How Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide


New member
Mar 24, 2019
You do know I prepare hundreds of tax returns every year, because I know a newbie doesn't join a gambling forum to discuss politics

The vast majority of taxpayers are receiving tax cuts. Those that pay more taxes tend to receive the biggest cuts, since those that don't pay taxes CAN'T receive a tax cut. Kinda hard to get the number below zero, although they did increase the refundable tax credits so there is some of that going on too

This line of thinking reminds me of what democrats and the criminal corrupt colluding always lying democratic media said about the Bush tax cuts in 2001 / 2002. They said it was only for the rich, they said the middle class didn't benefit, they said the tax cuts were actually responsible for the worldwide credit crisis, they said they would repeal them all once they regained power, and the parrots like this guy regurgitated

Then they control everything, they even have a super majority, and they say "THEY CAN'T REPEAL THE BUSH TAX CUTS". Why you might axe? Well they said because "REPEALING THE TAX CUTS WOULD RESULT IN A 20 BILLION DOLLAR TAX INCREASE TO THE MIDDLE CLASS". Gee? You don't say? How can that be? Because you're a bunch of clueless / classless liars?

Same lie the liars have been using for 50 years now, and their base falls for it every time.

I don't know you from spit. Also don't need a clown from H & R Block telling me who benefits from the tax cuts.

Over its 10 years, 83% of the tax cut goes to corporations & the 1%. Tax's go up on the middle class. That not me talking, that's the CBO & many tax experts. The plan was written by Steve Munichin & friends from Goldman Sacs. Now if those people are going to write a tax plan, who do you think its going to benefit?

Being from the Middle Class I can tell you that I did not receive a tax cut, nor did the vast majority of us. Yea paychecks up a little, refunds way down.

But I can agree that the Democrats will do nothing about the tax cut's once they gain power. They are owed by the same group that benefits from the cuts.

Jul 4, 2012
I don't know you from spit. Also don't need a clown from H & R Block telling me who benefits from the tax cuts.

Over its 10 years, 83% of the tax cut goes to corporations & the 1%. Tax's go up on the middle class. That not me talking, that's the CBO & many tax experts.

No, it really doesn't.

You made that up.

But welcome back, casper. You're on what, your 8th user name here now?

New member
Mar 24, 2019
No, it really doesn't.

You made that up.

But welcome back, casper. You're on what, your 8th user name here now?

I don't make shit up. Those are the facts.

Why would I need 8 user names? You guys are paranoid.

If you have a problem with what I posted, be a man and prove it wrong. Anyone can make a meaningless post like this.

Sep 17, 2010
The Trump coalition is alive and well, the Dems did not overlook anything in 2016. They had all the money, all the press, all of Hollywood and they did everything imaginable to get their vote out.

They lost

You are a good man but you are playing chess. The Dem voters play marbles or Candyland. Most of them do not understand your arguments with the economy, etc.

In 2016 the Dems overlooked PA, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, FLA, NC... they were too cocky. Not in 2020. They will go all out 24/7.

Look at the members of congress recently elected... two Muslims flat out attacking the President? The loon hispanic bartender? The nutcase in Arizona who supported ISiS? GOP barely hung on in Texas against that sissy Beto, barely won in FLA, GA, a few other places...

I hope Trump and the GOP (in congress) can overcome the odds against them but unless something big changes, Dems/globalists/socialists are swallowing the USA.

Jul 4, 2012
I don't make shit up. Those are the facts.

Why would I need 8 user names? You guys are paranoid.

If you have a problem with what I posted, be a man and prove it wrong. Anyone can make a meaningless post like this.

No, they're really not facts.

You can read facts here.

(You don't know what a fact is)

You've been banned before and are back with a different user name.

That's why.

New member
Mar 24, 2019
No, they're really not facts.

You can read facts here.

(You don't know what a fact is)

You've been banned before and are back with a different user name.

That's why.

I am who you think I am. But not who you know. So that's on you.

I can't read your link. Put it in your own words, don't be lazy if you know all the facts.

Nov 17, 2004
I am who you think I am. But not who you know. So that's on you. I can't read your link. Put it in your own words, don't be lazy if you know all the facts.
Yawn. Why would anyone waste the time explaining basic math to you? If you had any intellectual curiosity, you would have already run the numbers yourself and/or looked at all the information from organizations like the Tax Foundation or the link that was provided to you (which you stupidly claim you cannot read...I think the more appropriate observation would be that you can't comprehend). I would discourage anyone from wasting their time showing you anything. This is an old, stupid troll tactic. And then after someone shows you, you still claim it's wrong and argue for pages on in. What's more important here is no one cares whether you understand or wish to accept the information.

