Great time to compare the line services - SO, G&J, DB


Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
With football around the corner and the lull in action this time of year, now is the perfect time to compare the line service options for 2009/2010 and beyond. And all 3 services are offering free trials, so you can compare head-to-head:

SportsOptions free trial
G&J Update free trial
Don Best free trial

Each service has its pros and cons, so for most users it comes down the right combination of information, features and price. For multi-account holders, having more than one source can be invaluable.

I can answer any questions regarding the services – and even though I have my favorite, I promise to be honest and objective!


Sep 21, 2004
I wish everything was that easy. I've been marking nothing but winners on tickets all week. I think too many people are getting Sports' Option's fast injury reports.
Jan 17, 2007
With football around the corner and the lull in action this time of year, now is the perfect time to compare the line service options for 2009/2010 and beyond. And all 3 services are offering free trials, so you can compare head-to-head:

SportsOptions free trial
G&J Update free trial
Don Best free trial

Each service has its pros and cons, so for most users it comes down the right combination of information, features and price. For multi-account holders, having more than one source can be invaluable.

I can answer any questions regarding the services – and even though I have my favorite, I promise to be honest and objective!


I could be Fair, honest and Objective.....

I was using Don Best for YEARS.....But for the past year or two, they are just not the same !!
And I'm not just talking about Personal use, as some here know what I mean.
Sharps & a lot of Books would ONLY use them, but they Now use more then one.

I tried G&J....and there's Not much to say. :>(

Now I have been using SportsOptions for almost a Year. ( BEFORE I even worked Here )
And they happen to be the Best Out there ! and By a Long run
Were they Perfect from the Beginning ?? NO
But they got Better and Better ...which is a Great thing.

They are the Best out there, and Nobody can tell me other wise ! (<)<

Sep 21, 2006
I have used Don Best since their incepton. If you have to browbeat the other guy, I have zero tolerance for you. Good Luck

Nov 1, 2002
Hey Rick. I just signed up and am very impressed with the site.

I was wondering if you can interchange the sportsbooks on the top of the columns so you can have the books that I deal with be first and next to each other.

Great site, Rick.
Jan 17, 2007
Hey Rick. I just signed up and am very impressed with the site.

I was wondering if you can interchange the sportsbooks on the top of the columns so you can have the books that I deal with be first and next to each other.

Great site, Rick.

Top ( setup ) click the drop down, and go to Columns.
You will be able to add or remove any books on the list. Move them to the left or to the right, and can also set the Book you want to show the Opening line. :toast:

Nov 1, 2002
Top ( setup ) click the drop down, and go to Columns.
You will be able to add or remove any books on the list. Move them to the left or to the right, and can also set the Book you want to show the Opening line. :toast:

Thank you very much Betall.:toast:

That is pretty slick.

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006

I am happy to hear that you like the service. BetAll pointed you in the right direction on the Setup menu - this is where you can change all of your setting such fonts, colors, sounds, popups, email alerts and much more.


Sep 21, 2004
I don't know that Betall was browbeating the other guy. He was just giving an opinion like the other guys and myself.There are lots of opinion;s just like you know what, and every one sometimes is no good. I also was with Don Best even before it was DB and for awhile it was the only thing and great.I think when they sold the product suffered greatly. I just left them last year even though i went with Sport's Option's from day one. They had some problems and kinks at first, but i don't see any anymore andit seems like they are putting everything back into refining the product.The pro or BM can't have too much info and i have three sources although one is free because of the backscratching we do back and forth.I went back and forth with DB until finally droping them last year because of some scores that cost me big.I think it is kind of like a sucessful business. I have seen so many make a ton of money and then go downhill because of taking all of the money out and not better tooling of the product. I don't see S/O doing this and until they have an inferior product they have my money and vote. I personally wish there were no Line outfits. It cost me money. I remember the days a long time ago when i had to pay guys on thepay phones in NY and LV to call and give me a solid line. Of coarse in those days a line never moved until Friday.Boy, i've got some stories about those guys.

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
Buddy - thanks for the support, but Belly is talking about me, not BetAll.

I admit that there were afew times that I went overboard with some comments about DB. While I felt that I was just responding to things that DB was saying about SO and me personally, I should not have brought it to the forums. Doing so rubbed some people the wrong way, and I regret that.


Sep 21, 2006
Buddy - thanks for the support, but Belly is talking about me, not BetAll.

