investigation again?

Because Trump fired "one of their own" (totally within a president's authority) and now the "deep state" has its panties in a wad. The "deep state" knows better than our duly elected president and the "little people" who voted for him. How dare We The People shun the anointed queen! They'll show us!

"Russia did it!!!" :missingte

The FBI is hopeless corrupt and should be dismantled. Time to start over.

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