New member
Mar 24, 2019
Yawn. Why would anyone waste the time explaining basic math to you? If you had any intellectual curiosity, you would have already run the numbers yourself and/or looked at all the information from organizations like the Tax Foundation or the link that was provided to you (which you stupidly claim you cannot read...I think the more appropriate observation would be that you can't comprehend). I would discourage anyone from wasting their time showing you anything. This is an old, stupid troll tactic. And then after someone shows you, you still claim it's wrong and argue for pages on in. What's more important here is no one cares whether you understand or wish to accept the information.

That's fine. Then don't reply to my post. Or give me a link to the USA today that forces me to remove my add blocker.

It seems you guys like to talk more about the political show. Throw out insults, cheer for a side while [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]ignoring policy. Why don't you just watch a soap [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]opera?[/FONT][/FONT]

New member
Mar 24, 2019
Yawn. Why would anyone waste the time explaining basic math to you? If you had any intellectual curiosity, you would have already run the numbers yourself and/or looked at all the information from organizations like the Tax Foundation or the link that was provided to you (which you stupidly claim you cannot read...I think the more appropriate observation would be that you can't comprehend). I would discourage anyone from wasting their time showing you anything. This is an old, stupid troll tactic. And then after someone shows you, you still claim it's wrong and argue for pages on in. What's more important here is no one cares whether you understand or wish to accept the information.


Nov 17, 2004
That's fine. Then don't reply to my post. Or give me a link to the USA today that forces me to remove my add blocker.

It seems you guys like to talk more about the political show. Throw out insults, cheer for a side while [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]ignoring policy. Why don't you just watch a soap [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]opera?[/FONT][/FONT]

Feel free to validate your false assertion any time you please. I don't know who "you guys" are but nothing you've accused me of applies to me. There's no argument here as anyone that can do basic math can check it for themselves.

New member
Mar 24, 2019
Feel free to validate your false assertion any time you please. I don't know who "you guys" are but nothing you've accused me of applies to me. There's no argument here as anyone that can do basic math can check it for themselves.

You guys would be most of the replies I have got. Everyone has been an attack.

I did make my case with the link I gave you. Americans for Tax Fairness, quotes from the CBO, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Joint Committee on Taxation, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Tax Policy Center, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Not an opinion piece from the USA today.

You're right though there is no argument here. People hear what they want to hear.

Jul 4, 2012

You're right though there is no argument here. People hear what they want to hear.

The link you provided links to the CBO talking about ObamaCare. Which has nothing to do with who receives a tax cut.

You're a liar and are back here with yet another user name.

Nov 17, 2004
You guys would be most of the replies I have got. Everyone has been an attack.

I did make my case with the link I gave you. Americans for Tax Fairness, quotes from the CBO, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Joint Committee on Taxation, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Tax Policy Center, [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Not an opinion piece from the USA today.

You're right though there is no argument here. People hear what they want to hear.

Then I'd suggest you don't quote me or include me in your definition as you clearly can't attribute it to me.

When you can show with basic math and a tax return that the majority of the Middle Class (I believe the tax foundation put the numbers at family income somewhere between $50k and $80k) didn't receive a tax cut, you might be on to something. Until then, you're just wasting time with your gibberish. If you can't comprehend the math, all I can suggest is you take a basic math class at your local community college.

New member
Mar 24, 2019
The link you provided links to the CBO talking about ObamaCare. Which has nothing to do with who receives a tax cut.

You're a liar and are back here with yet another user name.

That was written by fact check .org debunking your stupid lies by referencing the scoring on the law by the Tax Policy Center.

You're an idiot.

Then I'd suggest you don't quote me or include me in your definition as you clearly can't attribute it to me.

When you can show with basic math and a tax return that the majority of the Middle Class (I believe the tax foundation put the numbers at family income somewhere between $50k and $80k) didn't receive a tax cut, you might be on to something. Until then, you're just wasting time with your gibberish. If you can't comprehend the math, all I can suggest is you take a basic math class at your local community college.

From the link I gave. Enough math for you?

