Gen Petraeus To Begin Renewed Call For Slaughter of Americans in Afghanistan


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Gen. David Petraeus Media Blitz Planned

With popular support for America's involvement in the war in Afghanistan at a record low, word comes that Gen. David Petraeus will launch a media blitz to shore up public confidence in the war over which he recently assumed command.

On Sunday, NBC 'Meet the Press' host David Gregory announced that he would be traveling to Afghanistan this week to conduct an exclusive interview with Petraeus, discussing "military strategy and the overall outlook for the nearly 9 year war." But that's just the beginning.

PoliticoPubs's Allen Mike reported on Monday:

"General Petraeus is no fool. He's more than aware that an increasing number of American citizens and taxpayers are growing more cool towards the notion that their sons and daughters will be sent into the meatgrinder otherwise known as Afghanistan where they can then be set up as easy targets for Islamic militants and others who stay pretty pissed off at the American invasion of their homeland."

The General's new strategy is simple and straightforward.

Smile a lot more at the cameras instead of using the time-honored military 'straight, grim face' and no longer give into the dire forecasts and complaints of the hippie-stream media.


With a wry grin and a raise of his whiskey glass to reporters, Petraeus quipped, "Time in Afghanistan is not a bad thing. Rather, it's a chance to 'see the world' (or at least the world located directly east of Iran and directly north of Pakistan) while earning tuition money for college in the event you are fortunate enough to return home with all your body parts intact!"

The General - long known for his wry humor and prank-filled behavior both in high school and then later at West Point - chuckled when asked by PPub reporters if it was fair to scam military recruits with propoganda-style movies like Saving Private Ryan and The Green Berets.

"Look here. I think they all know we're not going back to the days of actually responding to declarations of war from other countries. And we certainly don't want them smoking as many tobacco cigarettes as that John Wayne. That stuff can kill ya!

"But you gotta admit that seeing the looks on their faces is a real side-splitter when you recruit them to "defend America's freedoms" and then their first assignment is to go and build a Christian church in the mountains of a heavily-Islamic country where pretty much everyone wants to shoot them."

"It's a lot more intense than those Playstation games they ran during their last three years as teenagers."

(the following paragraph is actual non-fictional reality reporting):

This week, Petraeus will begin communicating with the Afghan people. Then after "Meet," the general will do the BBC later that week. The following week, Petraeus has sit-downs with "CBS Evening News" anchor Katie Couric, then Fox News' Jennifer Griffin, who's returning from breast-cancer treatment. At month's end, George Stephanopoulos will take "Good Morning America" on the road to see the general. Major U.S. and European print and radio outlets will be sprinkled in. Then in the weeks that follow, the general plans to keep up a strong battle rhythm of engaging with the media and making his case.

Bar: Yeah, baby! Because I think we've all learned since the Vietnam conflict back in the 1960s that the first line of defending the absolutely useless sacrifice of American men and women in a fruitless overseas war is to "convince the media" how noble it is.

If I were a cynic, I might actually worry that this here MediaBlitz by Gen Petraeus was more about propping his future book sales than it was "winning" (hahahahaha) the Forever War.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I would create more CynicalParody at this time, but it's time for me to go open the health food store and get the Jerry Garcia music playing on the outside deck.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
don't worry this thread will be sitting here empty when you get back just waiting for you to reply to yourself 7 more times ;)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
what do you do when your arguments are shallow and devoid of any critical thinking?

you flail away


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
...and Away We Go!

Gen. David Petraeus Cites Progress In Afghanistan, Hedges On July 2011 Troop Withdrawal

WASHINGTON — Progress in Afghanistan only began this spring and needs time to take root, Army Gen. David Petraeus said in comments broadcast Sunday that were aimed at shoring up American support for the war.

Petraeus, who's been credited with a successful war strategy in Iraq and who took charge of U.S. and NATO military operations in Afghanistan in July, described an "up and down process" of seizing Taliban-controlled territory and creating "small pockets of progress" that he hoped will expand.

(continues at link above)

Bar: Was going to Paste more of this one, but the first two paragraphs are ruefully and unintentionally satirical in their own right

"We fucked around in utter futility and sent over 1000+ American men and women to their deaths for the first eight and a half years....but NOW we're getting something going...."

"See, we just take over this couple of acres with 1000 troops...and then we get another couple acres with 1000 troops and in another five, maybe six months, we've got the entire country a Safe Zone!. Meanwhile, we only send home a few dozen Americans in coffins every month and we tell their surviving family members they were Protecting American Freedoms!"


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"just say no", because it ain't going to help you think




Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
at the end of the day, this is you


New member
Oct 20, 2005
"But you gotta admit that seeing the looks on their faces is a real side-splitter when you recruit them to "defend America's freedoms" and then their first assignment is to go and build a Christian church in the mountains of a heavily-Islamic country where pretty much everyone wants to shoot them."

The crusades never go out of style!

Aug 6, 2006
Patreus has a huge media blitz this week. MTP yesterday, Katie Couric all week, etc.