I admit that there were afew times that I went overboard with some comments about DB. While I felt that I was just responding to things that DB was saying about SO and me personally, I should not have brought it to the forums. Doing so rubbed some people the wrong way, and I regret that.

Rick, I sincerely appreciate this post. I am very old school, and can get too stubborn about what I feel is right and wrong. Everybody goes overboard from time to time. At the end of August, I will give your product a test run. Nothing stays the same forever! Good Luck

Sep 21, 2004
Rick, I sincerely appreciate this post. I am very old school, and can get too stubborn about what I feel is right and wrong. Everybody goes overboard from time to time. At the end of August, I will give your product a test run. Nothing stays the same forever! Sorry Belly, i should have read it a little slower and more comprehensive. Didn't mean to be confrontational at all.Give it a try, i think you will like it. Just compare the two. I'm old school also, or should i say just pretty old. I have a hard time changing. Didn't think i would ever get used to using a computer. Al Corbo gave me one just to see if i would use it.Took a while.
Jan 17, 2007
LOL, I think the 3 of us are Old School.

But like I said, sometimes it's time for a Change. And being in this business for 26+ Years, I have seen A Lot.

I also was with DB from the Get Go, just around the time they Changed their name to Don Best.
Tons of guys in the Business had them as well !

But shit happened, like Buddy said....Wrong Scores !! NOT ! Releasing Injuries !!
All things that can Hurt a Book ! and a Player !

I know one thing, if You Try SportsOptions...and had DB before....
You will be Very Pleased with this product !
And to Boot, it's Much Cheaper !

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I remember when Al ran DB in the back side of a minimall on Spring Mountain road. I think the office consisted of two rooms with a desk on the right when you walked in the front door which faced away from the street (I'm talkin 25 years ago). I remember making some pick-ups and drop-offs at that desk way back when. Times have changed a lot since then. I could tell some real stories about the old office but they are not appropriate to air on an open Forum like this one. Nothing bad just anecdotes and incidents left in the archives.

Obviously these days I use SportsOptions like I use several of our other sponsors here at The Rx. What Rick and his staff have created is really amazing given the number of sports that are now betable than those that were around 20 years or so back. Back then it was the big four - Foots, Hoops, Bases and Ice with an occasional BIG Boxing event, not just any match, I'm talkin Leonard/Duran, Hagler, Hearns etc and of course horses were a separate department in most stores but they depended on DB for results, scratches and offtimes. Today SportsOptions has very dependable horse information for you horse bettors.

Today you can play sports like Rugby, soccer from all over the world, cycling, swimming, water polo, MMA, Golf, Tennis (back then only Grand Slam Tennis and Golf events were betable) plus all kinds of props like the 1st 5 innings in bases as only one example and so much more.

Businesses like SportsOptions and the others have to stay on top of ALL of these events when it used to be 99% side and totals of the big four and horses that were all that really mattered when DB was not even called DB.

I am not saying today's huge diverse betting menu is a bad thing because its not. Today's betting menu gives players a lot more events to play which makes today's information websites critical for bookmaker and player alike if either wants to stay in business for long.

I remember when The Gold Sheet was the players bible (I still to this day read it). A subscription to SportsOptions should simply be considered part of the cost of doing business by any serious about winning bettor and bookmaker.

All of you Rxers have a chance to give SportsOptions a free trial look-see. Check it out if you haven't already. It's a lot more than just staring at the screen waiting for line changes for the sharp player. The information available today can be mind boggeling, having it at your fingertips a must.

SportsOptions free trial

BOL. wil..

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
I first signed up with Al in 1994. I think DB had less than 100 customers at time - they still had a map with stick-pins in the cities of all of their customers. I was even the first customer to use their program on a computer running Windows 95!

I would sit and talk with Al each month when I went in to pay the bill - he loved what he was doing. It's tragic that he did not get to see how that company grew.

It is funny how some things work out - the first person I ever spoke to at DB was Shark. He got out of the business for almost 10 years and now he is part of the SportsOptions team.


Meet the.......
Jun 4, 2009
I have been looking for a service. I have used Sportsinsights some in the past. How do you guys think they stack up against some of these other services? thanks

New member
Apr 4, 2005
I no longer use any, but during my time with them SI's main problems were there was no audio notification of a line move, and a web based interface is never as flexible or fast as a software solution.

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