Have you had enough when it comes to the Kobe story?


May 27, 2007
People are mourning all over the world. And you’re asking if the Rx forum is tired of it? Which means you are tired of hearing about it and you’re looking for confirmation for other people here. Some lame shit if you ask me.

Kobes the most inspirational athlete of our generation. People didnt realize it until after he passed. I didn’t. Way more inspirational than Jordan ever could be. It’s just factual. One guy gambles and smokes cigars all day. The other guy is positively impacting people everyday. Kobe’s energy was unmatched. He was a teacher. Someone to look up to. Someone who never stopped his pursuit of excellence, even life after basketball.

I think he was living proof that basketball players can do more than just shutting up and dribbling. Which is probably why a lot of the kkk don’t care. Because he single handedly proved them wrong. Plus internationally and what he did for the game. Europe, China.

Paul pierce said in the summer they would go to these player tribunes. There would be all types of big names in the room along with business people investing. Serena williams, von Miller, superstar athletes.... every summer. Paul said every meeting would start off with Kobe talking. Not the big business people investing talking about where the company is. It was Kobe. He took the lead in all of these things. The presence he had captivated a room. He’s motivating, he’s intelligent, he’s inspirational and he was able to captivate a room like that when he spoke.

Eric berry is barely known outside of Kansas City lol.

Well, thanks for your opinion. I just disagree with you which isn't a big deal. We all have our takes on the matter.

Why are people mourning a guy they don't even know? That's why I brought it up. I just don't understand that.

To me, he was a global icon and his passing (especially with his daughter) is tragic. His passing is something I thought about for around 48 hours then moved on. I guess I don't fall in love with people I don't know and only see on television.

May 27, 2007
Not heartless at all. However, some people just cant get enough of this coverage so tv and radio will still talk about it. ESPN is having a great week with all the Kobe/Zion/Super Bowl talk

Not trying to get political here but its the same reason you have news stations that crap on POTUS 24/7 and you have stations that love POTUS 24/7. Too much demand with too much media out there!!

Remember 1 thing: February is the slowest month of the year so this Kobe story may drag on even more in order to fill in time.

Yeah, fair enough. Good post.

May 27, 2007
This is real shit. Not that money power cock sucking political bullshit. Fastest way to get fucked up in the head...watch your politics religiously.

Look at this forum. Take a look at some of the people here who watch that shit religiously. All whackos. You got people who come here who don’t even watch sports...they watch politics like it’s a sports game and then come here to vent. Some sick shit chubs

I watch politics as much as I watch sports because I think political matters really impact me and my family. I have a say in politics with my vote. It doesn't mean I'm a whacko I just want to be informed.

Isn't that fair?

May 27, 2007
People are mourning all over the world. And you’re asking if the Rx forum is tired of it? Which means you are tired of hearing about it and you’re looking for confirmation for other people here. Some lame shit if you ask me.

Kobes the most inspirational athlete of our generation. People didnt realize it until after he passed. I didn’t. Way more inspirational than Jordan ever could be. It’s just factual. One guy gambles and smokes cigars all day. The other guy is positively impacting people everyday. Kobe’s energy was unmatched. He was a teacher. Someone to look up to. Someone who never stopped his pursuit of excellence, even life after basketball.

I think he was living proof that basketball players can do more than just shutting up and dribbling. Which is probably why a lot of the kkk don’t care. Because he single handedly proved them wrong. Plus internationally and what he did for the game. Europe, China.

Paul pierce said in the summer they would go to these player tribunes. There would be all types of big names in the room along with business people investing. Serena williams, von Miller, superstar athletes.... every summer. Paul said every meeting would start off with Kobe talking. Not the big business people investing talking about where the company is. It was Kobe. He took the lead in all of these things. The presence he had captivated a room. He’s motivating, he’s intelligent, he’s inspirational and he was able to captivate a room like that when he spoke.

Eric berry is barely known outside of Kansas City lol.

I think you could say this about 100 different athletes across all sports. Just look at the NFL Man of the Year each year. That person always has a really impressive resume both on and off the field. I think a lot of athletes are teachers and people to look up to. I don't look up to them because they are normal dudes just like you and I. All athletes pursue excellence.