Aug 6, 2006
Taliban Stone Couple for Adultery in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 16) - Taliban militants in northern Afghanistan stoned a young couple to death for adultery, which a rights group said was the first confirmed use of the punishment here since the hardline Islamist regime was ousted in 2001.

The Taliban-ordered killing comes at a time when international rights groups have raised worries that attempts to negotiate with the Taliban to bring peace to Afghanistan could mean a step backward for human rights in the country. When the Islamist extremists ruled Afghanistan, women were not allowed to leave their houses without a male guardian, and public killings for violations of their harsh interpretation of the Quran were common.

This weekend's stoning appeared to arise from an affair between a married man and a single woman in Kunduz province's Dasht-e-Archi district.

The woman, Sadiqa, was 20 years old and engaged to another man, said the Kunduz provincial police chief, Gen. Abdul Raza Yaqoubi. Her lover, 28-year-old Qayum, left his wife to run away with her, and the two had holed up in a friend's house five days ago, said district government head, Mohammad Ayub Aqyar.

They were discovered by Taliban operatives on Sunday and stoned to death in front a crowd of about 150 men, Aqyar said.

First the woman was brought out and stoned, then the man a half an hour later, Aqyar said. He decried the punishment, which he said was ordered by two local Taliban commanders.

A spokesman for the provincial government also condemned the act.

"It is against all human rights and international conventions," said spokesman Mabubullah Sayedi. "There was no court. It was cruel."

Amnesty International said it was the first confirmed stoning in Afghanistan since the fall of Taliban rule in the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.

It called the stoning a "heinous crime" that showed the Taliban and other insurgent groups "are growing increasingly brutal in their abuses against Afghans."

"Amnesty International has warned that the Afghan government should not sacrifice human rights, particularly the rights of women and minorities, in the name of reconciliation with the Taliban and other insurgent groups," the London-based rights group said.

A Taliban spokesman could not immediately be reached for comment.

The ancient practice of death by stoning has been abandoned in all but a handful of countries. It is still a legal punishment in some countries, like Iran, which justify it under Shariah, or Islamic law, although human rights activists say the Quran never specifically prescribed stoning for adultery.

Last month, Iran's religious authorities called off the planned stoning of a woman convicted of cheating on her husband. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's sentence - which would have been Iran's first stoning since 2008 - was lifted following a campaign by politicians, rights groups, diplomats and celebrities around the world.

Aug 6, 2006
NO, amore is when the moon hits your eye, not hundreds of boulders.....

Well anyway, agree or disagree with the war there's no denying that the Taliban would murder hundreds of thousands more civilians if the US left today.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
NO, amore is when the moon hits your eye, not hundreds of boulders.....

Well anyway, agree or disagree with the war there's no denying that the Taliban would murder hundreds of thousands more civilians if the US left today.

I concur with your assessment. The question remains what is more valuable the lives of our own country men or women and children abroad in a land far removed from the modern world and reality in general? The PC answer is simple. No live is worth more then another. But i tend to have a nationalized perspective on this one. Us being there will never root out extremistis, so at some point a massacre will happen. Unless that is we plan on staying forever. But the main point is always this, do our soldiers mean more to us then another nations people? We have killed thousands of Afghan civilians already, and so has the Taliban... so in that sense, they dont really mean that much to us. At the same time we have lost many of our own.... for a cause of what? Protecting civilians from an eventual massacre? This seems like circualr logic to me.

Aug 6, 2006
Fletch I didn't say that's why we're there. I said in an earlier post our primary reason for being there is our government believes that if left alone AQ would have the same conditions to plot another attack here. The increased protection of Afghan lives is a result of our mission to protect ourselves.

Whether it's worth it we may not know for many years. Obviously there are extreme difficulties establishing a government for a people who are wholly illiterate and have lived under suppression and corrupt dictatorship for many years. Still, if we're going to be there on the ground and not blowing the entire place to smithereens from the air which would be a whole lot cheaper yet morally abhorrent, might as well send little girls to school and let them learn how to read.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The crusades never go out of style!

right on, brother

I confess having Utterly No Idea what Willie's three posts were doing in a thread about how the American military persists in sending my American brothers and sisters into the meatgrinder that is The Forever War.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
NO, amore is when the moon hits your eye, not hundreds of boulders.....

Well anyway, agree or disagree with the war there's no denying that the Taliban would murder hundreds of thousands more civilians if the US left today.

Well, actually it's fairly easy to not agree with that Imaginary Boogeyman Scenario considering the Taliban pace of killing citizens wasn't even a tenth that in the decade preceding the United States invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

But hey...maybe they're just waiting for the U.S. to exit so they can start killing at 10x their historical pace.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
.....might as well send little girls to school and let them learn how to read.

Well at least those Little Girls who make it to school intact without having body parts blown off by either a U.S. or "insurgent" (aka - The native residents of Afghanistan) rocket that is being tossed to 'n fro thanks to the dynamics of The Forever War.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Four consecutive posts....Boo-yah!

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