  1. Gives 83% of the tax cuts to the richest 1% by 2027. The richest 1% of taxpayers will get one-fifth (21%) of the tax cuts in 2018. That grows to 83% by 2027 because they benefit most from the corporate tax cuts and tax cuts for working families will have expired. The average tax cut for the top 1% will be $51,000 in 2018; the bottom 60% of taxpayers will get about a dollar day. [Tax Policy Center (TPC)]
  2. Raises taxes on 92 million middle-class families by 2027 to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. That is more than one-half (57%) of all households making less than $200,000 a year. 69 million households making less than $100,000 a year would also pay more in taxes after the temporary tax cuts for individuals expire. [TPC]
  3. Increases health care premiums and leaves 13 million families without health coverage, to pay for tax breaks that mostly benefit the wealthy and corporations.
  • The law repeals a key part of the Affordable Care Act: the requirement for individuals to have health coverage if they can afford it. That saves $314 billion that is used to pay for tax cuts. [Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)]
  • This will lead to 13 million more people each year being uninsured and cause a 10% increase in health insurance premiums for people getting insured on the individual market. [CBO]
  1. Provides a permanent tax cut to corporations but a temporary tax cut for individuals and families.
  • The corporate tax rate is slashed from 35% to 21%, and the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is eliminated.
  • Tax cuts that benefit working families will expire after 2025. However, one individual tax provision that was made permanent slows down the inflation adjustment for tax brackets, resulting in growing tax increases over time.
  1. Adds $1.5 to $2.2 trillion to the national debt, jeopardizing critical services. The law includes at least $1.5 trillion in tax cuts that are not paid for, such as by closing loopholes used by the wealthy and corporations. [JCT] Because the law contains several budget gimmicks that obscure the true cost of the tax cuts, the cost could be as much as $2.2 trillion. [CBPP] This will balloon the national debt and further endanger funding for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and more.
  2. Prioritizes the wealthiest taxpayers over working families with children. The law lowers the top individual tax rate from 39.6% to 37%, giving more tax cuts to the richest 518,000 households. The GOP chose not to fully adjust changes in the Child Tax Credit so that some 24 million children in working families could fully benefit. Both changes would cost roughly the same, $80 billion over 10 years. [Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), CBPP]
  3. Prioritizes wealthy business owners and real estate developers like Donald Trump. They get a net $265 billion tax cut from a new 20% deduction for “pass-through” business income combined with a tightening of rules on losses. Applied to the new 37% top individual tax rate, this 20% deduction on business income will drop the top pass-through business tax rate from 39.6% to 29.6%. More than 80% of this tax cut will go to the top 5% in 2019. Trump owns more than 500 pass-throughs. Pass-through owners—which include sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLC’s and S corporations—pay taxes due on their business income on their personal returns at individual rates. [JCT, ITEP]
  4. Kills American jobs by encouraging outsourcing and profit shifting. The law creates a territorial tax system, which exempts a large share of the foreign profits of U.S. corporations from U.S. taxes, and taxes the remainder at half the rate on domestic profits. The law will give U.S. multinationals even more tax incentives to outsource jobs and move investments offshore.
  5. Hands a $400 billion tax cut to offshore tax dodgers. American corporations have $2.6 trillion in profits stashed offshore on which they owe $750 billion in U.S. taxes. Rather than make them pay what they owe, like all the rest of us do, the law will charge them only $339 billion—over a $400 billion discount. Apple will save $40 billion and Microsoft is likely to save $25 billion [ATF, ITEP].
  6. Limits the federal deduction for state and local taxes (SALT), hurting the middle class. The law caps at $10,000 the amount of state and local property and income or sales taxes that can be deducted from federal taxable income. This is one of the reasons that nearly 8 million families will see tax increases in 2018. The impact of this change will be felt especially in the 20 states that claim an average SALT deduction of more than $10,000. Limiting SALT will put pressure on state and local budgets, likely forcing cuts to education, health care, and infrastructure. [TPC, CBPP]
  7. Lets many wealthy heirs avoid paying the estate tax. The estate tax is substantially weakened, losing $83 billion and allowing very rich families to inherit wealth tax-free. Under prior law, the tax only applies to estates worth over $5.5 million per person or $11 million per couple—about 5,500 estates. Under the new law, only estates worth at least $11 million per person or $22 million per couple (about 1,800 estates) would pay the tax. [JCT, TPC, CBPP]
  8. Enriches President Trump and his family. In addition to cutting the top individual income tax rate and creating a tax break for income from pass-through business entities (of which Trump owns 500), the law preserves the many existing tax loopholes for real estate investors and even creates a new one. The law exempts real estate owners from a provision meant to limit abuse of the new pass-through income deduction. [ITEP] Trump’s exact tax savings are difficult to estimate since he has refused to release his tax returns unlike every other president over the last 40 years—but it is likely to be at least $11 million a year and perhaps as much as $22 million.

Nov 17, 2004
Never mind.

Yes nevermind, since you can't seem to understand English. See post #16. Rinse, repeat. Try to address it without using an Ad Hominem (since you seem to want to accuse others of that). Let me know when you can actually prove the Middle Class did not receive a tax cut. I really have no interest in your class envy. If inflation is in check, people have more disposable income (that's pretty much all I care about).

New member
Mar 24, 2019
Yes nevermind, since you can't seem to understand English. See post #16. Rinse, repeat. Try to address it without using an Ad Hominem (since you seem to want to accuse others of that). Let me know when you can actually prove the Middle Class did not receive a tax cut. I really have no interest in your class envy. If inflation is in check, people have more disposable income (that's pretty much all I care about).

See post 32, I just did prove it. Over 10 years the middle class tax's go up. Total bait and switch.

Let me know when you can look at facts without [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]conjecture.

Class envy? LOL Sorry I didn't know you're shit doesn't stink. Carry on well to do troll. [/FONT]

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