I said Eric Berry because man, the guy has cancer and returned to the NFL. He's not a superstar like Kobe but damn man, he overcame cancer. The one armed kid in Seattle is another. Wow, he's inspirational.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I think it depends on who you are. some might want to grab as much coverage as they possibily can. I get it. Kobe and all the coverage means more to them...Others probably would feel the same with maybe another figure that affects them more.. it's a tragedy what happened and we all look at it differently.. I understand why its in the news and will be for some time.. I don't avoid it or seek more coverage. I know as much as I need to at this point..

I remember when Kurt Cobain died.. How terrible that was..That hit me hard for a number of reasons..Even to this day I think about it.. But I wouldn't expect a lot of Kobe mourners to feel the same unless they both were big influences on them...
Feb 6, 2007
Maybe you don’t understand how impactful he really was. He was more than a basketball player....clearly...that’s the least part I am sad about. We already saw him play basketball. I think what you’re failing to grasp is the impact he had on people after basketball...as a teacher. Someone who helped inspire a lot of people. More so with his words than with his playing career IMO. His pursuit of excellence was uncanny. His mentors were Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan. Jordan came out and said he and Kobe had a lot of conversations that people don’t know about. They talked a lot and he said he was going to miss those conversations. These guys taught him everything. And he became an inspirational teacher in his own right. He helped you see what was inside you and get you to bring that out.

Playing basketball because of someone else isn’t much of an inspiration IMO. But striving for greatness because of someone else is an inspiration, regardless of what it is. And that’s what Kobe instilled in people everyday. Jordan was only an inspiration when he played. Afterwards, nobody was inspired by Jordan’s life after basketball. Kobe’s pursuit of greatness and excellence never stopped. I think he did more in his 3.5 years or whatever it was of retirement than most people achieve in a lifetime. And this was a second career for him.

May 27, 2007
Maybe you don’t understand how impactful he really was. He was more than a basketball player....clearly...that’s the least part I am sad about. We already saw him play basketball. I think what you’re failing to grasp is the impact he had on people after basketball...as a teacher. Someone who helped inspire a lot of people. More so with his words than with his playing career IMO. His pursuit of excellence was uncanny. His mentors were Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan. Jordan came out and said he and Kobe had a lot of conversations that people don’t know about. They talked a lot and he said he was going to miss those conversations. These guys taught him everything. And he became an inspirational teacher in his own right. He helped you see what was inside you and get you to bring that out.

Playing basketball because of someone else isn’t much of an inspiration IMO. But striving for greatness because of someone else is an inspiration, regardless of what it is. And that’s what Kobe instilled in people everyday. Jordan was only an inspiration when he played. Afterwards, nobody was inspired by Jordan’s life after basketball. Kobe’s pursuit of greatness and excellence never stopped. I think he did more in his 3.5 years or whatever it was of retirement than most people achieve in a lifetime. And this was a second career for him.

I get all this Mob but I guess I'm pointing out I didn't know what Kobe was doing after basketball and I assume you didn't follow him much either. Yes, he'd pop up every once in awhile and conduct interviews etc. but I had no idea he ran this awesome Mamba Academy. And maybe he wanted it that way?

It just seems all these people are in mourning now but don't really know what they are mourning other than the fact they saw him play really good basketball and since his death, have read he did some really cool things after basketball.

Hell, maybe this is a new business venture we should explore Mob. A website that shows what former athletes are doing all in one location with a way you can donate to their foundations?
Feb 6, 2007
I think you could say this about 100 different athletes across all sports. Just look at the NFL Man of the Year each year. That person always has a really impressive resume both on and off the field. I think a lot of athletes are teachers and people to look up to. I don't look up to them because they are normal dudes just like you and I. All athletes pursue excellence.

I said Eric Berry because man, the guy has cancer and returned to the NFL. He's not a superstar like Kobe but damn man, he overcame cancer. The one armed kid in Seattle is another. Wow, he's inspirational.

And I bet if you ask Eric berry or Griffin they would tell you Kobe was their inspiration lol.

Different kinds though. You can look at those guys and be inspired by what they have been dealt. You’re only inspired by them because of what they had to endure to still play the game they love.

