This idiot can do life in prison for harassment Stop-SS--

Anything worthwhile?
Seriously? Add yourself. other than the occasional post in the actual NFL forum. The add the trolls who live down here: Shitstain Joe, Festering idiot, superbeets, j douche, gas garbarge, vegas dave etc.
All worthless in a "sports" forum. Have NEVER seen 1 winner posted from these idiots.
Please tell us that lie again about how you are a moderate.
Typical fucking lying libtard.
I assume this is your impression of DuuuhFinch. It had me laughing out loud.
This is a sports forum. How may winners have you posted? You're a fucking troll...period.
You're the biggest troll in here, it's the whole reason why you just came into the political forum tonight, look at your shitty troll posts,
on top of that, you are one of the biggest pathological liars in here - 2nd to DuuhFelcher.
Anything worthwhile?
Seriously? Add yourself. other than the occasional post in the actual NFL forum. The add the trolls who live down here: Shitstain Joe, Festering idiot, superbeets, j douche, gas garbarge, vegas dave etc.
All worthless in a "sports" forum. Have NEVER seen 1 winner posted from these idiots.
So... Will you pay me $100 for every winner I posted in the sports forum section this NFL season?
BZ??? Where did ya go??
Do you need a physical address to send the cash or will PP work?
Some of us actually have a job. And why in the world do you think I give two shits about your 9 winners? I said I would take $100 for your losers. More importantly, add to the list of trolls who add NO value to the RX- a sports forum. There are many down here to choose from.
So we agreed to a wager, where you would pay me $100 for every winner I posted and I would pay you $100 for every loser I posted.
Not to mention you stated "How many plays have you posted, you offer nothing to a sport forum"... then say "And why in the world do you think I give two shits about your 9 winners?"...
Agreement to make a wager, and ever agreed a second time when I asked if you were ready. Now you dont want to pay??
Lmao, I think the mods might have something to say about that if it goes that far
And now that you owe $800 you arent going to pay a wager you agreed to... yet instead type an insult instead?