Kobe instilled it in you. He was obsessed with excellence/greatness. And he wanted to share it once he figured out the formula to be great. Novak said Kobe was his mentor for the last 10 years. I guess now I know where his robotic never break type of mindset came from. It’s really a mentality that Kobe had that will be missed and loved. The man’s approach was unlike anything ever seen

May 27, 2007
I think it depends on who you are. some might want to grab as much coverage as they possibily can. I get it. Kobe and all the coverage means more to them...Others probably would feel the same with maybe another figure that affects them more.. it's a tragedy what happened and we all look at it differently.. I understand why its in the news and will be for some time.. I don't avoid it or seek more coverage. I know as much as I need to at this point..

I remember when Kurt Cobain died.. How terrible that was..That hit me hard for a number of reasons..Even to this day I think about it.. But I wouldn't expect a lot of Kobe mourners to feel the same unless they both were big influences on them...

Cobain's death hit me much harder than Kobe's ever will and Cobain was on a large amount of drugs each day. I didn't know Cobain but I grew up right down the road from his house and where Nirvana got started and it was a big part of my childhood. But I didn't mourn his death. I didn't know him.
Feb 6, 2007
If anything this news does to you it should make you want to go work hard for what you want in life.
Nov 8, 2012
Maybe you don’t understand how impactful he really was. He was more than a basketball player....clearly...that’s the least part I am sad about. We already saw him play basketball. I think what you’re failing to grasp is the impact he had on people after basketball...as a teacher. Someone who helped inspire a lot of people. More so with his words than with his playing career IMO. His pursuit of excellence was uncanny. His mentors were Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan. Jordan came out and said he and Kobe had a lot of conversations that people don’t know about. They talked a lot and he said he was going to miss those conversations. These guys taught him everything. And he became an inspirational teacher in his own right. He helped you see what was inside you and get you to bring that out.

Playing basketball because of someone else isn’t much of an inspiration IMO. But striving for greatness because of someone else is an inspiration, regardless of what it is. And that’s what Kobe instilled in people everyday. Jordan was only an inspiration when he played. Afterwards, nobody was inspired by Jordan’s life after basketball. Kobe’s pursuit of greatness and excellence never stopped. I think he did more in his 3.5 years or whatever it was of retirement than most people achieve in a lifetime. And this was a second career for him.

Mob- 100% that Kobe's done a lot for a lot of people. Nobody questions that.

My question is, how was your life impacted? Did he do anything for you or was he just a guy that you watched play basketball on tv?
Feb 6, 2007
Cobain's death hit me much harder than Kobe's ever will and Cobain was on a large amount of drugs each day. I didn't know Cobain but I grew up right down the road from his house and where Nirvana got started and it was a big part of my childhood. But I didn't mourn his death. I didn't know him.

Sounds like you don’t really understand the grieving process of people either. Because you don’t know someone means you can’t mourn to you. Lmfao. Your opinions are so trash dude

May 27, 2007
If anything this news does to you it should make you want to go work hard for what you want in life.

Mob, athletes don't motivate me. I've motivated myself over the course of my life to achieve what I want. That's just me though. I see why others look up to athletes. I just don't.

May 27, 2007
Sounds like you don’t really understand the grieving process of people either. Because you don’t know someone means you can’t mourn to you. Lmfao. Your opinions are so trash dude

I find your opinions to be worthwhile here. Disagree with 99% of them but respect them. Wish you'd do the same.

The grieving process for people is different. It just is.
Nov 8, 2012
Cobain's death hit me much harder than Kobe's ever will and Cobain was on a large amount of drugs each day. I didn't know Cobain but I grew up right down the road from his house and where Nirvana got started and it was a big part of my childhood. But I didn't mourn his death. I didn't know him.

Could be age why Cobain's death hit you harder back then. We were a lot dumber and much more emotional 25 years ago when all we had was time on our hands.

I remember being in high school when Cobain passed and people going crazy over it.

Lets just say Cobain's daughter made a nice mint due to her dad's passing. Same way Vanessa Bryant and family will be ok.

May 27, 2007
The bottom line is we all mourn differently. I don't get these people that drive for hours to put flowers and stuffed animals at some makeshift shrine for a celebrity. I just will never understand that. It's almost obsessive to me but I don't blame them either. Hell, if that's what they want to do, good on them. Maybe they're just really emotional people? Maybe they are lonely? I don't know. If that's what feels good to them, I say, go ahead.
Feb 6, 2007
Mob- 100% that Kobe's done a lot for a lot of people. Nobody questions that.

My question is, how was your life impacted? Did he do anything for you or was he just a guy that you watched play basketball on tv?

I didn’t realize how much he impacted my life to be real with you. And I think a lot of people feel the same way. Yes I grew up at that time when he came into the league I was first watching and playing basketball religiously. But that was more of coincidence. I was more of a Lebron guy to be honest. I liked Kobe more when he changed the number and went keyser Soze on everyone. Finger on the trigger. That’s when the world started to like him when he was using all of us as pawns for his motivation. Enter the black mamba. That’s when the public started to fuck with him.

I think he impacted my life more when he retired. And I was watching hbo real sports and he’s talking about life after basketball and the things he was working on or was planning. That’s what impacted me the most. Seeing an athlete who just retired being as excited for his next career as he was for his first. And the hunger man. It didn’t stop. I admire that. How can you fucking not. I don’t admire couch potatoes man. I don’t. You guys might. Enflameo might. I don’t. Not about sports. Only sports athlete I’ve ever truly been inspired by was Brett Favre. Only because the man never missed a game. Other than that I’ve never really had a favorite player. Never really been super inspired by athletes in a way that changes my life. Kobe, I realize was probably the only athlete on the planet I feel that about. And I didn’t even know I felt like that.

Put it like this....enter any athletes name...if they were to pass tomorrow...would I feel sad? Most likely not. Kobe was different man. This cliche is weak as fuck but he legit made the world a better place
Nov 8, 2012
I didn’t realize how much he impacted my life to be real with you. And I think a lot of people feel the same way. Yes I grew up at that time when he came into the league I was first watching and playing basketball religiously. But that was more of coincidence. I was more of a Lebron guy to be honest. I liked Kobe more when he changed the number and went keyser Soze on everyone. Finger on the trigger. That’s when the world started to like him when he was using all of us as pawns for his motivation. Enter the black mamba. That’s when the public started to fuck with him.

I think he impacted my life more when he retired. And I was watching hbo real sports and he’s talking about life after basketball and the things he was working on or was planning. That’s what impacted me the most. Seeing an athlete who just retired being as excited for his next career as he was for his first. And the hunger man. It didn’t stop. I admire that. How can you fucking not. I don’t admire couch potatoes man. I don’t. You guys might. Enflameo might. I don’t. Not about sports. Only sports athlete I’ve ever truly been inspired by was Brett Favre. Only because the man never missed a game. Other than that I’ve never really had a favorite player. Never really been super inspired by athletes in a way that changes my life. Kobe, I realize was probably the only athlete on the planet I feel that about. And I didn’t even know I felt like that.

Put it like this....enter any athletes name...if they were to pass tomorrow...would I feel sad? Most likely not. Kobe was different man. This cliche is weak as fuck but he legit made the world a better place


This WHOLE forum knows that if your boy Lamar passed away today, you'd be shell shocked!!!

Just messin with ya my man

But by reading what you're writing, it seems that you're in your 20's or early 30's
Feb 6, 2007

This WHOLE forum knows that if your boy Lamar passed away today, you'd be shell shocked!!!

Just messin with ya my man

But by reading what you're writing, it seems that you're in your 20's or early 30's

Lol I’d leave this forum if that happened cus the mods would allow the kkk to hold a celebration rally here. Me personally? I wouldn’t feel as sad as this situation. I think his daughter and their friends being in the situation played also a role in people’s feelings. Hard to compare the loss of one person to a situation like this.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
People are hit harder because of his age. I remember when Len Bias and Hank Gathers died and that was pretty shocking for me even at a young age, I still remember all the stuff the team did including his teammate shooting 1 free throw left handed each game (Bo Kimble) after it.

Kobe obviously had a big impact on the game of basketball, more so then anyone above. There are other players in all sports that if passed tomorrow it would be a similar reaction (Brady, Shaq, Jeter, etc). I am bummed for his family but it's not like his death really impacted me because I don't know him personally. Awful for his family to lose a father and a daughter, but this happens everyday unfortunately so I can have a lot of compassion and I thought it wasn't true when I first heard it, but my life moved on pretty quickly.

That all said, while he was a fantastic basketball player he most likely raped a girl while being married. If the guy down the street died and did the same thing, no one would care and many would be happy he died. I realize this isn't a guy down the street, but not many people would forgive a friend or family member that raped someone. But yet a lot of you do with Kobe because he was such a good basketball player. That's a double standard.

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